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I was impressed by an earlier mod along similar lines, Portal Stories: Mel. Hope this one is as well-done.

koreth, (edited )

I don’t think Netflix actually cancels shows after two seasons any more often than other networks do.

Somehow people got it into their heads that Netflix is far more cancel-happy than its competitors, but if you look at the numbers, traditional TV networks have had like a 50% cancellation rate for decades.

Even TOS was cancelled after two seasons!

If Netflix is more prone to cancelling shows at all, which I’m not convinced is even true, it can’t be by an enormous margin.


The paper (linked from the article) has a photo of the actual tablet in question, which was apparently discovered circa 1900.


You’re not missing much power with jOOQ, in my opinion as someone who has used it for years. Its built-in coverage of the SQL syntax of all the major database engines is quite good, and it has easy type-safe escape hatches if you need to express something it doesn’t support natively.


it would be great to “just” have a DB with a binary protocol that makes it unnecessary to write an ORM.

Other people have talked about other parts of the post so I want to focus on this one.

The problem an ORM solves is not a problem of SQL being textual. Just switching to a binary representation will have little or no impact on the need for an ORM. The ORM is solving the problem that’s in its name: bridging the conceptual gap between an object-oriented data model and a relational data model. “A relational data model” isn’t about how queries are represented in a wire protocol; instead, it is about how data, and relationships between pieces of data, are organized.

So, okay, what if you get rid of the relational data model and make your database store objects directly? You can! NoSQL databases had a surge in popularity not too long ago, and before that, there have been lots of object databases.

What you’re likely to discover in an application of any real complexity, though, and the reason the industry has cooled somewhat on NoSQL databases after the initial hype cycle, is that the relational model turns out to be popular for a reason: it is extremely useful, and some of its useful properties are awkward to express in terms of operations on objects. True, you can ditch the ORM, but often you end up introducing complex queries to do things that are simple in SQL and the net result is more complex and harder to maintain than when you started. (Note “often” here; sometimes non-relational databases are the best tool for the job.)

And even in an object database, you still have to know what you’re doing! Storing objects instead of relational tuples won’t magically cause all your previously-slow queries to become lightning-fast. You will still need to think about data access patterns and indexes and caching and the rest. If the problem you’re trying to solve is “my queries are inefficient,” fixing the queries is a much better first step than ditching the entire database and starting over.


SQL, where injection is still in the top 10 security risks

This is absolutely true, but it’s not what it looks like on the surface, and if you dig into the OWASP entry for this, you’ll see they talk about mitigation.

You can completely eliminate the possibility of injection attacks using well-understood technologies such as bind variables, which an ORM will usually use under the covers but which you can also use with your own queries. There are many, many database applications that have never once had a SQL injection vulnerability and never will.

The reason SQL injection is a widespread security risk, to be blunt, is that there are astonishingly large numbers of inexperienced and/or low-skill developers out there who haven’t learned how to use the tools at their disposal. The techniques for avoiding injection vulnerability are simple and have been well-documented for literally decades but they can’t help if a lousy dev decides to ignore them.

Now, a case could be made that it’d be better if instead, we were using a query language (maybe even a variant of SQL) that made injection attacks impossible. I agree in principle, but (a) I think this ends up being a lot harder than it looks if you want to maintain the same expressive power and flexibility SQL has, (b) given that SQL exists, “get bad devs to stop using SQL” doesn’t seem any more likely to succeed than “get bad devs to use bind variables,” and © I have too much faith in the ability of devs to introduce security vulnerabilities against all odds.


Final Fantasy XIV has a diverse soundtrack and a terrific story, but it is a huge time commitment. The story starts off pretty slow and takes a long time to build up.

A few boss fight themes as examples:

koreth, (edited )

Totally fair! They did a good job of making the main storyline playable as a solo player, but the core gameplay loop is still unmistakably MMO-style and not to everyone’s taste.

I love that song in particular because (very minor spoiler) it works both as background music and as diegetic music. In the story, that boss is trying to entice you into going permanently to sleep and living in a dream world where you’ll achieve all your goals and desires, while becoming her meat puppet in the real world. When you’re playing the game rather than watching it with onscreen lyrics on YouTube, you are only sort of half-listening to the song while you focus on the battle, so you don’t realize right away that the battle music is the boss singing to you to seduce you into her flock even while you’re fighting her.


