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As a huge fan of the movie (and books) I kind of agree. I have managed to watch it in full only handful of times. I usually fall asleep mid-movie.

Having said that, I still love it. It also helps me fall asleep sometimes, so win-win. But I get what you’re saying.

One thing that’s probably worth keeping in mind is that the movie was made before the manned moon landing in 1969. So many of the scenes are super interesting just from the realism POV. Today we’re one click away from a HD video someone made at the international space station. Back then you had few grainy transmissions from space. Star Wars was almost decade later.

So yeah, seeing ship slowly floating across the screen in complete silence is boring, but it’s also realistic. Same for many other scenes. Now you can play games that will render the same scene in real time on a potato-level PC, so the novelty of seeing “how space might look like out there” is just not there.

So in many ways it’s like seeing the bullet time scene in Matrix for the first time vs seeing the bullet time scene in any random movie decade later.


Is that Rust? Assuming a is an Option (which would be close approximation of OP’s nullable type) and assuming b is not null, then this would be closer to the original idea:

<span style="color:#323232;">a.unwrap_or(b)

It returns value of a if it’s not None rather than Option.

mea_rah, (edited )

The example even used unwrap_or_else where they should use unwrap_or. Then it uses std::i64::MIN as fallback value where they could use something like 0 that would be a better example and honestly make more sense there.

<span style="color:#323232;">let parsed_numbers = ["1", "not a number", "3"]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .iter()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .map(|n| n.parse().unwrap_or(0))
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .collect();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">// prints "[1, 0, 3]"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">println!("{:?}", parsed_numbers);

Even without trimming this to something less convoluted, the same functionality (with different fallback value) could be written in more readable form.

Obviously in the context of the page something like this would make way more sense:

<span style="color:#323232;">maybe_number.unwrap_or(0)

Or perhaps more idiomatic version of the above:

<span style="color:#323232;">maybe_number.unwrap_or_default()

You can’t do much about users that just don’t care. But more technically inclined folks often do care and these are the people that develop the web and maintain the computer/browser for other people.

A lot of folks in my circle use chrome, but the moment the AdBlock plugin stops working they’ll likely switch to anything that works better. They are not necessarily too concerned about privacy, but they also don’t want to have most of their browsing made effectively impossible by ads everywhere.

I mean, just try and use the web without any sort of blocking. A lot of sites don’t even have their content visible.


I don’t have much experience with TS, but in other strongly typed language it goes even further than string vs number.

For example you can have two numbers Distance and TimeInSeconds and even though they are both numbers, the type system can make sure that you won’t do distance+time.

It can also let you do distance/time and return Speed type.

It will prevent many logical errors even though everything is technically a number.


butwarden login

That is different kind of protection. 😄

but it one would use a security key for the butwarden login, all of thst is pointless, no?

The phishing protection is still very valuable. Also presumably you’d protect your Bitwarden account better than any number of random sites.


That is dumb. When will game studios realise shit like that kills their game?

When they’re done shoveling all the money this brought them. Sadly.

OSS Notetaking App: Notesnook (

Just wanted to share my experience with notesnook as a daily note taking and information organizer app. The free tier is fairly barebones but you can use it for simple stuff, but I’ll say that the paid $50 per year tier is really nice. I’m surprised at the polish and feature set for a OSS project from 2019 but it’s also...


You (practically) can’t. All components are available and open-source, but there’s still some work to be done to allow using a custom server. They are apparently working on this.


AdGuard is free as in free beer but not as in free speech.

I think in the context of this discussion, they are talking about AdGuard Home, which is GPL. So it’s also free as in free speech.


Yeah, it’s essentially completely different software. Their naming scheme makes it even more confusing.


I think they might be talking about manual configuration. Some systems let you configure DNS separately from IP configuration. (So you could set up custom DNS while using DHCP) With some you’d have to set static IP as well, which might not be convenient but also possible.


