@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


@[email protected]

Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

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@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s a mother. fucking. chi!

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Don’t be an arse. Active sonar can be pretty dangerous, using it when animals are in the water is risky a.f.

The flag a ship is flying doesn’t change that it’s a pointlessly dangerous thing to do.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

aww shucks, how am I gonna worm my way outta this one?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

no it didn’t. I hope you’re deliberately spreading misinformation and not of the belief MRIs are magical

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

magnets are always on so person would be pulled as approach not suddenly ripped out in machine

magnets are just not that strong or people with like metal filings in skin would be turned into bloody mess. We’re talking all machinists here

not really possible to make magnets that strong for a number of reasons. Stuff that accelerates things bigly uses many.

magnetic field is in the tube, which is why it works. Shit pulled towards middle

therefore belief in bum Gauss gun requires magical MRI machine.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Idk if this is it. Most of their horrible traits are things actively encouraged and selected for by capitalism. It’s not like this attitude is unique to this age, their power is remarkable but we’ve had similar shit at least since industrialisation.

Pathologising political failures seems unhelpful? In a different environment they’d just be kinda annoying braggarts or something.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

ehhh I hear you, but pathologising them seems to run the risk of like the femicide and rape conversations where people use the idea of certain men being “monsters” to avoid critically examining their friends and loved ones.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Under the steamroller with you! There’s no stopping the gay agenda! mwhahahahaha

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

GPT creates plausible looking sentences, it has no concept of truth or anything like that. Since if you have an “an” it’s overwhelmingly likely that the next word will begin with a vowel it will choose one which plausibly fits with the corpus of text that came before. Likewise for an “a”.

There is no compromise in ability. It doesn’t have anything to “say” or whatever. What it produces is more like nonsense poetry than speech.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You see my beany friend: you may die in space from radiation, freezing, cooking, air leaks, malnutrition, weird gravity effects on growth and maintenance of the human body, blood clots, disease, high velocity debris impacts, various and sundry systems failures and so on.

But the thing you don’t appreciate is rather telling! In a SpaceX aMartheid hab dome there are no black people.

naevaTheRat, (edited )
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Please, next time you think of posting something like this throw yourself in a volcano instead ^.^

to be clear I’m joking, it’s hilarious. Also where is the nearest lobotomy theatre?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Where do you think those drops come from? be clean, wring them out before you finish.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

please tell me you’ve seen this downfall meme: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyD4p8_y8Kw

I’ve tried to teach myself topology several times and always end up feeling so angry at the naming

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

A topologist, fan of dwarf fortress, and connoisseur of fine memes.

Where are people like you in meatspace?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So if you ask a group of 5 leftists of any sort how they imagine society might be structured you’ll get 6 answers. Anarchists are no different, it’s difficult because it’s off the map yeah?

The common thread is a society with no involuntary impositions of power and authority. That isn’t no rules, many societies in the past and present have varying degrees of hierarchy and even within the same society the degree of hierarchy can change depending on what groups of people are doing.

you know how when you organise a family gathering nobody is “in charge” exactly? people select tasks they are suited to or feel it’s their turn to do and go about doing them. People might choose to defer decisions to another person but always retain the ability to withdraw that consent and so on?

Anarchists imagine a society more like that, where when a person wants something done they assemble a group of people, communicate their ideas, reach a consensus on whether it should or shouldn’t be done, if people agree then they organise themselves into a group to accomplish the task.

It’s really not so different from how you probably conduct yourself most of the time. It’s actually kinda rare for people to use coercive violence to get people to cooperate. Anarchists think we can all just take a few more steps towards being anarchists all the time.

As to why would it be better? well what feels better: cooking at a community gathering or working at a restaurant with your boss breathing down your neck?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

When somebody asks for an intro to anarchism I generally don’t feel it’s super useful to get deep into the weeds of definitions.