As a fan of Ms. Marvel, I enjoyed the main campaign well enough, but all the MMO stuff is obnoxious. Luckily you can mostly ignore it and go through the campaign missions single-player. I uninstalled it after getting to the end of the story.


jOOQ is really the best of both worlds. Just enough of an ORM to make trivial CRUD operations trivial, but for anything beyond that, the full expressive power of SQL with added compile-time type safety.

And it’s maintained by a super helpful project lead, too.


“We’ll wait a few more minutes for person X to join, then get the meeting started,” like the other ten people who made the effort to show up on time deserve to be punished with extra meeting time for being responsible. Bonus points if this causes the meeting to run a few minutes long.


My frustration is less with the people who are late and more with the meeting host making the rest of the attendees sit around twiddling their thumbs waiting for the late person. Unless the late person’s presence is the point of the meeting, just get started and let them catch up.


Especially infuriating when the other person is in a very different time zone. I once worked on a project with a partner company in a time zone 10 hours ahead of mine and it was common for trivial things to take days purely because the other person insisted on typing “Hi,” waiting for my “Hi, what’s up?” response (which they didn’t see until the next day since our hours didn’t overlap), and then replying with their question, which I didn’t see until my next day. Answering the actual question often took like 30 seconds, but in the meantime two or three days had gone by.

I came to believe they were doing it on purpose so they could constantly slack off and tell their boss they were blocked waiting for my answer.


“Streamer” has been a widely-used entertainment-industry term for streaming companies for years. It’s not a new thing people are making up to be cute.


Using it to describe streaming services isn’t new. For example, here’s a Variety article from 2019 that uses it that way.


Depends on where I’m going, whether I’ve been there before, and how long my trip is, but as a rule I’ll always seek out the local food and try to see a mix of famous big-name sights and weird niche things that interest me. For example, when I was in Tokyo last, I went to the top of Tokyo Tower at sunset (normal tourist sightseeing thing) and also went to see their underground flood-control tunnels.

I don’t enjoy “sit on a beach and do nothing” vacations, but more power to you if that’s your style.


Not the person you’re replying to, but I’m also a “try the local cuisine” person. A good percentage of the places I’ve visited have had some local thing that you’d have to really look for to find elsewhere. I don’t end up liking all of them, but I like the experience of trying something new. Some specific examples:

  • St. Louis, MO, USA: Gooey butter cake which is as gross and as delicious as it sounds.
  • Changsha, Hunan, China: Stinky tofu. The local Changsha style of stinky tofu is completely unlike the more common style you’d find in night markets in Taiwan or elsewhere; it’s only a little stinky but is dense, savory, and spicy.
  • Singapore: Kaya toast. Kaya is a sweet coconut-based spread and they put it on buttery thick toast. I was addicted to this when I was in Singapore for work.
  • Scotland: Haggis. It was… okay? Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it, don’t see why it has the reputation it has.
  • Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China: Jiaoziba, which is a little local style of dumpling that’s rich and quite spicy.
  • Hiroshima, Japan: Okonomiyaki, a kind of savory pancake. Okonomiyaki is common in Japan but it’s usually Osaka-style. The version they make in Hiroshima includes noodles in the dough.

In my experience, if you talk to a few locals, one of them will usually think of a local specialty and tell you where to try it.

Scientologists Ask Federal Government to Restrict Right to Repair (

The organization that represents Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s works has petitioned the U.S. government to restrict the right to repair a religious artifact called an E-Meter. This device is core to Scientology practices but the group argues exemptions allowing device hacking should not apply to equipment restricted to...


I think this is a more subtle question than it appears on the surface, especially if you don’t think of it as a one-off.

Whether or not Scientology deserves to be called a “religion,” it’s a safe bet there will be new religions with varying levels of legitimacy popping up in the future. And chances are some of them will have core beliefs that are related to the technology of the day, because it would be weird if that weren’t the case. “Swords” and “plowshares” are technological artifacts, after all.

Leaving aside the specific case of Scientology, the question becomes, how do laws that apply to classes of technology interact with laws that treat religious practices as highly protected activities? We’ve seen this kind of question come up in the context of otherwise illegal drugs that are used in traditional rituals. But religious-tech questions seem like they could have a bunch of unique wrinkles.


Agreed that this was a letdown. It felt like it should have been the first 15-20 minutes of a full episode, not a full episode on its own.


