@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar


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@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

A disclaimer: I havent played the game and probably wont for a few months to a year when its on steam sale so I’m going to just speak based on what the article is saying and experience with other games.

I think its a tricky balancing act to make when it comes to creating an open world game where you travel through space. Different games have approached it differently with some games opting to scale everything down super small and letting you suspend disbelief(like outer wilds) but that wouldnt work as well on a game like this. Other games go for the hub approach where your ship is a hub that connects you to different open maps on different planets. This approach also works in letting you travel the stars and lets the story do the heavy lifting of conveying scale, but it doesnt mesh with the bethesda open world style. Likewise it can also sometimes turn your ship into just a metroid style elevator and so instead of feeling how big the universe it you effortlessly fast travel across the galaxy. Other games fill the space by making big procedural generated never ending expanses, but that can be hit and miss and not really what a lot of people want in a game like this one.

I understand wanting to pad things out a little bit to prevent things from feeling toy like in the way that Outer Wilds did, but it does run the risk of just being boring and uninteresting and leave you wishing for a more “gamified” tighter experience or at least less openness and more zipping to the places that matter. That said if exploring is worthwhile it could make it less of a bummer. I think Wind Waker and breath of the Wild are good examples of this. Wind Waker’s sailing was notoriously long and boring when it came out, however while most of the islands are small rocks, they all have something. Some secret, some rabbit hole leading to something interesting, a piece of heart, a chest of ruppies, SOMETHING. If you engage with it and mark your map along the way, and explore then the mostly empty map becomes a little more engaging.

Likewise Breath of the wild’s map isnt full of little side stories and secret villages or anything so if you decide to go off into that distant peak it will usually be self motivation. That said the game does reward you every time even if it’s not a huge reward. You will find ruins of some mysterious lost nation, you will find ruins referencing past zelda games, and shrines, and even a stupid little korok puzzle. The little gamified reward for exploring the area makes it less barren and worth exploring. So if it’s more Wind waker island, or breath of the wild and less Mass Effect 1 I can see this empty areas working.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Naw man you’re being needlessly abrasive and theyre right to call you out on it. No need to take people in bad faith and call them shills or act like someone having a different opinion than you is CRAZY!

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

glasses are for eyes not ears .

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Or alternatively they can add similar to the mediacodecs and such check a “install the office and other helpful stuff”

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I feel like this issue could have been resolved if Tony Kahn stopped being the cool boss for 2 fucking seconds and at least hired someone to deal with this. Someone to keep punk wrangled, someone to keep the locker room from leaking to the dirt sheets, someone to crack the whip if need be.

Things didnt need to get this bad, but he didnt know how to manage these guys.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I looked at a house that in addition to still having some knob and tube wiring had an abomination of exposed wires going haphazardly to a plug, and that plug into a surge protector/power strip. Im not sure where the other end of this thing terminated but suffice to say I was not impressed enough by their craftsmanship to put an offer down.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Subs appearing on your front page is based on how often you visit them so going to them should fix it. There are other factors in the algorithm that I dont quite know or understand , but I do know there are some esoteric and weird subs that make my front page a lot but only do because I click them often.

I noticed during and after the big protest where subs shut down that it lead to my front page becoming totally different and some subs that I forgot I even subscribed to bubbled up to the surface and this remained the same after things started coming back online again.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Hot damn how is this so perfect?

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Sometimes theres traffic and the gps lets you know to avoid it!

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

It’s literally 1/3rd more expensive and thats not an insignificant amount. If your rent increased by 1/3rd tomorrow you’d probably be pissed and if you had a 33.33 percent chance of getting struck by lightning by stepping outside tomorrow you’d probably stay indoors that day.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Also while it’s neat that they made the game as pretty as they did, this is at the end of the day an isometric turn based crpg. It shouldnt be that hard to scale down.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

It’s probably like in the last action hero. The movie is about a kid who essentially falls into an over the top arnold schwarzenegger movie. At one point they go in a video rental shop and there is a cutout for a Terminator Movie, but it’s starting Sylvester stalone instead. So it’s probably something similar. Spok is replaced by some other non star trek reference.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

When I worked out more regularly I looked into the extra protein stuff. This is a little off the dome, so excuse my numbers and any inaccuracies. Anyway Theres a lot of broscience out there, but I remember being able to find some scientific evidence that showed some benefit of a higher protein diet. It was more like 0.7-.8g of protein per lb vs the body builder stuff which would want you to essentially get a 1 or more ratio which is insane and absolutely unnecessary.

