@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar


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@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Be really careful, I couldn’t tell which one exactly from your post, but as time goes on, you’re going to have to watch out either for people trying to drive a wooden stake through your heart, or chop your head off with a sword to steal your power. Just wanted to toss out a helpful FYI.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I’d probably say no from your replies below to people, OP. The screen alone isn’t worth several hundred dollars, and your main concern about portable gaming length seems addressable by an external battery pack and the carrying solution to include it with your Deck out and about for several hundred dollars cheaper.

Really it feels like you’re asking, is it worth spending all that extra cash to make your portable rig gaming setup less bulky when you’re gaming away from home. For me, the answer would be no and I’d put up with the slightly bulkier set up with the battery pack, and I feel like most people would be at the same place, but I don’t know your exact specific circumstances.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I… don’t think that’s a thing that works on Lemmy.

Why is everything in consumer / American life so fucking shitty now - and companies literally just say 'oh bc profit margins' and we're now expected to swallow that and sympathize?

like I went to taco bell and they didn’t even have napkins out. they had the other stuff just no napkins, I assume because some fucking ghoul noticed people liked taking them for their cars so now we just don’t get napkins! so they can save $100 per quarter rather than provide the barest minimum quality of life features.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, we may be at checkmate. Unlike the end of the age of the robber barons, when we reformed capitalism in the late 1800s / early 1900s in the US… this time the capitalists have purchased enough politicians to stop reform completely and forever.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, but not at the same scale. They’ve become masters at it in the modern age.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

The best math teacher I ever had was my high school algebra / geometry / calculus teacher.

Our class format was 1) first half of class, students group together to practice the thing from the day before, 2) second half of class, new concept for the day is taught.

With the class format, his method was to deliberately block the board as much as possible when teaching the new material. He knew that when we got together in group the next day to review it, we’d basically have to teach ourselves what he introduced the day before using our textbooks and the main-point-scraps he allowed to shine through, and it would stick better that way. And it worked.

In effect, give them the resources, and teach them to teach themselves. Sounds odd and counter-intuitive, but it can work if you structure it well.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

You’d have to like the aesthetic to really want that version I think. Not sure if it was visually everyone’s cup of thirty-extra-dollars tea.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry friend, Valve absolutely cratered the resale value of LCD Decks with the OLED launch and restructuring.

I was considering selling my Deck and moving to the Go in the days before the announcement, and the very day I decided to sell, Valve put out that press release. Instantly new LCD Decks were $150ish cheaper, so that just comes right off the top of what you could get for a used one.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

The only thing worse than scalpers are people who buy from scalpers and perpetuate the cycle of scalping.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Red chicky has moondust all over her back, making it serve as a portal conductor.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Mint Cin is a solid first distro. UI feels a lot like Windows and gives a comfy environment to learn in.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

My two favorite distros as well.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Keep a small Windows partition if you play any of those games with anti-cheat that don’t allow Linux.

Otherwise, almost everything else just works with Proton. It’s a lovely age.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I hear good things about Chimera OS feeling a lot like Steam OS when you’re trying to get a similar experience for laptops, if that’s what you’re going for.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Be sure to check community control layouts, and not just the default.

I’ve had several games I thought would be terrible on a controller, only to discover someone had invented an ingenious and intuitive layout already.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Like others here have said, I find the question to be a little weird.

You just make sure you clean yourself properly after you go (and if you don’t have a washlet bidet at home, get one, the basic ones can be had for less than $40 on Amazon).

And if you need to be out and about and won’t be able to water wipe due to having to use public toilets, and aren’t 100% about your ability to be fully clean using TP, then just keep a few pairs of underwear and wear them at those times.

This isn’t the Mystery of the Ages or anything. 🤷‍♂️

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

The current booster was based on the XBB.1.5 Omicron sub-variant. Therefore it’s expected to also be effective against the current dominate strains that are directly related, like BA.2.86 and EG.5. So it’s worth getting, it’ll be some protection against the most common strains right now.

