
glitch girl

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mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Something I think I actually believe is that microeconomics is real but not macroeconomics

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

This sounds much too absurd to ever say out loud though

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar
  • I fall asleep at midnight and I wake up at 9 AM:

I feel slightly under-rested, like I got up too early and need a littl emore sleep.

  • I fall asleep at 1 AM and I wake up at 10 AM:

I feel great, exactly as rested as I should be, alert and ready for the day.

  • I fall asleep at 3 AM and I wake up at noon:

I feel groggy, like maybe I got too much sleep


mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

So I usually use Sublime Text but this evening I tried opening a folder full of source code in VS Code. It put up a baffling question whether I "trust" the files in the folder. That's a reasonable question for some types of IDE projects, but all I did was open a folder. I trust the code in the directory, but VSCode said it was potentially going to execute files in the folder (?? what? Why?) so I said "don't trust".

This disabled the extension that does syntax highlighting for Verilog.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

VS Code!!! What are you doing!!!

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Is there a mode where I can say "let me run extensions, but don't execute scripts, I didn't tell you to do that"?!

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Points at config screen Okay yeah that. See those Xes? I want you to allow me to use my settings and my plugins but I do NOT want you to run "tasks". I don't even know what a "task" is I'm just certain I don't want you to do it. Is it a task? Then don't do it

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

MICROSOFT: We made a program that lets you just go in a folder and edit source code without making it complicated.

ME: Well… okay! Cool!

MICROSOFT: Then we made it complicated.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Okay. I thiiiiink that by disabling this setting, even if I decide to trust a folder that turns out not to be trustworthy, VS Code will still not start executing scripts it finds in those folders. I think. I hope.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Is there another setting somewhere I can set to say "don't fucking mess with my fucking git repos, I have another program for that"

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

If you were a video game character what would your "bark" be

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

What the fuck is this

I'm in Discord. I scroll to the bottom of the channel. I want to say something.

Discord pops up a growth hacking "done reading? Read this other channel" box. I cannot dismiss it. Even tapping the box then returning to the channel does not dismiss it.

It is totally covering the post box. I cannot speak.

I check Reddit. I find posts encountering this a full year ago, and the only advice is to log out of discord and back in. Some people had to do it multiple times.


@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Okay. Okay. It's been explained to me: That box isn't growth hacking. It just means you don't have permissions to write to the channel, and it's unclearly labeled. The channel in the screenshot does require a special role to speak. So what this says is that Discord briefly got confused about what channel roles I hold rights to.

That's fine actually! I can totally forgive transient database errors requiring session reset. Product Management, on the other hand, is unforgivable

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Got my Analogue Pocket yesterday
I ask Christine, hey do we have any Game Boy carts in the house
She says yeah, one second


Oh HECK yes

Game Boy Camera title screen on Analogue Pocket
Photo of me on Game Boy Camera

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Hi. You may have seen a boost from Sunday going around containing allegations from a former contributor about financial mismanagement by the Tusky project.

The Tusky project has just posted a response from the project contributors, written by twelve of us working collaboratively. The post's quite long, and I apologize for that, but the allegations were detailed so our response also needed to be. You can read it here, if you want:


Or a TL;DR:


mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Notice, in this popup, the lack of options such as "No" or "Fuck you"

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar


mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

The dialog box had two options, "Got it" and "Got it"

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Eventually, all UI will just be this.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

By the way, I continue to hold the opinion that all ad networks (and operating systems?) should have a big global switch somewhere for "never, ever, ever show me an ad for alcohol". In case there is someone who needs that. Also a similar switch for gambling.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I'd say marijuana should also be included along with alcohol but I don't personally happen to have ever met anyone who got addicted to marijuana in a way that they expressed it could be harmful to them just to be offered pot, whereas that does seem to be a thing that happens with alcohol

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Tip: Instead of saying "Stop using Chrome" or "Use Chrome instead of Firefox", try saying "I have written, and the Firefox project has accepted, a patch that adds a 'profiles' feature equal in ease-of-use to that of Chrome". That probably would be a lot more convincing

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@Gargron Right, my understanding last I looked into this is that functionally it's equivalent to Chrome but I believe the Firefox version requires plugins to make use of in any meaningful way and I really rely on the per-window boxing, which I don't believe any of the UI frontends offer (tab-based only, isn't it?).

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@jhaand That's odd. I would have expected WebUSB to have had its origins in FirefoxOS or something

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Unbelievably cursed Chrome behavior I have encountered just now.

If I open a new tab, paste or type in this URL, and hit return:


The moment I hit return, Chrome instantly rewrites the URL I wrote as


(Notice: "Mastodon" is uppercase in the second url)

…and loads that other page instead. The other page is incorrect and does not contain content. So Chrome is banning me from loading the correct page, unless I click an A HREF link on another page.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@rain Considering it

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@rain @HarkMahlberg In order to reproduce this bug on regular chrome, you need to

  • In a new (or freshly history wiped) profile, go to the "wrong" url
  • Go to the right url

If you go to the right url first, then it will "memorize" that url and it will become impossible to go to the wrong url.