Even the lesser ratio can be a pain to maintain. Thats like 150g if you’re 180lbs vs the recommended 50g of protein. It doesnt sound like a lot, and yeah if you like boneless skinless chicken breast you can get there pretty quick, but if you’re maintaining or cutting weight it can be a hassle to it’s hard unless you have a protein shake. Some days you can easily pass it depending on what you eat, while other days you have to try. Me? I like my bread, my sides, my potatoes, my noodles, my rice, and etc. These are all things with protein. Just not enough to get to 100+ figure.

I imagine for actual athletes who are able to do more than go to the gym a few days a week and walk a lot they burn enough calories to be able to make up the difference so theyre already eating a lot making the protein easier to achieve. If we’re talking about the broscience ratio where you’re essentially anywhere from matching your body weight or more in grams of protein then I cant picture an average person sustaining that without putting on a lot of weight or heavily supplementing(and even then whey isnt exactly light in calories for an average sized person who isnt an athlete)

I can believe that the 50g may not be the ideal number and more could be better especially if you are a little active, but there’s no way in hell the answer is eating a full on professional body builder ratio of protein.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I look forward to getting it on sale a year or two after its release, but “least buggy” bethesda game still leaves a lot of rooms for bugs. It’s like saying the “least buggy and most polished 3d sonic game yet!” . I still expect to sometimes clip through a loopdiloop and die.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Over sexualization of minors is one of those things that can make it hard(and embarrassing) to be an anime/manga fan.

For high school characters at least(depending on the series) you can usually rationalize it the same way you might with an american show that hires adult actors. Theyre intentionally drawn in a more adult fashion and the characters themselves, while exhibiting cute traits are often still hyper competent and independent in a way that resembles college students more than high schoolers.

Is it still conceptually gross? Absolutely. It’s something that you just get desensitized to and I dont think thats a good thing, but at least on some level I can see how it can be tolerated in SOME series depending on how it’s handled, but I can also see how it’s a deal breaker.

The full on child stuff full stop is gross. All the time. There is no desensitizing and I hate that its so goddamn common in anime and that it’s so accepted. To the point that the community has a cute little term for sexualized children that they throw around. In any other community this would be a fringe dark corner of the hobby that never touches the more mainstream stuff, but in anime land it’s front and center.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

One of the biggest issues is how horny the art can be. Western media is guilty of this too if you look at comics made in the late 80s till today, but western comics have started to tone it down in the mainstream(and with how hard the market crashed even mainstream comics were fringe in the 00s) .

Still the horny super saiyan male gaze is the worst and ruins a show. Dragon maid is exhibit A. Even if you age up the 16 year old to 25 and if the camera treated the child character like a child, it would still be a hard sell to someone who isnt already indoctrinated into how anime is. The story itself is fun and wholesome and the animation is great, but the character designs and framing of the women is still just too much. Tits jiggling wildly, distracting angles, situations that should be played straight played SUPER erotically for no reason. Its bad.

Whenever fanservice is criticized there are tons of members of the community who come out of the woodwork to defend it and act like the wanting my media to not be embarrassing is the result of being a prude, or not being sex positive or something when its just like, no this is just objectifying and distracting at best, and at worse it is detrimental to the story.

