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Bath salts appear to turn you into Sloth from The Goonies.


I can’t see squat, there’s a hurricane outside.


That article is so much worse than I thought it would be. Holy shit.


I mean, nothing is stopping you now. Live your dream!


It looks like he’s missing a flipper. I bet that really wreaks havoc on his balance / equilibrium.


If you are on ios, Memmy can.


I think you’re right. It certainly seems pretty, but it still looks like every other generic 'motley group of ridiculously attractive misfits save ____" that Netflix and its ilk churn out.


I have lots of stomach issues and can’t eat a lot of foods, which means I mostly eat the same few things over and over. One of the few things I can have reading out is a particular local restaurant’s chicken strips, and I’d get them for lunch a couple times a month. They’ve raised their prices twice in the last 6 months, and what used to be 6-8 strips for$6 is now 5 chicken strips - just the chicken, no fries or other sides - for $10. If I’m feeling masochistic, I’ll get myself and my father each one of their chef salads. Two of those are now $27. They are a very, very popular place and usually crazy busy, but since that last hike I’ve noticed the parking lot at lunchtime is often half empty. This is not a wealthy area, people can’t afford these prices. They are going to greed themselves right out of business.

They’ve also lost every single long-time employee they had. And when I say long, I mean 15, 20 years working there. I watched most of them grow up, get married and have families. Every. Single. One. is gone, and I’ve seen most of them at other restaurants now. Their staff is now different every time I go in there, and service sucks and orders are frequently wrong. My work stopped ordering food from there for meetings because of it. Greed, greed, greed, with a healthy dose of apparent staff mistreatment. Story of the world at large nowadays.


It’s one of the perks of the gig,

I work with first responders of all kinds, and I can’t think of a single one who would call that a “perk of the gig”. Having one 24 hour shift with constantly interrupted sleep is taxing at best, and once you hit middle age it gets progressively harder as you get older. Throw in having to work multiple 24s in a row and the very real possibility that once you finally do get off, you don’t get to go home and rest, you have to go to your second (or third) job - usually one you own yourself, or one owned by a fellow firefighter/paramedic because it’s the only way to accommodate the crazy schedules - and play catch-up there. It screws with you mentally and physically, but given the piss-poor pay a good chunk of them make, it’s what’s got to be done.

Also, I don’t know any cops that sleep on OT (I don’t have much exposure to that scenario), but a lot of the ones around here sleep on their regular 12s. If I see two cop cars parked together in a median or pull-off, and they are parked facing opposite directions such that their drivers windows are next to each other so it looks like they can chat easily, one cop is almost certainly asleep while the other is standing watch. They don’t adjust to the mandatory day/night shift rotations well.


How the author of that article threw Aspergers in with schizophrenia and dementia as a possible cause for his decline into acid-tripping cats, I don’t even know. Aspergers is apparently very different from what I thought it was.


Life goes on, regardless of what the politicians say or do.


Lucky you. I got told by our IT that I’m going to be their windows 11 sacrificial lamb and will be getting it before everyone else to bang out the quirks. It doesn’t pay to be known as the office nerd :(

My elderly father’s win 10 computer has been absolutely shoving the upgrade down his throat, and I’m about ready to give in and just do it. Telling it to stop notifying him does no good, it just comes right back the next day. Then he won’t touch the computer because the full screen upgrade ad freaks him out and he’s afraid something is wrong. Screw Microsoft.


He’s a good bit older than that and has cancer, and is not able to sit at a computer long enough to learn a new operating system even if he wanted to. Which he really, really doesn’t lol. He hates the thing with the fire of a thousand burning suns and only used it for his necessaries.

I’m also not familiar with any other operating system besides windows, outside of a brief foray into pi-hole years ago that I don’t remember much about, so I’d have to learn it first. While I’d love to start playing around with Linux some day, unfortunately that day isn’t going to be any time soon.


OP, check out the websites about grants ISPs are getting to put fiber in rural areas and see if your area is on the list somewhere (I would try and link you to some, but I’m on mobile and for some reason I have a hell of a time finding those sites while on mobile). You can see below what I’ve had to deal with for about 20 years, until my area finally got covered by one of those grants a few months ago. I am super rural - like, I am literally surrounded by nationally protected forest and nothing else; it’snot a place I thought would ever be included in those grant locations. It was, though, and I now have Gigabyte internet with no cap, with VOIP, for $74.98 a month. If I’m not using WiFi, I get an actual gig of download speed. If I’m on wifi, it’s usually between 600-900MB.

Up until recently, we paid Centurylink about $150 a month for two lines into the house. Each line maxed out at 0.75MB download speed and 0.23 MB upload speed. We needed two lines to even be able to function. Almost 20 years of this, with no other options besides Hughesnet. We tried them for a little while; their equipment cost a fortune, it was about$150 a month, the speed was nearly as bad and they had a 200MB A MONTH CAP. We had to turn off images for websites in order to not go over the cap. Previous to 2004, I lived in a very rural part of NY. We had high speed internet for $69 a month, no cap. I can’t remember the speed, but I remember that it took 3 minutes to download a full sized movie. 20 YEARS AGO the internet was better, and cheaper!


