This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

marsara9, avatar

Heads up your copied post just went to the same community, so it looks like you have duplicate postings.

Just had my first interaction with Meta Services last night. Thought I'd share what I learned. (

I was up late last night and we know how that goes - rabbit holes. This time I was trying to find some ways to make my phone feel a little snappier and possibly eliminate the issue I was having where my recent apps button stops working until I restart the phone. On Android 13 I found that if I changed to gesture based navigation...

marsara9, avatar

I’m guessing Samsung. Google seems to show a handful of posts online about Samsung users asking about it. Or at least asking what is it, and how to uninstall it.

Pixel doesn’t seems to have it pre-installed anyway.

I can’t say anything about other manufacturers though.

marsara9, avatar

I just got a PR merged today that might help with this. I’ll start experimenting with it more over the next week or so.

Basic theory is that I can detect at least lemmy posts in the comment bodies and then rewrite those to your local instance. Primarily question is going to be performance, as remote network calls will be necessary.

marsara9, avatar

Ya if it’s not federated already, I’m thinking the link will just remain as-is? Then comes the question of what happens after federation is complete? Ideally I’m thinking to do these rewrites as the comment containing the link gets federated so it only happens once, but that prevents updates… If I do it during someone looking at the post, then that becomes a lot of network traffic…

Still a lot to plan out initially and then propose to the devs for feedback… So it’ll be awhile still.

marsara9, avatar

How do you account for the duplicate Riker in TNG? Who’s the real one and where did the extra matter come from then to assemble William vs Tom?

(It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that episode so I don’t remember if they covered that but on-screen)

A similar question could be raised for the Rascals episode…

marsara9, avatar

Fair enough. Sometimes you can’t help but go down these rabbit holes though.

marsara9, avatar

Not sure if I entirely understand what you’re asking but here’s my setup that sounds similar-ish that might help.

I’ve got essentially 3 machines

  1. Download machine - contains Sonarr/Radar/Nzbget, etc… This machine isn’t very powerful but it has A LOT of RAM.
  2. A Nas - this is where everything gets downloaded to. Primarily this machine just has a lot of HDD space.
  3. Jellyfin box – Decent RAM and a beefy CPU for transcoding.

The download machine has a network share to download directly to the NAS in a special /downloads/ folder. Once a download completes Sonarr, etc… move it to it’s correct media folder.

Finally the Jellyfin machine is monitoring the media folders for changes.

I assume you could set up something similar with Plex instead of jellyfin and then store the fully downloaded files on a separate machine with a network drive, so Plex can see it. Essentially the NAS for you would be two machines one (the seedbox) for the partial downloads and a local NAS for the fully downloaded files?

Anyway, not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.

[help]Question regarding Builder design patter.

I was watching a video regarding design patterns and the youtuber made an example of the builder pattern… I didn’t know about the pattern(there is a reason why I was watching the videos); But I had encounter the same type of problems so what I usually did was to return null to the fields I didn’t had their data....

marsara9, avatar

So the builder pattern is supposed to solve the problem of: if you have a large number of optional fields that may or may not need to be set to construct your object. Then once the dev has called all of the setters that they require, they call build to fully realize that object.

Some rules that all builders should follow:

  • All setters SHOULD represent optional parameters. (Or ones that have a default value). If a parameter is required for all instances, include it in the constructor of the Builder itself.
  • All setters SHOULD return a copy of the Builder. This way you can chain calls off of each other.
  • Setters SHOULD do nothing more than store the provided value in a field local to the builder itself and then return itself (or a copy of itself).
  • You MUST expose a .build() method that will return the fully realized object. This method should essentially call the constructor for your target object using all of the parameters, regardless if a setter was called or not. Obviously any value where the setter wasn’t called will be null or some default value.
marsara9, avatar

You can do advanced filters on posts or communities. Feel free to provide feedback as well. I’m still working on the order of the results, etc…

marsara9, avatar

Yes but what if you search and find a post that doesn’t exist on your home instance? You’d be taken to a 404 page and can’t do anything.

But I’ve got an issue on GitHub for this. And just raised a PR on Lemmy to support the changes I need for this. But a reminder, once you can search all instances you may encounter 404s opening the posts that you find.

Question about Lenny? If instance leaves

If an instance were to leave the fediverse do we loose all its data? Say for example iPad domain was seized or was forced to shutdown so we loose all communities from that host? Do we not see any posts? Can we still post to it? Seems like a big flaw if we have multiple large instances that can shutdown a significant...

marsara9, avatar

If an instance goes down (permanently), federation of all of the communities hosted by that instance essentially stop. The content that has already been posted remains but anything new added to those communities only remain on your home instance. The only way for federation to resume is for that instance to come back online with the same domain it started with.

marsara9, avatar

Think of Lemmy as email. Each post or comment is just an email sent to a distribution group (a community). If your email server goes down, all of those users and distribution groups are gone. Now I’ll still have the emails I sent to you in my email box but you won’t be able to see them as your email server is offline. Sure you could create a new account on a new server but you’d have to tell everyone about your new address (federate) but there’s nothing to associate your old user with your new one and there’s no way to backfill data. I could reply-all or forward (comment) on to your new address but there’s still no way to associate those old posts with your new account.

marsara9, avatar ?

