This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

mbryson, avatar

We’ll be keeping Spotify, and Prime AFAIK hasn’t announced anything crazy so that will stay as well. We’ll most likely - if we get the “don’t share accounts” screen - will subscribe to Disney+ as we enjoy the Star Wars content and regularly watch movies using this together (Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar are our go tos). Netflix may be on the chopping block but my wife enjoys it more than I do so we’ll have to see.

We don’t subscribe to anything else, partly because the content isn’t appealing and partly because - as Canadians - they don’t even have it up here anyway!

mbryson, avatar

The Reddit fiasco.

What made me stay was the concept of federation, and how similar to Reddit Lemmy actually is. I do find that my “home” feed gets stale compared to the refreshing of content Reddit would always have every time I checked, but I find there’s a different style of discussion on Lemmy compared to Reddit, allowing for a more broad perspective than what one platform can provide to me.

As that sentence implies, I still use Reddit, but I divide my time now between there and here, with more niche communities being found on Reddit, focusing on FOSS and technology via Lemmy, and larger events (politics, world news, etc) being spread between both.

mbryson, avatar

Spoilers for a few random encounters below. I can’t figure out how to spoiler tag via mobile.

I love it. It’s obviously got some flaws here and there, but for me personally it’s been an enrapturing experience my 20+ hours so far (nothing compared to some of you, I know). I love the exploration of planets primarily, surveying them and then selling said data to Vladimir again. It’s a strangely compelling loop I find myself returning to.

The “procedurally generated” areas have story behind them like one having the heating system malfunctioning and reading the stories of the crew attempting to get them fixed. Another was of an invading parasite species not native to the planet taking over. One even was a heartbreaking log of a crewmate recording his final words for his wife and family, which I just found randomly exploring a planet searching for “supporting life” for a mission. I get people’s frustration not every planet is like Boston or Skyrim … but there’s some seriously good stuff here if you just put your boots to the ground and explore.

Ship building is amazing. I love customizing my ship, the different habs, and assigning the crew I run with. This also extends to outpost building which feels manageable. Not a requirement like Fallout 4, but also deep enough to be entertaining when I desire to do so (primarily for Helium 3 plants). Piracy and ship combat is great, as blowing out the engines of a ship, boarding said ship, taking it over, selling said ship (I have a mod which reduces the cost of the registration fee which is pretty exorbitant in vanilla IMO) and then using that money to improve my own is another compelling gameplay loop that makes me seek out combat instead of avoiding it all together.

Overall, I love it through and through. There’s some hitches like the aforementioned registration price, the combat AI of enemies being rudimentary (standing in the line of fire for 5 seconds is not a good look) and the maps in cities are inexcusable and will need a fix. But altogether it is easily my GOTY.

Why is it frowned upon here to 'steal' content from reddit?

If anything, shouldn’t it be encouraged, and even automated? I’m including even the ‘old’ stuff from reddit here. Reddit shouldn’t be the absolute owner of the content submitted by users. When I migrated here, it wasn’t because of me being against reddit users, but being against reddit the company. Copying the...

mbryson, avatar

I think the strength of a community shouldn’t primarily be built upon content another separate community or platform produces.

Now there are givens, like major news and art which “transcends” a singular platform. But repeatedly just lifting content from somewhere else (aside from if you are the creator yourself obviously and wanting to share to different platforms) and shipping it over here isn’t a good look when Lemmy wishes to be a separate aggregator from Reddit.


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  • mbryson, avatar

    5 TB in total. Let’s break it down.

    • 500 MB NVME drive (boot)
    • 1 TB SSD (Games)
    • 1 TB Work Hard Drive
    • 2 TB Supplementary Hard Drive
    • 500 MB NAS via adjacent HTPC (I use it for music, photos, videos, and ROMS for emulators)

    The only one I’m getting close to filling it the 1 TB SSD, but I’m always happy to look into upgrading.

    mbryson, avatar

    Yes, sporadically but usually once I year I give them a donation.

    Wikipedia is an insanely valuable resource we as a society just take for granted, especially those that grew up with it. Instant access to nearly infinite information is an absurd luxury we have, and it’s a resource I want to see continue without being tied to corporate interests or abusive government regulation.