I’m not sure where this idea of high profile target comes from. The sim swap attack is pretty common. People just need to be in some credentials leak DB with some hint of crypto trading or having some somewhat interesting social media account. (either interesting handle or larger number of followers)

There are now organized groups that essentially provide sim swap as a service. Sometimes employees of the telco company are in on it. The barrier to entry is not that high, so the expected reward does not need to be that much higher.


“If” being the key word here. There are nuances to be considered. One DB might run really well on arm, the other not so much.

I’m saying it as huge fan of the arm servers. They are amazing and often save a lot of money essentially for free. (practically only a few characters change in terraform) In AWS with the hosted services (Opensearch, and such) there’s usually no good reason to pay extra for x86 hardware especially since most of the intricacies are handled by AWS.

But there are workloads that just do not run on arm all that well and you would end up paying more for the HW to get to the performance levels you had with x86.

And that’s beside all those little pain points mentioned above that you’re “left to deal with” which isn’t cheap either. (but that doesn’t show up on the AWS bill, so management is happy to report cost savings)


Yeah, I was saying “no reason” in the context of SAAS. Once the management falls on the end user, it’s a different beast altogether.

I think we’re trying to say the same in a different way actually. 😅

(Partial rant) Why are gaming communities for multiplayer games so often filled with toxicity? Why aren't game developers doing more to stop this?

There are plenty of multiplayer games I adore. However, it seems like every community has these “brain dead”, patronizing, or out right toxic elements that are just nasty. I’d rather debate politics than make suggestions in some gaming communities because the responses are just so … annoying....


Journey had one of the best multiplayer experiences. The way they made it was absolutely amazing.

'Game of Thrones' creator and other authors sue ChatGPT-maker OpenAI for copyright infringement (

NEW YORK (AP) — John Grisham, Jodi Picoult and George R.R. Martin are among 17 authors suing OpenAI for “systematic theft on a mass scale,” the latest in a wave of legal action by writers concerned that artificial intelligence programs are using their copyrighted works without permission.


I think their point was that there are countries where piracy (or circumventing copy protection) isn’t illegal and only copyright laws exist. Thus downloading pirated stuff isn’t inherently illegal.

In some countries the copy protection removal isn’t dealt with in any way and thus it’s not inherently forbidden, in some it’s actually outright permitted by law in some situations. (personal use, education,…) Same applies to tools for copy protection circumvention.


Laws across Europe are not uniform. Last time I’ve checked, there were a couple of countries where downloading for personal use was not illegal.

IIRC Spain, Poland were such countries? Maybe Switzerland? That’s on top of countries where it’s technically illegal but not enforced.

There are probably more countries around the world with similar laws or with no laws regulating downloads. But I’m on my phone so can’t look it up.

Feel free to correct me.


The chances of entering a war over a single drone are very slim. People scream “article 5” like it’s some inevitable all out military action.

In reality it means proportional reaction which can be as simple as stationing more air defense systems on the border to detect and shut down any further attempts.

So the attribution to russia is one part of the investigation, another is determining the intention and best course of action.


In Tailscale you can set up an exit node which lets you access the entire internet via its internet connection.

You could set up an exit node that would let you access the internet via some (anonymizing) VPN providers like Mullvad or any other.

This sounds like Tailscale is simply setting up this exit node for Mullvad on their side and providing it as a service. So it’s not like using another VPN anonymizers is impossible, it’s just convenient to use Mullvad.


I think this is just Ryanair trying to discourage 3rd party ticket sales more than anything else. They have always been very hostile towards that option. Of you want to fly Ryanair, buy directly from them, from my experience the prices are the same anyways and there’s no face id required.

As for the €55 airport check-in fee, that definitely goes to Ryanair. They are just famous for trying to extract as much money post-sale as possible. It has nothing to do with the identification, it’s just Ryanair not having free check-in on airport. I don’t think your face has €55 value to them, it’s the other way around. Using the airport check-in is kind of last resort option (for example when you didn’t do the online check-in on time) and they know that customer would be in desperate enough situation to pay that much to fly.


