@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


@[email protected]

Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

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@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I literally just said vegan was a green flag in someone for me and it made people mad.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I wholeheartedly agree.

Starwars is RA Salvatore for people embarrassed about liking elves rendered into a film. All of the artistic stuff is just lifted from Kurosawa, watch those films instead they’re actually good.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Idk, the state didn’t call it eugenics when they forced me to get steralised to transition. I didn’t even want kids but I’m still mad about it.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Australia, nsw mandates bottom surgery before document changes (or did back then at least). amusingly the federal government was much more lenient. The state is a federation though so states trump federal except where they have ceded power.

Technically I could have preserved cells for IVF or something but I’m not, and definitely wasn’t then, a millionaire.

Also since the law goes back before that was possible obvious eugenics is obvious.

I’m glad other nations are trying to make ammends in the beady-eye’d way of bean counters at least. Given that almost every traffic light here has surveillance cameras mounted on it and major political parties attend literal mask off Nazi rallies I suspect we’re a way off over here haha.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

oh yeah, and after bottom surgery you have to be “inspected” by two doctors aside from the surgeon. I fucking blocked that out lmao.

They really really don’t want to risk a trans person that can breed.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This is the shit about “rational” thinking that pisses me off.

you start with a premise that sounds reasonable: “Wouldn’t it be good if future generations were better off than their parents?”

Then you throw out all the hard parts of the question like:

  • what does it mean to be better off?
  • would there be equal access to the technology?
  • what would the social consequences be if there isn’t?
  • could one group of people impose their designs for humanity on others?
  • have people tried this before? did anything go wrong?

Then you ignore all of history, pretend it’s just a surface level question of technical ability and the only objections people have must be because they’re stupid.

And voi-French noises you have yet another position to be smuggly superior in.

Like fuck, we do this to other animals and we get fucking sheep that die if you don’t sheer them and get infections around their bum, chickens with a fifth the lifespan of their ancestors, chickens that grow so fast their legs sometimes break, dogs so fucking inbred they are a mess of health problems.

Maybe you could take a lesson from this about how fucking awful we are at deciding what traits are desirable and how twisted the logic of capital is. Or nah? maybe people who think a few random rich shits deciding on the perfect human will go about as well as other high modernist ideas are just idiots. That must be it.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yikes dawg. Don’t you guys have multi member seats in your legislative gov though? hopefully that protects a bit :/ Like they usually need to form a coalition to govern right?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah it was uh, pretty degrading. I’m glad it’s messed up to bystanders, as a few people have told me I was being dramatic by finding it offensively degrading. One doctor kicked me out of his office after I asked him to just sign it (after showing all the surgeon’s documentation, scripts etc) for “insulting his professional ethics”

Fucking libs man, they’d line up to get recorded for a purge if the form looked official enough.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah there’s a book I quite like called seeing like a state. The author is an anthropologist who spent a lot of time studying SEA people living in the margins of states and non state areas as the state tried to bring them to heel.

In this book he coins the term “high modernism” to talk about this style of thinking wherein problems are simply matters of technical expertise and can, and should, be solved by abstract design from the centre and this design should be inflexible (because it is ideal).

While this kind of eugenics and sundry stuff isn’t exactly the same I think it shares lots of characterists: The idea that you can solve real problems by sitting in a chair, the ignorance of how ideologically motivated you are and how heavily aesthetics features in your motivation (e.g. here they are far more concerned with the aesthetic of rows of healthy, pretty children doing well on tests than any of the messy details. Such as whether this is actually particularly useful in a world where many people suffer illness or disability merely because they are not given access to proper care), and the dismissal of other’s reservations as a sort of “peasant ignorance” which in this case is highlighted by the notion it’s merely the scary thoughts at the word holding people back, as if eugenics were some phantom we cower at in ignorance.

Anyway moral of the story read the book it’s good. Weirdly rationalists also sometimes read this book and take all the wrong lessons from it. Stuff like “wow it was bad to supplant traditional agriculture because it yielded just as well or better than western” instead of “Oh their obsession with rational farming made them completely blind to reality including the enormous human cost of their authoritarianism”

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Idk if I’m steeped in enough siskind lore. How did he frame it?

Also James Scott is not an anarchist, or at least wasn’t at the time he interviewed about writing “three cheers for anarchism” anyway. He is very sympathetic though as is typical in anthropology.

iirc he basically agrees with the tennents but thinks states are unlikely to be defeatable.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ah yes, you can have vibrant cities or sewers. Clearly there is no other way.

It’s also obvious that people can either have predatory loans or starvation, no other choice!

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Beauty standards are fixed and appearance is not influenced by environmental factors such as lifestyle and diet.

