
glitch girl

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mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

You can make the power gem as big as you want.

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@mcc@mastodon.social avatar




mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

So there was this running gag among the Star Trek TNG production designers about there being a location on the ship named "Cetacean Ops", showing up in signage that wasn't legible pre-HD and background chatter that wasn't meant to be heard. Lower Decks then formalized this as an actual seawater tank in the middle of the ship with 2 intelligent Beluga whales "working" there. And this is fanservice and it's not TOTALLY clear Lower Decks is canon, but thing is, after Star Trek IV, it makes sense,

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Like, institutions and especially militaries accumulate procedure like scar tissue around past misfortunes, this is why NASA developed the world's most advanced toilet while ROSCOSMOS had simpler toilets but always stashed a gun in the escape capsules*, and so after all the FRICKING NONSENSE that has almost caused disaster Starfleet must have bizarre mandatory procedures, for testing against 4 types of shapeshifter/clone, for time slippage, you gotta have a whale on board,

  • In case of wolves
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@mos_8502 But the cats are real… the cats only exist in animated Star Trek

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Reverse GitHub Copilot, it doesn't write any code for you, instead it asks you to explain your code with non-specific questions and through the rubber duck effect this causes you to notice bugs and/or realize yourself how to proceed with coding. On the inside it is literally just Eliza (1964)

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Me: I can't switch from Chrome to Firefox because the downloads are in a little button in the upper right and I want the bar at the bottom.

Chrome: Removes the bottom bar

Chrome: Removes the about:flags flag to re-enable the bottom bar

Me: 🤔

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Earning the undying hatred of all Rust programmers by insisting on referring to a struct with an impl as a "class"

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Just got fucking roasted by the "now trending" box on knowyourmeme dot com

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Hey I don't know if y'all have heard about this but it turns out audio on Linux is really jacked up!!

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Once again I now beg for Linux help

I want hardware video encoding. CPU encoding H264 is VERY slow (https://mastodon.social/@mcc/111314507439433502).

I have an "AMD Ryzen™ 5 PRO 6650U with Radeon™ Graphics × 12".

Handbrake says AMD has a hardware encoder named "VCE" and says "AMD Radeon Software for Linux version 19.20 or later is required to use the VCE encoder"

Problems: Other sources stress NOT to install the proprietary drivers, only OSS ones; (2) https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-amdgpu-unified-linux doesn't list my GPU as supported.


@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I'm running a VERY new Ubuntu (23.10) and Ubuntu is the recommended distro by this laptop's vendor (Lenovo), and many sources assert AMD has the best open source video card drivers, so I would have expected I'd have the most complete possible open source drivers even without installing anything extra.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

The AMD page / full specifications for my CPU/GPU do not mention anything about "VCE" or hardware video encoding. They do say OpenCL is supported. (They also don't mention Vulkan, although running vulkaninfo indicates Vulkan 1.3.250 is available and detecting Radeon graphics)

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I am a fool. A fool, I tell you.

OBS was displaying FFMPEG VAAPI in the menu for video encoders under "advanced", but NOT "simple", and my eye just slid right over the menu sitting right there in "advanced". I could have solved this hours ago and had a much higher quality stream today.

Note: I also tried this plugin https://github.com/fzwoch/obs-vaapi and it also offers vaapi, but under the name (legacy). I wonder what (legacy) means.

Thanks all. I now know about vainfo which is nice.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@slothrop im sad

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Continuing into a second week of sporadic but gradually increasing use of my new Linux laptop and I am just continually shocked by how staggeringly bad the experience is at every level. The new indignity is that the version of Audacity I installed from the snap store cannot play audio. This is not as bad as it could be because oddly in this case I didn't install Audacity to play audio, I installed it to visually inspect audio waveforms, but this is still pretty bad.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

It would be easy enough to explain this by a simple rule I broke, such as (many, many people have told me this) "don't use Ubuntu" or (this is a rule I mostly followed up until now) "only use LTS" or (I hope not) "don't use Linux on a laptop". But this does not explain why my desktop installation of Ubuntu 23.04, not LTS, works so well. (Or why Ubuntu 22.04 seemed basically okay on the same laptop until I boosted to 23.10.)

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I am currently leaning to theories such as

  • Ubuntu 23.10, specifically, somehow, is Cursed to a possibly unprecedented degree
  • Linux (Ubuntu?) is currently in a state where it seems okay on a cursory inspection of a test install (just long enough to go "aha! Linux on the desktop is pretty good now!" before switching back to your real operating system) but falls apart utterly if you subject it to regular daily use
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

One thing that's for certain is that I made things very hard for myself by using a hidpi monitor, but it's actually very difficult now to buy a laptop that isn't hidpi!

Some people have claimed the problem is not hidpi per se but the fact that 150% DPI, "fractional" DPI, is a big problem on Linux, but this too confuses me because 150% DPI has been bog standard on Lenovo laptops since 2015 (and, on Windows, entirely Not A Problem) and CW says Lenovos are good for Linux. So WTF.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@ravenonthill I looked into that but that seemed to mean paying 2x as much

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Okay so

A quirk I have is I don't like it when IDEs interface with my version control system. That is MY version control system. Don't touch my stuff, IDEs

But! I have another quirk, which is that I don't like git, and I use Mercurial for everything

And the quirks cancel each other out! I check my projects out in Mercurial, which is obscure, so IDEs don't support it, so their VCS integration fails and I am happy


This month, in the new version

Android Studio added Mercurial support!!!