Of course then you have shows like dragon maid or how heavy are the dumbbells you lift which are ecchi series. Fans of ecchi will come out and say “why are you watching ecchi if you dont want to watch titties bounce. Do you get mad when people have sex in porn?” which is fair, but porn also doesnt represent a significant portion of each tv season and big budgets and quality animation isnt diverted away from other non pornographic projects.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Ah damn. I was wondering why it was still working at all

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I havent noticed too much of an uptick but admittedly Ive also been using the site less and the articles I do click on are either dead or ones with civil discourse so I may have just been lucky.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Feels like fall already in my neck of the woods. Weirdly cooled off

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Western New York State. In general our summers into fall are excellent. Spring’s kind of lousy tho. Our winters are generally not as bad as our reputation lets on(unless you live parallel to the lake then it’s every bit as snowy as they say)

Request for advice: talk me out of upgrading my PC

Hi, I’ve got a fairly modest computer by today’s standard and I’m looking to upgrade the GPU and perhaps also the CPU. Mostly I use it for playing games and your other typical PC tasks, not much video editing and stuff of that sort. Mostly MMOs, sandbox games, RPGs, CRPGs and the occasional sim or 4X....

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

That gpu is old enough. I dunno it sounds like you’ve been good about saving. It might be worth it. I went from a 5600xt to a 6800xt and have been quite pleased with my choice.

As long as treating yourself this once doesn’t break the damn of spending I don’t see an issue

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah you know yourself better than anyone else, you know how much this + the vacation will set you back in your bank accounts and towards your goal. Relative to downpayments(which range in the tens of thousands to beyond here in the states) 330 is a drop in the bucket. Plus your gpu is like 6 years old and wasnt that much more powerful than the 480 it replaced.

If it were 9 years ago I’d say “wait and see the new gpus are just coming out soon”, but this gen has been a bit of a bust for gpus. The Nvidias are expensive or lack vram in the budget space, and the current gen AMDs are also more expensive while offering very minimal gains(and in some cases are power hungry). If anything I’d say aim a little higher and see if you can snag a 6800xt for a good price(and if not stick with that your getting).

But yeah if you have the savings to eat the cost without it being much of an issue, and if this isnt going to awaken the shopaholic deep inside I dont see too much reason to not treat yourself. I’m sorry for coming in as the devil on your shoulder, but your thought process reminds me of my own saving habits and it’s important to remind yourself sometimes that it’s good to treat yourself!

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

In addition to that we’ve passed that era of Moores law. New hardware is coming out with diminishing returns unless it’s big and expensive. We’re long past the era of every 2 years hardware is released with exponential returns in power and efficiency rendering everything that came before obsolete.

Hell even from an aesthetic point of view Red Dead Redemption 2 came out almost 5 years ago and with higher settings on PC still holds up as a pretty game. The biggest factor holding graphics back these days is development time and money.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah. Ubuntu has kind of taken a turn over the years but its still a super user friendly distro and they have done a lot to make linux more accessible for the masses. They also serve as a base for a number of other distros to build off of an as a result theyre an easy choice for a newbie to gravitate towards.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

According to memory alpha there is a starfleet training command:


Which makes sense. We know universities and such are around. Trip is an engineer, hoshi was a uni professor.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

The show managed to be surprisingly great. Superficially it looked like a rick and morty knockoff, but the series really has a good sense of humor while balancing the wacky off kilter fun in a way that still feels like star trek.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Ive held my buddy’s deck a few times, and despite how bulky it is, it is well balanced and feels light in your hands.

Otherwise for streaming it’s a linux PC so if youre downloading files or using plex/jellyfin(or even a legit streaming service the BS with browser DRM on some services not giving you full hd doesnt matter as much on a small 720p screen) you can have it auto play, or use kde connect to remote control with your phone and etc.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I hope they consider finding a way to make linux support a bit less clunky. I know its a bit more daunting because instead of just finding the c: drive you gotta find a bunch of proton/wine directories of windows that these games are hidden in, but it’d be nice for it to work a little bit better as long as I point it in the right direction.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

See I agree that it’s good to be small, but I also feel like it would be nice to have more niche communities as well. Before reddit was a thing small message boards still filled with small niche communities that spoke and interacted with one another.

