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Why not looking for distributed mechanism, which don’t depend on trusting central servers or particular instances on decentralized mechanisms, like jami, or similar?


I don’t think so. Dhcpcd + wpa_supplicant is really light, suitable for light installers, and live USB stick images.

I’ve been using dhcpcd + wpa_supplicant for so long… I do understand currently users prefer NM, but I hope there’s no push for it to be the unique way to manage network connectivity, and on light installers, I hope I’m not force to use NM either.

Understanding init freedom?

I’m planning to move over to Guix over NixOS, as soon as my current situation improves and possibly import a new libre respecting laptop (Star Labs is thankfully available in India). I do have a very old laptop with a Celeron processor and 4GB of RAM with Guix installed already, and what has come to my attention is that it...


The main problem with systemd has never been the time it takes to boot, it’s more on the lines of what @z3rOR0ne and @StrangeAstronomer mentioned.


That has never been true, not at the point of the discussions on Debian (on Arch there was never a public discussion that I remember), and of of course not true now.

s6, dinit, runit, openrc and shephered are good options, currently in use by different distros. At the time of the public debian descussions, at least runit and openrc were available, but they were dismissed, and I don’t remember the arguments, but not so convincing at the time, thus the whole discussion about the topic.

I’m not a systemd opponent, but claims of not having compelling alternatives doesn’t feel right. I used Arch with systemd for a while, and I moved later to Artix with s6, and I’m thinking on testing dinit, and I have no issue. I guess if some major distros had made the move to runit or openrc, they would be more used as of now. BTW, at work, for containers and VMs I actually need to use systemd, and I see no problem with that.

It’s totally true sysVinit was way hard to keep maintaining on distros, and something else was required. Probably given the influence from major distros changed the game over systemd, and now that’s considered standardization now a days, but something else could also have become the standard. What’s for sure is that there are success stories of using something else, Guix with shepherd, Artix with several inits (dinit, s6, runit, openrc), Gentoo with openrc (one can choose others, like systemd), void with runit, chimera with dinit, and the list goes on. Variety is not necessarily a luxury, in this case it means one can choose whatever aligns better to one’s needs, believes (perhaps simplicity, perhaps minimalism, perhaps free/libre considerations, etc), and so on.

What’s also true is that for work purposes, one can’t be negligent learning about systemd, most probably one will need to deal with it sooner or later, because major distros, and in particular commercial ones, already embraced systemd, and that’s not changing any time soon.

The sad effect of wide adoption of systemd, whether one opposes it or not, is that now services/daemons developers focus on providing systemd ready daemons, and for anything else the distro developers need to port to non systemd alternatives, and even build applications without systemd if that’s possible at all. And if one is looking for a daemon not packaged by the non systemd distro of choice, ones is on our own creating the proper service/daemon, but not something impossible.

Are libreddit frontends for reddit already non functional?

I started some time ago using a teddit frontend with local subscriptions, and at some point it was hard for the one I picked to keep up, then I moved to libreddit, at that time, then it stopped working and moved to, but it seems it stopped working as well, and finally I moved to libreddit...


That’s so sad. So perhaps it’s time to say goodbye to reddit frontends, :( I’d prefer to setup rss feeds, but even those are getting rate limited now a days.

Sadly, even with the movement to lemmy, several interesting technical subs are still strong on reddit. The thing with local feeds, is disk space, and self-host is something I can’t do at the moment. At any rate, with the last libreddit front end down, I can’t even easily get the subs I was locally subscribed to, :(

Oh well…


Ohh, that’s an android app. I use PC/laptop to check on subs… Thanks any ways !


true !


very few, and one has to try so many times… I gave up. I guess RSS feeds whenever possible. though that consumes disk if local, so I’m really reluctant…


Well, there are alternatives. There’s /e/ ( now a days) and distroot, and you can use gnupg with others who also use gnupg, and with distroot you can use its own encryption as well. There’s tutanota and prrotonmail, which use their own encryption mechanisms but only work with the same providers and not with other providers…

I mean there are already several non big corps providers of email. Distroot also provides xmpp, nextcloud, and several other services, the same as /e/. I can’t tell I’d trust more TB than the alternatives, several of them are non profit. But there are options. It’s sad before smart phones, some big corps were already dominating the services, and after them, things got even worse. But there have been, and still are, options for refugees. That’s not the issue in my mind.

