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The sad thing is in the US its extremely likely the fellow would have already been dead after years living on the streets with a cardboard sign.

Messed up things a doctor did to you or someone you know? / Bad experiences with doctors

Today I spoke to a coworker who had bad experiences with doctors and was seeking recommendations for a new one, then other coworkers chimed in, and so I decided to ask you guys as well. Well, not for a doctor recommendation, but about your bad experienced with doctors?...


It’s deeply weird that it rates Staff Punctuality Helpfulness Knowledge and then averages them. Kinda funny that if Dr Ned had a nice nurse he would probably rate higher than House.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Committing Fully To Netplan For Network Configuration (www.phoronix.com)

The Canonical-developed Netplan has served for Linux network configuration on Ubuntu Server and Cloud versions for years. With the recent Ubuntu 23.10 release, Netplan is now being used by default on the desktop. Canonical is committing to fully leveraging Netplan for network configuration with the upcoming Ubuntu 24.04 LTS...


If you use a GUI configuration tool for NetworkManger like virtually every user I don’t know how that works. Odds are not well.

What's the difference between package manager and why are there so many?

Are they so different that it’s justified to have so many different distributions? So far I guess that different package manager are the reason that divides the linux community. One may be on KDE and one on GNOME but they can use each other’s packages but usually you are bound to one manager


Are they so different that it’s justified to have so many different distributions?

Linux isn’t a project its a source compatible ecosystem. A parts bin out of which different people assemble different things. The parts being open source means you don’t need anyone’s permission or justification to make something different out of them.

From these many and varied efforts comes life, vitality, interest, intellectual investment. You can’t just take the current things you like best and say well what if we all worked on THOSE when many of them wouldn’t even have existed save for the existence of a vital ecosystem that supported experimentation and differentiation.

If we really believed in only pulling together maybe you would be developing in cobol on your dos workstation.

Buggy games should be 100% allowed to be refunded.

I have no idea how many runs I started in BG3. Every few moments I report a bug. Every update the game seemingly gets worse. Decisions don’t work, pathing is awful, after the latest update attacks no longer connect properly and my character claims not to be able to attack with a clear line of sight and so on. I have never...


Most bugs aren’t unconditionally experienced by all comers or they would have been fixed. It’s entirely possible there are 17 horrible game breaking experience ruining bugs every single one triggered by a very specific combination of factors in a given work and out of millions of players one person to hit 5 and hate their life and many hit zero.

If you had bothered to read you would note they mention concrete defects that effected their playing not nits they were picking based on depth of experience.

Given extremely misery return policies if your game’s profitability is actually materially harmed let alone destroyed by returns you might have released a broken piece of shit and need to blame yourself rather than customers who believed in you enough to at least initially put their money where their mouth is.

You see what others don’t and this doesn’t help you feel positive about products.

Its a fucking game. If it doesn’t make you forget about it being a “product” and divert your attention from the reality for a few hours its developers have wholly and completely failed.

your professional mind deformation

Did this sound like how humans talk when you said it?

I ask QAs questions like your fantasy to find out whether the person is able to perceive different work aspects from a business perspective

You try to hire people who are literal soulless robots who think about the money that can be made from convincing people to pay you to shovel shit into their brain instead of having fun.

. This is very important to discover in an interview to filter the red flag attitude

Holy shit you might actually eventually hire someone who gives a fuck

I wish you the best, OP.

I just said you were a piece of shit nobody should hire but I totally “wish you the best”. If its a person you ought to avoid hiring its a person who walks into a legit conversation, shits all over it, insults people, and talks like a fucking robot.

Can you possibly keep your negativity to yourself if you have nothing useful to contribute next time?

michaelrose, (edited )

Thanks for the information regarding translation that makes it far more clear. I wouldn’t phrase that as “mind deformation” because that sounds like mental illness.

michaelrose, (edited )

This is literal fake news. Climate change is certainly a thing. Flowers blooming in Antarctica currently is not. Careful about spreading lies if we clothe the truth(climate change) in lies dumb people will think its all lies.



Straight to hell all the way to the bottom of hell with you with nothing to eat until the end of time except mac n raisins.


I don’t think the person was saying they would really say that they are saying that they are pointlessly calling out the elephant in the room. As a teenage girl if you aren’t a gargoyle literally every teenage boy is thinking about you sexually because that is the level of hormonal reality. It’s like saying stop talking to me you just have 2 eyes and 2 arms.


Yes. Every man ever views a relationship as a ladder with sex or at the top. Men don’t date without expecting to progress towards sex.


You’re talking as if women didn’t have sexual desires and…

I didn’t say they didn’t . I’m not sure why you would think that.

What about asexuals?

The overwhelming majority of men are neither gay nor asexual. My statement is generally correct.

What about men that have respect for their SO and don’t see sex as the final goal?

It’s either the final goal or its on the way there. Young men want sex. Sexual tension is a factor even if neither he nor she sees it as a likely thing. Failing to understand that is liable to lead to failing to apprehend human behavior which often makes no sense if we remove such tension. Men don’t just do things for love they do things for imaginary hypothetical love neither party believes will ever happen. Watch people interact sometime.