I put it in one corner of one monitor that I hardly look at so it never appears on my main desktop monitor.

lol I did the exact same thing. That and all the unnecessary crap my work installs that I will never use but can’t even uninstall the damn shortcuts they slap on my desktop are all jammed in the corner of a monitor off to the side.


Would not recommend. That’s how you end up with lopsided shoulders and a bad back.


I don’t know if anyone has murmurings this yet, but if you leave a landline that is through your ISP, and connected to the router, you may not be able to use your own router. Spectrum doors not let you, and despite all the research I did before, I did not find that out until after I purchased my own. You can ask them to split the line and use the old router with the phone, and your new router for internet, but there are potential issues with degradation of service involved, as well as the more mundane problems of running into ISP support who are not interested in understanding what you want, and getting the line actually, physically split.


Good luck, I hope it goes well for you!


Of course it’s on purpose, and it’s understandable, too. And if you have voice along with Internet service, spectrum does not allow you to use your own modem for voice. It won’t work. You can use your own for the internet portion, but you have to contact them to get each item provisioned separately, and then get a splitter to accommodate both. You and also have to make sure the person your are talking to understand what you are talking about, because a lot either don’t, or just don’t care to accommodate you and just say no we don’t do that. I am currently taking a hiatus from going through this very scenario because I don’t have the mental energy right now to fight a tier 1 tech on something that should be so simple.


There’s a salmon colored room at the back too. My entire house was pepto bismol pink with green rugs when we bought it, and I thought that was bad. This place might actually be worse.


There are a lot of people in this post spouting their opinion on an article they very clearly did not read.


wait, i thought they were for levelling tables and chairs?

I use mine to weigh down things I glue. It’s this not how books work?

Open source devs: please, please add screenshots...

I beg you, if you are a developer of an open source app or program - add screenshots of your app to the README file. When looking for the perfect app, I had to install dozens of them just to see what the user interface looked like and whether it suits me. This will allow users to decide if the app they choose will suit them…...


I also hate it when it has a name that is a super common word or phrase. Our last 3 records management prograns at work have been like this, and their help fires are terrible to non existent. Good like trying to search the internet for information on the software with those common names. Even adding terms relevant to what the software does, didn’t help much.

(Apologies if this is terribly typed, I’ve got an impending migraine aura that stayed right as I hit reply and have lost a good chunk of my vision. I can’t see most of what I’m saying.)


I actually know what causes most of mine, there are some nerves in my neck that get pinched/aggravated and trigger them. And for some reason, if I have multiple days in a row where I don’t get much sleep, those nerves get extra cranky. They are extra cranky right now.

Microsoft now has implemented "compare with Bing chat" button when you visit Google Bard in Edge (

When you visit the Google’s chatbot bard’s website in Microsoft Bing. A New Button pops up besides the search bar which lets you compare bard results with Bing chat’s. I have no idea why they implemented this, well maybe to show off the their chatbot is better than bard or something?


“No one asked for this” should be Microsoft’s tag line. Rather than fix problems that have been around for years - decades in some cases - they just keep adding crap that no one wants or asked for.


My father taught me to leave enough space in front of me in case of being hit, but also in case I need to get out of the line for some reason. I’ve had to get out of line a number of times over the years due to accidents. I have 3 routes I can take to get to work, so once I realize there’s an accident I can just turn around and go another way. Works out well, but sure does piss off people behind me sometimes.


If lemmy has an active TIL community, this would be a fantastic thing to post to it.


Work at a fire dept. These fail so often we do not recommend 10 year battery detectors anymore. Just go get a new one with without that “perk”, don’t warranty replace it.


Yep. First thing to do is run a vacuum over them. Even the tiniest bit of dust can make them cranky and chirpy. If that doesn’t work and you don’t know how old they are, pop them off the ceiling and look at the back for a manufacture date. In general, smoke detectors (even without the ten year battery) have a life span of about 10 years. If they’ve hit that milestone, it’s a good chance they are beeping because they are old and they should be replaced. Next would be a call to the PITA management about them. If you get no love from management, look up what fire department covers your address; many departments will go out to check your detectors if you can’t get them to stop beeping and your landlord is being a butt. If your department is a volunteer one, it may be next to impossible to get ahold of them as there will probably not be anyone at the station to answer phones. For volunteer departments in my area, you need to call the county fire marshal / emergency management office in order to get hooked up with the volunteer department as they have the personal contact numbers for the volunteer chiefs, so I would try that (or the equivalent for your area). If it’s a career fire department, you should be able to call them directly. Even if they are out of the station, if it’s normal business hours and you call their HQ, they likely have a business office that will answer.


There is no reason you should have to purchase them, that is the landlord’s responsibility. If management is not doing upkeep on aged-out detectors, that’s a call to the local fire marshal. Fire Marshals just love when high-life occupancies don’t keep up with fire code requirements.