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Hm. Although I believe that this is actually a feature I have specifically, personally requested (break off hashtags at end and put them underneath post specially formatted), the reason I was hoping for this feature was so separating the hashtags from the post content would make them less prominent, where this actually makes them more prominent than if the feature did not exist, actually much more prominent, so I don't think I'm going to start using hashtags…

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

"Install Linux", they said. "The GUIs are good now", they said. "The problems are fixed"

A screen shows a blinking underscore. The camera pans to show a second screen showing a blinking underscore.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Now, if I'm understanding this correctly, the Ubuntu recovery mode tells me it's going to mount / and then run fsck, and then when I press enter it tells me it can't run fsck because / is mounted

Sorry you don't get alt text, I wrote it once and then it got deleted somehow. It turns out Linux device names are pretty hard to type on a phone

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

In my opinion, this UI in gparted would be improved if it displayed a progress bar, or just… anything to indicate it's actually doing work and not just frozen

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Wwwwait… hold on, is it doing anything? If I right click "check and repair file systems" it asks if I want to "apply". If I say yes it seems to warn me it is about to edit my partition table (?) But maybe it just always does that (??)

Are you sure you want to apply the pending operations? Editing partitions has the potential to cause LOSS of DATA. You are advised to backup your data before proceeding.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Okay. I have now successfully run fsck. It didn't find anything and it didn't help.

I guess I just no longer have a Linux partition. That lasted… what, two months?

Possibly this is actually fixable (I can get into a root shell prompt), but since Ubuntu doesn't print anything like an error, it just sits there showing a blinking underscore with no interactivity, I have no way of knowing what the problem is.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

The funny thing here is I was only booting into Linux in the first place because I got a request for more information in a bug report I'd filed on Linux Chrome. And now suddenly I'm debugging a failed boot.

"What kinds of things do you do on your Linux system?"

  • File bugs related to Linux
  • Debug Linux boot failures
  • Upgrade Linux
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Okay. Okay! Problem resolved. It turns out what I needed to do was run "repair broken packages" in the Ubuntu recovery mode and then reboot twice. I assumed it hadn't worked because rebooting once didn't help but the second reboot it worked. Or maybe it fixed itself for literally no reason at all.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Immediately upon getting into Linux I discovered a new Chrome bug. Chrome for Linux is very, very buggy. They do not seem to be taking Linux platform support seriously the way Firefox does. This is maybe a little unusual when you realize that technically, Chrome is a Linux-based operating system

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@dango_ Since about 2004, "Linux based company" has meant "you run Linux in bulk VMs and sometimes on servers, and every single one of your engineers is using a Macbook". Of course it is possible Google itself substantially contributed to this state of affairs.

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Behold! My first ever FPGA project, functional

It simulates a one-dimensional cellular automata, displays it and its history on a 4x4 LED "screen", & collaborates with an onboard microcontroller (which actually could have run the entire thing to begin with, technically? but that's not the point) which DAC outputs audio based on the highlighted row bits.


I did some ABEL in college but that doesn't qualify as "FPGA". This was written in Amaranth (https://mastodon.social/@mcc/110833706042479220)

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

This post may or may not make sense to you

Sickos (Me): Ha Ha Ha… Yes!

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Legitimately impressed Python is able to display this kind of error message in an interpreted language with no type system in use

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@a13cui the type system is not in use in the sense that I am not using it in the program being run in the screenshot.

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

About once every ten years there's a huge scandal where it turns out the NSA has been spying on basically everyone on earth without a warrant, and there's a big angry blowup and Congressional hearings, and there's an agreement not to prosecute if the NSA agrees not to do it again. And then ten years later it turns out they kept doing it, or rather, shut down the old program and started up a new program doing the same thing in a new way. (1/2)

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Okay. So here's a demonstration of a random thing that confuses me about Mastodon.

  • I post a complaint about an upcoming Mastodon feature.
  • @Gargron replies, telling me my post is incorrect.
  • Not wanting to let bad information stay up and mislead people, I immediately delete it, thinking I'll repost once I understand the situation better.
  • @Gargon's post disappears (either he deleted it, or me deleting resulted in his post being deleted)


@mcc@mastodon.social avatar
  • Now that @Gargron's post is deleted, I can't reply to it. Oops! I start a new post, "unlisted", @'ing Gargron at the start.
  • Although this new post is frankly pretty confusing without the context of the post it was replying to, people start boosting and faving it

What is the visibility of posts beginning with an @, but posted to the public timeline rather than as a reply? It seems to me sometimes theyre shown with no filters at all, whereas replies would be filtered to mutual follows.


@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@Gargron Reasonable (to delete, I mean).

It seems to me filtering posts beginning with @ as if they were replies would be appropriate, because as is replying to someone is like quietly pulling them aside but beginning a post with an @ is like screaming to absolutely everyone. Maybe one compromise would be to have this behavior on unlisted posts (I understand that's a little nonobvious, but maybe better than not offering the feature at all.)

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@Gargron Hi. I am responding to a deleted thread. Can you explain this?


What is "Suggest Account to Others"?

The text "Allow your account to be discovered by strangers through recommendations, trends and other features" seems to imply the account can be found in search. Others https://tenforward.social/@packetcat/110860186414299240 have interpreted it also this way, unless "discoverability in your instance's local profile directory" is different from discoverability by account search.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@Gargron Although I deleted my other post to prevent posting misleading information, I feel like if there is a coherent reason someone would want "suggest account to others" but not full text search, then it's real bad to conflate this option with full text search, specifically because edits can't change visibility so there's no way for someone who previously posted "public" believing they were opting into one semantics to switch back to the old semantics without giving something up.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@eniko @Gargron Personally I would like to participate in text search and would turn on full text search even if I had to opt in to do so, but also I want to search for people by bio, and being able to search for people by bio even if they would prefer their posts to default to nonsearchable is (especially due Mastodon lacking a time-linear search results order) potentially more useful to me than being able to full-text search posts. So giving the option to split the setting helps everyone

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@Gargron Okay. Incidentally, when searching, will it be possible to turn off global search? IE the old behavior, "search only my favs and bookmarks", was sometimes actively more useful than a full-site search would be.

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