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In my experience it is a very very loose collection of ideologies that share the common idea that there is no innate hierarchy between people and that helping others does not necessarily erode your own place in society.

Edit: Oh, it was an ELI5, then a leftist is someone who thinks other people in their sandbox does not make the sandbox worse.


There actually have been recent disputes over this, as the WW2 Soviet army and the Soviet army crushing the 1956 Hungarian revolution with tanks (the origin of the word “tankie” BTW) were largely the same armies. Hungarian propaganda was blaming the Ukranians, but the army based on the deaths was proportional to the demographics of the Union, 30% UA, 60% RU, 10% mixed other IIRC.


They still haven’t realized Russia is not the USSR.


Most phones aren’t iPhones actually.


I would rule out drones, as yep, if they are radio controlled, you can just blast them with jamming, but guided missiles are absolutely capable of sinking a carrier. The trick is that you need a shitload of them since the carrier group has both long-range missiles and short range CIWS systems to counter those missiles. The only way you can hurt a carrier with them is if you launch a shitton of them.

Or you can actually launch ballistic missiles instead of cruise missiles. The upside is that anti-missile missiles and CIWS are not quick enough to catch them and radars can’t really see them if they are not Hamas-style homemade fireworks, but stuff like the Kinzhal. The downside is that it’s very hard to guide it in the terminal stage, so they might come very fast, but may be very inaccurate.

If Russia’s Kinzhal, or China’s DF-ZF is accurate enough to hit a carrier, that’s a big problem for the carrier. Whether it is accurate enough is a good question, since maneuvering something that is that fast is not easy, and also if you go that fast in our atmosphere, you are basically blind since the air gets turned into plasma around you (think Space Shuttle reentry). It is a hotly debated topic whether Russia’s or China’s weapons are accurate enough. OTOH, from the price of a carrier (not including the group or the planes or operation), you can build more than a thousand Kinzhals, so assuming you can launch them all, eventually it might hit something important.

Or you can also just build a diesel electric sub, get some cheap guided torps and torpedo the shit out of the carrier. There is ASW defenses of course, but Sweden has repeatedly demonstrated simulated kills on US carriers with diesel-electric subs.


On the one hand, a carrier is fricking fast unlike its size would suggest, so good luck catching up. On the other hand, the ASW sonars may not pick up something as small as a diver, but they certainly can fry them.

Maybe in port.


I would probably be in favour of a law banning certain types of software on the phones of children, such as abusive social media or games with microtransactions.

Maybe doing the same for adults wouldn’t hurt.


There is a non-negligible amount of revisionists in Hungary that would prefer to shoot rockets from Hungary’s side as well and take territory from Ukraine.

Can the act of assigning a score to someone constitute a decision? (

This, in essence, is the question the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) had to answer in Case C-634/21. And the Court’s answer is yes, following in the footsteps of the Advocate General’s opinion on the case. Rendered on 7 December, this ruling was eagerly awaited as it was the first time the Court had the...


I assumed that’s already the case.


Leftist in Hungary just means “not Fidesz”. No joke, they once called a straight up Nazi party who are campaigning on segregation and antisemitism leftist.


\1. I don’t see a scenario that would have Putin’s win in Ukraine, even if he conquers the whole country, have him in a more geopolitically advantageous position that he was before 2014. Before 2014 Ukraine was a staunch Russian ally, almost like Belarus. The current situation is like if a Russia-aligned PM got elected in Canada, the US declared war, and would still be fighting having lost most of its army over almost a decade.

But aside from that let me go doomer even harder.

2-4. That would almost certainly result in a civil war or a coup in a very short amount of time. As soon as NATO is not keeping the world order, global commerce, thus the value of the dollar as a reserve currency for global trade up, the US economy will enter a never-before-seen recession, possible hyperinflation, which Trump will need to deflect from. My money is war on Mexico or Cuba. Or both.

5-8. There is a big chance that France would make good on their policy of first strike with their nuclear weapons before Russian soldiers would get too comfortable on European soil. China and the US join in since the Russians start shooting everyone out of force of habit. The Earth is now uninhabitable.


My bad.


Yeah I was living in Eastern Europe back then so no excuse, but I guess most people don’t follow neighbouring countries’ politics. For example I have no idea what the political landscape in Romania is.


They are spending more on your healthcare than most developed nation spend on theirs per citizen, it just gets stolen on its way to you. US healthcare is not underfunded.