    It’s never much mind you, but I try to contribute a little around Christmas time if I can.

    Would there be interest and support in potentially building an art focused lemmy instance?

    I’ve noticed a lot of people complain that niche communities aren’t really all that present here or are difficult to find. Having some consolidated in specific instances is very helpful for discovery as well as spreading the federation around....

    mbryson, avatar

    I have no way of helping, but this is a great idea. Art by nature supports collaboration, and so having an instance wherein users can be local to other mediums or discussions on the same instance as a whole is a wonderful idea!

    mbryson, avatar

    A man’s quest to murder their father turns the whole world upside down.

    What made you choose your instance?

    Following the spirit of spreading across the Fediverse (and because my main instance is down so many times, because diverse reasons) I’m intrigued about the joining instance process, because I honestly don’t know what criteria to have in order to join another one if I ever want to do it....

    mbryson, avatar because it’s Canadian.

    It’s also a smaller instance, and I wanted to avoid joining a monolithic instance like world or beehaw, in favour of a smaller community I can feel a part of.

    … But primarily because it’s Canadian honestly.

    mbryson, avatar

    Loop Hero! It’s free on Epic right now and I’ve been really enjoying it! A nice blend of procedural generation, deck building, and roguelike allow it to be a very rewarding and engrossing experience overall where I feel I’m consistently progressing.

    I still haven’t been able to beat The Lich yet, but little by little I’m knocking his health down that much further to make the loop (heh) feel rewarding!

    mbryson, avatar

    Linux and Windows.

    Windows for “just works” functionality and software compatibility

    Linux for light weight, customization, and overall support on hardware (ie there is some distro that will run on just about any set of hardware)

    mbryson, avatar

    Isn’t mastodon the federated microblogging replacement? Lemmy & kbin are the forum/news aggregator replacement instead, correct?

    mbryson, avatar

    Stud Finder.

    Knocking can get it done, but the surety of knowing is a nice to have for sure.

    mbryson, avatar

    Short hair black cats are my personal favourite. I grew up with a black cat so I have a particular fondness for them. Little things like the way they rust in sunlight, blend into black/darker colours (which apparently is a reason people don’t adopt them as much as they don’t photograph well??), and the lightness/sleekness of their coat make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I see them.

    My wife wanted an orange cat while I wanted a black one. We both got what we wanted with a black tortie with orange fur speckles. Having a preference isn’t bad and honestly someone will have a preference for every type of cat. For example: I’m not big on hairless cats (lots of upkeep I’ve heard) but I know multiple people who go out of their way to adopt only the hairless babies. Just because it’s not your preference doesn’t mean they won’t find a loving home elsewhere!

    The Fediverse has a Mental Health Problem (

    This is a very interesting article about the long-term sustainability of the Fediverse for moderators, administrators, and developers. We’ve already had two of our lovely Beehaw admins take breaks to take care of themselves as they experience the burnout associated with maintaining a community, and I think for a lot of use we...

    mbryson, avatar

    As much as Reddit has done wrong (hence me being here as a part of the migration) one thing I always liked was the mention of “remember the human”. This isn’t a network of bots, but actual individual people interacting and - in the case of this article - creating the things you are utilizing. Jerboa has a weird issue where if I hit “back” on what I think should be a sub screen to “home” as the main page of the app, I instead leave the app entirely. Does this mean I am warranted to passive aggressively - or even with well intentions - tag the developer on mastodon to request a fix? No. That’s what support requests are for.

    I think people with the advent of the internet and the ease of communication over text have forgotten empathy with those alongside them on the internet. We need to refocus the way we communicate on these platforms - federated or not - to respect the opinions and thoughts of those around us. (Not necessarily agree, but respect.) I also like the proposed idea of the support line for developers of federated tech and sites, as it may provide alleviation for the stress sudden large influxes of users can cause on often one person teams acting as Atlas and holding these instances and servers up for their userbase.

