@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar


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I saw a post once over on another site that rhymes with deaddit, listing all the sites for "AI" art, writing, coding, speech, video, music, mimicry, you name it. Does anyone have a graphic, or... (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

…care to contribute a link to their favorite site for an AI activity? I’d be really interested in seeing what’s out there, but the field is moving and growing so fast and search engines suck so hard that I know I’m missing out....

man_in_space, (edited )
@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Transformativity is part of fair use. What AI datasets do is much akin to researchers dissecting corpuses (I’m a linguist, data scraping is what we’ve done in the field for 300 years). When you put something out there, you allow for the possibility that people will see your work and incorporate it into their mental catalog of art and artistic process. Just because a computer does it doesn’t make it magically not OK.

Either information wants to be free or it doesn’t. If you pirate shit then you have no ground to stand on for complaining about AI training.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Funnily enough, this is backwards. American English is more conservative than British English.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

I’m not talking about orthographic reform. I’m talking about in terms of vocabulary and grammar—how it is under the hood (or bonnet, if you’re across the pond).

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

I’m speaking with reference to grammar and vocabulary, not spelling/orthography.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

There’s more to language than spelling.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Pretty much any of mine, including but not limited to:

  • @amenbreak
  • @deepspacenine
  • @djent
  • @drums
  • @fakealbumcovers
  • @imaginarytechnology
  • @neography
  • @scenesfromahat
  • @steamedhams
  • @vaporwave
@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar


A stupefying proportion of what mass media and everyday people think they know about linguistics and languages is wrong. Unfortunately, they do not appreciate corrections.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar
  • You heard about that recent study trying to say that Indo-European speakers came from Anatolia? Classic case of people from another subject of study thinking their own experience and conventions transfer across fields. The dataset is supposedly very good but their theoretical framework and conclusions aren’t.
  • Your language isn’t the world’s oldest/first language.
  • That includes Sanskrit. It isn’t the Ur-language either. Sorry not sorry.
  • Neither is Albanian.
  • Nor Arabic.
  • Or Tamil.
  • Turkish neither.
  • Not all languages came from Latin—in fact, most didn’t. It’s a quirk of history that Romance (and Indo-European generally) spread so far and wide
  • Indo-European language theory is correct regardless of whether you choose to believe it.
  • Russia may be Satan’s dacha, but that doesn’t change the fact that Russian is a real language (and a Slavic one, to boot). Also, when I cite George Shevelov, you don’t get to write him off as a propagandist; he is Ukrainian, not Russian (somebody tried to do that to me last weekend, refusing to even consider the idea because his last name looks Russian).
  • Black people (or whatever minority of your choice) don’t speak “bad English” or whatever other language. African-American Vernacular English in particular is a well-studied lect—a language variety—with a ton of scholarship behind it; it isn’t arbitrary (“he eating” and “he be eating” have different meanings/connotations; they don’t just drop words for no reason—there’s logic to it).
  • “I could care less” is an idiom. The fact that it is so widely used and understood makes it a part of proper English. That’s the yardstick in linguistics: The crowd tends to win. (Or do the complainants never say things like “I read it a million times” or “it was a billion degrees out and humid”?)
  • Words like “supposably”, “liberry”, “expresso”, and “conversate” are analogically extended forms. Sound change and grammar change happen all the time. If you have issues with them, you will have issues with “tenth” (the original form of this word, tithe, survived as a specialized form), “snuck” (sneak is originally a weak verb, not a strong one), or “messenger” and “passenger” (analogy with challenger).
  • BONUS ROUND: The Armenian genocide DID HAPPEN. I was quite smugly told by a Turkish nationalist to “read the court case” as I was wrong…in which case THE JUDGES AGREED THAT IT HAPPENED and were only concerned with whether the right to deny history exists. I also got libeled as a racist “Cizvit” (“Jesuit”) for some reason. Same guy tried to pull the “Turkish is the mother of all languages” card, even saying that Native American languages came from Turkish. (Which is facially implausible. North American languages are often front-loading whereas Turkic likes to suffix.)
@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Yes, it is the Christian ideal of donating 10% of your earnings. In the history of English, “m” or “n” sounds were deleted before fricative consonants (like “s”, “z”, or “th” for example), which is why we say us rather than uns. It’s also why we would normally have said tithe as opposed to tenth. However, on the basis of other numbers (fourth, fifth, sixth), the word for “tenth” was re-formed. Tithe survives in specialized form because that was how it was often used.