I haven’t run into too many bugs in the game, but in combat it’s frequent for the game to have to sit there for several seconds thinking about what an enemy should do next. Hope that’s one of the performance improvements they’re working on.

koreth,’s admin is Estonian, so that one at least makes sense.


More recently, there’s been a shift to entertainment-based video feeds like TikTok — which is now being used as a primary search engine by a new generation of internet users.

I must be an old fogey because I can’t understand how TikTok would be usable as a primary search engine unless all you ever search for is TikTok videos.

If I’m part of the new generation of Internet users and I want to, say, see the menu of the restaurant where my date is taking me for dinner, or check my favorite band’s discography, or see if the reviews for the latest Netflix show are good, how do I do any of that on TikTok?

Someone please explain how this works, assuming that statement in the article is true.


Your answer touches on something I can’t really relate to, which may be the key to my lack of understanding: people’s desire to get information in the form of videos rather than text. It just seems so much slower to me. I can skim 50 Google or Yelp reviews of a restaurant in the time it takes to watch a single short video review. I might watch one video along the way if I want a sense of the ambience of the place, or some other information that’s hard to convey well in writing, but that’s it.

It does seem like it may be a generational thing, though. I’ve seen the same trend in my work-related searches: sometimes I search for technical information and instead of a blog post that takes me 30 seconds to digest well enough to tell if it’s even going to answer my question and that I can copy-paste example code from to play with, I get an hourlong YouTube video. This is a relatively new thing that has only become common in the last 5 years or so. I used to think it was purely about monetization (videos pay more than blog posts) but I see people, especially beginners, asking for technical information in video form. To me that’s like saying, “Please answer my question in the least convenient form possible.”

Apparently this is my “kids these days, who can understand them?” topic.

koreth, (edited )

I’ve been under a few times but the most memorable (in one sense) was when I had some minor surgery as a kid. From my point of view, it was like teleportation: I was in the operating room, I blinked, and I was suddenly on a bed in a completely different room. No sense of the passage of time.


Here’s some Apache-licensed code that addresses this exact problem. The language files are in CSV format and get turned into JS files as a build step. It prints warnings for strings that are missing from other languages. In dev environments, there’s middleware that watches for edits to the CSV files and rebuilds the JS files.

koreth, (edited )

Tunic, but that was kind of the point.


A bit off-topic, but why do people still insist on writing its name in all caps? That was the original name, granted, and you can still find it here and there in the tool, but it has been called “Jira” for years now.


Yes, and I even have it as an automatic scheduled payment so I don’t forget. Even with its flaws, it remains one of the shining gems of the Internet, and a resource I use frequently in both my professional life and my personal one. I remember how it was to suddenly want to learn more about a random topic before Wikipedia and I don’t want to go back.

I also donate to The Internet Archive.


Totally fair! That doesn’t particularly bother me but you’re right that he does that.

My opinion of the second season is mostly thanks to the mini-movies being more creative. I also enjoy Ken Jeong and John Cho.

koreth, (edited )

As I understand it, that’s been the Hollywood jargon for streaming services for years. “Variety” is responsible for a bunch of those kinds of words. They even have a dictionary on their website. It’s a bit out of date, but you can see they use “cabler” as shorthand for “cable channel,” for example.


It is bizarre to me that people act like streaming services invented the concept of canceling series after just one season, or believe that it’s a new practice. Broadcast TV has regularly done exactly the same thing for its entire history. Streaming services almost always at least release all the episodes rather than leaving some of them unaired.


I actually did run some numbers on this at one point and found that the cancellation rate on network shows has ranged from 30-50% for the last 70 years, with the average number of seasons hovering just under 2. Reddit post with graphs and sources.

Running the same numbers for streaming services is trickier, and I couldn’t figure out a reliable way to get a good data set to analyze. But even so, the numbers for broadcast TV are high enough that it would be numerically impossible for streaming services to, say, be 3 times more likely to cancel a show after one season.


My intuition is that it’s probably in about the same range as the broadcast networks, but I have no numbers to back that up.

I don’t think it can be significantly higher or lower: if the cancellation rate were significantly lower, “streaming services always cancel after one season” wouldn’t have caught on as a perception, and if it were significantly higher, it wouldn’t be as easy to find multi-season streaming shows as it currently is. But is it slightly higher or lower? I have no idea.

What makes a great sci-fi story?

