
@[email protected]





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Single community mode.

So with federation, each server being able to host an arbitrary number of communities can be a bit much. It makes sense for a site like reddit where it’s just one site. But for a network of sites, hosting multiple communities is really a niche thing, but people do it because why not? The feature is there. But most people spin up a server for a single community and the communities on that server become dead, save for a couple of bigger sites. Having and making known the ability for an admin to spin up a Lemmy instance that’s just one community makes a lot of sense. The server I’m currently using for example is for a diaspora from a single subreddit. Sites like that only really need a single community on them.


That your local feed is one community, that users can’t create any communities, that the landing page for the server is like HN or some other single community link aggregator site.

Your friend loves your least favourite politician. What do you say?

This question’s on my mind because my coworker today mentioned they would vote for Trump if they could (mind you this is 2023, in Canada). I don’t generally have the talking points or the desire to fight about it, so I just deflected the conversation. But I often wish I was more strong-willed and could try to figure out why...


You can act like a cult member and stop talking to them, or you can realize what’s important in life, real human connection, and just agree to disagree. As long as you guys aren’t going to call each other names, talk about it. But don’t go into it with the aim of convincing, go into it with the aim of learning. If both of you do this, you’ll come to clearer conclusions.

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...

mister_monster, (edited )

Hollywood is at war with the people of this world and are therefore my enemy, I treat my enemies as I wish. Unfortunately, they don’t have a lot I’m interested in lately. I don’t find myself watching movies or TV much, if ever.

Music… It’s available on YouTube. I think most things I have pirated I have purchased a license for already.

I don’t play games. Games like old NES games are no longer available for purchase except on the secondary market, I think there should be a law about enforcing piracy laws on IP that is no longer available for purchase. People who archive it are doing God’s work.

I only use FOSS software.

Books… Its no different from a library in my opinion, it’s not like I’m going to need to read it twice, what’s the difference if I borrow it or download it if I’m going to have it in my head after reading it exactly once? I can’t even lend it to someone! A lot of the books I have read were created solely for the purpose of making the information available.

Generally speaking, intellectual property is a fiction, and once you release information out in the world it’s no longer yours practically speaking, you can whine all you want and create mechanisms to try to stop it from being true but it is true. It takes on a life of it’s own and spreads on it’s own merit.


I mean, does it matter? Some code needs to be maintained, some really doesn’t. A launcher, once it’s built it keeps working. I’m still using lawnchair 1, won’t update to 2 because it’s missing features I need. Been using it since before 2 was released, at some point things are just done and that’s a good thing.

mister_monster, (edited )

Micromathematics Plus.


You can emulate a ti83+ with an app called Graph 89.

Dib2Clac is cool too

I’ve also been looking for some calculators and while I find some good interesting ones, all of them either look clunky or have a huge learning curve or are too simple. I want a simple scientific calculator, but they’re all either too simple or too complex.

But, think about it. The calculator is designed to be a machine. Emulating that on a phone might artificially limit you. Maybe it’s better if your calculator has a different user experience, maybe the UX for calculators needs to evolve. Try out the weird stuff.

mister_monster, (edited )

If These Trees Could Talk. Polyphia. Those are two I like quite a bit. Explosions In the Sky. This Will Destroy You.



A rule of thumb: any and all proprietary applications spy on you, this goes doubly so for the big social corps. There is an epidemic of spyware and it’s all being sold to you as a benefit.

Raisin companies..WHY? why these wax type bags almost impossible to open or reseal? (lemmy.world)

Damn, it’s like they don’t want you to get at the raisins. There must be a better way… You either mutilate the bag and your fingers, or cut it with scissors (or a knife - not recommended lol) , either way can’t be resealed without additional apparatus


Now let’s talk about stickers on produce that leave adhesive behind. Yet another user experience principle thrown to the wayside by middle management who don’t understand the problem the old stickers solved.


Depends what causes it. Red blood is usually from hemorrhoids, which 1/4th of all people have. So in a sense it’s normal, as in common, but you should still get it resolved if you can


Time almost always proves you correct

This is a very pessimistic outlook, well done on being internally consistent.


Fuck man it’s hard. All of the search engines are broken. I don’t know, I look for research papers, read books, internet searches fenagling with phrasing and keywords, try 5 different engines, talk to people online and offline.

I don’t use LLMs for research.


I don’t know if I boycott. I refuse to do business with certain companies, if that counts. I suppose that’s what a boycott is.