Trying to go back to an Ur-language is a fool’s errand. I personally consider it a moot question, though I admit my religious views impact this; even with that said, it’s not really a serious topic of scholarship for many reasons. It’s not even clear that the main major language families share a common origin—a few proposals have attracted serious scholarship (Indo-Uralic, Dené-Yeniseian), but there’s not much in terms of respected research or consensus.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar
  • Person-first language. IT SUCKS. Don’t use it. I am not “a man with mental illness”, I am “a mentally ill man”.
  • “X language has no word for Y, so they can’t think about it!” Wrong. Language has ways of adapting to gaps. Sometimes they make up phrases or circumlocute; other times, they straight-up borrow the word. You could perfectly well take some language with 300 speakers in the rainforest in Brazil and talk about quantum physics, though they’d need to invent or borrow quite a bit of vocabulary to do it (but the point is, it can be done in the first place). The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is basically false in its strong form. (There is evidence for a weak form holding, with particular reference to color terminology and Guguu Yimidhirr’s famed real-space orientation).
  • Despite what Twitter and Tumblr tell you, nobody who’s in the demographic actually likes “Latinx” or similar “-x” forms in practice. The people who shout about this ignore that Indo-European languages have had strategies for mixed or indeterminate gender for thousands of years—they would simply use the masculine as a default. The masculine/feminine dichotomy isn’t even thought to have been the original situation in Indo-European: The Anatolian languages evince an older system that was more strictly animate/inanimate, with feminines deriving from some sort of collectivizing suffix (I’m somewhat hazy on the details of this).
  • “Can I do X?” “I don’t know, can you?” Piss off! “Can” has acquired a secondary definition relating to permission; this is, cross-linguistically, unsurprising and it’s not clever asking them to rephrase. It’s obnoxious.
  • English isn’t the only Anglic language! Off the top of my head I can think of Scots (not Scottish Gaelic, something entirely different) and Yola. Fingallian also appears to be Anglic.
  • Arabic and Chinese are often considered single languages, but the situation is akin to Latin and Romance. Modern Standard Arabic and Mandarin are artificial standards, the dialects being highly divergent, so the standards are used to facilitate things generally. (When I was in college I took a few semesters of Arabic and ustaaz, my professor, was from Cairo. He told us once that he was in a room with a Jordanian and a Moroccan and the Moroccan spoke his dialectal Arabic. The Jordanian had to ask ustaaz to translate.)
@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

No worries, I’ll try to succinctly explain (it’s 5:08 AM here and I need sleep).

It’s not so much about efficiency. Calling me “a man with mental illness” trivializes the experience and makes it sound like you can separate the malady from my person. You can’t. Being, as in my case, bipolar and obsessive-compulsive is part and parcel of my life.

“I could care less” is an idiom, a set of words that is somehow beyond the sum of its constituents. It’s apples and oranges with the preceding.

How to learn to play drums?

I’m thinking about learning to play drums for some time now and I have a question. If I’m a complete beginner should I still get a full drum set? I know you can buy a cheap electric set for like $300 but can I start with something smaller and simpler? Are there some kind of electric pads that would work for taking first...

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Yes. Got bumped to a quality control position, disliked it and made a lot of errors; I hit the brakes myself.

I’m also never going to become management if I can help it.

Ever have one of those days?

Days that nothing catastrophic happens, but lots of moderate things happen all in the same day? You wake up not feeling great, so the morning plans are toast. Then afternoon plans fall through. The stuff you do in the meantime doesn’t work out well either. To add insult to injury, dinner just doesn’t come out right. You feel...

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

> mental illness has entered the chat

To the people that would consider themselves once having been crazy and now feel sane again - what was the narrative that helped you sort out your mind?

A bit of background; Someone I know told me, sometimes they feel crazy 'cause there are just so incredibly many different narratives and stories in their mind, about all the relationships they’re in… they forget who they are themselves sometimes, don’t know what to trust and believe so they feel very overwhelmed. Like,...

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Seroquel—and even then I still feel crazy a lot of the time.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

I’m bipolar. Something like this happens practically every time I find myself in an episode.

More recently it was when I realized my band wasn’t going to make it.

Totalitarianism. What are the good things about it?

(Wikipedia) Totalitarianism is a form of government and a political system that prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual and group opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high if not complete degree of control and regulation over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme...

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

In Alastair Reynolds’ The Prefect, this was the exact idea behind the VTs (voluntary tyrannies).

So why is 3 nm chip better?

Ok I think I do know the answer but I never learned it, so I want to learn it today. It’s been about 1 year now we can reliably make 3nm chips, which is impressive on a scale of size. But why is is better? My theory is simply: We can make a product the same size but add more on it because it’s smaller, making it stronger and...

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

If /kbin had a BestOf, this would go there.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

I posted it there.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Cancel culture.

It exists. Ask any man falsely accused of rape, sexual assault, or generally being a creep.

News flash: Turnabout is fair play. Don’t come crying to me when you offend the Groupmind and get persona non grata’d.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

That’s mob mentality.

man_in_space, (edited )
@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Mobs lynched Black people. You call that a “proven track record”?

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Like I said above: Mobs lynched Black people.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Everybody bandies around the word “fascism”, but un-personing people is fascism.

Since you brought up the Star Wars comparison…ironic, that they were so quick to see fascism in others but were so blind to it in themselves.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Holy fuck dude. Holy FUCK. “Some [B]lack people”?