Come on keep up, we can’t keep rehashing the basics.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well obviously they’re garbage, they have boring hobbies like sewing while I have cool premium hobbies like writing bdsm erotica where AI dominates everyone at once.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Leftists are all into findom. Nothing hotter than exposing your bank statements every time you need a new service.

Hnnnngh audit me harder daddy.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Isn’t that just showing the positive sign for one of the criteria of Mr Q-pants tenosynovitis?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Grats on deciding to go vegan, lmk if you want some recipe suggestions.

also an oft overlooked area is dyes in food and cosmetics, some are derived from crushing arthropods :(

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

:( but you said you took back your arguments. I assumed you thought it was something we should do from that

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well we’re capable of being, but most people try to do what they think is right.

I would’ve thought if someone finds this horrifying they’d feel they don’t have a choice but to change the source of their materials. It’s pretty easy to start doing, even if you are overwhelmed with cooking or whatever start learning and just get plant based food when you buy ready meals or eat out etc, stop buying leather belts and shoes and so on.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Firstly you have basically no control over that. Any idea where the gelatin in a bag of lollies came from? what about rennet in your cheese? or even the milk?

secondly everywhere is doing shit like this. Profit is the motive, abuse happens. Everywhere goes to the same slaughterhouses and feedlots, chickens all come from the same factories, fish are all suffocated to death in a net.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Hi, sorry I’ve taken so long to respond.

Just briefly what styles of cooking are you familiar/comfortable with? how much effort do you like to go to when cooking? and what kind of food do you generally enjoy?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well I fucking hate salads (although I suppose you could argue everything I eat is one :P) so you wont get much out of me on that front.

So you’re probably used to food that’s pretty meat and dairy heavy, at least in a global sense. In terms of plant based variations there are a couple of key ingredients to keep in mind:

  • Cashews when soaked and blended, mixed with other things such as Dijon mustard, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, salt, and MSG can be used as a foundation for many sorts of creams serving a similar role in food to diary based ones. Namely a rich fatty saucy thing, sometimes with sour or intensely savoury elements. You can even make true fermented cheeses using blended cashews + some extra fat. I’ve made a couple of killer blues! (it’s a giant pain though and takes weeks so YMMV)
  • Nutritional yeast: sometimes called nooch it’s yeast flakes usually from brewing yeast I think and enriched with a few things. It’s quite protein heavy at ~50% by mass and thus tends to have a thickening effect on foods. It has a very savoury and vaguely cheesy flavour that can be further accentuated with salt or spices. A common quick little hack is nooch, cashews, and salt (+ MSG if you are a fiend like me) coarsely ground as a topping on dishes similar to parmesan cheese. Slowly heating soy milk and nooch with maybe a dash of garlic and tumeric (mostly for colour) can form the foundation of cheesy sauces in pasta dishes or similar too.
  • MSG: Don’t be scared of it, it naturally occurs in lots of foods such as tomatoes and you likely have a lot in your diet as it’s responsible for a lot of the umami in things like parmesan and meat or fish sauce etc. Often when cooking plant based people feel like things aren’t quite hitting the spot unless they add a lot of salt. MSG is here to save the day! it’s also been found to reduce total dietary sodium by making people salt food less than with table salt. Always add it slowly though, too much MSG makes things taste wrong in a way that’s difficult to pin down. You can buy huge cheap packets in asain grocers or online.
  • TVP: This is a byproduct of soybean oil production, it’s the protein from soy beans isolated with a bit of fibre. Generally when using it you might toast it first, then you soak it a bit and then fry it. Or you cook it directly into something saucy like a tomatoey pasta sauce. It is almost a drop in replacement for beef mince in many recipes and a great way to make something filling and hearty, just remember it doesn’t have much flavour of it’s own so should probably be used alongside additions like soy sauce (for umami) “beef” stock or similar. It should be very very cheap, if you are buying it from a white person grocery or a health food store you will get ripped off. I buy it online for the equivalent of about 2-4 of your dollars a kilogram and that’s with the fuck you Australia tax.
  • Soy milk: It’s protein rich and thus when cooked into food works pretty similar to dairy milk in terms of roux/white sauce etc. A lot of people don’t like the taste so maybe use oat or whatever in your coffee but you can’t cook shit with almond milk or oat milk etc.
  • Lentils: There’s lots, a few quick tips. Red cook fast and can melt away into sauces or as fillings for pastries etc, green cook slow and add chew, chickpeas (and chickpea flour) are great for a vaguely nutty rich bite, black urad pair wonderfully with tomatoes for an earthy note.