Revealed: EU governments in last-minute push to legitimise surveillance of journalists (

The European Media Freedom Act is meant to protect the press from government overreach. But behind closed doors, a group of EU member states are threatening to block the new law over their demands for a blank check to use spyware for the purposes of “national security”.


We could go an have a piss-fight between the warcrimes of Russia and the warcrimes of Israel.

The US can be the bad guy in one conflict while be on the good side on another. Imperialism is bad, whether it’s Russia or the US doing it.

Also, Hamas are war criminals as well. No good guys fighting there ATM.


Also, Unreal Engine, which the Epic Games Launcher was built in for some reason also has a checkmark for Linux, and they refuse to tick it. It’s to the point that while it is possible to do development for Unreal on Linux, they had to build a completely different way to get it up and running since the launcher doesn’t support Linux.

They consciously make efforts not to support Linux, it would literally take less effort to do it.


The USSR totally knew about climate change being a thing. Climate change is not a “new thing”. Oil companies have known about it for almost a century now, they built their oil rigs to withstand rising sea levels for example.

The USSR did know about it as well, at least since the sixties:

Fedorov’s article appears to be one of the earliest direct engagements with the problems associated with climate change and, more specifically, anthropogenic climate change in the Soviet Union. However, this theme received more concerted discussion and debate from the early 1960s. Two meetings of particular note took place in Leningrad in April 1961 and June 1962, both of which were organised by the Main Geophysical Observatory in tandem with the Institute of Applied Geophysics and the Institute of Geography and brought together a range of Soviet scientists, including geographers, in order to discuss the ‘problem of the transformation of the climate’ (see Gal’tsov, 1961; Gal’tsov and Cheplygina, 1962).


Commerce deals with the distribution of value, production with the creation of it. So let’s say there is a widget factory. If one person “owns” it and thousands work to make widgets, their production is stolen through ownership, which causes deeper issues beyond the obvious as well.

Commerce doesn’t cause problems as it’s just resolving a situation of swapping the widgets you made for carrots. Barring some market-twisting forces like the stock market for example, a simple free market where you’re happy with the amount of carrots you get for the amount of widgets you get is fine.

The evil of capitalism is not that you can trade. The evil of capitalism is that you go to work, and receive a fraction of the product of your work while someone else who does not work at all receives a lot of it.

Technically the current capitalist western system would be socialist, if employment without ownership would be outlawed, and coops were the enforced norm.


Not all socialists are tankies.


I hope messing with critical public infrastructure carries criminal not civil penalties, with people going to jail.


In Hungary, the GRU has had and still has unrestricted access to the Intelligence Service’s systems.


Isn’t that a massive fire hazard apart from being bad for the environment?


Is console bigger than PC? This is the first thing I’ve found and it suggests PC is around 20% bigger and projected to stay bigger than the console market.


3 day special military operation.


Also, keep playing, you don’t get to play when you want and have time and still have fun. The point of you playing is not fun, but to pump our active user numbers.


How is that guy relevant?


I took a very long time to get it as well, I think governments are doing an awful job explaining it.

So cash is physical paper which signifies debt to you backed by the government. Your money on your bank account is backed by your bank. A CBDC would be like a bank account, but directly backed by the govt, so I imagine all fees are paid from your taxes, and I imagine you can pay in a shop with your ID card. The point is that then all cash can go away, the government does not print money by printing it, it does it by increasing a number in a database table, and pays its obligation digitally.

Proponents of it talk of cutting the costs of actually printing money and decreased crime since you can no longer pay people “under the table”.

Opponents of it talk of governments getting complete control over your finances.


It’s all just debt. So when they got rid of the gold standard, we went from “this debt we have to you is secured by our stockpiles of gold” to “trust me bro, we won’t go bankrupt”. It would be the same with a CBDC.

Basically the digital Euro would be secured by the fact is if it wasn’t secured, the Eurozone would collapse, so states and the EU at large is interested in staying solvent.


Don’t be scared of PVP

It might be just me, but I would appreciate if we had less games-as-a-service, less multiplayer “experiences” and more great single player narrative tales, or optional coop games, like Subnautica or actually most games they list as successful games with emergent gameplay.


Yeah, while I love how more people get to take part in videogames as a hobby, I hate how large-scale projects now have to aim for a shitty monetization model to even get funded.