I agree we dont need to become a 100 million a day biggest site on the internet, but it would be nice to be a bit more active on some instances.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Cant less democratic regimes do that anyway?

The Many Facets of Starfleet Engineering (startrek.website)

I really hope me posting the memes the past couple days hasn’t been a problem. I don’t want to spam. I just have over a thousand images saved on my phone. Combine that with the fact that I’ve been having a rough couple weeks and just looking to make others laugh so I can make myself smile....

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

This is a place for memes and the memes are quality!

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I mean technically he kind of is their engine after a point.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Trip may do a quick and dirty job and the rest of the museum might be on fire, but SOMETHING would be rising out of those flames and flying into action.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

People have already named some of the ones I watch so I’ll add Not Another Cooking Show to the mix.

Easy to follow recipes often focusing on stuff the guy used to makewhen he worked a food truck in NYC as well as italian american cooking. Guy is a new yorker with a laid back presentation style that I dig.

Townsends is another neat one. He does a lot of 18th century recipes and in general just like museum village 18th century historian stuff.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I love Emmymade. She seems so nice and upbeat in her videos and she covers so many recipes, most of which are very doable or at least weird and interesting(like her hard times stuff). I also like how normal she is in the kitchen. At this point I dont know how much of it is manufactured to make her more “relatable” and how much are organic kitchen errors but it gives her this very normal enthusiastic person just cooking vibe that I dig.

Ann Reardon is another fave. From her tiny miniature(as in model miniature) house with functional kitchen, to her genuinely good looking recipes, to her popular debunking series. Everything she creates is well researched and well tested.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I will say insurance companies can be very quick to fight you when it comes to giving out money. Keep at it and you’ll get something, but considering how long you can pay them month to month without using it, it’s obnoxious.

Except health insurance. Health insurance is a fucking racket, the medical industrial complex it ties into is a racket, and the United States would be a better place if it gutted this system

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

If you live in the suburbs and commute into a major city then traffic going into said city is also unbearably slow. But to quickly counter this point, millions of people commute using the NYC suburban spurs for metro north, and south and I can assure you the desnity falls of a cliff as soon as you pass the NYC border.

Likewise there are plenty of alternatives even for suburbs involving things like park and rides and train stations with garages that can help funnel people into roads and on public networks. Ideally a good station should be centralized in the town and but walkable(Ive seen some NYC train stations literally be a random parkinglot in the woods and then there’s GoTransit in toronto) but as it will take a long time to right the ship I think making sure theres spots to park your car is important too.

Moving forwards though there should be improvements in zoning law to help right the ship when it comes to car-centric american infrastructure and urban planning.

The frustrating thing is decent density doesnt mean high rises and big city concrete jungle. There are tons of east coast and midwestern neighborhoods that are mostly single family homes on lots, with some multifamily and low rise apartments mixed in on tree lined streets near parks and shopping areas that have densities of more than 11,000 people per sqmi.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

It’s funny people always act like it’s impossible for this to work when millions of people do it to NYC from as far north as Dutches county, way down long island, and into Connecticut. Millions more also drive sure enough, but suburban trains are viable the problem is they just dont exist or when they do have poor schedules.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

10s of Millions of people in the united states live in multifamily housing. You’re responding to concepts like multifamily housing and public transit as if these are abstracts that huge numbers of americans rely on. There are plenty of areas with bad infrastructure today for this, but thats all the more reason to improve. More missing middle density housing is important to make housing more affordable and improve density and supply.

We can certainly use better and actual proper public housing options like in places like the netherlands, and better renter protections to keep a landlord from upping your rent too much, but thats all the more reason to push forwards.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah I’ll take the replenishing water table if it means dreary.

I need a better body for my job

I started working in a fast food kitchen 2 weeks ago and it’s physically stressful so far. I do a lot of meal prep which includes a lot of chopping, carrying, and cleaning. Being on my feet for ~7 hours a day is slowly taking a toll on me and I really want to take preventive measures for long term problems that come with it....

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

I dont know how old you are OP or in what good state of health you are, but assuming youre young and ablebodied it should get easier.