Ok arcane secrets aside another principle is: make sure you include something rich each meal. If you do the arty-farty health food cafe “cauliflower steak” (retching noises) you will just be hungry and unsatisfied. You need to make sure you’re eating the same calories and hearty food. In general aside from light meals you should aim to include something from {tofu, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds, TVP, oats} or similarly protein and fat heavy foods each meal. Nuts and seeds are very very very energy dense so be careful there, beans and lentils are approx equivalent to cow meat in terms of protein and calories (less fat though) and so can be used in similar quantities. You’ll probably want to add a bit of oil to your cooking in various ways too when not using nuhttps://ohsheglows.com/ts and seeds to bump the fat up. Eat varied and you’ll trivially hit your mix of amino acids, it’s honestly not worth stressing about unless you have a vary narrowly focused diet.

Some blogs for your American palate:

  • lovingitvegan.com I love this lady, her food is practical and interesting, lots of american and a bit of tex-mex style stuff. Great starting point for more western recipes. Try her burritos or some of her pasta dishes!
  • thestingyvegan.com American style food mostly with emphasis on easy and cheap. I like the thestingyvegan.com/vegan-jambalaya/ as a go to meal prep for the week
  • ohsheglows.com very high effort arty farty food. Can be fun to experiment with or if you need to impress the inlaws. I usually find it too much effort
  • minimalistbaker.com traitor and renegade pitchfork waving but she has some more practical options for entertaining style stuff. Her 5 minute queso is delicious!

Further afield from what you’re used to:

  • www.veganricha.com practical indian style recipes. Her cookbooks are the best laid out I’ve every seen btw if you like physical books. Typically you would assemble a traditional spread by cooking like a dhal, a dry curry, and a wet curry and serving them together for a few days. I love her stuff, can recommend unreservedly if you enjoy indian food and have wanted to branch into cooking it.
  • I would be remiss to not recommend you check out biancazapatka.com/…/vegan-pierogi-with-mushroom-f… and generally her blog is great for euro food. Polish is very hard to veganise (diet is dairy and preserved meat, dairy and preserved meat, dairy and preserved meat with some veggies cooked in dairy :P) but she does a great job with a few recipes
  • www.lazycatkitchen.com/category/recipes/ another more euro food blog this with more mediterranean and western styles.

I hope that’s useful! Plant based eating is a lot more approachable than you often think, it can just require a bit of time to learn some tricks.

My one final parting message is that beans blended to a paste with herbs and spices make very satisfying dips, and you can make sort of sandwich or wrap fillings that way for practical options during the week.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

OP doesn’t even know about third wave porn

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

In the same way you don’t taste your mouth all the time you would stop tasting and smelling it.

Neurons downregulate under constant exposure, which is why people at cons aren’t constantly disgusted at how unshowered they are.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s a very famous mosque in Baghdad, the al-Askari Mosque.

It was bombed twice during the invasion of Iraq. I don’t believe by US forces actually but it’s a good before/after for the joke.

If I did a before/after of the Raytheon knife missile (an actual thing and tbh one of the least horrifying weapons used to be the world police) would need a Gore warning.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

“terrorist” more like groom 😂🤣😂🥲🙃😐😔😟😢😭

naevaTheRat, (edited )
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

amusingly that armour design is probably more practical than most fantasy armour, although the skirts are a bit long for mud, the shoes are no good, the width of the skirts would snag on stuff when standing in formation but we can assume the petticoat is dress uniform.

My one major concern is the plates interfering with kneeling, but that wasn’t a universal tactic so I’ll give it a pass. also if you might still be able to and they’d sort of shield you while you did if you could manage so who knows.

edit: nerd points from my dearest, she highlights that the musket shown is of the correct style for the stand the woman is holding.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

In the era of muskets in that style pike formations and cavalry were very significant. So yes!

Once rifles replaced muskets accuracy got pretty good, alongside advancements in artillery and armour became obselete

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Why do you assume it’s not the reporting that’s stupid?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That’s capitalists not scientists. Scientists make bridges possible, capitalists charge you to cross them.

naevaTheRat, (edited )
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


Fast acting relief from treatment resistant depression. Personally I find ~0.8 mg/kg subcutaneously injected is about the magic dose.

After 20 odd years of living in a fog the first time I used that treatment was like night and day. I had forgotten how trivial most things are without depression. Exercise for example is just “I don’t wanna but I know I’ll feel better. Ugh fine” instead of something that takes about 3 days to psych up to on a good week.

I find it’s very effective for about a week, dropping off over the next month or so. Unsure if lifetime sustainable at a frequency of ~2-3 weeks per dose but definitely useful to put in changes to life that make it easier to handle.

