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What a garbage article, like, start to finish manipulative attempt to build a stupid narrative. Like, antisemitism is a real thing but this kind of nonsense discredits real attempts to call it out.


Because it is a loaded question, to answer it is to imply that this is a common or large scale issue on US campuses, which it clearly isn’t.


People are not obligated to engage with obviously shitty rhetoric.


A YouTube channel called nighthawk in light did a video on how to make paint that does this at home using commonly available ingredients


A lot of legacy outlets are divorcing them selves even further form audiences with this kind of behavior, sticking to obviously manipulative narratives even as they see public opinion unaffected my them.

megopie, (edited )

Lmao, what losers, like they could do anything to build support among their voters and they’re out here trying to gin up support by stoking transphobia.


Files from library on my phone

jlou, to technology

I mean, it’s an old idea and philosophy in the US, that of the old manor lords of Maryland, Virginia and Delaware. They held their liberties in great regard, but only their liberties.

See because they’re special and the smartest bestest people who should definitely be trusted to make decision with no oversight. How could they possibly be where they are now if they were not the most suited to make decisions? I mean I’m sure if they make bad decisions I’m sure the market will punish them and take away their power, and if it never does well then clearly they’ve never made a mistake! Oh and if they do something wrong and the market doesn’t punish them, well clearly it’s because regulations distorted the holy will of the market! There for we should get rid of more regulations, because that will definitely improve the situation.


It’s monarchism but they replaced the Devine right of kings/Mandate of Heaven with the “Mandate of the Market”


points to sign

“Just because you don’t have a good explanation yet doesn’t mean you are reasonable to suggest the explanation is Aliens/Gods/Magic/Ghosts/Psychics.”


Little greys are just modern american faeries.


Avi “fuck you I’ve got tenure and I’m off my meds” Loeb


It seems like the juntas goose may be cooked.


More specifically “private equity” investors who are gradually looting the US economy.


It’s really quite absurd how bad it is in DC. There are so many smart professional young woman here and for so many they’re met by a wall of suit wearing conservative lobbyists who think that all they need to do to “get a wife” is be marginally successful in work, “strong”, and not respectful, kind, intelligent or responsible.


Still not sure why I would want a worse smart phone.

megopie, (edited )

For the past few years I’ve been perfecting a sort of weird pumpkin pie.

I take a pie pumpkin, core out the inside, then rub it with pumpkin pie species and sugar, then roast the whole thing till tender but not falling apart. Then I make a simple Vanilla egg custard on the stove and poor it in to the pumpkin and put it all to the side to set.

The first year i broke the custard, the second the custard came out perfectly, but I found the flesh to of the pumpkin to be a bit bland, so I’m working on ways to flavor the roasted pumpkin a bit more.


And even if moderated, it will display new unique biases, as otherwise unassuming things will get moderated out of the pool by people who take exception to it.

Not to mention the absurd and inhuman mental toll this work will take on the exploited workers forced to sort it.

Like, this is all such a waist of time, effort, and human sanity, for tools of marginal use that are mostly just a gimmick to prop up the numbers for tech bros who have borrowed more money than they can pay back.


Windows also seems more concerned with going all in on cloud computing, the whole “you will own nothing and like it” paradigm. So making a faster and more efficient mobile platform isn’t probably a high priority for them.


I wonder if intel is betting on increased centralized cloud computing as the way forward for personal computers. So the efficiency benefits of ARM are irrelevant in their minds since they think the real power will come from big data centers.


Yah, I’m really not enthused with the idea of having to pay monthly rent for my computers ability to function.

I wonder if intel just values their existing experience with 86 more than any potential efficiency gains since the efficiency matters a lot less when the whole system is just a glorified screen and antenna.


… I mean, frankly I don’t see many legitimate use cases for crypto anyways. Cash Is kind of a better option in most cases where credit/debit cards would be out of the question.


The main reason projects use it is because a plurality of people already have a discord account, and you don’t need to keep making a new account for every new forum or wiki you want to comment on, read, or post to. I don’t think this is just an issue of “critical mass” ether. Lot of people don’t really want to be handing information to every project they interact with, nor do people want to learn 30 different UIs and quirks.

It’s nature as a chat/call system first has it’s benefits in the form of printed community discussion. People feel like they’re part of a community more easily than on traditional forums and wikis, it’s just more conversational.