I worked fast food for years and while it was emotionally and physically draining to do more than 40 hours a week it became mostly second nature after a while.

I made friends and spent time with good people in my fastfood, including finding my future college roommate which admittedly helped change the trajectory of my life(I may not have gone to the uni I went to if I had to go alone). In a lot of ways I was the perfect age for it because a lot of my coworkers were people close to or around my age and it made the experience a bit more fun and the hard work of it all was a bonding experience that brought us together. Future jobs I would take didnt have that.

That said, get out as soon as you can. It’s easy to let the fuzzy rose colored filter of time make it out to be good, but it was work. Long nights, long shifts, lots of angry mean customers, stupid workplace drama from people fighting for what little crumbs we got paid as shift and team leaders. It’s unjust but I find that the more money that I make in progressively newer jobs the less I have to work. Believe me I understand leaving is easier said than done, and you only just started, but if you can get better reach for it and grab it.

I say this not to preach some bootstraps nonsense, but because fast food workers are underestimated. Good ones have to have strong customer service skills, thick skin, an ability to quickly learn and multitask, and the ability to quickly make and prep the food. I also mention this because it’s easy, especially when youre tired from working your fast food hours, to get stuck. I myself worked that fast food for close to 5 years and I know others who are still working there all these years later.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

A lot of the caucasian centric discussion about race comes from the fact that a lot of english speaking websites are centered and focuses around the anglosphere.

What is and isnt white varies from location to location in parts of the world where that matters. So you have people who would be decidedly light skinned but black in the Caribbean argue their whiteness, but as soon as they immigrate to the US that’s out the window. Likewise latin americans can create a racial hierarchy and given the literal european descent of many of them there is a case to have here, but put them in the united states and then they suddenly turn not white. In fact a puerto rican independence revolutionary leader got his first taste of 2nd hand citizenship when having to travel through the Jim Crow south and found that despite being an ivy league educated white boy back home, he was colored in the states.

But context matters more than anything else. Its why for example an american immigrant family may feel as if their culture is being appropriated when white people start stealing it, but members of that ethnicity living in their home country might find it endearing and cute to see.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Mint is good, mint chip is good. That is all.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

A mobile phone that increasingly has more of your life on it at that. So whereas 12 years ago you might have just lost your contact list and some fart sound boards, today you have bank apps, payment apps, tickets, cards, identification, auto logged in shopping access, and more!

I know more recent versions of android made me curse at google for adding all these guard rails and walls making doing some stuff more difficult.

On the other hand I recently had a phone fall out of my pocket and in the time it took me to get from the corner back to the place I dropped it someone had nabbed it. I was suddenly a lot more appreciative of the restrictions in place that turned my stolen device into a chargeable paper weight.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

It took them SO LONG to get back to this point. They gutted the extensions with the redesign a while back. Only allowed approved extensions(which I understand since a lot of desktop extension ui just doesnt work on android and many extensions are broken), but then they kinda just stopped. They added a convoluted method of creating an account and whitelisting extensions on the account if you use nightly, but it was a hassle to use and it’s been years since even that was introduced.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Technically we still have a few days signing to get the attorney approval or rejection letter sent out. All theyre doing is having their attorney issue the rejection letter. So there really isnt much we can do on our end.

We could try and force them to honor to contract or at least get some compensation for the shady dealings, but it wouldnt be worth the cost or energy, especially when it’s unlikely to yield any fruit.

All I can do is hope karma gets them, and that the same kind of shady buyer that does stuff like this is going to be a predator when it comes to negotiating after inspection is done. “based on insert typical stuff I think Im going to have to drop my offer to 10k under asking price”.

I will keep an eye on this deal to see how things roll, and I will try to resist the urge to egg the house on the regular.

@lemillionsocks@beehaw.org avatar

Oh yeah, Im staying positive. I liked the area the house was in, and I think the house itself had a lot to offer, but it wasnt special and there are other houses. I’ll find something better in the meantime though I deeply dislike having to get back into the grind.

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