  • Google, first and foremost
  • Microsoft
  • Meta
  • Apple
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Paypal, including Venmo
  • all banks
  • oil change places
  • all outlet stores

There’s probably more I’m not thinking of. Generally speaking I use all FOSS software, always buy things used from a person who owns it, don’t buy processed food and cook my own 99% of the time, don’t use chemical products on my skin or in the shower, buy clothes used and use cash for everything. For Amazon, which I do use, I get gift cards.

mister_monster, (edited )

Amazon delivers value to me, banks are rent seeking middlemen that want a cut of every transaction and control of all capital and deliver no value whatsoever.

I may use banks in the future if I have a better reason than “debit card” but I’d probably use a credit union if I needed more than that anyway.


Justice be done though the heavens fall. It’s a very old quote, originally in Latin, it’s a core principle of a functioning justice system.


Lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works I’d say are a little left? And exploding-heads, less authoritarian right, more boomer gab people instance with misused meme formats galore, totally unfun. Big R Republicans packed to the brim. Boring as fuck.

There’s not really a top right corner instance anymore, there used to be one, hosted at nobodyhasthe.biz. Those guys were what you’d expect, N word everywhere everything is about Jews chud memes black sun all of that shit.


I had to get my ass checked and the doctor was surprised at my lack of shame or discomfort with it. When it was over he said “don’t come back just for this okay?”


That’s because leftists have no sense of humor.


This is like Epstein, everyone knows what happened.

The guy knew it was coming. We all knew, there’s no way he didn’t know. I wonder what the fallout is going to be.


Youtube isn’t the early internet friend.


For me it’s a habit formed as a young boy because my uncle taught me that while I’m asleep Satan shits in my mouth and if you eat before brushing your teeth you’re eating Satan shit. True story.

I dunno, if I gag while brushing and I’ve recently eaten, I’ll throw up. Also I don’t usually eat for several hours after waking up, it’s coffee then late lunch then dinner, so waiting to brush doesn’t make a lot of sense.


Why is teach in quotes?


It’s childish shit man. It’s funny shit you tell kids so they’ll do what you need them to do, like brush their teeth. I have fond memories of the man. He had a good sense of humor.

I don’t know what other funny stuff he taught me. He was pretty religious, he wanted me to be but I wasn’t.

mister_monster, (edited )

This looks lame as fuck.


It all started with the legalize marijuana movement, now we are here.

Do you want local governance or top down governance from a thousand miles away? At what distance does it become colonialism? States are not required to enforce federal law, they just can’t violate the constitution.


You can’t be this thick.

States not enforcing federal law. Legal weed was the first real test of States not enforcing federal law. Now states are refusing to enforce all sorts of federal laws.

How is it fascist to not enforce laws?


I agree. It’s much easier to hold your government to account when you guard them while they sleep. Can’t do that from 1300 miles away.


State legislatures repealed the laws against it that they had. After that it’s no distinction at all. State law enforcement was directed to not enforce federal law, because they’re not required to.

There’s no big constitutional issue: states cannot be compelled to enforce federal law, this is already clearly settled. This is why things like the age to drink alcohol are forced onto states by withholding highway funding, the federal government can’t pass a national 21 and over law and expect it to be enforced, so they told the states “pass your own over 21 law or we won’t give you federal highway money” which is constitutional they say under the equal protection clause because the condition applies to all states, and the courts have ruled this way. Now every state has their own individual 21 and over law, something many states didn’t want to do. This has to happen because state law enforcement cannot be compelled to enforce federal law.

These sheriffs, and the state gun law repeals and the silencer laws and all that kind of stuff are applying the same concept. Legalizing weed is really what kicked this movement into high gear, it was the first time in a century or more that states managed to prominently just not enforce federal law, now it’s become a broader movement. Nobody but feds are required to enforce any federal law, they’re just required to abide by the constitution.


You should read the last paragraph of the article.


Breathing does not create Carbon, it is only transformed.

Yet somehow when cows do it this is not the case.

Your premise is that the only carbon that’s new is from fossil fuels, which I can agree with (to a point; it came from biomass originally so is not truly new, just reintegrated after a billion years) but the problem is your view, the view we had for a few decades until very recently, is not the most common view. People talk about carbon in biomass going through the carbon cycle as if it’s a bad thing now, and you get called a fucking denier of all things if you point out that that is ridiculous.


You’re missing something: it’s all a bunch of bullshit. So in a sense it’s hopeless, but you’ve got to ask yourself why even existing makes it hopeless? Because the feeling of hopelessness you get is a lie. Someone wants you to feel like nothing is ever enough.