I don’t know what kind of relationships you’ve had with men

I’m a straight man. If you think I’m being unfair to men I’m not. I’m just capable of looking at myself and others critically and fairly and not bullshitting myself by pretending to cold and saintly virtue. To be without passion or drive is neither virtuous or desirable. I don’t need to research men to understand what it is to be a man especially a young man. I’m sorry you are so confused that you can’t even have this conversation maturely.


Men desire friendship for its own sake but they never stop considering sex in the equation.


Present wisdom is to design something that would work well on mobile first so single column and then make it work on larger screens the easiest way being to keep everything the same except for replacing ☰ with the actual nav menu at a certain width and setting a max width that keeps it looking like stretched out crap.

Meta (Facebook / Instagram) to move to a "Pay for your Rights" approach (noyb.eu)

The Wall Street Journal reported that Meta plans to move to a “Pay for your Rights” model, where EU users will have to pay $ 168 a year (€ 160 a year) if they don’t agree to give up their fundamental right to privacy on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. History has shown that Meta’s regulator, the Irish DPC, is...


Necessary for performance of such service is like needing your address to ship you food or your identity data to connect you with individuals seeking to employ you. EG the info is necessary and relevant to the performance of the actual task at hand not I need all your data so I can sell it to make money. The alternative is so expansive that it would automatically authorize all possible data collection which is obviously not the intent of the law.


How do you know most of this isn’t true just out of scope of Vs vision he is pretty laser focused on the brain cancer quickly replacing his personality and multiple threads of his own drama enough so he’s not as interested in larger social issues.


It also requires you to skip from page to page. You need a page to search to tell you what page to to go search for what you want to watch


Are we suggesting that rich people who get a product for free and use it to forklift more piles of money into their scrooge mcDuck like vault ought to demand more accountability from the people who provided the free forklift.

How about they pay for that?


Being a landlord isn’t a way for someone who doesn’t have wealth to acquire it. It’s a way to park your existing wealth in quickly appreciating assets preferably purchased from other losers when they lose their asses and collect monthly rent too.

If on day one you have 700k and you purchase an existing property and in 30 days after you rent it out your property is still worth 700k and you are now ahead of the game in 30 days not 30 years.

If you purchased at a reasonable time a year later its worth 750 and you’ve collected 84k 1% of property value per month.

Most owners are in the top 10% to start with.


Would you like to look up a graph of home prices over the last century?


The right has only 2 sorts. The people who would end democracy and usher in a dark age of fascism and violence and those who would empower them. The ones that seem sane are also your enemies just less obviously offensive. They wont stab you themselves but they will hold you down for the fellow that will.


I’m in the middle of downtown in a small city shops are heavily weighed towards convenience or kick nacks. EG 2 different gift stores and no hardware store. Lots of convenience stores and two specialty markets but only one grocery store and that at least double the cost and 1/100th the selection of the chain stores with the floor space of 7-11.

Looking back small shops always had shitty prices and selection


So a coworker at one point was selling this interesting odds and ends offered me a knife with a lighter on the other side. I did need a knife to open things but I had no real use for a lighter as I don’t smoke but I of course bought it anyway because it was cool. Had this little dial to adjust the size of the flame… Fast forward to later that night bending over with a 6 inch flame coming out of my pocket from the end sticking out.


Starlink is actually extremely expensive and slow. About $600 for the dish and about $100 for speed slower than my cable plan in 2003 as slow as 25Mbps. Worse even though rural areas are spread out a good chunk of people tend towards smaller clumps close enough to be sharing the same bandwidth. The entire constellation doesn’t scale to supporting a reasonable experience to even a fraction of rural America let alone planet earth.

You still basically need to run fiber into every town however small.


This is a common misunderstanding insofar as how encryption works. You can’t flick a bit and TURN your storage unencrypted nor can you plausibly make your computer obey restrictions.

If your storage is encrypted it remains encrypted always including the file you have open right now. Your takes a plausibly length usable string and uses it to compute or retrieve the long binary number actually needed to decrypt your files. This number is stored in memory such that encrypted files can be decrypted when read into memory.

Once that key is loaded in memory anyone with 10 minutes and access to google could trivially unlock your computer in several different ways. It is virtually exactly like having no security whatsoever.

If you don’t actually enter a passphrase to unlock you have no meaningful security against anything but the most casual unmotivated snooping.

Your little sister might not be motivated enough to read your diary but the dipstick that stole your laptop will definitely be spending your money.


You have a competent grasp of the situation


You aren’t actually asking to how to bypass encryption because the key is already in memory. You are asking about the much simpler task of compromising a computer with physical access to same. Depending on configuration this can be as ridiculous as killing the lockscreen process or as hard as physically opening the case chilling the contents of ram enough that data survives transfer to different physical hardware. See also the massive attack surface of the USB stack.


