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Makeship is having a sale on their new Glow in the Dark plushies. It’s not a huge discount, but the proceeds go towards supporting independent artists which is always a good thing.


Israel lost 0.014% of its population to the Hamas attack. Gaza has lost about 0.52% of its population to Israel’s rampage and that over 40% of those deaths are children. How is that comparable at all?


Let’s rewind to the part where you look at why they are mortal enemies, and realize that the same problem is still happening in the West Bank at the same time as the mass murder in Gaza.


I’ve had it for years and one of the biggest features that I find worthwhile is being able to easily download videos to watch on the plane or play like podcasts when I’m driving. When I first got it, I had a really long commute, so being able to download stuff and play it with my phone screen off is helpful.


One thing that Blizzard has always been good about it making games that can run on a potato. It’ll look like crap and your view distance will be obnoxiously short, but you can run WoW on a potato of a laptop and still participate in the core gameplay. Obviously, there’s lots of options to crank up the graphics to 11/10 if you have a powerful computer, but I really appreciate that they lower the hardware barrier to entry where they can.


They keep calling them “homeowners”. These are not “homeowners”, these are “landowners” or “landlords”. A homeowner is someone whose property is their primary residence. Homeowners are not having their taxes increased, just landlords.


I think in this case it is more apt to realize that the artist painted this on the wall of his dining room in his house where he never had any visitors. The definition of “happiness” in this context would have to be a tad…malleable though.

Although he initially decorated the rooms of the house with more inspiring images, in time he painted over them all with the intensely haunting pictures known today as the Black Paintings. Created without commission for private display, these paintings may reflect the artist’s state of mind late in a life that witnessed the violence of war and terror stoked by the Spanish Inquisition.


How are they supposed to not be around Hamas? They aren’t allowed to leave Gaza (whether it’s the IDF or Hamas preventing their departure doesn’t matter that much here). Even if they were allowed to leave Gaza, what money would they use to do it? Where would they go? How will they rebuild their lives away from the family and social network that they already have established with limited mobility, immigration options, or money?


The Israeli government could fix the problem by putting an end to the settler attacks in the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza in pursuit of a true two-state solution. The easiest way to isolate Hamas would be to fully and properly recognize and protect the rights of Palestinian civilians in a way that would offer them a better life away from Hamas influence. All they’re doing right now is a massive recruiting campaign for Hamas.


*Racial and ethnic homgenization


From Lord of the Rings: “Not all who wander are lost.”

From the Old Kingdom Series: “Does the walker choose the path, or does the path choose the walker?”


There was an incident years ago where police carried out a no-knock raid at the wrong house and killed a baby with a flashbang grenade and they suffered no consequences that I can recall.


And settlements need to come out of the Police Union’s pocket and not be covered by taxpayers.


I don’t remember anything about a reality TV show, but yes, the flashbang landed in the crib.


If your payment is $0 based on your income, staying in appropriate contact with your loan servicer and maintaining your IDR paperwork means that those “$0 payments” each month count towards the 120 (PSLF) or 240 (20 year forgiveness) qualifying payments.

Top-right menu buttons aren't working

It’s been a week or two now since the top-right menu buttons stopped working for me. I can use the one to select between “Local”, “Subscribed”, and “All”, but the buttons for the sort/time and the three-dots button don’t do anything anymore. Has anyone else been having this problem? (And if so, have you found a...


Version 0.0.49, Android Version 12, Surface Duo 2


I’m not really sure. It’s been doing this for about 2 weeks now, but I don’t recall if there was an associated update as I don’t remember exactly when it started. That’s why I was hoping to find someone else having the same problem to look for correlations.


I don’t think I did. When they do work on the left screen I think they’re different than I remember.


The “more options” does not work on posts on the right screen, it does work on the left screen.


Given that there is the workaround of using the other screen and the Surface Duo 2 is probably not a very common device, I’d say that if there isn’t a straightforward solution to not worry about it.


Other people have given me a hard time for using that as the metric for when they’re done. It’s not my fault they interpret it as me drowning the cookie.


Pro tip: if there’s an Aldi near you, get the Benton’s sandwich creme cookies. They’re so much better than Oreos and way cheaper.


Every time I hear about (more) police violence, I just get stuck thinking about the number of times I’ve been assaulted by patients as a healthcare worker and how I was still required to put their safety above my own if at all possible…including the one that was twice my weight and tried to strangle me.