The big issue, is that those big corps do what they want, excluding those not using them. All of them, no exception, place received messages from /e/ to the spam, that if the email even reaches the final user, some times it gets discarded by the service without even getting to the end receiver. Several mail registrations for whatever account, banks, insurance, stores and so on, don’t even accept email addresses if not from the big corps. So the huge and toxic influence from big corps doesn’t get corrected by another non big corp service. It’s like with FLOSS alternatives, or more private alternatives in general, the issue is the power most users give to those big corps. Most users prefer those corps services, at times ignoring the non big corps are not less comfortable, but most of the time they don’t even care, even if told there are easy enough alternative they would still select big corps. Then with such power, big corps not only dominate, but also discriminate non big corps users…

kixik, (edited )

Mozilla being Mozilla, I’d guess. They should have gone sel-hosted with sourcehut, or at least gitlab. Or if not self-hosted, the choice should have been at the least gitlab or better, given it allows to chose DCO over CLA. But perhaps not everyone cares… I remember when gitlab introduced DCO, and how that helped debian and gnome to migrate to gitlab. After allowing DCO, other projects migrated as well.

I’m not that fan of gitlab, and I’d prefer sourcehut for open source projects, but if wanting something closer to github, then gitlab might be the answer. But Mozilla is a corp, maybe they don’t care much about these things, and as a corp, perhaps they were looking for CLA sort of contribution any ways…


Second one, which I’d rephrase as ubuntu sticking with apt/dpkg as its package manager. Which is really nice if you like ubuntu as a distro already.

Though I don’t really get why there has to be a distro to be beaten. And having flavors is always good. I, for example, don’t like distros changing too much upstream SW, so the more vanilla the better. I don’t like either the periodic releases, and to be rolling release rocks. I don’t like systemd, whereas most distros now a days are systemd dependent. I also dislike network manager and similar and require a distro that keeps support for the basic dhcpcd + wpa_supplicant… All that to say, that no distro fits all needs, so several options are good, no need to have one beating the rest, :)


Artix GNU+Linux. In plan: Guix GNU+Linux.


I have it working with my family, and ti works quite fine. It’s quite easy as well, once the accounts have all been setup…

Setting an account is not hard at all. The complexities come when wanting multiple devices getting in sync. On Android it’s been rock solid for some time already. On the GNU+Linux side, depending on the distro, it might have fatal issues, or just work.


Actually to me, this has made Jitsi less of an option now a days, cause when people need to start looking for which instance, then things become no longer as easy… I now recommend instead Jami, which is close to distributed, which is way better, perhaps if people start using for video calls, it gains users base for being the communication app of choice, :)

(Please see comments) Alternatives to Signal if they exit EU due to ending E2EE

Like the title states looking for E2EE apps (Android and iOS) without going into much details or needs to be robust enough and easy to use for anyone and stable for operations that are susceptible to constant electronic warfare. I did some research and thought about replacing Signal with Molly and wondering if it will still work...


It depends on what you want. I encourage people to use Jami (distributed, so might be a thing, if not self-hosting your own service, since what is said decentralized in reality is a set of centralized services). If too hard, then XMPP + OMemo. And only then, Matrix (by design it gives up more meta data than XMPP).

Say (an encrypted) hello to a more private internet. | The Mozilla Blog (

Any thought on DOH, which is the base for this ECH? I remember in the end cloudfare and some others, providing the service to services, were the ones gathering the information instead of the ISPs… Librewolf still has DOH disabled by default, and although it can be easily change, perhaps that default is overall the sounder way....


1.- jami 2.- xmpp + omemo 3.- matrix 4.- signal

It’s hard no one cares. Where I live everyone uses whatsapp, and unfortunately what comes closer, and still without enough users base is signal on my list, and it’s the last. Jami is distributed, which makes it best in class, and there are good efforts trying to make it not to steal the whole battery, as opposed to briar. I which more people were interested on not using centralized stuff, not even what has been called lately decentralized, which means centralized but with several central points (only if everyone self hosts it would be decentralized, which is not the case). Currently I use Jami and signal, though I’ve tried all those, plus briar, plus tox, even telegram…


How about not changing at all your regular packages,and containerizing what you want, or as much as possible through current profiles, through firejail? And couplet that with MAC protection offered by apparmor (one can actually set firejail to always use apparmor, and then tweak particular apps not to use it if it’s too troublesome).