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@tthbaltazar because the interface for git is a medieval torture device and git's command line interface is so deeply intertwined with its file format that all attempts to make an alternate or wrapper interface just wind up being the command line interface with fewer handles on critical components

git is constantly printing the most bizarre error messages in the least helpful way

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@inthehands Hasn't really changed much in years. Depends on when you stopped using it I guess? They replaced the janky "branch" feature with something called "bookmarks" which is much better, and then they tried to introduce something called "phases" that doesn't really add anything and I've never heard of anyone using.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@inthehands Someday I will write a tutorial. I believe for it to be really good you have to turn on three or four plugins which are shipped by default but off by default.

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@inthehands to me hg is basically just "svn with push and pull" and i love svn

pull and update are separate verbs and this is so important to me. mercurial seems to give you verbs for actually interacting with & reshaping the tree whereas all git wants to do is interact with your current source checkout and lots of tree operations seem to require making the branch you want to operate on your current source checkout. It feels unnecessary. (also: git often requires you to make a named branch)

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@byobattleship so here is the thing there are no longer any convenient places to host mercurial repos. so using mercurial pretty much means pushing and pulling to github and everyone you interact with will just be using git

18+ mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

The speaker circus is over and the Republicans' selection is, as documented by TPM here, a thought leader in 2020 election denial/conspiracy theories. We're used to extremist Republicans but the third person in Presidential succession has openly opposed electing the President democratically, which is a new line crossed.

Once again, what gets reported as "Republicans embarrassing themselves!" is the Republican far right being very very effective at achieving goals


mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Consider: People often remark that cats often suddenly stop and stare in strange directions, seemingly looking at nothing at all. What humans don't understand is that the cat is in fact not looking, but listening; the cat has heard something, and is turning its head so its ears are cupped in the direction of the sound.

Implication: If elves were real, they would often as a group swiftly turn their heads to apparently stare at nothing at all, swiveling their ears slightly as they do so

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar


  • Do people over 40 keep telling you you should use IRC and IRC is better than Discord and Slack?
  • Did you try IRC and it wasn't better at all?
  • Do you need to use an IRC channel but IRC is a pain?
  • Use irccloud.com
  • It's free, it has a website interface that's like Discord, it has a phone app, it even lets you paste images into IRC
  • Downside: If you connect only from phone, they DC you after a bit unless you're on the paid plan. Get around this by leaving a web tab open on a desktop
mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

When you have been using Mastodon for a while and you finally install Linux

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I have just found, on Amazon, a USB peripheral which is a gearshift for a manual transmission car

Challenge: What is the funniest way you could utilize this peripheral in software


mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I wish I had a single unix command-line tool that presented a single command-line interface but can work with all the various compression formats I use (tgz, 7zip, zip, etc).

Currently zip, 7z, tar, zstd etc all use different tools with totally different interfaces. I find myself needing to consult one or another --help far more than I should. zstd just startled me greatly when I discovered that zstd -d by default writes the output file in the same directory as the input file rather than pwd

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

If you are going to be a programmer the most important advice I can give you is that you are going to have to pretend to know what "dependency injection" is

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Hey has YouTube always cut round corners out of the videos when you play them in normal mode? Now that I'm noticing them they're just… they're really big.

It frustrates me so much that the companies that control everything think we want to see less of every piece of content. Daydreaming about simply removing the "rounded corners" feature from CSS in my web browser*


@mcc@mastodon.social avatar
  • This is a joke, because this is not possible. EME means that web browsers are not actually open source.
mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Me: Why the fuck is my RAM at 44% in use when no programs are running

Task Manager: So here's a list of electron apps that do nothing but display an icon in the task tray

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@wuffish but without geforce experience how will i get a button that offers to upgrade my drivers and then throws an error when i say yes

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Anyway the single moment of greatest joy I have experienced this summer was when I discovered the Atari 2600 core for the Analogue Pocket will happily open any file, such as ROMs for other systems, and attempt to execute it on the assumption it is an Atari 2600 ROM, invariably leading to a 200-ms-to-3-second loop of bizarre blocky pixel noise and glitch sounds

Gray, orange and black pixels

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I guess the Atari 2600 is so simple that virtually any sequence of bytes produces some valid 2600 program, even if it doesn't do anything useful

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

My constant experience with Python over the last ~16 years is I start writing it and it's like, wow, this is so easy, this is great! And then I run my program, and invariably it fails with an inscrutable error/exception 4 layers deep in someone else's library, code I know nothing about— in this case, a wav file library claiming that the number 960 is "not a valid shape"— and I realize that maybe I actually hate Python

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

The reason Japanese prog/post rock is truly great is that occasionally you'll wind up with a rhythm section that really, really understands taiko

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

If you asked me I'd have told you that the last thing I want to see is a "dark retelling" of Pinocchio


I'm watching Christine play "Lies of P", and

Oh no

I really like this

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Imagine if "9" had followed through

(The movie from 2009)

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I can't say "9 (2009)" because that's really confusing

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@emaytch Was it 1917 (2019)?

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Imagine using a website or computer program that you were not in an actively adversarial relationship with the people who created it

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I wonder if Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson feel disappointed that the term "antivax" has been taken away from them

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Something I think I actually believe is that microeconomics is real but not macroeconomics

@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@kryptskiddy @zrail maybe one way of looking at it is microeconomics and macroeconomics both work on simplified mathematical modules and microeconomics deals with simple enough things that occasionally you can find a real world example that actually coincides with the model but with the situations macroeconomics models this does not actually happen

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