Interesting. I wonder what were the circumstances. The wording on their page is quite vague as for when they’d might require this identification:

Where a booking appears to have been made through a third-party travel agent who has no commercial relationship with Ryanair

I generally avoid Ryanair where I can, but I flew with them many times before and never had this issue. They were one of the first airlines I encountered that required login to purchase tickets, so this is all in line with their behavior.


FWIW I’ve seen this image online. (Haven’t been able to verify source)

Better to use 2 drives for RAID, or for Volume backup?

I have a DS220+ with 2 identical drives, configured as RAID, so just one volume. Everything was working great, but to access the new object-recognition in photos, I added RAM, which caused some corruption and now the volume is read-only and won’t repair itself (even after removing the RAM). So now I’m preparing to do an...


RAID is not backup. RAID is used for increased capacity, throughput or uptime. (Depending on configuration)

Multiple volumes would likely get corrupted just as much with faulty RAM as RAID would. Besides RAM there’s controller, CPU, power supply and possibly more single points of failure in that NAS, that would destroy both RAID and multiple volumes.

So assuming you have external backup, I’d go with RAID for better uptime as opposed to some custom multi volume pseudo-RAID for the same.


Most people use CO2 meter at home to measure air quality. If you’re in room that is not well ventilated, depending on the size of the room, CO2 will reach pretty high levels within minutes. Unless it’s really bad, it’s not high enough to kill you (which is why people have CO detectors) but spending long time in the environment (hours) might cause issues with how well you can focus, trigger headache or migraine, cause tiredness if this is your bedroom, etc…


I couldn’t help but think of Emacs when I was reading A Constructive Look At TempleOS. It’s like TempleOS that is actually finished, it just lacks kernel.


GNU Hurd is going to be mainstream any minute now.


Yeah it’s pretty amazing system all things considered. It’s kind of as if 8-bit home computer systems continued to evolve, but keep the same principles of being really closely tied to the HW and with very blurry line between kernel and user space. It radiates strong user ownership of the system. If you look at modern systems where you sometimes don’t even get superuser privileges (for better of worse) it’s quite a contrast.

Which is why it reminds me of Emacs so much. You can mess with most of the internals, there’s no major separation between “Emacs-space” and userspace. There are these jokes about Emacs being OS, but it really does remind me of those early days of home computing where you could tinker with low level stuff and there were no guardrails or locks stopping you.


Perhaps it’s kind of inevitable to have some bloat. For example apps these days handle most of the languages just fine including emoji, LTR/RTL and stuff. Some have pretty decent accessibility support. They can render pretty complicated interface at 8k screen reasonably fast. (often accelerated in some way) There is a ton of functionality baked in - your editor can render your html or markdown side by side with source code as you edit it. You have version control, terminal emulator, language servers, etc…

But then there’s Electron, which just takes engine capable of rendering anything and uses it to render UI, so as a result there’s not much optimization you can do. Button is actually a bunch of DOM elements wrapped in CSS… Etc… It’s just good enough for the “hardware is cheap” approach.

I think Emacs is a good example to look at. It has a ton of built in functionality and with many plugins (either custom configuration or something like Doom Emacs) you can have very capable editor very comparable to the likes of VS Code. Decades back Emacs had this reputation of being bloated, because it used Megabytes of RAM. These days it’s even more “bloated” due to all the stuff that was added since. But in absolute numbers it does not need as much resources as its Electron based peers. The difference can easily be order of magnitude or more depending on configuration.


Moving off from port 22 is effectively just security by obscurity. It will save you some logs but the bandwidth and CPU time saving is negligible - especially with fail2ban.

Old PC as Server

I have an early 2000s PC (pre-SATA) with 512MB RAM (I’d love to tell you about the CPU, but its under a cooler that isn’t going anywhere) that’s been sitting in closets for about 15 years. Assuming I’m willing to buy into it, can something like that reasonably host the following simultaneously on a 40GB boot drive:...


If it’s really early 2000s, you might want to put it on eBay. There are retro gamers out there that could use it as good Windows 9x era gaming PC. You could give that HW a new life in someone’s retro setup.

