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mlg, avatar

Pakistan’s army is so easy to bribe that the USA hasn’t even used the CIA to achieve their goals lol. They stratightup just let the foreign ambassador handle it because they’d do anything for an IMF loan and security for their elite famlies.

Hilarious how their #1 threat is a jailed populist and not any of the terrorism from Afghanistan or military threat from India.

mlg, avatar

Use a VM and play with different DEs

Fedora is a good base and comes with most DEs as spins so you don’t have to swap live.

Choose the one you like the most.

Personally, XFCE for all around customization amd performance, KDE for out of box solid functionality (and wayland if you care).

Once you feel comfortable, then go ahead and install or dual boot.

Silverblue is okay but kinda overrated because Flatpaks are not a silver bullet and will break or have basic FS dependency issues. Plus, it’s not a great intro to Linux experience because you can’t shoot yourself in the foot easily most tutorials on Linux will be for a regular system.

As for the distros themselves:

spoilerArch: Bleeding edge and you want to actually suffer every time you boot. Manjaro: Arch but supposed to work out of box. Debian: The King of stability at the cost of slower package updates Fedora: Cutting edge and works out of box unlike Arch Ubuntu: Useless Canonical distro that is heavily dated Pop! OS and ElementaryOS: user friendly downstream of Ubuntu that suffer the same issues as Ubuntu. Linux Mint: Ubuntu if it was actually good except it’s still a downstream so still has aforementioned Ubuntu issues. Gentoo: You want something completely custom Slackware: You want a classic Unix like machine but with Linux RHEL/CentOS/Rocky/Oracle/Etc: Enterprise Linux (server usage and desktop usage) OpenSUSE: The RPM equivalent of Arch & Debian (comes in rolling and stable releases). So you can choose bleeding edge or stability.

Personally, I have stuck with Fedora for a long time. Debian or OpenSUSE would be second choice. Arch only if I’m forced to like the steam deck lol.

Also ArchWiki is your friend. Even if you’re on any other distro, it has a wealth of the latest information and tutorials for whatever you want or need.

mlg, avatar

Saab 9-3 Viggen because it’s also a dorito fighter plane

mlg, avatar

I mean this is the same court that said Modi had no involvement in the Gujarat Massacre so not exactly surprised they don’t care about Kashmir either.

mlg, avatar

Renewables are already well researched. It’s up to governments to enforce their use if they want.

Fusion can be huge because it can theoretically be scaled up significantly.

Even though both this reactor and ITER have small energy production goals, if they can get a reaction to run for a usable period of time, then it becomes something worth investing into to improve.

Even the USA chucks money at it because it could have military use. Fission power started in a similar way.

mlg, avatar

Because views and visitors and ad revenue and so on and so forth.

RSS slowly dying for the same reason. It effectively bypasses all of that.

mlg, avatar

Pakistani mangoes

Especially if they are shipped in a crate that has been inconspicuously loaded onto an airplane.

mlg, avatar

India and Pakistan: one of us! one of us! one of us!

mlg, avatar

Sometimes, I wonder what alternative outcome could have happened if Pakistan actually decided to properly fight in Bangladesh and take the USA’s backing against India and basically start “Vietnam 2.0” years before Afghanistan.

The population alone would probably have made it easy to surpass the deaths of WWII.

mlg, avatar

idk why people are hating on this for being greenwashing. Jet engines can accept almost any fuel with no physical modifications, so literally any alternative is an improvement no matter how small it is. Even the most penny pinching filthy rich airlines will switch if it means cheaper or more availability having several fuels to run with.

This is on top of the fact that aircraft don’t even make up that much in terms of emissions compared to cars, trucks, and even heavy shipping. I think it was something like 8-15%.

Better having at least 0.1% use than no use at all.

Gaza: Findings on October 17 al-Ahli Hospital Explosion (

The explosion that killed and injured many civilians at al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza on October 17, 2023, resulted from an apparent rocket-propelled munition, such as those commonly used by Palestinian armed groups, that hit the hospital grounds, Human Rights Watch said today. While misfires are frequent, further investigation...

mlg, avatar

so basically it was probably IJ, but they don’t have any physical evidence because the bomb squad took it all, who also claim it was Israel, and still haven’t released a report.