The salient point is no “I’m your boss do what I say or you starve” maybe “You asked me to teach you, practice these tasks or find another teacher”

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

kinda? the society essentially has benevolent gods handling everything so idk what can be translated to our world

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This is sort of way too big for a lemmy comment haha.

I think if you’re interested then it’s the sort of thing maybe best learned from books directly. Anything I try and write will be an extremely crude summary pre mangled through my own imperfect understanding.

You could read about what the CNT/FAI did to manage a war economy, they learned on the fly pretty quick. Conquest of bread is good to lay out the sort of fundamentals. Murry Bookchin’s works are pretty influential. Other’s probs have other suggestions.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

oh yes, defensive militias are necessary. Communities need to be able to protect themselves.

Fortunately if we’ve learned one thing recently it’s that modern nation states are extremely bad at fighting decentralised resistance. So you don’t necessary need a giant mechanised army in order to be enough of a pain to make invading you infeasible.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Anarchists aren’t unaware of these problems, if you’re interested then there is a lot of ink spilled on the subject. Either from the perspective of actually existing anarchists or theoretical books.

Anarchists don’t imagine some perfect static society but rather a set of evolving practices to guard against precisely what you’re talking about. The less centralised things are the less vulnerable they are, and even if someone manages to start concentrating power that doesn’t mean they’re guaranteed to hold on to it for very long.

The history of the Spanish civil war might be quite interesting to you, as the anarchists had to fight the strongly backed fascists, obviously eventually they lost but they did pretty damn well! lots to learn there.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Onya! Even if you end up thinking it’s all a load of horse shit it’s worth learning about. It’s a very different lens to the hierarchical society (and long history of such) most English speaking people are used to.

Oh if you like reading just random essays and rebuttals and so on browsing anarchists library can be interesting too.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s going to be basically impossible impossible to address this. You’ve asked incredibly broad questions and I’m typing on my phone with arthritic thumbs. Anything I miss or can’t exhaustively lay out convincingly you’ll just say “well what about that thing”. Which is fair enough, hence why political theories can’t be adequately explained in a few internet comments and why if you want detailed answers you can really only find them in books. I’m sorry, I’d have the same answer if you asked me to explain electromagnetism. Some things are just complicated.

I would say I’m not sure why you seem to think centralisation leads to superior manufacturing capabilities or agility in decision making. That isn’t obvious to me, often in disaster situations we find the opposite with citizens mustering before states. Many models of anarchism are highly industrialised. It’s not as simple as big military beats small military, look how badly the usa failed in its various wars since ww2. Even if that was true why then is the world not neatly rolled into one super state? factors other than military might superiority affect the desire for and feasibility of military invasions.

As to not having an exact answer for every conceivable problem: it’s not like our society has one either. It’s not designed, we’re making this shit up and it is failing catastrophically to address challenges like power and wealth concentration due to technology, ecosystem collapse (we are in a mass extinction ffs), and climate change. Further it almost ended the world several times over during the cold war!

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m sceptical that you have read as much as you claim based on some of what you’ve said espesh re super polluting factory.

I can no longer continue hurting myself to reply. Read some academic crap, read rebuttals. You will find what you’re looking for.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m super exhausted but you’re wrong about the state. The modern nation state comes out of the directorate post French revolution, and the proto state going back to like Ur and other early cities in Mesopotamia was based off slave taking by warriors primarily, enabled by appropriation of grain. Anthropologist James C Scott writes about this a fair bit, he’s notably not an anarchist btw if that affects assessment of bias.

re coercive violence: I mean it in the sense that it is something individuals don’t spend much time doing. Obviously when you look at millions of people over decades it happens but it is much much less common than consensus seeking. Think of the ?millions? of interactions people have and how few involve violence or the threat thereof.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

no they didn’t. They built walls to stop the population fleeing into the surrounding hills.

Re police I think you should look into the history of them. Peelan policing as an ideal has some neat ideas but it was still essentially a compromise with aristocracy. It’s very interesting.