I’m open to feedback though if the search results seem out of order etc…

marsara9, avatar

Same. Honestly I need to create a community just for this tool IMO. But I don’t have the time to moderate it.

marsara9, avatar

With ActivityPub all of the primary ids contain the domain of the hosting server. So if you lose your domain none of the other instances know that you’re the authority on those communities, posts, comments or users. So essentially federation breaks with all of the old data.

marsara9, avatar

I’m also running Ubuntu as my main machine at home. (I have a Mac and do Android development for my day job).

But at home, I do a lot of website and backend dev.

  1. Code in VSCode
  2. Build using docker buildx
  3. Test using a local container on my machine
  4. Upload the tested code to a feature brach on git (self hosted server)
  5. Download that same feature branch on a RaspberryPi for QA testing.
  6. Merge that same code to develop 6a. That kicks off a CI build that deploys a set of docker images to DockerHub.
  7. Merge that to main/master.
  8. That kicks off another CI build.
  9. SSH into my prod machine and run docker compose up -d
marsara9, avatar

Unless you have an account there’s no easy way to get access to the content on the page. Once you have an account there’s technically nothing stopping you from just saving the HTML file to your computer.

Something else you can try though, assuming you don’t have an account, is to just turn off JavaScript. If the site lets you partially load the content and then asks you to create an account to read more, they usually just block the content by having JavaScript add an opaque overlay. With JavaScript disabled, obviously it’s not there to add the overlay and you’re able to keep reading.

marsara9, avatar

Another thing that can be happening is that the router or firewall is redirecting all port 53 traffic to their internal DNS servers. (I do the same thing at home to prevent certain devices from ignoring my router’s DNS settings cough Android cough)

One way you can check for this is to run “nslookup some.domain” from a terminal and see where the response comes from.

marsara9, avatar

That looks like actually responded. The ::1 is ipv6’s localhost which seems odd. As for the wong ipv4 I’m not sure.

I normally see something like requested but responded if the router was forcing traffic to their DNS servers.

You can also specify the DNS server to use when using nslookup like: nslookup And you can see if you get and different answers from there. But what you posted doesn’t seem out of the ordinary other than the ::1.

Edit just for shits and giggles also try nslookup xx.xx.xx.xx where xx.xx… is the wrong up from the other side of the world and see what domain it returns.

marsara9, avatar

Speaking of Black & White I just want a reboot that uses a VR headset. Any other game I couldn’t care less about VR but Black & White…

Is there a way to search through posts across all instances/communities?

Hi, I’m relatively new here. Like probably a lot of people, I appended the word “reddit” to most of my searches to get discussions around my interests/news or to find “curated” things. I noticed that it does not work as great with “Lemmy” for example, as the user base is more spread out and smaller in general....

marsara9, avatar

Check out my post history.

But It has a few bugs but it should work for you. Especially if you set your home instance to something large like

Edit: if you want to help contribute:

A new way to search for communities (

I keep see people complaining about not being able to find active communities that match their interests. So I’ve added a new feature to that allows you to search posts for a particular topic and then it tells you which communities have the most posts matching your search query....

marsara9, avatar

Still working for me. You might need to clear your browser cache as I did make some UI changes as part of the update.

marsara9, avatar

Ya I index both post titles and the post body. I also weigh the body content slightly higher as well. So posts that just link an article will usually show lower than posts that actually have content.

At some point though this will change. As eventually I’ll start adding comment data to the index as well. But I’m waiting on a bug in Lemmy itself to be fixed before I begin working on that.

marsara9, avatar

It’s on my to-do list. Sadly though, in order for something to show in the drop-down for home instances that means I must have previously crawled that site. Because my #1 requirement is that if you click a link it must open in your home instance. Good news is, is that Kbin and Lemmy work nearly identical to each other, so Kbin will be the first non-lemmy type of instances that you can search.

marsara9, avatar

Lol. I guess I better have this working in 4 weeks. /jk

marsara9, avatar

I’ve already started to abstract away Lemmy from the search engine itself. So the first steps are in place. Once I get the kinks of the 0.4.x release knocked out then I plan on reading up on Kbin’s API and I’ll start working on the crawler. I can’t promise anything but that should give you a rough timeline.