Although it’s weird because I’m pretty sure AJ already did a similar analysis and found that the rocket’s trajectory didn’t originate in Gaza.

I would assume Hamas would be very annoyed to learn it was IJ, and Israel’s stance would more or less be the same.

France Has Opted to Invest €11.7 billion in Dassault Rafael Because the Future Combat Air System (FCAS) Would Not Be Operational Until 2040-45 (

When Western European powers were working on the Eurofighter Typhoon, France was working on its own aircraft, and their involvement in building aircraft since the end of WWII and the beginning of the Cold War gave them the capability to build the 4.5 generation Dassault Rafale....

mlg, avatar

On a slightly related note, I sort of hope the IAF tries another skirmish with PAF.

Last time (2019), they allegedly didn’t have any rafales operational in that area, and PAF had an upper hand in using their F-16s with AMRAAMs.

And PAF said the Rafale didn’t match up to their needs with the F-16 when they did a test fly.

But then they also bought J-10s which I would argue is even worse.

So now it’s an airforce WWE event waiting to happen lol.

mlg, avatar

Technically not true because the Taliban aren’t considered a terror group

mlg, avatar

Also Arab and Muslim countries: “lol we should like make strong ties with Israel and pretend to care about Palestininians.”

Egypt literally signed off its border sovereignty to Israel, and basically takes in refugees in exchange for bribes.

KSA refuses refugees of all kinds.

UAE mostly does the same

Qatar just runs negotiations because they have Hamas connections.

Iraq is war torn

Jordan sold out

Lebanon is functionally broke

Turkey is a NATO and Israeli ally

Iran is braindead

The rest of them, including the remaining non middle east countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, etc all purchase spyware from Israel too.

I’d complain about these FMs but I’d much rather see the likes of Sisi and MBS get burned first.

mlg, avatar

Out of all the negative news, this actually made me laugh out loud lol.

HS was so screwed, even though it was supposed to be the 3rd best in the state.

mlg, avatar

Catalytic converters and basically all modern industrial post processing of byproduct are expensive in the eyes of any 3rd world country.

Pakistan has the same issues right next door.

Pakistan won’t do it until bribe money can be invovled in it. India won’t do it until it’s practically free.

Doesn’t excuse them from not trying at all, but it is unlikely nothing besides maybe some traffic limiters will ever be implemented.

mlg, avatar

I was gonna make a joke about Pakistan but this probably applies to so many other countries lol

mlg, avatar

Sneakers/Tennis/Running shoes that have automatically pop/retracting heel wheels like Heelys

You lock your shoes together a certain way to engage the wheels which lock in place so you can skate around. When you’re done, you lock in the opposite direction which causes the wheels to eject and swing out to rest on the top of the shoe so it stays out of the way.

You get the ultimate tactical shoe that you can run and play sports in which also also double as Heelys when you need them to

Optionally, make the wheels electric powered as well lol

mlg, avatar

This is kind of weird considering Germany is one of the most accommodating to refugees and historically opposed blatantly oppressive or genocidal regimes, like Serbia back in the 90s.

mlg, avatar

I don’t understand why criticizing Biden implies you support Trump.

If you’re gonna tell me to vote for the arguably lesser evil, you better believe I’m gonna complain about the results anyway lol.

mlg, avatar

Dunno what happened to auto tldr bot, but basically both were calling for peace in Palestine by holding a joint peaceful walkout

Uni got mad they didn’t register and approve the event, because registering and approving a walkout is definitely something you’d wait a whole month to get denied, so they suspended the organizations.

Seems kinda dumb considering a walkout can’t really be called an event.

Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza? (

JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of surgery at Gaza’s largest and most advanced hospital held up his phone Saturday to the hammering of gunfire and artillery shelling. “Listen,” said Dr. Marwan Abu Sada as fighting raged around Shifa Hospital.

mlg, avatar

No, they decided after a while that Afghani civilians were not worth the equivalent of an American soldier. And that was several years after the invasion which took literally less than a month.

Then they switched to bombing via drone, and Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for convincing us that significant civilian collateral is a totally acceptable practice and definitely not some form of negligence for human life.