Of course once we roll through the winter into the spring and there are several more mutations and a new dominant strain, it’ll be time to start the process over again.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

With a low take rate among the population, it does little for stopping the spread, sadly… at that point, it’s really just to boost your own immunity and shorten/lessen the duration and effects if you do catch it.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I’m pretty far left and was thinking, none of these even sound close.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, and it’s really that it breaks down radically differently between those two groups.

You’ve planned it all out because you voluntarily want to live this lifestyle for a while? Awesome, have fun!

You are being forced to live in a van involuntarily due to bad financial circumstances or rough events that have happened in your life? Not so great.

price discrimination

So we took a family vacation recently and we had to drive halfway across America and what creeped me the fuck out was how we were getting such different prices on different phones while looking at the same hotel room on Priceline. For example I would look for a hotel in Chicago and find a room for a $180, then my cousin is also...

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I remember Amazon being called out for doing this a few years back (like the early to mid 2010s if I’m recalling correctly). Theirs was particularly ridiculous because you could be on their site logged in, and in an incognito tab logged out, and be seeing different prices reported on the same product pages.

Are there any green alternatives to asphalt in development?

Asphalt used on road surfaces are byproducts from fossil fuel. With the ultimate goal of eliminating the use of fossil fuel to combat climate change, are there any good alternatives for road surfaces? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a viable replacement of asphalt in the works, or even a plan to replace it in any...

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Solar Roadways has been trying to make it work for a while, but I think they will end up being a project better geared for driveways or parking lots or bicycle highways rather than replacing asphalt roads, just based on the enormous amount of issues they’ve had in the past in trying to shield and protect the lighting elements.

It could still do a lot of good even in the more limited applications, though, so I’m still hoping for their eventual success, even if it ends up being on a smaller scale than what their initial goal was.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

No, it’s been through serious development, with several projects and grants through the US government (US DoT/FHA, US DoE). But in all testing, it’s had multiple safety issues for car traffic (durability issues with the lighting elements that make up the road markings, for one example) that has kept it from any possible approval as an actual high-capacity road surface.

They haven’t had any sustained or spreading success because they keep shooting for the hardest goal… but likely they’ll have to eventually scale back if they want to gain any traction (no pun intended).

What's the longest time you've had to wait for vehicles to stop so you can cross the street?

Where I live, there’s a law that says all vehicles have to yield for pedestrians at crosswalks. Of course this would be a thing, otherwise crosswalks would only be as good as any part of the road. Despite this, it’s a largely unfollowed rule, to severe degrees. To the extent that me and some friends have a “running gag”...

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

…causing angry drivers (never referring to the ones that do stop for us) to yell that we’re invading privacy.

Except… they’re in public. In a vehicle with transparent windows. 🤷‍♂️

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

It actually did replace my laptop when I got it last year. My dying, ancient laptop finally kicked it just a couple of days before the Deck arrived. I never had one iota of desire to get another laptop.

Of course our use cases are radically different, but I think that displays the versatility quite well.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

You do realize that the actual issue is that this is kind of thing is going to be normalized, so that it can spread like a plague across the corporate-touched internet, objectively making the entire thing as a whole objectively worse… right?

Because it sure doesn’t seem like it with that reply.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I think it’s more directed to victims of abuse or domestic violence, who sometimes try to keep a phone hidden from their abuser that is outside of their abuser’s control.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

If we ever achieve long-term life extension, I could see monogamy being tossed. Being with a single partner for life can serve well if it’s the ideal of both parties in the relationship. But extend that lifespan to multiple times the current one, and I can see it getting pretty iffy.

The Milky Way's Mass is Much Lower Than We Thought (www.universetoday.com)

What is the mass of the Milky Way galaxy? It is difficult to measure the mass of a galaxy, and previous estimates appear to have been inaccurate. There is a new study that has used data from the Gaia spacecraft to calculate a more accurate mass for the Milky Way. The study found that the Milky Way is much less massive than...

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

The Milky Way’s Mass is Much Lower Than We Thought

You know, I’m really surprised, considering that the Milky Way galaxy is home to yo mama.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

In gaming mode, you can use Ctrl-1 and Ctrl-2 to access the menus, but for reasons unknown, these don’t work in-game.