No police doesn’t mean no safety shit. I have arthritic thumbs and my dog is freaking out in storm, Angela Davis writes interesting things about modern cops if curious. a bit usa centric but interesting nonetheless.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If you are concerned about water usage then animal ag is the big thing to remove from your life.

Generally just consuming less, huge amounts of water get used making completely unnecessary shit like softdrink.

In terms of energy usage generally the vast majority of a household’s energy usage is driving. So my advice?

Walk or cycle where you can, go vegan, buy less junk, and guiltlessly enjoy long hot showers outside of drought conditions.

If you like absurdly long showers look into mist showers (saves water not energy) or just water shaving shower heads.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They’re in on the joke to a degree. They know it’s a comedy show but nothing more.

Some of them have so much fun playing straight man. The philosopher, the military history guy who comforts her when she mock cries on finding out nukes still exist, and the “Jesus was the first victim of cancel culture” religious scholar all come to mind.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I find a lot of satisfaction in not walking around draped in someone else’s skin like a ghoul but idk

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I actually think it’s weird as shit to kill somebody, peal their skin off of their corpse, soak it in noxious chemicals, and then like make a hat out of it or whatever.

Like seriously that’s fucked up, the only reason you don’t think that is because you don’t recognise the personhood of the creature who’s skin you’re using.

They feel just like we do, they have families and friends, they play, they explore, they get scared, they feel pain. I don’t think they’re things to use.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This sounds deep but actually is quite shallow thinking.

Life is many things, and can be many more further still. We could strug our shoulders at premature infants “life is brutual babies die” after all, or we could build incubators and give people hope.

We could drive past a car crash “life is death” why bother?

You can justify any monsterous act by looking for the bleakest things in the world and telling yourself it’s fine. That’s just faulty reasoning, I ask cats for moral guidance and you shouldn’t either.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What do you mean re:

while I’ve noticed a huge difference adjusting my breathing, posture or pace while running

Like something you do in place of a warm up? or rather by comparison to a warm up?

I think, based on just layperson random reading, cool downs are not generally hugely important except that stopping abruptly can cause locking up (more uncomfortable than dangerous). Warmups however do seem to be implicated in injury prevention, I think it’s a combination of gentle clearing out debris between the white slidey crap (fascia? no good with the terminology, just function) and the muscles + vasodilation/general circulation meaning they have a good supply of oxygen and don’t do anaerobic work too early and tire out.

If you’re not launching into flat out intensity it’s probs not that serious though.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Hey that’s a nice short routine! I’ll give it a go.

I’m a ?young? (30s) woman but with the osteoarthritis of an unlucky 50 year old. Curse of being floppy and not physically strong.

If it comes with the greybeard stamp of approval it’s probably something I should give a try.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You’re definitely on the right side of things when you silence people calling out genocides.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

which should be really easy given there will be all the people free and not rounded up on camps with limited expression

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Something can be both sad and funny.

Like it really sucks for the victims but it’s also darkly hilarious that every single time these libertariany scammy I’m smarter than everyone types do a thing they get an abject lesson in why communities have like safety rules and “red tape”.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Hahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha

Have you seen how many pesticides people use on their gardens and in their home? Garden bugs cop it big because people aren’t willing to plant some food for like cabbage moths then get mad when they eat the ornamentals or veg.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I mean he’s not wrong to criticise the super simple calories in calories out, or even how food calories are determined, but like nobody thinks that model is true except reply guys on reddit.

Our understanding of food has moved on, you don’t have to be such a dork about saying “hey if you think this maybe read some more recent literature”.

naevaTheRat, (edited )
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think there’s a big difference between scientists and what I call science enthusiasts.

Prior to actually trying to do science (or any other of the adjacent disciplines) you’re exposed to a grossly simplified version. This simplified version is a combination of uncontroversial facts presented as obvious and propaganda about the correctness and virtue of the cartoon scientific method from whence those facts are alledges to have solely come from.