You are very welcome! Good luck with maintenence, I hope yours is more responsive about them than the ones here tend to be.


As always, he looks exactly like I’d expect him to.


Sniper Elite 5, and I’m honestly pretty disappointed in it. The Sniper Elite games have always been my “comfort food” series. Nothing too complex, just popping some Nazis in creative ways when I want a no-brainer, relaxing night. Five, though… I don’t know. It feels so dead and way too easy, even after increasing the difficulty. I never change guns in this one because it seems to make little difference, and the guns are boring anyway. There’s no joy for me in the nut shots anymore :(

People who back into parking spots: Why?

To me, it seems objectively easier to pull into a parking space forward and then back out of the space when you are ready to leave. You don’t have to line up with the lines while driving backwards, and it’s easier to keep from hitting other cars as well. So why back in? To me, the only advantage I can think of is that you...


My car isn’t the best and has refused more than once to start while in a parking lot. Parking so that I can always pull forward to leave means the tow truck also has much easier access to my car when I need it. :(


Tow truck can get at you better, too.


Yep. Been there, done that too lol


It’s hard to see from the image, but if it’s like fields here, the lines you see dividing each “patch” are usually large enough / cleared enough to drive on.


I’ve seen a curlygirl sub, but it was pretty much dead, sadly.


I did the same! “Why is my crafting crack company making cars now?!”



I think your the first person I’ve ever seen online call it by the correct brand.


I just heard on the news that not only was chair guy not arrested, they don’t know who he is and police are looking for him. I want to say it was David Muir’s World News Tonight but I’m not 100% on that as I was in another room and only sort of listening


I got super frustrated with Mastodon because of this. I’ve tried a couple of instances with no luck. And hilariously, I have to think that the furry folks are either having the same problem finding a home, or they are stalking me, because everywhere I move, shortly after, a ton of furries appear and do introductions. Furry stuff is not my thing, but I can appreciate how they might have a hard time finding a good place to settle.


I think that app choice makes a difference, too. I would guess that most people on mobile picked one or two apps to try, and if their picks weren’t great (or the user was too impatient to wait for improvements) they called the whole experience shitty and bailed. Those of us committed to the move hung on and waited for our apps to get better.

In my case, I grabbed every ios app I could find and tried them all. Some were not so good, some were good and improving at a lightning rate. Living through those growing pains is worth it to me, especially when the improvements are crazy fast. I’m mostly using Memmy now, and I’m really happy with it. I only have one tiny, unimportant issue with it involving text selection, but it’s nothing compared to how good they’ve made this app so quickly. Memmy is a large part of why I stick around.

More Baby Boomers are living alone. One reason why: ‘gray divorce’ (

The number of older Americans living alone is on the rise. Nearly 16 million people aged 65 and older in the US lived solo in 2022, three times as many who lived alone in that age group in the 1960s. And as Baby Boomers age, that number is expected to grow even more, raising big questions about the country’s future.


I have never seen a senior housing facility that wasn’t a bleak, horrific nightmare. They may look nice on the outside, but they are usually the last place you want to live in your old age. Out of all of the things boomers get, this one isn’t a great one.

kite, (edited )

Edit: so either my app is showing comment threads oddly, or he edited his comment, making my reply completely nonsensical. Originally, he said the video was scammy bullshit, and that he knew it for “two simple reasons.” His 1st was that no one living like that would actually jump on a horse from the rear, and the second was that no one ever sleeps over animals because they’d die of methane poisoning. I guess he couldn’t argue my reply so just changed his narrative instead.

End edit.

Where is the Lemmy version of /r/confidentlyincorrect? People have kept livestock on the first floor of their homes for thousands of years; the heat from the animals helped to keep them warm, and it kept the livestock safe from thieves. And no one sleeping above livestock is going to die of cow farts. Bless your heart.

Housebarns have been used the world over for thousands of years


As an American, while I am so incredibly bitter about what is going on with my own country, I think it pains me even more to think about how Brexit has affected Great Britain. I feel like we, at least, have a chance of clawing our way back to sanity some day, but the changes Brexit made. . that’s so tough. I wish their youth all the luck, they have a tough road ahead of them.

What is a good hobby for a depressed person?

So i still have depression and im constantly bored, i feel like a loser who cant do anything right. I want to let my creativeness out, make something i can share with the world or family, but im probably dreaming too big. I cant stand being depressed and bored, it stinks, everyone tells me to work out but i lack the motivation...


But it’s also hard for someone with depression, because you will kill things while you learn, and that can make you feel even more worthless and useless.

THAT SAID. If you try it and actually discover you have an interest in it, it’s a lot easier to get past the, “Fuck, I killed another one!” and slide into, “How do I not fucking kill another one?!”

Source: me :/


Aww, thanks. It’s ok, though. I’m getting a lot better at figuring out how not to kill my plants now and just get sad for a little while when one dies. Mostly. Lol

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