In desktop mode, if you dock the Deck, you can try changing the display settings manually if it doesn’t auto-adjust. This is under the System Settings app.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I use warm (not hot) water under pressure. Dry with a clean hand towel. Warning: don’t use towels that were fabric softened, fabric softener can leave some nasty, hard-to-remove streaks on the lenses.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

It’s shortened over time. Original and Delta, it could be somewhere between 4 days and a week. As I understand it, it’s closer to 2-3 days on average now.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I honestly think ending aging would be a boon for society. Because the death rate will plummet to accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides only, which are a tiny fraction of total overall deaths.

Therefore overpopulation is going to very quickly motivate world society to get its collective shit together to solve the nagging problems that have been holding us back, and encourage expansion into the rest of the solar system. Because if the issues weren’t solved, even the wealthy elite would be threatened.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Great, we all get to play Baldur’s Gate 3 irl.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

“Great Scotty! I mean, great scott!”

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Far too little, far too late. Even if this was the most glowing revision ever (it isn’t, but even if it was), the trust is gone.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

This is the smallest obstacle, IMO. You could get rid of (or leave a small dual boot partition of) Windows, and use one of the good Linux distros tailored to a Steam OS-like experience, like Chimera or Bazzite, and just keep ticking along without missing a beat.

I love my Deck, but I’m already researching the process of eventually transitioning off of it simply because the screen is too tiny for my 40s eyes, and I don’t get to use it handheld as much as I’d like. This upcoming wave of Deck-like handhelds with 9 and 10 inch screens will be looking very good in this upcoming year.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Making Jar Jar speak in Comic Sans is an appalling insult to Comic Sans.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

What does cigarette smoking do for people?

Gives them an assortment of cancers with a side of breathing and cardio issues.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Save yourself the PR nightmare that accompanies data breaches! Prevent all outside hacking forever by proactively dumping your data onto the internet yourself!

It’s pure genius!

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Like… with a time machine? In a way that was somehow hidden to history?

Okay, now I’m honestly intrigued. More details needed.

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I only “pirate” stuff that isn’t being sold by a rights-holder at the current time.

There’s a stunning amount of stuff out there (like really old games that have now-defunct devs and publishers, for example) that isn’t being offered first-hand for sale any longer.

Morally, I think it’s our duty to use and preserve such things, so that they aren’t lost to time. Some may say that it’s technically piracy, but… I really don’t see it that way.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Any idea of why Unity did this?

I mean, they’ll generate some short term cash, sure, but they just lost their entire customer base. No developer of any size can take on the liability and risk of working with Unity again, even if Unity realizes how badly they screwed this up and reverts this.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely. Valve is the only player in this game that doesn’t have to turn their profits on the actual devices themselves.

And Valve’s definitely turning backflips that tons of people are entering the PC gaming space and Steam store on handhelds that Valve didn’t have to subsidize.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Since I WFH 95% of the time, and have installed life-changing washlet bidet this year, I absolutely try to avoid the solid waste process while away from home.

But if I’m in the office and it can’t be helped, there’s a stall way back in the back of the restroom on my floor. It’s out of the way, so no one can just casually walk up to it without you knowing or having reaction time. And the door closes completely with no side gaps as well.

[Discussion] With the recent rumors of a possible hardware refresh, what are your most hoped for changes in an updated Steam Deck?

In the leaked info, we know that Valve has an upcoming device that will use the same APU as the current Steam Deck. We don’t know if this will be a new VR headset or a Steam Deck hardware refresh. Even though using the same APU means there won’t be a performance increase, there could be various other improvements in an...

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll take a larger screen, the 7" is far too tiny for me for almost any game with text or captioning. Something in the 9" or slightly larger range would be golden, and you could get most of the way there by getting rid of the bezels. The actual Deck itself wouldn’t have to be that much bigger to accommodate the rest.

@morgan_423@lemmy.world avatar

Finally, it’s like a patch that removes the silence of the main player character.

Play as that character when you are that character’s actual voice actor, and all of those lines can now have true, voice-acted dialogue. It’s that easy.

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