Change your profile pic to the Stars and Bars. You are minimizing the very real and tragic effects of racism to win social justice points. I have no words.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

even when they blown up an ATM on the parking lot behind the house

Storytime please.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Bacon Mother Tucker at Tucker's in Norman, OK when I was there for the music festival a few months ago.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Tell that to every woman I've ever dated/matched with. I am autistic so social norms confound me and I really have no idea what I did to piss them off.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

When my Babcia was alive she would take us thrifting all the time. Best thing I found (that I can think of off the top of my head) was a framed wall advertisement for the IBM PCJr. I still have it, it's hanging up in my bedroom.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

I thought Eleanor Roosevelt was Black. I have no idea how I got that idea and it stuck with me until partway through college.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Gnarly profile pic

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Helping men with male specific issues ≠ holding women back

It’s like that ad, “1/4 of homeless people are women”. So what about the remaining 3/4, who get even less help?

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

You can do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Electronics stores sometimes sell static discharge bracelets. You put it on your wrist and then there’s a cord that goes to an alligator clip or something and you can touch it to metal to discharge the pent-up electricity. I had to do that at mine old workplace—the air there was so dry, and my legs so hairy, that static charge would build up from my pants. I had a static discharge once that was so loud someone came over to ask if I was all right; it stopped when I started wearing the bracelet.

What questions do you hate being asked and why? (kbin.social)

I hate it when people on social media, dare ask questions when you know they're fishing for personal information/ammo on people to exploit. Like asking for people's dark secrets. Why do you want to know? Is there a fetish to this? Nobody is going to be dead serious, they're just going to give softball answers and why should they...

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar
  • Where do you see yourself/what do you want to be doing in $NUMBER years? (How am I supposed to know?)
  • When are you going to find a woman and settle down? (Never, I’ve never had my feelings requited)
  • What happened that you’re feeling $MOOD? (I’m bipolar, a lot of the time it just happens)
  • Who did you vote for? (I don’t)
  • Anything about sex (I’ve never had it)
  • Pretty much anything my mother asks me…I love her but she peppers me with questions like a flechette round
@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Filmmaking or graphic design.

What do you think will happen to the middle class in the next five decades? (kbin.social)

With inflation, soaring costs of living, the housing crisis, climate change and more devastating impacts that seems to crush the global middle class, what do you think our society will look like in the future? Do you think any of these problems will be addressed effectively?

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

It’ll disappear and things will become effectively feudal once again.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Life is suffering…boy howdy how my life is suffering…

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

I had my first session with a support group yesterday evening. It is strange as you have said, but I am planning on sticking it out.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

Happiness/wanting to continue living. I’m bipolar. I don’t get to feel that way often.

Have you ever been accused of something that wasn’t true, yet you had no way to prove your innocence?

I’ll start. Teenage me driving up the street to hang out with friends at the mall and passed my younger neighbor and his mom. When I got back a couple hours later, the neighbor’s mom was livid - confronting me for the slight. I seriously had no idea wtf she was talking about and I couldn’t convince her otherwise.

man_in_space, (edited )
@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

I get accused of not knowing about linguistics or history a lot.

I am a degreed linguist, and the people who accuse me of it tend to be ethnic nationalists or right-wingers. You can’t reason with them. People don’t like being told that their language isn’t the end-all be-all or that minorities (gasp) have their own speech patterns.

There was a notable incident on Reddit where someone complained that African-American Vernacular English wasn’t legitimate. I responded to the guy, who, in response, kept moving the goalposts. He asked if AAVE let Blacks “flourish”, I directly addressed it, then he took me to task because that was supposedly something he didn’t ask about. Then he spouted off about how Indigenous American languages were inferior because you couldn’t talk about quantum physics with them (which is false, but the hard Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is a tough bug to kill). The kicker is my interlocutor was from Texas. He shut up when I pointed out that “y’all” is, by his own metric, “incorrect English”.

Watch their brains implode when they talk about how French is “legitimate”, and Latin is even more “legitimate”, and then you point out that French developed out of Latin via the same means and processes they demonize in minority speech.

Or when people bitch that “I could care less” is incorrect English. It’s not; it’s an idiom. “Brazen” as a descriptor of methods or attitudes is descended from an idiom (nobody says “bold as brass” anymore though, so its origin is obscured).

I even run into this on the fediverse (search my comment history).

It gets worse when people write sources and facts off because it’s inconvenient. I was into it today with a Turkish nationalist who claimed that Turkish was the mother of all languages (it’s not even the mother of Turkic generally) and then went on to deny the Armenian genocide. I also ran into someone who tried to deny that Russian was a legitimate Slavic language because I cited George Shevelov’s work and obviously his last name was Russian, so he was a propagandist…when Shevelov is Ukrainian-American and spent a long time teaching at Columbia.

Being a linguist on the Internet is an utterly Sisyphean task.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

😔 I want to help you somehow but I can’t think of a way to do so.

@man_in_space@kbin.social avatar

More often than not, I am wrong, and if I reply to everyone like that I will garner the reputation of being a girl-crazy freak/creep. I cannot afford to suffer that.

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