The propaganda is a result of how our institutions derive much of their authority from this notion of being ascendent by their obvious correctness according to the impartial and objective methods of cartoon science.

So if you believe that science is this magical set of practices that deliver solely objective truth, and those practices are clearly defined, and it feels to you like you are doing them: well it must be that you’ve arrived at objective truth. If anyone else is doing something different they, the poor fools, must simply be unenlightened.

If you actually practice science you realise that it’s deeply political, stupidly time consuming and difficult, limited by cultural values, frequently full of bullshit, and largely composed of stuff that looks much more like obsessive measurement with intuition than the scientific method.

It makes you much more sympathetic to the idea that maybe you’re wrong and other people know what they’re doing. Even if often none of us can precisely articulate why we’re doing it.

edit: this might come across too negative on science so to be clear it’s awesome and way more useful than pulling things out your arse. It’s just not the only way to know stuff and it is a human, and thus flawed, thing in practice.

Obviously lots of awesome stuff like antibiotics and vibrators owe their existence to science so yaaay. But also chemical weapons, terrible past abusive child rearing advice, and rapey prescriptions of vibrators so booo.

Problematic when treated dogmatically or when used by horrible people.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

All vegans are awesome. Even annoying ones. It’s wild how much flak people throw out. Like I wouldn’t criticise an annoying peace activist in front of war hawks because no matter what they’re doing they’re way less disturbing than the war hawks.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Considering signing up for a couple of races. A 22k kinda brutual trail run in may with 7 hours to complete and the sydney marathon in September.

I’m bouncing back from injury pretty well, up to about 20 km per week with only slight tibialis posterior pain occasionally.

I think those races are far enough away I’d have plenty of time to train gently. Feeling nervous though, I’m a pretty solitary person and a race has a lot of hubhub.

Plus proper training puts a lot of time constraints on you, I’d be looking at my 4x a week gym and then what 5 days running also. I’m worried committing to a race will rob running of the joy.

Otoh I’d like to see what I can do, and I’d love to run a proper ultra before oestoarthritis takes that off the table and if that’s the goal I have to start pushing myself sooner rather than later.

Giving out handfuls of pennies for thoughts

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You know how people put spices on meat because they want it to taste more like plants?

sometimes people want to put spices on vegetable protein in order to make it taste more like meat, or fill a similar role in a dish.

People who avoid meat because killing pointlessly is wrong don’t hate the taste. It’s as weird as being like “people on a diet shouldn’t make healthy desserts, they should appreciate low calorie veggie bowls for what they are”

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m not American. Mailbombing is not the way regardless of where you live.

His ideas are stupid and juvenile, a tantrum from someone lashing out at the world.

The only stuff that’s slightly redeemable is his anti tech alienation stuff and you can go get better discussions from either Marx or the Luddites.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So yes he has become a symbol but use a better one.

It’s a stretch to think that any of these people actually condone or encourage being a deranged incel that mails bombs to random professors or computer stores

I am not that confident, this is how spaces and people get radicalised. Like years back 4Chan was just edgy idiots making Nazi jokes sometimes to be shocking, but actual Nazis see that as acceptance and get stronger and bolder in their views. Then they say horrible things, fence sitters see it as an acceptable joke and it slightly normalises it in their mind. Eventually 8Chan exists and we know how that goes.

If you hold up murderers then you normalise redeeming them, and you signal you’re receptive to their methods and ideas to people who support them already. You also normalise viewing them positively in vulnerable or lost people. Some of which are literal children.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah I’m finding it frightening :( appreciate everyone who is making their disgust known.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The V word makes people go nuts because they know they ought to be.

Notice how nobody is flipping out about my preference for people unfraid of getting their hands dirty, or imagine if I had written Buddhist. Would anyone have replied that it’s a red flag for them or written weird fantasies about anti Buddhist violence?

It upsets people because we all know killing animals is wrong. It’s easy and it’s tasty though. We tell ourselves it’s ok because everyone else is, but then a vegan comes along and the illusion shatters.

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