@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]
  • Ex-Reddit Account (nuked): u/justlookingfordragon
  • My youtube channel (mostly BotW and TotK content)
  • Trade List for Pokémon SwoSh

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

IIRC chain fishing and pokéradar also had pretty decent shiny odds in that gen, but from personal experience I have to agree with Yokozuna that hordes are still better to find specific shinies - and they feel more “natural” as well, compared to the other two methods.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Noodles. Premade sauce in jars, that’s a different story, but the noodles themselves … I simply can’t taste any difference, so why should I pay five times as much for the same amount of noodles?

Same with rice. I usually buy a huge bag of no-name rice from a nearby overseas market every couple of months, which is a lot cheaper than buying the same amount of rice in small bags, and doubly so if said rice is a brand name grain.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Neckbeards, because I fit some of the stereotypes.

I’m interested in roleplaying and videogames, so people assume I’m one of those gatekeeping basement dwellers that mock “girl gamers” and play WoW and weird hentai games 23 hours a day. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about what other players have in their pants or which games they like as long as everyone is having fun.

I own two swords, so people assume I’m one of those “leave the multibillion dollar company alone” fedora-wearing m’lady incels who pose with their katanas for sh*tty profile pics and think they look like ninjas or something. The thing is, me and two buddies did show fights for medieval faires for a couple of years, so the weapons aren’t just decoration / dumb tokens to make myself feel cool. Granted, the “fights” were more or less scripted, but it still had to look convincing enough to entertain the masses.

It’s especially annoying when actual neckbeards think I’m “one of them” and are then surprised that I don’t share any of their cringey, prejudice-laden, condescending world views.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Back on reddit, I once got a long, rather angry-sounding comment on one of my posts, saying that I had obviously stolen content from a youtuber, and the person even linked the channel I had “stolen from” to prove a point.

They somehow missed the fact that both the reddit account and youtube channel had the same username, the same icon, and were linked to each other in both profiles, because it was MY youtube channel.

The most surreal part is that it happened the other way around a couple of days later, where a different person ON youtube accused me of lazily recycling posts from reddit …

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

As if it were their house.

Because that is literally the case. The server you’re using right now (for free, mind you) belongs to someone else. That someone provides the service to house your posts and comments, and you really wonder why “they” have the last word?

Imagine you’d open your doors for a bunch of strangers but politely ask them to not make a mess. Someone dumps their garbage on the floor. You ask them to clean up and/or leave, and they reply with an indignant “OMG you act as if this was your house!”

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

If you insist on this example, then don’t forget that the “bank” made you agree to the terms and conditions when opening your bank account, in which it is clearly stated that the cash you deposit belongs to the bank then. If you don’t want to give the “bank” your money, then just don’t deposit it, easy as that.

When you created your account on lemm.ee you had to agree to the terms and conditions of the fediverse. And now you complain about things that you agreed to as if it was some sort of conspiracy to retroactively f*ck over clueless customers. I don’t really get where your issue is.

If you want an online service to publicly house your “treasure” (content) without giving other people the rights to use/censor said content, you can simply create your own instance anytime you want and apply your own rules - but then it will cost you money because servers don’t run on love and sunshine. And if you want that very service to be free of charge and provided by someone else, then you have to play by their rules.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

I think a human touch will always be necessary in these kinds of judgement calls.

Definitely. I know of someone who got automatically banned for writing a comment like “that guy must be hung” (as in “having a big member”) as a jokingly lighthearted reply in a comment thread of people just messing around. The bot interpreted it as “someone has to hang that guy” and slammed down the ban hammer for inciting violence.

And actual human being would have instantly realized from the context that there was no need to interfere, but bots are tone-deaf.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

We’re talking about a guy who said he could remotely de-classify documents by thinking real hard about them. Maybe he’s under the impression that the internet will magically shut down when he says “turn yourself off!” out loud three times.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

“There you are, sweetheart, sorry I’m late. I was looking everywhere for you.” (Howl’s Moving Castle)

It’s the very first thing Howl says to Sophie when they meet for the first time. The quote itself, without context, isn’t exactly meaningful and rather sounds like some bullsh*t smalltalk to distract the guards … but there is this scene very late in the story where Sophie goes back in time and witnesses a young Howl catching and swallowing Calcifer. Remember what she did?