Bitcoin is evil in the sense that Bitcoin mining has likely done irreparable harm to the environment through energy usage and it’s associated pollution. I also find it to be a very predatory market that relies on small investors to bolster the overall value, but usually gives little to no benefit in return for that investment. All of the hype and media around cryptocurrency encourages people in precarious positions to buy in with the hopes of making it big. It’s just gambling.

In my experience, people who use and trade cryptocurrency in significant quantities are likely either gambling on it, or using it as money laundering for nefarious things.

Before you jump into your tirade about how you have all this education and how you’re so much smarter than everyone else, I’ll head you off at the pass to say that you probably know a lot more about computer and software engineering than I do. However, I have a fairly extensive education in the humanities and biological sciences. So if we’re going to be all stupid about it, I guarantee that I’ll be more useful and more employable in any kind of post-crash society than you would be, so I’d encourage you to take other kinds of intelligence into consideration before you get all sanctimonious about stuff like this; especially in subjects that don’t really matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

medgremlin, (edited )

It would still go through the liver for metabolism. The only thing “boofing” effectively does is skip the stomach part of the digestive process. To take up anything from the digestive tract, it gets transported through the intestinal lumen and into the mesenteric and hepatic portal system. The liver filters everything that gets into the blood from the gut before it goes into the inferior vena cava and into the rest of the circulatory system.

Correction to clarify: the lower gut/colon mostly only takes up water and certain vitamins that are released by gut bacteria, and very small molecules like ethanol can sometimes get through as well. The very lowest part of the colon does have a vascular supply that can bypass the liver, and there are some medications designed to take advantage of the select receptors and transporters down there. However, neurotransmitters and peptide hormones (which is what OP was asking about) would likely not get taken up until it was much higher up in the digestive tract, and at that point it would go through the hepatic portal system.

Thank you to those that corrected me. Intestines are actually fairly complicated.


The lower colon really only transports water and a couple of vitamins released by gut biota, so if they’re getting far enough in that more complex molecules would be taken up, that would probably be up into the hepatic portal system.

The reason “boofing” works for alcohol is because ethanol is actually a rather small molecule, all things considered.

Health providers say AI chatbots could improve care. But research says some are perpetuating racism (

Powered by AI models trained on troves of text pulled from the internet, chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard responded to the researchers’ questions with a range of misconceptions and falsehoods about Black patients, sometimes including fabricated, race-based equations, according to the study published Friday in the...


As a medical student with a decent tech background… I don’t want AI within the same firewall as an EMR. Something I don’t see anyone talking about that would concern me is whether or not the AIs can accidentally regurgitate a patient’s personal information. They’re trained on the input, so I could see it failing to recognize PHI and spitting out sensitive information.


The music and food you mention specifically are the products of Black culture. They only come from the South because that’s where the African people were taken to and enslaved, then left destitute with no means to leave after their liberation. Some artists and luminaries from the South have been white, but many of the best ones have been Black and the most moving and powerful pieces of their work are rooted in the oppression they grew up with.

22 cis woman. trying to find AFAB's who understand me rule

Hello! My phone’s on 5% so I’m typing really fast right now; apologies for typos &/or poor grammar! I deleted reddit when the protests happened in June/July (??) & switched over here to lemmy. I suspect i have endometriosis and I used to love the endo communities on reddit, but i no longer have access to that & i’m just...


Another option to consider would be the Depo Provera shot. Without insurance, it would be about $60-70 every 3 months, but I don’t think there’s an insurance plan that doesn’t cover it. It doesn’t contain estrogen and is a common treatment for dysmenorrhea and endometriosis.


r/childfree has a list of providers by state that regularly provide hysterectomies. I recommend checking it out, and when you call for an appointment, say that you want a consultation for a hysterectomy and don’t say anything else. I saw one of the providers from that list and she agreed that a hysterectomy was appropriate for me (31 years old, no kids) in part because of how horrible my periods are when I’m not on continuous hormonal birth control. The only reason we didn’t schedule the surgery right then and there is because the Depo shot is working for the moment and she was concerned about how the recovery from surgery would affect my ability to study for medical school and board exams.


Unfortunately, the original Hippocratic oath that many doctors swear to includes a line about not performing abortions or prescribing abortifacients.

It is my understanding that, at the time that version of the oath was written, that was less a prohibition of abortion and more a matter of pregnancy and abortion being under the purview of midwives, not physicians.

To that point, I wrote my own medical oath that I will hold to because I think that things like autonomy, free choice, and dignity in death are actually important.