I’m not saying fossil fuels are not releasing CO2 and all that, I’m not a denier. My point is only that these new ideas about your carbon footprint, that come from eating food and breathing, are absolutely ridiculous bullshit. Carbon in the carbon cycle already does not contribute to your footprint. It’s a lie to make you guilty when you didn’t do anything. Youre being gaslit.

The only carbon that counts towards your carbon footprint are 1) fossil fuels that you consume, 2) plastics from fossil fuels that you dispose of (they may not be atmospheric carbon now, but they’ll inevitably end up in the carbon cycle) and 3) your economic choices that lead to the destruction of natural carbon sinks, such as buying palm oil or products that contain it, Brazilian beef raised on torched amazon land, etc. You should not be concerned whatsoever about breathing and eating meat if your concern is carbon output.


Methane has a half life of 8 years, and is produced from carbon dioxide and water, specifically it is produced into carbohydrates by plants which are then broken down into methane by certain bacteria in animal digestive systems. It degrades back into carbon dioxide and water through oxidization very quickly in the atmosphere. It’s effect on global warming is miniscule compared to carbon dioxide, by measure of the volume of each produced and their persistence in the atmosphere. Methane is a non issue, and is easily made up for by the fact that cows, and the humans that eat them, are carbon sinks also. Imagine if you stopped cattle production and destroyed all those cattle to stop them from creating methane, how much carbon dioxide do you think they’d create as they biodegrade? This would have a significant impact on warming, way way more than the methane does. The existence of cattle (and any and all biomass in general since they’re all carbon sinks) is a net positive for warming, by far.


I just responded to this here monero.town/comment/1195582


Just no huh.

The article you link shows carbon dioxide having a stronger impact on warming than methane in aggregate, which is what I’m talking about and what matters.


potential. Do you even understand what you’re citing? There are graphs in the article if words are hard. Do you know what radiative forcing is? You should read about it.

mister_monster, (edited )

Yeah, most people just assume you don’t believe in climate change if you disagree with any part of the narrative, it’s cult like. I believe in climate change, fossil fuels cause it and all that stuff, but I have to reassure people of that every time I talk about this because I don’t just not my head when the topic comes up, I try to think about it critically.


I understand this, but it’s a comparison between the two compounds, not a comparison of the effect each are having at the volumes they get released.

Cows uptake a lot of carbon dioxide just by existing as biomass. This more than offsets any methane they fart out.


I use torrents-csv torrents-csv.ml and find the movie I want and download it. I’m like you, I hardly watch movies, this is the most seamless way for me to do it.

How do y'all manage to not be in an existential crisis all the time? I feel like I'm in a warzone even though it's peacetime in my country. [Trigger Warning for depression, existential stuff, etc.]

I know this is more fitted for the mental health community on lemmy.world, but that community feels like shouting in the void. I want to have a more “normal” talk about like life, death, purpose, and stuff. How do y’all not just get consumed by how you will be gone one day, how one day no one in the world will even...


One of my philosophical axioms is I do not want to be remembered by name. I only want the impact I’ve had on the world to be my memory as it ripples through time. Doesn’t have to be big… Raising good kids, planting a single tree, or it could be big. But everyone can’t do big things, so take what you can, try to do something impactful in some way as often as you can, something that’s in your nature to do.


It’s a spiral, you have to do something or it will get worse. Go eat a piece of fruit, take the seed, and sprout it, grow it big enough and then put it in the ground somewhere. That should take you a couple of years. One day, some people are going to stumble upon an out of place fruit tree, they’re going to wonder about the person that put it there and they’re going to eat from it and it will nourish them. If you can’t come up with the motivation, then just do it because I said so.


So we can deduce that the density and volume of the gas envelope is a function of the mass of the planet, the temperature of the star and the distance of the planet’s orbit. This would mean, generally, that rocky planets are most common closer to the star than gas giants, and so the configuration we see here is not uncommon. This would also mean an earth sized planet occupying an orbit a little farther out would be bigger with a larger gas envelope, and that in our orbit the planet would be bigger and have one.


What happened to telling governments to go fuck themselves? I remember when it was on the governments to police their citizens and if software violated their laws it was on the government to stop citizens accessing it. Why can they just not comply?


I would drive the shit out of that car


Will they? They already are. The number of people I see who don’t know what a file manager is is insane. It’s insane because I remember before smartphones, everyone knew what a file manager was. They forgot? I don’t know. It makes no sense to me.

I think in general, people are bad with technology.


Survive? I don’t know. I definitely wouldn’t be doing well. I’m sure I could figure it out though.


Well, someone not watching their kid while the kid harasses or kicks you is a different story.


It will work either way but I personally would.

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