@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar


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malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Twitter quietly dropped the government identity check requirement for verification, as well as the requirements that the account be 30 days old, have an avatar, and are not impersonating anyone.

I was able to get verification on a 2 day old account named Barack Obama with no avatar or posts.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

This will basically be the first US election where disinformation operatives have control over a major social media platform, rather than having to subvert its trust and safety apparatus.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

After everything that's happened, Meta quietly decided in 2022 that they're going to return to allowing political ads that claim the 2020 election was rigged 🥴​

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Today is the last day of cybersecurity awareness month. I look forwards to going back to being unaware of cybersecurity tomorrow.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

I keep seeing this get reposted and I can't tell if people are trolling for engagements or if everyone is just completely financially illiterate. If you get any answer other than $400, you need to go back to school.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

I made a new Twitter account just to make sure my disinformation research account wasn't somehow tainted by my scrolling habits. Here is the makeup of my news feed from a brand new account:

Elon Musk - Far right troll
Spectator Index - Neutral, high quality news
OSINTdefender - Disinformation account, possibly a RU bot
Disclose.tv - Far right news outlet
Matt Wallace - Far right troll
Scott Adams - Far right troll / Conspiracy account
Illuminati Bot - Far right troll / Conspiracy account
Hurt Copain - Left Wing, I think?
Catturd - Far right troll
Tim Pool - Far right troll
Gunther Eagleman - Far right troll
Chaya Raichik - Far right troll
Ian Miles Cheong - Far right troll
Nick Sortor - Far right troll

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

I'm always shocked by how expensive basic European experiences are in the US. One of my favorite things is high street shops. You have a bunch of stores with apartments above them, so you can always live within walking distance of basically everything. In the US they separate things into commercial and residential districts so you have to drive everywhere.

Areas that allow mixing residential and commercial buildings are so rare that supply & demand sends costs through the roof. In Europe living in an apartment above stores is a budget option for people who can't afford homes, in the US you basically have to be wealthy and often those apartments cost as much as an entire house.

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

The other thing I've never been able to wrap my head around is the cost of living difference. For the same as rent on a 2 bed apartment in west LA, I could buy absolutely any residential property in my hometown, including even some of the hotels.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

"It'd be cool to get a house here"
checks mortgage prices
"Hmm, $16,000/month. I think I'll buy a nice tent"

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

And before someone mentions Texas. No. I don't move to Texas for the same reason I don't try to save money by buying off-brand cereal that's made with asbestos.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

FML, It looks like the Airline Pilots Union is going to force the FFA to close the charter loophole because it's taking business away from major airlines. The loophole allows carriers running planes with 30 seats or less to operate like private jets and not force passengers to go through security. It was the last remaining not completely garbage experience of commercial air travel.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Oh no, the techbros are becoming self aware 🫣

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar
malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Got a question because I'm useless at business. I get a lot of emails from companies asking me to do webinars, interviews, be a podcast guest, etc. They never mention any payment (not just no payment amount, but no mention of it being paid at all). Then when I don't reply, they follow up later with "btw we can pay you" and it's always phrased like they simply forgot to mention that in the initial email. I understand me being responsible for negotiating my rate, but having to negotiate getting paid at all? Is this the norm or is this just unserious companies trying to see first if I'll work for free and I'm better to just not engage at all with them at all?

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Very excited to find out if congress is going to be just regular useless, or useless so hard they shut down the entire government.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

I just saw that Am I The Asshole reddit thread where the white girl started going to a black salon because she had extremely curly hair and the black salon was the only one that didn't massacre it. Her white friends straight up gaslit her into believe she was engaging in cultural appropriation and stealing resources from black people. WILD 💀​

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@ftp_alun when you go so woke you come full circle back to enforcing segregation

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

I guess the economy really isn't going well because my apartment complex just sent out an email advertising a service that provides financing for paying your monthly rent

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Between the collapse of the advertiser model, record high interest rates, and generative AI content farming, the next decade isn't looking great for the free and open internet.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

I'm a big fan of social media platforms that let you delete comments on your own posts. I get so many where people are going out of their way to call me out for something that was neither said, implied, or even existed in the near vicinity of my post. It's just like "nah, ur comment priveledged are revoked. Come back when you've worked out some issues lol"

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

I do wonder how many people are staying on Twitter due to follower count alone. Having had an account for over a decade, I'd have previously estimated about 20% of my followers were dead accounts. Based on now leaving and making new accounts on other platforms, my estimate is closer to 90%.

As a blogger I've always known only like 1% of people who retweet/like a post actually clicked the link and read the article, but I assumed that was just a social media thing. Having experimented with basically every other platform, I learned it's more likely that a significant number of Twitter engagements are fake, and those that aren't don't really care enough to read your work, they'll just give you a retweet/like for appearances.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

I'm living the free-market libertarian dream right now. Some random no-name ISP has negotiated an exclusive deal with my apartment complex, so they've cut off all other service and forced everyone to pay for the same garbage internet.

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@lapt0r @jerry Libertarians know it will result in anti-competitive monopolies, they just wrongly assume it will be theirs.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Twitter made a new ad for the platform that features a phone scrolling through Twitter. They ended up pulling it and remaking it after people noticed it contained a tweet mocking Elon for trying to blame Twitter's advertiser exodus on the jews. The second version of the ad, which is still online, contains a tweet about creampieing a rotisserie chicken.


malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar
malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

An interesting fact I learned is that internal combustion engines are so inefficient that you could charge an average electric vehicle using a coal powerplant, and even with all the energy lost to transformers, power lines, charging, etc, it'd still be more efficient than an average gas powered car, even if you ignore the entire petroleum refinement and distribution process.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

My favorite quantum physics explanations was from someone who responded to the question "what is electron spin" with "Imagine a ball and it's spinning, except its not a ball and its not spinning". It seems like a shitpost, but pretty much sums up all of quantum physics philosophy.

jerry, to random
@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

More bad news...