The medical school I’m currently in is an Osteopathic school that leans pretty hard into the Christian traditions/origins of osteopathy, so it’s not terribly uncommon for me to get into philosophical and ethical arguments with my classmates and professors. There are a bunch of them that I know that I’ll never change their minds about most things, but the others who listen in to those arguments might be swayed or at least given a seed of doubt to explore further.


Yeah, healthcare in this country is a hot mess in a lot of ways. Something that could help push it in the direction of getting coverage is if you have any family history of things like uterine fibroids, or gynecological cancers. It’s a pretty straightforward thing on the paperwork end of things if cancer prophylaxis is on the list of reasons.

Another thing you could consider in this capitalist hellscape is signing up for a plan off the ACA that has a deductible similar to or less than your savings. That way you would wipe out the deductible immediately, have access to more providers, and have some semblance of coverage for the rest of the year.


I hope both of them are getting brought up on first degree murder charges for that.


A different question I have is whether or not the cars have transponders or other communication devices to automatically call emergency services in case of accidents. I’m assuming not because they would probably have a lot of junk calls and I doubt the company would have spent the time to create an algorithm for when to call 911 if they didn’t create an algorithm for what to do if there’s a pedestrian in a crosswalk.

That’s one of the big downsides of these driverless cars: if a human accidentally ran over the victim, they have the capability to get out of the car to assess the situation, call 911, and offer aid to the victim. An empty car can only ever just sit there with its hazard lights on and maybe call for emergency services.


Biden’s new SAVE plan is set up so that any interest not covered by your IDR payment is not capitalized. It would probably also be worth your while to look into the forgiveness plans and terms because you might be able to reduce how much you owe based on previous payments.


If I was going to be selfish, yes, I would move to a country that has more progressive policies and government. I refuse to be selfish though. I’m in medical school and hoping to become an ER physician in the safety net county hospitals for the express purpose of doing everything I can to help the people that have no way of escaping. I probably would have a pretty easy time taking my medical degree and moving almost anywhere because doctors are in demand pretty much everywhere, but it would be against everything I stand for and would be in complete opposition to my goals. I know that I won’t be able to move the needle very much, and as an ER physician I’d be making a difference just to my patients and perhaps my community, but I still have to try. I want everyone to be able to access food, housing, education, and healthcare equally and I can’t work towards that reality if I just run away from the worst of it.


As a woman who used to work in tech, I would like to point out that you are missing some very key details here. The expectations placed on women in tech are much stricter, much more demeaning, and much more harsh than those placed on men. I had an employer while I was a contractor decide not to renew my contract because I “didn’t smile enough” and “wasn’t friendly enough”, and this was not an expectation placed on my male coworkers. The contracting agency I was working through tried to argue in my defense, but the employer was allowed to discontinue my contract at any time for any reason. Unfortunately, the contracting agency didn’t have any other positions open for me, so I was just out of a job.

In just about every tech job I’ve had, it was made explicitly clear to me that behaving and interacting with others in the same manner as my male coworkers was not acceptable. I was hired with the implicit understanding that, in addition to providing my labor and expertise, I was required to present myself as feminine, demure, and almost submissive to any men I worked with, even if I was their supervisor.

Women need more help getting jobs in the tech industry because they are more likely than their male counterparts to lose jobs to sexism, unequal expectations, sexual harassment, and hostile work environments. This job fair was not allowed to officially exclude men, so it would be helpful for male tech workers to acknowledge and understand their inherent advantages and refrain from interfering with opportunities aimed at helping women in the industry.


Admittedly, my sympathies for some of the foreign workers is a bit more limited. One of the worst jobs I had was working as a contracted project manager at Google for an India-based contracting company. The team in India that I was supervising was extremely difficult to work with and my boss and coworkers that were all either H1B visa employees or over-staying expired student visas actively contributed to the problems I was having. There were a few times that my project failed to meet adequate performance metrics because the team in India refused to complete tasks that I had created for them and my supervisor did very little to back me up in that situation.

The other side of the coin for the foreign worker situation is that the mega-conglomerates like Google, Apple, etc. specifically hire foreign workers and H1B visa employees because they will work for less pay and minimal to no benefits unlike American college graduates that have student loans to pay off and nowhere else to go. I have a couple of friends still in the tech industry, and they are frequently undercut and out-competed by foreign workers that can accept lower pay and worse benefits as it is a temporary situation for them. I have much more sympathy for those that are actively immigrating and assimilating, but the ones who work on H1B visas or other similar contracts are part of the problem that drive down wages and benefits for everyone else. If they were working in genuine solidarity with American workers, I would feel very differently about it, but as it stands, the vast majority of foreign tech workers I have interacted with have been people abusing the visa systems and dragging down the market for everyone else. In some ways, they are victims, but they also help to perpetuate many of the worst problems in the industry.