Even then, it was during the post invasion state. After the Taliban had been mostly destroyed and left in a dismantled state.

Israel just started its slow Gaza ground invasion. Bum IDF just barely stepped into the Urban zone earlier this week, yet they’ve been bombing civilians for the past month.

Obviously I don’t expect them to actually care about civilians or even the hostages, but I really wish they’d stop acting like they can’t actually engage in a proper ground battle.

Although with the tank kills Hamas has somehow been achieving, maybe the IDF really does suck at ground battles.

mlg, avatar

Basically a very sensitive incubator that regulates heat and oxygen flow for premature babies that otherwise can not survive in the outside world yet. Requires electricity to run.

Really no other way because it requires precision and I believe also has important health monitors builtin.

They died due to low temperatures and a lack of oxygen. We are now using primitive methods to keep them alive,” the director said.

spoilerMy assumption is that they’re using blankets, maybe fuel based heaters, and pressurized oxygen at best or a hand pump ventilator at worst.

“We have electricity until the morning. Once electricity is out, these neonates will die just like the others,” Abu Salmiya warned.

mlg, avatar

Danny Danon, a former Israeli ambassador to the UN, said Israel had a list of people it would “eliminate” for participating in the raid, and that journalists who recorded the assault would be “added to that list”. He added: “We will hunt them down together with the terrorists.”

So from “we didn’t shoot that journalist with the giant press vest” to “anyone who reported the events will be killed”.

mlg, avatar

War Thunder coming in being an 11 years old game and still needing a NASA computer to run with graphics that look like the PS2 era.

mlg, avatar

Google is like the base standard you have to use and compare to because no one has made a serious competitor because Google is a monopoly/oligopoly

Ex: Google Maps is functional and okay, but sucks by 2023 standards. Yet the only viable competitor is Waze, which is also owned by Google.

  • Sygic, Here WeGO, and GO shot themselves in the foot or failed to maintain their benefits.
  • Garmin and TomTom forgot to hire real mobile devs.
  • OSMAnd actually does have a slick modern routing system and navigation, but the graphical engine looks like it came out 20 years ago.
mlg, avatar

Would have been funnier if the guys shooting him had a diverse cast like the US Army, The Taliban, and some Chinese Assassin, instead of some generic dessert dudes with guns.

mlg, avatar

Depends on CNN’s backers and on which story will sell more.

CNN has been historically pro Israel. Only 2 years ago they accused then prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan for being anti semetic for not recognizing Israel.

This time they flipped because they can’t hide and deny a ton of civilian casualties, and it’ll be easier for them to report Gaza’s warzone as a humanitarian crisis.

Moms for Liberty members call the cops on Florida librarians (

Two members of Moms for Liberty, a right-wing activist group, have reported several Florida school librarians to law enforcement. They claimed they had evidence that librarians were distributing "pornography" to minors and requested that law enforcement officers be dispatched. This represents a serious escalation of the tactics...

mlg, avatar

This reminds me of the story of Ronald McNair in the segregated library:

What's an alternative to Spotify that doesn't play you the same fucking songs over and over?

I am in an intense love-hate relationship with Spotify. It makes good mixes for me, I have found a lot of great bands that way. BUT IT KEEPS REGURGITATING THE SAME SONGS IN THERE. I know about Song Radios and Artist Radios, so please don’t recommend those. Smart Shuttle doesn’t cut it, either....

mlg, avatar

Don’t read unless you remember what burning a CD was or if you want a viable answer

spoilerA self curated mp3/opus folder with everything sorted into sub-folders, and a playlist folder that you can mess with on the fly I’m still surprised all my music fits < 1GB by a large margin. Less than 2GB if you include full video game sound tracks. If I ever want to add anything, I usually use ytp-dlp and download from whatever source (usually youtube). Everything autosyncs to any of my devices with syncthing, which incidentally is also useful for photos. But tbf this doesn’t introduce you to new stuff. That I just do by random chance by watching yt videos and crap. YT Music is just as bad and will loop the same 3 songs if you let it.

mlg, avatar

iirc Iran and Pakistan took in most of the refugees during both the soviet invasion and the war on terror.