Crazy expensive medically though, if you can get it tested infusions can be prepared diy (most is diverted from medical supply so it’s often not adultrated BUT NOT ALWAYS!) with bacteriostatic water and 0.22 um wheel filters. Obvs if you don’t know what you’re doing you could seriously harm yourself, and you absolutely must be able to secure safety measures like naloxone, but if the rope is looking mighty appealing it’s an option if you can’t get it medically.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

How do you find it? I’ve been curious but it’s very expensive. I come from a long line of alcoholic suicides and have had issues with it. Not like permadrunk but 4-6 drinks each evening when it gets out of hand (I also homebrew quite delicious beer and wine which does not help but is fun and I don’t want to stop that :/).

I enjoy a good beer or wine and would love to have a sustainable one bottle on the weekend type relationship with the drug again rather than cutting it out totally.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I am in Australia, it’s not covered on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme so it’s something like 350 AUD a box.

My ex tried it and it worked for him, but he was earning 3x what I do so it was more affordable.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s definitely prescribed. Doing some reading now and it seems like it might be now be authorisable with special authority if and only if you’re also doing “a comprehensive treatment program” so likely therapy etc which is probably more expensive than just eating the cost. A visit to the GP atm sets me back like 70 bucks, seems like generic naltrexone is about 150 now. Not a cheap thing to trial what with thr economy up the shitter now.

I wonder if I can buy some clandestinely, I doubt you’d get in too much trouble if caught importing an opiate antagonist.

p.s. so glad our healthcare system is collapsing in order to make a few old white guys extremely rich. Whenever I have to wait 3 months to see a doctor I comfort myself with the thought of Gerry Harvey wiping his arse with 100 dollar notes.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

N.B. Some people have a paradoxical reaction of becoming very depressed temporarily.

Idk if it’s on the possible side effects yet but you can find discussions on forums etc going back decades. Very rare, and transient, but if trying for the first time something to be aware of as a risk.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Australia. It’s schedule 4 (prescription only) that is almost never prosecuted for drugs with no recreational potential

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t know if it’s effective that way; all papers I’ve read that show affect are using nasal, IV, or subcutaneous.

That said you should probs try that before risking infection and gaol if it’s an option. It’s about that much a dose in Australia (has to be administered under supervision) and requires extensive screening.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So that’s what ~1.5 mg/kg transdermal I guess. Assume some waste from swallowing. Yeah probably around the same delivery rate and dose as subcutaneous injection

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

:( fish are allies, they never judged you. Leave them be

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

you put Harold in a little gaol and he acted out. I mean what do you expect? he never knew his home but only that something about where he lived was wrong :(

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yep, it’s the magic smoke. A wizard casts a spell and the puff of smoke is collected and sealed in a slab. Inscriptions are added to the top for potentiating the effect, along with runes and geometric patterns on the board.

What? you thought tiny metal sandwiches made rocks think?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Pretty simplistic. There are examples of marginalised narratives winning out.

some decent examples in this stackexchange thread: …stackexchange.com/…/is-history-always-written-by…

I remember stumbling on more academic criticism somewhere but I’m honestly just too lazy to find it :)

Really I think the more interesting thing to point out and discuss is that history is written by people, with ideologies, for reasons. When we examine history we need to ensure we try to do so from a variety of perspectives and with an open mind as even the best scholars making their best efforts to be fair will not describe history objectively. That is an impossible task.

At best we can hope to identify where interpretations are disputed and what the reasons for that are. E.g. lack of evidence, value differences, political motives etc.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Sorry I don’t follow. I think we agree that if nobody survives or people are forced to exist in a hostile culture it’s harder for them to propagate their stories.

But if we go too far we ignore the work of the brilliant people who did manage to preserve their account of events. From Indian perspectives on Indian war of independence vs Sepoy Uprising, to native Americans, Aboriginal Australians, Maori people and so on fighting generational struggles to preserve their recounting of events and be acknowledged.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t really know why you replied to my comment with that, nor why you’re being hostile right now

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I didn’t say that you thought that and I definitely don’t mean to. Are you having a bad day or something? is this a cross cultural communication issue?

All I’m saying is that history being written by the victors is a bit simplistic and not very interesting in terms of how to understand history. If you’re interested in history I would have thought you’d be keen to look at examples of narratives that refute that popular trope. I meant no offense.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

How are you so sure they don’t grieve? They form social relationships, they defend each other, they groom each other, they cooperate. They have complex vocalisations, they warn each other even when they themselves aren’t in danger.

Why are you so confident they feel nothing when a friend dies? why are you so confident they don’t feel fear as you kill them?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

compared to never existing at all.

You may want to look into the repugnant conclusion. That path of reasoning is very flawed.

Do you mean to say you don’t think chickens have signs of sentience? I’m not following that last thing. You would be completely happy to torture them if that was so, or rather it would be impossible to torture them in the same way it is impossible to torture a rock.

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