She called out to them. “Howl! Calcifer! I’ts me, Sophie! I know how to help you now - find me in the future!”

Howl literally has been looking for her ever since that day.

It’s one of these small but really cool details that you only retroactively realize after watching the movie several times.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Well, there IS a real one … www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbfFgTzbtRw

In recognition of this festive season, we caught up with the real-life Santa Claus. That’s right: Old Man Christmas is a real guy who legally changed his name to Santa Claus. Santa, it turns out, lives on Long Island, owns a barbecue company called Santa’s BBQ and has been Santa for more than 20 years.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

One can request abandoned communities at !support. The mods can either transfer ownership to someone else directly (which keeps all the content intact) or nuke the community so the interested user can start from scratch.

Not many people seem to be aware about this tho, or maybe don’t want to ask openly, or feel bad taking over what someone else had started.

So, as for your actual question, I think culling completely inactive, empty communities after a while would be the best option, so the names are freed up again for people who are actually interested in moderating. If the community already has content but no (active) mods, then “adopting” it is the better option, but there should be an additional way to communicate all of that clearer to the userbase. Maybe something like the current “community spotlight” but advertising abandoned communities that are up for adoption …?

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

We already have such a feature tho. Two of the communities I mod were “adopted” because the original creators abandoned them.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

You have to request them on !support … and sadly it is not yet well-known. Automating the procedure (like making a community freely availiable after 6 months or so) would make adopting them a whole lot easier, but the additional hurdle of having to ask a supporter first means that they can decide on a case-by-case basis which lowers the risk of trolls taking over communities just to mess with them.

Both have their pro’s and con’s.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

and just start squatting (so to speak) on the mod rights to communities

That already happens “manually”. Two of the communities I mod were originally created by community name squatters who grabbed a bunch of “popular” names and then basically abandoned the site the same day. One of those two users had created 25+ communities just to sit on the names. And one of the “partner communities” on a different instance was created by someone who put zero effort into creating content - they only opened a magazine and expected others to do all the work, then eventually abandoned it when they lost interest (hasn’t been online in 2 months). Luckily that magazine was recently adopted by someone who seems a lot more invested and active, but that doesn’t change the fact that the magazine had been “dead” for months prior to the new owner taking over.

Granted, an automated system would make it easier for squatters to just kinda program a queue of communities they want to grab, but the problem itself already exists even without an automated system.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar


I guess it’s supposed to deter people from using it or something, but I have to admit that it did confuse me for a hot minute.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

They disappeared after the Calamity was defeated,

… except, conveniently, for the Guardian parts used in the Skyview Towers (the “arms” that grab Link, the control units, etc.), or the dead Guardian atop the Hateno Tech Lab, or the Guardian “daggers” that were formerly turned into Ancient Arrows (which Link can DIY now), or the Purah Pad which is basically a rebranded Sheikah Slate, or the telescope atop Purah’s little lab at Lookout Landing …

Oh and of course the after-credits scene in BotW, where Zelda states that she wants to go investigate Vah Ruta to find out why the Divine Beast stopped working and check whether it can be repaired. The “Calamity” was dead by then as the scene takes place days or even weeks after the final battle, but I guess noone had told the Divine Beasts yet that they were meant to inexplicably go poof along with the main antagonist.

IMHO it would have made a lot more sense to say that the people of Hyrule actively dismantled and destroyed most Sheikah Tech they could find so it would be impossible for Ganon to possess them again. That would explain why there is still some of it left in remote corners of the Kingdom, and it is a more down-to-earth explanation than “it just vanished”.