It’s great HW for occasional gaming, but it’s very inefficient for 24/7 operation. You want to be somewhere after 2015-ish for something that is supposed to run constantly.


That comment is just spreading FUD. One of the links is just link to someone’s message saying they hate systemd. The other is just link to random (resolved) bug.

People aren’t disliking the comment, it’s actually terrible comment with no value.


I’m somewhat confused. Isn’t Moscow in the same time zone as Ukraine?


Ah thanks, didn’t realize that.


For some definition of cloud. You also have on premises cloud. When Amazon runs their e-commerce site on AWS, are they running it on someone else’s computer or not in cloud? (putting aside some tax-wise separation of individual Amazon subsidiaries)

On the other hand there are still providers that will rent you an server in their DC, but you don’t get any API or anything else. At best they’ll plug in HDDs that you sent them. This server hosting existed before “cloud” was a thing and it continues to exist.

I’d say that more accurate definition of cloud would be “someone else’s computer with an API that customer can access”. And if I’m really strict about that definition I’d drop entire first part, because it’s the API that matters - computer might as well be yours.

Source: I’ve been on both sides of cloud from the very beginning.


I’d say it’s more about elasticity. Scaling is just very narrow aspect of elasticity.

To give you some specific example, there’s a company (that I won’t name) that by law has to have all data on premises. They have local cloud in their own datacentre. Part of that cloud is a set of powerful servers with ton of GPUs. Daytime they spin up VMs that employees can log into and have remote desktop for graphically intensive tasks.

Now you might be thinking “wait a second, they can’t easily add GPUs in the morning as employees log in, there is no scaling and thus no cloud!” And by that definition you’d be right. But what they do with their cloud is that as the demand for VDI drops in the evening, they will start allocating the GPU and CPU resources to completely different kind of VMs that do overnight data crunching. (think geospatial data) It’s completely different OS, the servers are in server subnet, not VDI network, etc… So they are using the elasticity, but it’s not just scaling.

Another counterexample is pretty frequent issue on AWS, where they momentarily run out of specific instance type in specific region. AWS support “will do their best” but you’re often looking at hours of wait time before you get your instance. Now depending where you live you could go buy a server and deploy it in your own DC faster than that. Has AWS stopped being cloud provider? No, you can use the elasticity and either spawn different instance type (if your workload allows that) or in different region/AZ. You might have been just trying to replace one instance with another, not even trying to scale up, it’s just the capacity for replacement wasn’t there.

Backup Storage Options for storage RAID Arrays that are More Tolerant To Hardware Failures?

I’m looking at different options for getting a NAS/RAID array system that is tolerant to not just hard drive failures but also to hardware/firmware and board failures. I’ve utilized a RAID array in the past that was built into the motherboard, which resulted in the motherboard failing and me having to ebay another one to get...


Out of curiosity in your experience, are issues mentioned in this article actually fixed now? They mention the write hole, so that was fixed. What about the rest?


The author is upset that btrfs RAID arrays don’t function as he anticipated. However, btrfs isn’t ZFS or mdadm; it’s its own system and should be understood as such.

I’d say it’s quite reasonable critique, because RAID1 is kind of industry standard. I can’t think of any other RAID (HW or SW) that would do RAID1 in this way. If btrfs decided to call their implementation raid1 while it really isn’t raid1 in some major way, it was very bad idea. I don’t agree it’s documentation issue, it’s really bad name choice. ZFS has raidz that does something similar to btrfs raid1 and the name does not lead to confusion. RAID1 system should never lead to decreased reliability with increasing number of drives.

The author points out that btrfs won’t auto-mount an array if a drive fails, while ZFS will. This is actually a protective measure. By not auto-mounting, it minimizes the risk of further drive failures, prioritizing data preservation.

RAID is uptime preserving mechanism. If anyone uses RAID for data preservation purposes, they are setting themselves for a nasty surprise. RAID system that does not mount in reduced redundancy situation is very bad design. It effectively sacrifices usability of RAID to serve other purpose that RAID system does not really need nor should be used for.