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry people who aren't good at social media always blame the platform

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Honestly, the idea that protecting hate speech increases freedom needs to die already.


malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Trying to figure out if Mark Zuckerberg hired a PR person to run his socials or if he's genuinely funny

jerry, to random
@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

One of the backlog items we all took on during the pandemic was replacing the saying “avoid it like the plague” with something more reflective of modern day views on such things.

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@jerry "avoid it like a republican being asked to do the bare minimum to protect their neighbors" is unfortunately a bit long

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

FML. My apartment management just showed up to install the new internet package, which sounded pretty good (Symmetrical Gbit). Dude comes in to set it up and is trying to install a wifi access point behind my couch. I told him I don't need an access point because I have my own mesh network, I just need to connect the new modem to my network rack. He starts trying to explain that the internet doesn't require a modem, so I'm like confused af.

After like 10 minutes of trying to figure out wtf this guy is talking about, I realized they've installed an apartment complex wide wifi mesh network, so there is no individual internet packages anymore. Everyone in the entire apartment complex is just connected to one big wifi network. They claim all the users are segmented by VLAN, but I genuinely don't think I've ever wanted something less in my life.

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@fisherstudio lot of crying and probs have to move

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

The LinkedIn meta of creating fake Tweets from yourself, photoshopping in a verified badge, then quoting yourself by posting screenshots makes me want to kms.

I genuinely did not think it was possible to be more cringe than chronically online Twitter users until I learned about LinkeInfluencers.

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

If you can't beat them, join them.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Translations: "our ad business is dying so we're forcing you to put more and unskippable ads on your videos so we can boost our earnings for the quarterly report"

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

The only ads I get on LinkedIn are propaganda from oil companies trying to prevent combatting climate change. Great job, Microsoft 🫠


briankrebs, to random
@briankrebs@infosec.exchange avatar

I suppose it's not rocket surgery to figure out which is the real me here. How/should one report these kinds of things for investigation? I never much cared on Twitter about imposters because reporting them never did anything. These are all using my Twitter photo for profile pics.

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@briankrebs Those instances are automated bots that just mirror Twitter accounts to mastodon. They're not malicious impersonation, but the whole idea is pretty spammy.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Outsourcing US defense capabilities to any corporation has always been a national security trade-off, but SpaceX specifically is a private company where a single extremely unhinged pro-Russia troll controls more voting shares than the entire rest of the shareholders combined. Anyone who doesn't see the national security issue with putting a nation's defense capabilities in the hands of a Wish.com Lex Luthor knock-off has actual soup for a brain.

https://infosec.exchange/@[email protected]/111024207167342302

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

This is absolutely crazy stuff. Chinese hackers were able to get into a bunch of government email accounts by forging Microsoft access tokens, but how it happened is wild.

Apparently an internal Microsoft system responsible for signing consumer access tokens crashed, then a bug in the crash dump generator caused the secret key to be written to the crash dump. Microsoft's secondary system for detecting sensitive data in crash dumps also failed, allowing the crash dump to be moved from an isolated network to the corporate one. The Chinese hackers compromised a Microsoft engineer's account and were able to get a hold of the crash dump. They were not only able to find the key and figure out that it's responsible for signing consumer access tokens, but were also able to exploit a software bug to use it to sign enterprise access tokens too, basically giving them the keys to the kingdom.

So many security system had to fail for this to happen. Either the hackers were very lucky or extremely patient.


@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

This is a testament to just how hard cybersecurity is. Microsoft had the forethought to not store keys into crash dumps, had the forethought to build a secondary system to double check them, had the forethought to store them on an isolated network, but a cascading failure basically blitzed through all their security controls and allowed nation/state hackers to walk off with critical signing keys.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

For anyone unaware, Google Chrome is currently rolling out an update that track your interests based on browsing history, then share them with 3rd party websites. The notification page makes it sound like they added a new privacy feature, but in actuality they automatically enrolled you into their tracking system and you have to go and manually opt out.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Something I'd never seen before but isn't super uncommon in SoCal is this plankton that glows neon blue when disturbed. It causes the ocean to glow in the dark and is completely safe to swim in.

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

Also, FWIW, things makes a lot more sense when you stop looking at police as the solution to crime and start looking at them as the solution to rehabilitating individual criminals. If you want to address the problem you have to address the underlying societal causes. Not a single police officer I've spoken to even think that playing whack-a-mole with criminals is going to solve crime. ISPs censoring Nazi websites do far more to protect society than infinite policing (especially when being a nazi isn't even illegal). If you're going to knock the censorship, then pitch a better solution than "more cops lol".

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@jlo As opposed to the extra-safe grippy hiking boots non slip slope of openly promoting Nazi ideology 😆​

malwaretech, to random
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

This article from the EFF seems naive at best. They argue that Tier 1 ISPs should not police speech, which is fair, but their proposed solution is to just let hate sites sit around and radicalize people, then have the law deal with the few who cross the line between protected speech and criminal harassment.

Below is an extensive list of all the times 'just throw more cops at the problem' has solved anything:

  1. literally not once ever.
  2. See 1.



@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@z3r0fox If the pentesting company was giving people instructions to commit crimes and encouraging them to do so, they could and most certainly would be held liable

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@z3r0fox I think you misunderstood the analogy. KF is the guy, not the ISP.

@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

@z3r0fox there are none, hence the post.

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