3 million each during the soviet invasion, 1.7 million for Pakistan and 0.8 million for Iran for the war on terror.

As expected, none of the other oil rich middle east nations took any unless you count illegal and human trafficking.

mlg, avatar

Okay let’s say Hamas inflated the number by 200%

That’s still 5,000 deaths bruh

mlg, avatar

Now I kinda wish there’s some equivalent graphic of someone doing heel-toe so you’d see all 3 pedals being mashed lol.

mlg, avatar

Google enforces the installation of the crappy side bar google feed if you want to ship your phone with Google Play and Gapps

It also includes some other wacky tacky tracking and data collection bs, and some magic legal licensing stupidity that basically lets google control your software packages with what must be installed as system apps.

Google spent the past decade basically ensuring no competitor app store succeeds. No OEM uses Aurora, and only FOSS people use F-Droid. Samsung Shop is also a joke.

Anytime OEMs even try to make an alternative function, Google hangs their Gapps policy over them and prevents them from ever releasing into the market. Most notably affected are most of the Chinese brands which also got slammed by US government bans. “China government surveillance” is not an excuse when gapps literally do the exact same thing.

I think the last phone I ever had that had its own unique android apps and tools was the LeEco Le 2/S3, which came out in 2016. Nowadays, you can’t even use allegedly superior RCS without google’s crappy Gapps messages app.

mlg, avatar

Out of all the former colonial powers, France is like the one that refused to move on and let go of what it claims as property.

mlg, avatar

Revanced or one of the front-end alts.

I think both offer sponsorblock as well, which works insanely good.

mlg, avatar

Child hamas soldiers obviously /s

mlg, avatar

I would like to take this time to thank the slow government FAA for preventing Amazon from clogging up the airspace with crappy drones and preventing a stupid system from taking off.

Aside from all the functional downsides, I’d expect these to go the way of Tesla when hitting a larger scale. Lawsuits and traffic incidents.

mlg, avatar

Well, Biden is pretending it’s not important enough to matter, and also backing up IDF’s claim on everything.

Can’t wait for 2023 middle east handbook to be released by the CIA about 70 years from now which will probably confirm they were watching every missile in the sky and cracking jokes with the IDF pilots on comms.

mlg, avatar

“Highly secure solid-state storage”

Probably used the same encryption scheme on an SD card adapter that plugs directly into the floppy drive lol.

mlg, avatar

You know that scene from the simpsons where mr. burns is running for governor, and he spits the 3 eyed fish chunk across the room?

And the political dude is like “ruined before it hit the ground”

This is that moment lol. This dude is not going to be winning the next election they way he’s handling all this.

mlg, avatar

starts counting the pixels from image screenshot degradation

mlg, avatar

I’m pretty sure both iOS and Android are probably permanently backdoor-ed by the NSA, or at least they have a nice list of 0-days to whatever they want lol.

On top of Mobile OSs being the most heavily targeted by nation states, especially back in the early days of cellphones, Android is a massive source tree of java junk garbage with way the hell too many versions. I really would not be surprised if something is discovered a decade from now.

Aside from nation state actors however, Google is probably even worse because they effectively feed on FOSS and force OEMs to do random bs like requiring a crap ton of garbage if you want access to google play, or pretending they actually care about RCS and not about pushing their equally useless gapps.

It really is its own spyware.

mlg, avatar

On a somewhat related note, a lot of this spyware and 0-days happen to be bought from Israel.

Not that it necessarily relates to the current situation, but I just find it funny that many countries have had access to this type of stuff via backroom deals with Israel, even with countries who are publicly against Israel.

Ex: Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Egypt

mlg, avatar

I think it was about 1k for Israel.

Assuming Gaza’s numbers are accurate, yeah they’ve blown past about 8.5 times with 8.5k deaths.

mlg, avatar

It’s pretty obvious neither is objectively better

This is kind of sad because it didn’t used to be the case because Android was miles ahead of iOS back in the day, likely because its development was driven by a healthy mix of many OEMs and the FOSS community.

Now its just a java version of Google’s copy of iOS that just so happens to run on the linux kernel.

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