This way you have your provided distro packages (gentoo or sourcemage if source based distros, it doesn’t matter), and have them execute containerized. The only thing is that there are not firejail profiles for every possible piece of SW, but the vanilla list of containers is not small either.


I use LOS for microG, and LOS comes with a calendar app, but it’s disabled, and it hadn’t given problems before. I use davx (davdroid) to sync the calendars, and Etar as the frontend/UI, which hadn’t given problems so far.


Nope, I only install F-Droid provided apps from F-Droid. When changing that, like when moving Newpipe from the F-Droid provided one to the Newpipe repo, I have to uninstall it 1st.

Now, the issue is not about signature. It’s about “defining” a permission, which BTW, I can’t tell what that exactly means. In my mind defining is not quite the same as trying to acquire, and the later is more reasonable for an app to me, and can’t understand how come an app can define a permission. But oh well, perhaps the error message is not as accurate.

kixik, (edited )

Perhaps, I just read about Obtainium, hehe. Thanks for the hint. At this point I’d like to understand what’s the issue first, because I’d like to still install it from F-Droid (I would do it with obtainium that way), and I can’t tell right now if the issue is on the app, or on the F-Droid build, and to me it’s really curious that the error says “defining” instead of “trying to acquire”, which doesn’t seem like something an app would do. Perhaps it’s just a F-Droid message, and not an app installing one. Can’t tell. But as I’d like to keep using F-Droid, then perhaps it’s good to see if it’s a temporal issue just with the last release on F-Droid, that release of the app itself, or something that will remain.

BTW, I use apkgrabber for a few apps from apkmirror, and obtainium might perfectly be an option…

Edit: Just found out it’s the app having issues with LOS, and therefore LOS for microG. See the edit on my original post. Thanks !


Well, it’s been filed already, and seems to be an issue only on LOS, apparently not for Android, and perhaps not other AOSP based ROMS. See F-Droid Version 1.0.35 Will Not Install


Yeap, I was thinking if perhaps any subscriber would support it, but didn’t find any which documents it. Perhaps you’re right and subscriber wrapper is needed.


OK, thanks !


yeap, thanks !

Any rss reader which aggregates feeds

On Thunderbird for example, there’s no way to aggregate feeds from different places, into just one common view. I’m looking for aggregating all feeds from different places into a common view, where I can globally just keep what I want to read from everywhere and remove what I’m not interested on....


akregator is unfortunately part of the kde-pim, requiring akonadi, and a bunch of kde deps, see for example:

<span style="color:#323232;">% pacman -S akregator
</span><span style="color:#323232;">resolving dependencies...
</span><span style="color:#323232;">looking for conflicting packages...
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Packages (92) accounts-qml-module-0.7-4  akonadi-contacts-23.08.0-1  akonadi-mime-23.08.0-1  akonadi-search-23.08.0-1  attica-5.109.0-1  grantlee-5.3.1-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              grantleetheme-23.08.0-1  kaccounts-integration-23.08.0-1  kactivities-5.109.0-1  karchive-5.109.0-1  kauth-5.109.0-1  kbookmarks-5.109.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              kcalendarcore-5.109.0-1  kcmutils-5.109.0-1  kcodecs-5.109.0-1  kcompletion-5.109.0-1  kconfig-5.109.0-1  kconfigwidgets-5.109.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              kcontacts-1:5.109.0-1  kcoreaddons-5.109.0-1  kcrash-5.109.0-1  kdbusaddons-5.109.0-1  kdeclarative-5.109.0-1  kded-5.109.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              kglobalaccel-5.109.0-1  kguiaddons-5.109.0-1  ki18n-5.109.0-1  kiconthemes-5.109.0-1  kidentitymanagement-23.08.0-1  kimap-23.08.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              kio-5.109.0-2  kirigami2-5.109.0-1  kitemmodels-5.109.0-1  kitemviews-5.109.0-1  kjobwidgets-5.109.0-1  kldap-23.08.0-1  kmailtransport-23.08.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              kmbox-23.08.0-1  kmime-23.08.0-1  knewstuff-5.109.0-1  knotifications-5.109.0-1  knotifyconfig-5.109.0-1  kontactinterface-23.08.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              kpackage-5.109.0-1  kparts-5.109.0-1  kpimtextedit-23.08.0-1  krunner-5.109.0-1  kservice-5.109.0-1  ksmtp-23.08.0-1  ktextaddons-1.4.1-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              ktextwidgets-5.109.0-1  kuserfeedback-1.2.0-1  kwallet-5.109.0-1  kwayland-5.109.0-1  kwidgetsaddons-5.109.0-1  kxmlgui-5.109.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              libaccounts-glib-1.26-2  libaccounts-qt-1.16-3  libakonadi-23.08.0-1  libdbusmenu-qt5-0.9.3+16.04.20160218-6  libdmtx-0.7.7-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              libgravatar-23.08.0-1  libkdepim-23.08.0-1  libkgapi-23.08.0-1  libkleo-23.08.0-1  messagelib-23.08.0-1  pimcommon-23.08.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              plasma-framework-5.109.0-1  polkit-qt5-0.114.0-1  prison-5.109.0-1  purpose-5.109.0-1  qca-qt5-2.3.7-1  qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.10-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              qt5-location-5.15.10+kde+r4-2  qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.10-1  qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.10+kde+r6-1  qt5-speech-5.15.10+kde+r1-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              qt5-wayland-5.15.10+kde+r57-1  qt5-webchannel-5.15.10+kde+r3-1  qt5-webengine-5.15.14-5  qtkeychain-qt5-0.14.1-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              signon-kwallet-extension-23.08.0-1  signon-plugin-oauth2-0.25-1  signon-ui-0.17+20171022-3  signond-8.61-1  solid-5.109.0-1  sonnet-5.109.0-1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">              syndication-5.109.0-1  syntax-highlighting-5.109.0-1  threadweaver-5.109.0-1  xapian-core-1:1.4.23-1  akregator-23.08.0-1

I was hoping there’s something which way less dependencies, hopefully GTK rather than Qt… At some point I wanted to use kmail and korganizer, also part of kde-pim, but besides korganizer never fixing a pretty old bug, the amount of deps I needed, plus the akonadi DB, made go back on that attempt. The same goes for akregator unfortunately…


It does have a “All articles” view, :) I’ll go for it. On Arch it depends on webkitgtk, which some time back was considered insecure, and webkit2gtk was supposed to be the only one to use. Perhaps that changed…

Thanks !


Thanks, I’ll keep it as a 2nd option, since it’s Electron based.


Thanks !


Well, Thunderbird doesn’t, so I couldn’t tell if all others were the same, :(

Thanks !


Thanks !


I t doesn’t seem I can remove stuff from newsflash, only mark stuff as read. This might be problematic long term, when using local RSS.


It might achieve it, but I’m not looking into having a lemmy instance, but rather being able to sort of browse and keep up to date with some communities, just as it was possible to do with reddit (no need to host anything)…


Pretty interesting. I was not counting on a rss sort of reader extension, but it might work… I’ll explore it, though if lemmy already support rss seeds, perhaps I can get a more generic rss reader doing it… Thanks !

kixik, (edited )

Ohh, I didn’t know lemmy already offered such thing. So it would be like https://_instance_/feeds/c/_community_.xml?sort=Active then?


Perhaps @lapcatsoftware could think of lemmy besides mastodon, hehe


Yeah, I was afraid so… I’m OK with Arch, and I actually use Artix (to avoid systemd), but I know there are people who don’t want, neither can do configs, nor maintain them on upgrades, as it’s a typical thing on Arch, and most distros based on it… So I’m afraid there’s really no Arch based distribution for those kind of users, and EndeavourOS seems no exception. Actually if one really wants typical Arch after installation, there are alternatives to the Arch ISO, no need for other distribution for that I’d suggest…

It’d be nice to have an Arch based distribution equivalent to Mint, so maintenance is really minimal on new users, and users with no tech abilities. Something rolling release is actually something welcome for such users, since having to upgrade on major versions is not always as clean, even for people with some experience.

At any rate, thanks for the clarification.

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