I’m curious what users feel makes a great sci-fi story. What elements do you feel “make or break” the story specifically where sci-fi is concerned? For me, I really enjoyed the Expanse series, as it feels like there’s a sort of “believability” to it all. The authors make everything seem very realistic, even if some...


For me it’s kind of both. If a book has flat, boring characters, I can still enjoy it if it has interesting fake science and/or worldbuilding. And a book with iffy worldbuilding can still be a gripping read if the characters are done well. The best books have both. But they do need to have one or the other.


This is a pretty good analogy. You could start watching “Stranger Things” from season 3, and you’d figure everything out well enough to follow the story, but the character interactions would be much less meaningful and you’d miss out on a lot of background details that make the setting richer.

Playing the game, it was clear to me that they didn’t have the whole story mapped out in detail from day one. Minor plot threads get dropped and some of the lore isn’t 100% consistent. But that’s also true of a lot of TV shows with continuing storylines. On the whole, the game does an impressive job tying a decade’s worth of expansions together into a single coherent storyline where each part builds on what came before. It’s definitely too much of a slow burn in the beginning, but the setup eventually pays off and it’s one of my favorite stories in all of gaming. Skipping to the last chapter would rob it of a lot of its impact.


You’ll start to get hints of it later in Heavensward, but I’d say the second expansion (Stormblood) is where you start to really get a strong sense that the story has a destination in mind, and especially that the recurring villains have a more specific motivation than “serve the dark god.”

The next expansion (Shadowbringers) starts off feeling like an unrelated side story, but then you realize that it’s actually tying together some of the seemingly unrelated plot threads from earlier in the game by showing you a different perspective on the lore and some of the characters.

The last current expansion (Endwalker) is where you have to address the reason the villains have been doing what they’ve been doing, and it ties a lot of things together including the part of the story you’re on right now. Without spoiling any details, suffice to say that Ishgard isn’t the only nation that has a history with dragons.

There’s always going to be a certain amount of anime craziness, but the big picture does come together much more than is apparent from where you are in the story right now.


Their track record isn’t that bad, is it? Castlevania and Edgerunners were pretty good adaptations. Dragon Age was all right. And Arcane was amazing, though Netflix wasn’t involved in that one early on. So there’s reason to be at least cautiously optimistic, IMO.

koreth, (edited )

Not just by the time of Kirk. He’s already gone by the time of “The Cage.”

EDIT: No, I got my timeline screwed up. “The Cage” predates SNW. Oops.


When I first heard AC/DC’s “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” as a kid, I thought they were singing, “Dirty Deeds and The Thunder Chief” and assumed it was the street names of a pair of Native American hit men. I didn’t learn the actual lyrics until a decade or so later, but I choose to continue hearing it the other way.


How do multi-account containers differ from Chrome profiles?


Thanks. Not something I’d want to do (I like my work and personal tabs in totally separate windows) but obviously that’s just personal preference.


US here, and yes, easily. I have WhatsApp installed on my phone but it’s probably been over a year since I used it last. SMS, email, and Facebook Messenger are the media of choice in my social circle. Work communication is over Slack and email.

But if someone wanted to use WhatsApp to talk to me, I’d use it without being bothered much.


Saw this at the Comic-Con screening and it works better than I expected, especially the physical comedy. The exaggerated cartoon antics are still there, but toned down just enough to not seem out of place in live action.


The current system of job seeking often requires to lie on resume.

This has not been my experience at all, but maybe it depends on what kinds of jobs you’re seeking.

In my line of work, detecting lies on resumes is one of the reasons we spend time interviewing candidates. If you are caught out in a lie, you can kiss any chance of an offer goodbye. As an interviewer I have never knowingly given a “hire” vote to a lying candidate and if I did, I wouldn’t have my job much longer.

Why do sites disable pasting in password fields?

It’s 2023, why are websites actively preventing pasting into fields like passwords and credit card number boxes? I use a password manager for security, it’s recommended by my employer to use one, and it even avoids human error like accidentally fat-fingering keys, and best of all with the credit card number I don’t have to...


I find that setup an obnoxious user experience. Instead of one hotkey that tells my password manager to fill out the login form, now I have to switch to my mail app, wait for the login email to arrive (if my mail provider or the site’s mail provider is having trouble, no login for me!) then back to my browser where I need to close the original tab because clicking the email link opened a new one.

If I am on a shared computer, now I need to either manually copy a long URL from my phone or read my email on that computer, a much bigger security risk than just entering a password and 2FA code.

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