    TL;DR: Everybody Love Everybody.

    mbryson, avatar

    I haven’t played it but I heard about it on a podcast I enjoy: Podquisition. One of the hosts - Laura K Buzz - seemed favourable towards it and recommended it to those drawn to that style of quick to understand but continuously engaging games with simple tasks to complete, and after listening it genuinely made me want to give it a shot.

    mbryson, avatar


    Thank you for creating a safe space. I’m an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and am happy there’s a space not for “everyone”, but for those willing to accept trans folk and silence those against them (while having funny posts on it as well).

    mbryson, avatar

    I had the same thought process seeing the software repository on Linux Mint for the first time. It really is set up like a MacOS or general Appstore interface.

    Happy for your brother getting comfortable with Linux so quickly! Way to go!

    mbryson, avatar

    A lot of people have already talked about the onboarding/installation experience, so I’ll just chime in and say a lot of new users are unfamiliar with using a terminal for commands and instead favour a GUI experience solely for their tasks. Most modern and commercially appealing distros are moving in this direction (ie applications running the same terminal commands in the background with an easy to understand UI at the front) but I’d still say the community’s insistence on terminal over all other forms of executing a command may be a turn off for the layman trying it for the first time after Windows and MacOS.

    Almost makes me think it would be more ideal to reduce the stigma associated with executing commands in the terminal and find some way to get people more comfortable with using it, both via Linux and also CMD for Windows as well.

    mbryson, avatar

    Jerboa. Does everything I need it to.

    When Boost for Lemmy comes out however I will most likely transition to there.

    mbryson, avatar

    I’ve always been partial to “irrelevant to the discussion”.

    For example: if a post is detailing increased temperatures compared to a previous year: ✅ Comment saying “This is most likely an effect of global warming” ✅ Comment saying “This paper is potentially biased as the paper/publication is sponsored” ✅ Replies to these comments discussing the legitimacy of their claims (for or against them) ⛔ Comment which is promoting their own content (even if related) with no discussion of the linked post ⛔ Intentionally incendiary comments. “Liberals will say it’s climate change I bet.” ⛔ Completely off topic. “Ok but guys let’s talk about SCARING THE HOES for a second here. Straight flames.”

    Too many people use a downvote as “I disagree” when a comment may actually provide a different viewpoint and - as long as it’s respectful and open to counterpoints itself - can be a nice addition to the discussion.

    mbryson, avatar

    I had bought it outright so I have the “lifetime subscription” after the uproar when the introduced this subscription model. This rate hike has me a little worried though they may go back on that and force purchasers to pony up for the subscription as well to get short term profits up (albeit at a reduced rate for like 3 months or so, as is standard with this sort of thing).

    Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

    Just an open world survival game, only you’re a cat, dealing with regular cat problems. You have to hunt, avoid larger animals, compete with other cats, figure out which humans are dangerous and which will give you treats, judiciously spray things to maintain your territory, maybe mate and reproduce (your sex and fertility...

    mbryson, avatar

    Honestly? My old laptop was having issues (not major but not ideal in terms of overall performance) running Windows 10 and it inspired me to try out a few distros. I later learned after trying a few:

    • Overall Linux isn’t scary at all, with an abundance of tutorials and documentation provided. (Just be aware of trying not to solve all problems with random hammers, or rather using any tutorial to fix the symptoms you’re having)
    • In terms of customization it’s second to none. Privacy wise has been well documented, but even aesthetically via the UI you have a ton of options. (Plug for [email protected] for some inspiration.)
    • Finally it’s nice just to tinker with Linux as a project. There’s only so much you can do with Windows or MacOS, while Linux is open and allows for a variety of programs, tools, and more. It allows you to get more comfortable with your computer and by extension more comfortable with technology in general!
    mbryson, avatar

    The big thing with any Reddit alternative is what kind of community is migrating over there. A lot of controversies Reddit has had in the past have centered around vocally discriminatory communities migrating to a new platform after Reddit has decided their content does not align with their views and goals as a company.

    Fatpeoplehate, the_donald, probably jailbait I imagine (though before my time on the site thankfully).

    The one exception I would say would be the uncerwmonious firing of Victoria from AMA which caused an uproar and led to AMA’s never really feeling the same. I didn’t think about leaving then, but I understood the anger and concept of reddit slowly losing its identity in favour of a more corporate one. Ironically Reddit’s latest decision has led to AMA opening the flood gates to anyone and everyone, giving a more genuine feel to the community.