On most systems you can press a hotkey in grub to edit the Linux command line that will be booted and in about 7 keystrokes gain access to any unlocked filesystem. Asking how you can break into a system you physically control is like asking how many ways you could break into a house supposing you had an hour alone with a crowbar the answers are legion. No machine in someone else’s hand which is unlocked can possibly be deemed secure.

Even dumber no installer will create such an insecure configuration because the people that design Linux installers are smarter than you.


You can google lets drop all the crap you think you understand but don’t use simple logic. Unencrypted data isn’t secure against physical access. If your data is automatically unencrypted without benefit of entering a passphrase then its not actually secure. There’s no free lunch.


Ah yes security brought to you by the same folks who brought you “bypass encryption by holding down the enter key” and “name your user 0day to get root access”

It’s like putting security cams and interior locks all over your house instead of locking the front door. If your storage can’t be read without the passphrase then NOTHING can fail in such a way as to provide access. Simplicity and obvious correctness have virtues.

There isn’t much reason to use anything other than FDE with a sufficient passphrase, auto login so the user doesn’t have to type two distinct passwords, and go luks suspends to evict key from memory on suspend.

Boot up enter the passphrase -> see your desktop -> close the lid -> open the lid -> enter your passphrase


I never suggested there wasn’t value in the TPM for anyone although I think such validation has small value for most folks use case. Normal users are worried about theft of laptop by criminals not spies bugging their machine. I suggested that any configuration without a passphrase was inherently insecure.

It’s not an “optimal setup” its the only setup that makes even the slightest sense because the alternative configuration can be defeated by a smart 12 year old with access to google.


Security is about understanding reasonable threat models. 99.99% of reasonable threats to your machine involve theft or loss of the entire machine and personal data or accounts being accessed. This doesn’t require advanced attacks or paranoia nor does it require extreme measures to protect against. No installer will create such a configuration without a passphrase because its a simple and effective step to take to protect your data that is enforced by systems created by people who are all smarter than you.

Your cute statement about child porn is tasteless and thoughtless. I don’t take reasonable precautions like taking 5 seconds to type a password because I’m paranoid or criminal I do so because I have basic common sense.

“Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_to_hide_argument


You asked for details and pick on the unlikely measure of cold boot but ignore the fact that in most configurations you can press the letter “e” to edit the boot up command line. It wasn’t “cute” it made you look like a gross human being.


How do you keep the singular state bank from being captured and corrupted inside of 2 years?


The USSR was famously corrupt and a massive failure on the overall besides. This is not the example you are looking for.


Would you like to talk about the inherent limitations of a planned economy vs a free market or the epic level of corruption that is evident to this day.


Socialism and communism aren’t really the same thing and entirely aside from what sham wig the USSR put on its corrupt kleptocracy it was a brutal dictatorship that murdered 10s of millions and created mass starvation. How can you have socialism/communism if you replace the market with decisions dictated by some asshole that you all didn’t pick and can’t remove if he fucks up. I don’t see how you can possibly have socialism or indeed ANY economic system without a functional democracy. I also don’t understand how you can look at the history of the USSR and call THAT clusterfuck success.


It is definitively proved that neither planning nor pure markets fucking work. You need to plan and or regulate the things that markets are known to fail on and let the market allocate the resources not needed to provide basic or societal needs. This isn’t rocket science or credibly in dispute. We know what in broad strokes actually works.


You don’t think Stalins Russia was an autocratic regime? He murdered to get and keep power and was murdered in turn. Their successor state is run by a dictator! There is no dictatorship of the proletariat forthcoming. The withering away of the state is fiction.


China is a market economy with strong central controls it mixes market and planning as I have suggested.


If you don’t think Stalin was a autocrat I don’t think you are worth talking to. Good day.


I have 2 flatpaks installed and I already have duplicated runtimes not to speak of the deps themselves that are built into the apps. There is definitely duplication.


Normal systems that you don’t do something extremely creative with don’t normally develop conflicts because the packages are literally all designed to work with the same version.

The words " bloating up your actual system and package database." don’t actually mean anything except that you don’t know what any of those words mean together.


I have used countless distros over 20 years including Arch although right now I’m primarily running Void on my personal computers. “Bloating up the package database” remains a meaningless factor because it doesn’t bear meaningfully on real world performance or experience. Your computer doesn’t break more or perform worse because you installed more software because this isn’t windows.


If package foo requires runtimev1 and bar requires runtimev1.1 you will end up with installing v1 and v1.1 with similar but not identical files and if another package requires 1.2 and 1.3 and 2.0 then 2.1 eventually you will have a whole lot of libsomethingorother.


I take 3 seconds looking at what’s updating after I clicked update knowing its incredibly unlikely that anything will break and if it did it would take 30 second to reboot into the snapshot that was automatically created by running the update script.


It also meets any reasonable definition of bloat


Yes because having firefox in /usr/bin/firefox is trashy and disorganized compared to having it in /home/$USER/.var/app/flatpak/app/org.mozilla.firefox/x86_64/stable/6b73214102d2c232a520923fc04166aed89fa52c392b4173ad77d44c1a8fb51b/files/bin/firefox and running firefox is so much more gross than flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox

Can you like actually hear yourself?

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