If you have any programming skills I could always use a hand.

marsara9, avatar

Bummer. That’ll slow down Kbin’s inclusion into this. Well once it is available I’m sure I’ll start digging into it. But thanks for the info.

marsara9, avatar

Just pushed a new update, that should fix an issue with the home-instance selector. Since you’re on I’d suggest selecting that instance from the drop-down and trying your search again…

marsara9, avatar

Yep. The idea is that the instance you select is the instance that all links will open up in. This way once you find a post you’re looking for you don’t have to find it on your home instance and can immediately start replying, save it for later, subscribe to the community, etc…

Edit: I do plan on “fixing” this eventually, but I’m waiting on a bugfix on lemmy itself. You can see more here:

marsara9, avatar

This doesn’t change the behavior of the built-in search within Lemmy. But rather this is suppose to be a close approximation of using Google with adding reddit to the end of your query.

The problem with the fediverse is that there are so many different instances you can’t really include them all in a search query and even if you could the links that Google would provide wouldn’t necessarily go to YOUR instance. This aims to fix that.

marsara9, avatar

some query community:[email protected] would search your community. Now, if this community is less than 24hrs old, it may not have been indexed yet, so you may just need to wait a day or so.

I just tested with… I was able to at least find 2 posts.

marsara9, avatar

depends on what they search for, for example this finds several posts on your community:…

marsara9, avatar

Look under search tips for the filters at least.

marsara9, avatar

Thanks. Adding an issue for that. I should be able to set the default instance to the ‘seed-instance’ that’s configured for the crawler.

marsara9, avatar If you want to track it.

marsara9, avatar

Just added a new feature that lets you search but it returns the number of matches per community. So you should be able to use that to find the most active communities based on your search result.

marsara9, avatar…

It’s under the “Find Communities” button at the top of the screen. If you don’t see that button, try clearing your browser cache.

marsara9, avatar

Here’s the landing page if you just go to I’m assuming that drop-down that you’re referring to is your home instance selector. Since you’re on I suggest you set that to well, Then you can do your search and all of the results will take you directly to that post on (or whatever you set as your home instance).

Now you can also see that Find Communities button in the top right, you can click on it and it’ll take you to a similar page but instead of returning posts for search results, it will return a list of communities, based on how many matches it found. (as if you did a search on the normal page but instead just counted the number of results per community).

marsara9, (edited ) avatar

Eventually it will. But there’s a bug preventing global search working in lemmy itself. You can see more of the details here ( )

One of my primary goals with this is that users MUST be able to open a given link in their home instance so that they can then interact / reply / subscribe, etc… without having to figure out how to find said post themselves. So with that requirement, users MUST select a home instance but because of the before-mentioned bug I can’t show posts that your instance isn’t aware of.

marsara9, avatar
  1. Yes most trackers have something on their website to let you know what your ratio is, what you’re downloading and how long you’ve been seeding those files.
  2. With the trackers I’m familiar with yes – seeding for 9d 23h 59m and 59s is the same as seeding for 0s. You’ll still get tagged with a HnR (Hit and Run)
  3. You can shutdown as much as you like. But, again the trackers that I’m familiar with have a cap on the number of HnRs you can have on your account. So you might have action taken against you if you’re seeding 5 different torrents and decide to shutdown.
  4. Don’t know.
  5. The rest don’t appear to be questions so not sure how to respond.
marsara9, avatar

Thank for sharing the results.

I can say one of the most requested features I keep getting requests for is a global search as well. I’m just blocked by a bug in Lemmy at the moment.

A tool to see better recommendations on who to follow could be interesting as well. I’ve recently added a new feature that allows for users to search communities (on Lemmy and Kbin) about what posts are actually talking about. I wonder if something similar could be built for users…

But again thanks for sharing.

marsara9, avatar

There is a public API now. While I won’t support sorting, you can process and do what you will with the results as-is. Currently I only support Posts and Communities for now.

When you search for posts you’re just matching against the title or body. For communities it’s searching the posts within that community.

There’s also more filters now with: instance/community/author/since/until and a safe-search option.

So I’m not sure how close this comes to your idea but I thought I’d share.

marsara9, avatar

It searches the title and body. It also automatically searches for similar words like. Like ‘bike’, ‘biking’, ‘bikes’ (aka stemming). Granted though, I’m still improving the page ranking as time goes on.

marsara9, avatar

Correct. As I can only provide links to posts that are on your selected home instance. Eventually I’ll change this but you’ll get a 404 page for links that aren’t on your home instance, but see my P.S. below.

P.s. there have been changes to the Lemmy API that have prevented me from getting updates for about a month now. So most of the results you’re seeing are from old posts only. Until I can rebuild the crawler or find a new API there won’t be any new content.

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