It’s far from a good wiki or forum, in fact it is basically non-functional as a wiki, but, as a forum and tech support line, it does work, largely buoyed by the good search function.

It’s open ended enough in it’s functionality, and enough people already know how to use plugins and bots for it, that a lot of it’s short comings can be paved over or overlooked.

It’s bloated and messy and the back end is… yah, and it’s UI and formatting are not well suited for certain tasks. But the average person is far more likely to actually use it. With a single link anyone who already has a discord account can get access to a community, post, comment, and search previous comments and questions. Not to mention that it’s easier to keep track of projects you’re interested in if they’re all centralized on a single platform.


It’s also a matter of retention rate. I might make a new account on a forum and make one post or comment, but what are the chances I come back to the forum or build community there after I close out the page?

With discord, previous communities you’ve interacted with are stickied to the side and thus get totally forgotten about less easily.


It could have been that the discord server you interacted with choose to lay it’s self out poorly. Discord does have some questionable UI choices, particularly around settings. But as a chat/call system it works pretty damn well.


Admittedly the only projects I’ve ever used it with were games or mods for games, but I’ve never had issue finding what I need using the search function, it’s got an ok set of search boolean, and with that I can pretty easily skim all the channels or with in a specific channel for certain things or discussions.


It would be nice if it was on an open protocol rather than a proprietary platform, but it is what it is.


The thing is, you have that option, and have a central system to do that management, rather than a hundred different sights that it is hard to maintain contact networks across.


Honestly it’s sound more and more like Netanyahu let this happen, if not created the circumstances for it to happen, just to create a rally round the flag effect because his goose was cooked legally and electorally

I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is

So I’ve been using youtube ad blockers since pretty much when ad blocker extensions were first available. Lately though I’ve been getting hit more and more with these messages that YT was sending out every 5 or so videos telling me that adblockers aren’t allowed. No problem, just gotta wait 5 seconds to x it out and then...

megopie, (edited )

I used to pay for premium just because it was the simplest way to watch ad free on my phone (IOS so Vanced was not an option), and being able to download videos to watch later on a flight was nice.

But then they wouldn’t let you do Picture in Picture from the app, which, like, fine. Annoying but I’ll just play it in the background and just listen to the audio.

But then they started forcing the tiktok clone onto the home page and subscriptions page. I really do not like the dopamine disinformation vortex. So I deleted the app and just started watching them through the website, which actually enabled Picture in Picture and let me hide the shorts shelf (for 30 days before I have to click the X again.)

Now I’ve just stopped paying for it and just watch YouTube in the Firefox Focus IOS browser which completely blocks YouTube ads in my experience. It won’t let me do Picture in Picture or play audio in the background on their website, but I’ve noticed embedded YouTube videos on other websites will.

So now I’m looking in to using other front ends so I can have complete normal functionality without having to watch adds or pay them money and have their stupid tik tok clone shoved down my throat.

Good job Google, you managed to completely alienate someone who was paying you cash. Now I’m the definition of a free rider on your service.


No, I’m just bad at proof reading and a clumsy typer/ not the best with written grammar


Thanks, I’ll look in to that.


It may be different now, but when IOS first added PiP is was super inconsistent with the YouTube app, it worked one week, then the app updated and it didn’t work, then the next week it worked if you were logged in, then only with premium, then only if you were not logged in, then it would exit out of it it the first time you opened it but not the second time you opened PiP

It was just… a mess and it almost felt like there was some back and fourth going on between Apple and Google over how it was implemented.


Because innovation is their passion, and clearly e-mail needed to be innovated on.


2 weeks from now “Elon musk plans to lock the ability to like and retweet behind subscription”


More like a reactionary return to than the the start of.


Ah yes the Ace community, famous for it’s acts of bondage. Yup the those asexuals, really out here tying each other up and whipping each other completely non-sexually just for shits and giggles.


I know, I’m asexual, I’m just pointing out that the I and the A which are so often added and that the plus is often substituted for to cover even more bases, are really weird things to associate with BDSM.

YouTube is axing its ad-free Premium Lite subscription plan - The Verge (

I was happily using this for a year or so now. Feels fairer than using an ad blocker. But now they apparently want more money out of people. Feels like some sort of internet video apocalypse is happening, where the services become extremely fragmented and expensive, like YouTube, netflix, hbo, Hulu, Disney+ and whatnot. Each...