He attempts ZFS recovery methods on btrfs and is surprised when they don’t work.

I felt that way as well, but I think they raised one important point - there was no indication that the array was still in reduced redundancy state after their “attempt at recovery”. ZFS is very clear about the state of array at every step. Same for other RAID systems including some HW based ones. Every single one I’ve used were very clear about the fact that array isn’t fully redundant.

In summary, the article’s author seems primarily upset that btrfs isn’t a ZFS clone.

FWIW I didn’t have that impression. I have experience with multiple RAID controllers and multiple SW RAID systems and his points would be valid with any of those.

Anyways thank you for your reply. It’s not the answer I was hoping for and I don’t agree with your views on some of these issues. But it gives me pretty good idea of the current state of the filesystem.


As a side note, Obtainium is absolutely amazing.


You can self host. They even have official lemmy community at !joplinapp


Props to you for setting up boundaries and enforcing them. And for cutting them off when they didn’t stop after multiple warnings.

I had to draw the line with some members of my family after they joined some christian cult and started to pressure me to “see the light”. Fortunately for me it was enough to just do that.


In context of self hosting it’s probably worth pointing out, that SQLite specifically mentions NFS on their How To Corrupt An SQLite Database File page.

SQLite is used in many popular services people run at home. Often as only or default option, because it does not require external service to work.


I haven’t seen anyone recommend Infomaniak Mail. I think it’s great option. It’s €1.50/month for 5 mailboxes with unlimited storage. You can add multiple domains and mailbox aliases for free. (no limit on either as far as I can tell) You get calendar and contacts as well. They also offer entire office suite, but that’s going to cost more.

They offer pretty good webmail interface, that’s not just Roundcube or other OSS webmail solutions. (which are okay, but usually limited by the fact that it’s IMAP on the backend) They offer apps for mobile calendar/contact sync and they also have (quite new, but already very good IMO) email app. These are all open source. You obviously have IMAP, CalDAV and such if you want to use your own client.

It’s not some one man show provider, they are pretty big cloud provider in Switzerland. So you also get custommer support that from my experience is pretty fast to respond.


I really like their embrace of open source. Seeing their email app on f-droid first is quite refreshing. And when they started developing it, I just subscribed to github issues with features I considered crucial for me so that I’d get notification once they were implemented.

How often do you get at least changelog with closed source apps? I’d have to check every couple months whether they implemented features I need had this not been developed in the open.


I have found convenience store within 5 minutes walking distance from my house thanks to StreetComplete. I had solved most of the tasks nearby, so I took a small detour on my way home and found this shop there that I had no idea existed. At that stage I was living in the area for years.


I agree it’s bad idea to do this, but it looks like most people didn’t read the article past the headline and assume Kyiv is used as metonym for Ukraine. (In the same way as when Kremlin is used instead of russian government) Which is not the case here, it’s literary just Kyiv city council doing this.


To be fair, the onboarding experience in the app is impressively good. It’s extremely straightforward with no unnecessary buttons or steps. So I kind of see why they might be hesitant to add complexity by supporting self-hosted backend as an option.


I use Telegraf for most of the metrics.


Never once did I claim that the Russian economy would overtake the United states

The article you shared did, which I pointed out. I’m disputing your article, I’m not saying you wrote it. Not sure where you came with that idea.

simply that the 2023 growth projections were higher for Russia than the United States

Higher in what sense? Comparing percentual growth of two economies that are not even in the same league is misleading at best. Somalia has predicted growth of 3.7% in 2024. What does that say compared to russia? Nothing really. It makes as much sense comparing percentual growth of US economy to russia’s. USA could drop to 0.5% growth and russia could achieve whooping 5% growth and in actual absolute numbers, the US economy would still grow faster.

I’ll again ask for any support to your claim that Russia will collapse politically

By “claim” you probably mean my personal opinion which I declared as such?

I feel like you’re just making up some non-existing claims and then keep disputing them. I have no time for that.

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