I mean I play older games, indie stuff and it’s great, but it is sad how EA killed a whole swath of series I loved. C&C went from Red Alert 1&2 to Red Alert 3 and TibSun to C&C3 and that sad excuse for a mobile game that’s C&C4.


People have rights machines don’t.


Skyrim, you have a whole questline being an assassin for a god of death.

In Oblivion you could only join them by murdering a random innocent person.


You will be very surprised to know just how much the US gets involved in video games already.


You can get around Europe surprisingly cheap. This tax is made so that the people you mention, who pay for hotels and services in the town are not discouraged, but the ones who just walk through spending nothing will avoid the place.


I’ve looked into it a bit since it was weird to me as well.

The gist of it is that you can’t buy the car without plates, as it is forbidden to sell cars that are not roadworthy. Tesla can’t get the plates themselves, since the transport authority is obligated to send them using Postnord. You can bang on the door, but the plate isn’t even in the building, it’s with some government contractor who will give it to Postnord. Postnord then will just sit on it since the workers won’t touch it.

Tesla could sell cars in Norway as some have pointed out, and there may be no duty to import cars as goods into Sweden, but if it works the same as in the NL, there is massive taxes to get the licence plate naturalized, and you can’t drive a Norwegian car perpetually in Sweden.

Tesla seems to be fucked.


Also, it would also solve the streamer smurfing phenomenon as well, since it would be obvious if you were doing it on a stream.

A secret Google deal let Spotify completely bypass Android’s app store fees (

Google fought to keep the Spotify numbers private during its antitrust fight with Epic, saying they could damage negotiations with other app developers who might want more generous rates. Google’s User Choice Billing program, launched in 2022, is typically described as shaving about 4 percent off Google’s Play Store...


Google lost plausible deniability.


I would love some Old Republic stuff as well.


Government aligned companies own the vast majority of the billboards.

This means both that a ton on public money goes directly to the pockets of the people in government, and that there are barely any billboards to buy for others.

Also if someone actually bothers them, they are not above sending the tax office to have day long inspections at the company dealing with the EU every week. Even if they didn’t find anything, the work involved paralyses the company. This has alredy happened a few times.


The same. Orbán is not actually a conservative in the global sense, he’s fully supporting price caps and redistribution policies.

It’s just that every policy of theirs has an angle for stealing.


Not giving him a fuckton of money in exchange for cheap workers for VW over the past 10 years would have helped. Also a less abysmal handling of the migrant crisis.

Time to ditch #duckduckgo (

In the last couple of months I have noticed an increasing trend of supplying me search results that are completely unrelated to the current query and tie back to my location or previous searches. I can say this with a high degree of certainty this is without a doubt beyond the 100th instance this has happened....


I’d guess the RPI part would be the bigger issue.


There is already one in the EU. Regulation just passed a while ago, will be in effect in March. Windows is getting a less shitty EU version because if it for example.

Look up the Digital Markets Act.


Neat. I’m not big into Minecraft, though I’m still impressed by how ingenious people can be with it.

Why does it go doqn so much faster than up? Is it intentional?


Reforger had those last I checked. The problems so far for me are destruction and scale. Arma 3 with mods looks nicer and is more snappy and crisp fir now.

Reforger is shaping up though.


I bought a System76 Darter a few months ago, it had problems with the screen brightness controls and external displays on Pop_OS. Installing 39 has been a breeze with everythibg just working so far.


I would like to quote a Hungarian movie classic from 1969 (it was sitting in a box for a decade until it somehow got past the censorship):

Mutasson nekem egyetlen embert ebben a tetves országban, akire ha kell, 5 perc alatt nem bizonyítom rá, hogy bűnös! Magára is, magamra is, mindenkire!

Show me a single person in this flea-ridden country who if needed, I can’t prove in 5 minutes that they are guilty! You, me, everyone!

Other great quotes from the same movie:

Ahol nem vagyunk mi, ott az ellenség.

Where we are not, there is the enemy.

Ezeken lovagol maga? Amit a vaksi szemével lát? A süket fülével hall? A tompa agyával gondol? Azt hiszi, fölér az a mi nagy céljaink igazságához?!

Are you hung up on these things? What you see with your blind eyes? What you hear with your deaf ears? What you think with your blunt mind? Do you believe these are comparable to the truth of our great cause?

Just if you thought that these people are not the same as the commies were way back when. Authoritarians tend to be alike.

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