The fire fox focus IOS browser blocks all ads on YouTube in my experience.


Don’t think that works on iOS


Look, they gotta replace the last batch of kids they just sent in to the meat grinder some how…

Also, probably a tactic of ethnic cleansing, physically remove the next generation from an area and you basically guarantee an end to a group of people there in a few decades.

Potentially also a hostage tactic, like, all those kids could certainly be a bargaining chip in negotiations at the end of the war.

All and all, pretty fucked, and further proof that the current Russian government is beyond rotten to the core. The current Russian government is clearly not one that can be treated as anything but a criminal terrorist state.


I mean, it looks pretty, but not being able to fold it up really is a non-starter. Like, even if you have a secure charging dock like they claim, if you have to go in somewhere where you don’t have a dock for an extended period of time (like an office) it would be way to easy for someone to pick a lock or just bolt cut it, then walk off with it.


Man I feel bad for that team, they’re gonna probably take the fire for this despite it probably being the result of management crunching them for results.

Cheap, easy, nutritious, and filling soup to take to work every day?

I have a tiny fridge so I need something I can put in my chest freezer and microwave portions of it to put in a thermos. I’m hoping for minimal prep work, though I have a Vitamix if that helps. I already eat the same thing every day, that I buy from work for 6 dollars. Not ideal. I’m thinking I can bring the soup and some...


Could make pasta sauces, like bolognese, and freeze them, then make some pasta when you want it, like 9-8 minutes. Could also pre cook the pasta although I’ve never be a fan of reheated pasta. Hell, maybe could make a pasta dish and freeze the whole thing. Not exactly a soup, but i suspect pasta and pasta sauce evolved from soup.

Beans Are a Vegetable: an Overanalysis (

“Of course beans count as a vegetable!” I said to my wife. We have this house rule that it’s okay to eat mac and cheese for dinner so long as you add a vegetable. If I may ‘spill the beans’, I’m obsessed with them. Each one is tastier than the last: garbanzo bean, black bean, kidney. The butter bean, which is just...


I don’t care what the classification is, I love beans. I love ‘em canned, I love ’em dried and pressure cooked, I love ‘em baked, I love ‘em on toast, I love ‘em in a chili (don’t @ people with strong opinions about beans in chili), and I love ‘em in a tortilla.


Stainless should work just fine. Cast iron too.

I find stainless steel to be great for searing things or when I’m not to worried about sticking, things like meats, chunky veggies (Brussel sprouts, potatoe chucks) will stick until their surface has lost most of it’s moisture or broken down the proteins enough. This can actually super useful as it’s a great way to tell when one side of something is “done” getting some nice color on it.

Cast iron (or carbon steel if you want something a bit lighter) is much less sticky and will last multiple generations. Great for scrambled eggs or anything you don’t want sticking. So long as there are multiple layers of baked on oil it’ll be nearly as stick resistent as any fancy non-stick pan (the hydrophobic ends of the oil molecule end up bonding to each other and the iorn to form layers of a patina/polymer that resists sticking and sheds water).

Frankly I’m quite skeptical of non-stick pans in general, a lot of them have moved away from Teflon because of the serious issues surrounding it, but the replacements they’ve introduced are not exactly well vetted and I’m not exactly trusting of the chemical industry to do their do diligence after Teflon and C8.


The problem is how difficult it is to ensure it is open and verifiable. Not to mention how much easier it is to scale up attacks on digital voting systems.

If I want to forge enough paper ballets to swing an election I’m going to need a few hundred people in on it, with a group that large, someone is going to squeal, or get caught doing something dumb and uncover the conspiracy, if I want to forge digital ballots, well, I just need one person with know how and the right exploit.

It is certainly possible to make a digital voting system that is immutable once the votes are submitted, it is nearly impossible to make one that ensures that the votes being submitted are legitimate.

It’s a lot of effort and increased risk to roll out an acceptable electronic voting system, it is much easier and safer to just keep using paper ballots.


You may be able to verify that a given code is correct, or that a given device is correct, but no amount of software can conclusively prove that a given person has voted. All that cryptography prevents is a man in the middle attack, it does not prevent bad inputs from being entered by people who have stolen credentials.

Voting should be easy and convenient, but paper ballots and voting booths can be easy and convenient.

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