    Now 3rd party apps being shut down (although revanced provides an alternative) has caused a general consensus it’s time to leave, fragmenting communities into different websites and platforms. I’ve encountered some hostility and opinions I personally disagree with on Lemmy, but overall the generalized community here is a good replacement, over a displeased and spiteful group that would fixate on one specific person or upset over one specific group of people. Perhaps thats just the nature of the fediverse overall where - if an admin of decides to make us a proudboys affiliated network - I can just go elsewhere.

    TL;DR Lemmy is all I need. It’s not voat, it can federate with kbin fine, and it’s open allowing anyone and everyone to have their say. I like Lemmy!

    mbryson, avatar

    The big thing with any Reddit alternative is what kind of community is migrating over there. A lot of controversies Reddit has had in the past have centered around vocally discriminatory communities migrating to a new platform after Reddit has decided their content does not align with their views and goals as a company.

    Fatpeoplehate, the_donald, probably jailbait I imagine (though before my time on the site thankfully).

    The one exception I would say would be the uncerwmonious firing of Victoria from AMA which caused an uproar and led to AMA’s never really feeling the same. I didn’t think about leaving then, but I understood the anger and concept of reddit slowly losing its identity in favour of a more corporate one. Ironically Reddit’s latest decision has led to AMA opening the flood gates to anyone and everyone, giving a more genuine feel to the community.

    Now 3rd party apps being shut down (although revanced provides an alternative) has caused a general consensus it’s time to leave, fragmenting communities into different websites and platforms. I’ve encountered some hostility and opinions I personally disagree with on Lemmy, but overall the generalized community here is a good replacement, over a displeased and spiteful group that would fixate on one specific person or upset over one specific group of people. Perhaps thats just the nature of the fediverse overall where - if an admin of decides to make us a proudboys affiliated network - I can just go elsewhere.

    TL;DR Lemmy is all I need. It’s not voat, it can federate with kbin fine, and it’s open allowing anyone and everyone to have their say. I like Lemmy!

    mbryson, avatar

    People don’t “get” mastodon because they see they have to sign up for another website and their account is tied to there over a centralized “” (even though is a instance they can use) without realizing all of the separate instances can communicate with each other over activitypub.

    They don’t want complicated. They want “hey, this is the thing I liked before everything changed, and it’s attached to my Instagram. Sounds good!”

    What video game have you played the most, that you think is garbage and no one else should ever play?

    I have played Eve Online so many hours, and it’s a bad game. Don’t do it. you will spend hundreds of hours dreaming about the cool thing you’ll do later, but for 99% of players the cool thing will never happen. You will be part of the one percent’s cool thing....

    mbryson, avatar

    Destiny 2.

    Incredibly engaging loop, great gunplay/moment to moment gameplay, and an intriguing story that keeps me interested to see what will happen next.

    Loaded with micro (and macro) transactions and time gating of reused content as the game approaches it’s conclusion and Bungie prepares it’s next project for launch (this project also highlighting the poor state the PvP section of the game is in.).

    Again, so much of my time has been spent in Destiny 2 and a good majority of it I’ve personally enjoyed. But when asked this question it’s my go-to answer to advise people to steer clear if possible.

    mbryson, avatar

    We have two near us and both are a great time! My wife is more into board games than I am but the food is delicious usually and their selection has both old favourites alongside new board games to try for the first time as well! It’s a really great outing idea whether for a date, a social get together with friends, etc. Highly recommend going if one’s close by!

    mbryson, avatar

    It’ll be hard to get people to not only detach from something they’re accustomed to, but also then attach to something unfamiliar.

    I tried and am trying again with Mastodon, but a lack of users I wish to follow, a more confusing premise at times, and just overall more enjoyment overall (if that) with twitter as a platform makes it a challenge.

    Lemmy however has checked all the boxes. It literally feels exactly like Reddit, and honestly like a fresh start to avoid the various decisions both Reddit admins and the community itself made along the way. I’m hoping more for the latter experience than forming when diving into the fediverse, but my above statement is most likely applicable for a wide sample of people out there.

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