California recently passed legislation that now protects social caste against discrimination because the massive Indian population in the tech industry has been horribly discriminatory and brutal to Indians from lower castes. It’s also worth pointing out that many of the H1B visas and more temporary workers are from the upper castes and they intend on moving back to India after making enough money and the ones who are truly immigrating are usually from the lower castes and are working under green cards. The workers from the lower castes are also much less likely to be tech workers in the first place because they did not have access to education in India. All of this to say: there are injustices that foreign workers face, but for foreign workers in the tech industry, I’m more inclined to believe that they are among those that are part of the problem.

(Not to mention the fact that some of the worst sexism I have dealt with was from Indian workers from upper castes.)


It is a profoundly complex issue, and that’s what makes much of this comment section so frustrating. Many of the arguments here are very reductionist and fail to account for detail or nuance. In this particular case, I have a hard time excusing the behavior of the accused interlopers given that this is a women’s conference that has been a recurring event for quite some time and has always been a women’s conference.

Lack of education or not, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask professionals to act professionally and refrain from attending events not intended for them. I think there’s a significant amount of leeway being given to the men/foreign workers who showed up at the women’s conference as if they cannot be expected to regulate their behavior in a professional context. It’s the same kind of hand-waving and excuses that perpetuate the good ol’ boys’ club that the tech industry already is. It is irksome that people here aren’t realizing that the arguments they are making about exclusivity or discrimination are the same arguments frequently used to excuse the misogyny and sexual harassment that is so ubiquitous in the tech industry to begin with.

Cat Lovers Rejoice As New Medicine Will Extend Cat Lifespan To 30 Years (

there is a silent threat that affects kitties – chronic kidney disease. It is a complex and irreversible ailment that typically manifests at around 10 years old in cats, affecting an astounding 1 in 3 felines. As cats age, they gradually lose their kidney function, which significantly compromises their quality of life....


I went looking for better information and I found the initial study published in Nature in 2016 and based on Japanese news sources it does look like the “vaccination” delivery is going into clinical trials soon. The study was quite interesting and the proposed mechanism of action makes sense and was tested both in vitro and in vivo. Here’s the link to the 2016 article. (It’s kind of dense on the renal physiology and immunology side of things, but the science is sound and potentially can be extended to treat humans with kidney disease in the future.)


Here’s the 2016 study that started things. There are some more recent news articles in Japan from the past couple of years about the project getting funding and going into clinical trials in 2022 or 2023.


The unemployment rate does not take into consideration people who are under-employed or people who are working multiple jobs to get by. You could be working 3 part time jobs (none of which offer benefits) and still not make enough money to pay your bills. The “unemployment rate” is a load of bullshit and should largely be discarded in favor of tracking how many people are living above the poverty line.


Except that the published figure is what gets used in policy and calculations. The real rate is largely ignored and the numbers are heavily skewed by ever-changing definitions and parameters making the “unemployment rate” a nearly useless metric. We need to run our country based on keeping people out of functional poverty, not based on keeping profits up.


I’m saying that the unemployment rate is artificially low as well as being a stupid metric to use, but unfortunately, it’s the metric that powerful entities use to make decisions about manipulating the economy at large.


The issue is that conservative, bigoted people don’t view their hateful ideologies as political. They speak negatively of marginalized groups as if their opinion is banal fact instead of inflammatory hatefulness. I’m a middling Millennial and I’ve had Boomer and Gen X managers that spout misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, and racist bullshit like they’re talking about the weather. Sometimes I called them out, and other times I kept my head down and just got out of the situation, but the steadfast way they hold on to their bigoted beliefs leads them to see their opinions as non-political and any disagreement as obscene and unacceptable.


It was in the Bay Area in tech jobs. They would very casually be derisive about trans gender identity, calling it “attention seeking” and “a mental illness”. The racist statements mostly came in the form of offensive stereotypes and deferential treatment of those that they did not think less of for their race. To them, it was normal behavior and casual conversation. They were more likely to get heated about their sports team than they would about acknowledging the intrinsic value and human rights of other people. It makes it very hard to call out when they say horrible things in casual, laid-back tones. There was no anger or passion in these statements, it was just a matter of fact that trans people aren’t real, that women are inferior, that certain races are dirty criminals… like they were talking about how it was a cloudy or sunny day.

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