All in all, it really DOES sound like a lazy “I don’t care” explanation.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Well, what can I say? Bird watching got boring eventually, so I upgraded my hobby … =P

justlookingfordragon, (edited )
@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

I read that as “exploding” and was a little concerned for a moment …

But hard agree - the more “fantasy-like” a building looks, the better. Especially castles and cathedrals.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Kbin and Lemmy.ml mostly. The majority of communities I follow and/or interact with are on Lemmy.World, but this is due to the fact that I have a bunch of rather niche interests and other instances lack content about those.

For example, there seem to be only 2 communities about The Owl House: !theowlhouse (which is pretty active) and !theowlhouse which has a single post that is 6 months old and doesn’t even credit the artist, plus an inactive mod. It’s a no-brainer which one I want to follow.

I guess this “lack of content” will change over time, but as of now, the Fediverse still needs to grow a lot to make smaller communities worthwile.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

We have a house rule about this: The real world of course has priority, so if something happens that is out of your control, it is not the end of the world if a session gets cancelled… but if it happens regularily or without a good excuse, then the character gets temporarily removed from the party with a matching in-game excuse so that the people who DID show up can play in peace.

So the party just defeated a big enemy and the next session they wanted to plan their next steps, but the player of the warrior didn’t show up for the third time…? His character is unconscious now while the others talk. Hit to the head during the fight, 5 hours or so knocked out, and the player and character alike can catch up with the rest the next time the player is present. Or maybe the guy had to escort injured villagers to the next healer and heads back to the party a few days later after completing his own little mission “offscreen”. Or he ate something bad and spent a week locked up in the outhouse, whatever. There is always some way to send the missing guy’s character away for a while so the rest of the party doesn’t go empty-handed for the umptheenth time in a row.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

… and some of them technically don’t even exist. “Breath of the Wild 2” for example was a placeholder title for Tears of the Kingdom until the title was revealed in September 2022. Why would anyone use a placeholder name that has not been used by anyone in over a year?

justlookingfordragon, (edited )
@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

green feet on Munchlax??

Half-transparent pale-yellow paint on a blue item. It might have been the somewhat correct color if it was painted on a white surface, but the background color shines through.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

The most recent one: EA. I had disliked them and their practices for quite some time now, but there was a game on sale that I found interesting enough to purchase … it was like 2 Euro or whatever, so no big loss. AFTER the download they wanted me to sign an electronic agreement to basically harvest all of my data and requiring me to be permanently online in a singleplayer offline game at all times so they could monitor me, and if I didn’t agree I wouldn’t be able to play the game. No refund. I uninstalled it and will never purchase anything from them again - that was the last straw, the last ever chance I was willing to give them. And no there was no warning of any kind before the purchase - they deliberately waited until after they had my money to “ask” for that bullshit.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Cashier here. I managed to outwardly stay friendly and nice during the first wave of Covid, even tho at least 70% of our customers had managed to turn into the most insufferable nuisances in the history of mankind. It was especially exhausting when they started to bulk-buy toilet paper and literally everyone had some sort of super lame excuse why they NEEEEEEED eight packs at once and why we definitely SHOULD make an exception to the “one pack per customer” rule specifically for them.

If you have the same old discussion fourhundredandeightyseven times a day, it gets old pretty fast. But you can’t just tell them to STFU without risking your job, soo … well. It was simply exhausting.

One day I had a proper Karen at the register, who tried to tell me that she was buying the second pack for her poor old neightbor lady which allegedly had a broken hip and couldn’t walk to the store herself (you know, because if you have a broken hip you DEFINITELY stay at home instead of the hospital and definitely also use the toilet yourself, no issues here …) and she simply refused to leave the register. I was honestly contemplating whether I should call security and have her removed when the guy behind her looked at me and said:

“Well, that lady definitely needs twice as much toilet paper as others … because judging by the amount of shit that just came out of her mouth, she’s got assholes on both ends.”

It took all of my remainig willpower to not laugh. Imagine the “Biggus Dickus” scene from the Life of Brian for a mental image of how hard I tried to keep a straight face. Karen got red, huffend and left without buying either pack, and that delightfully snarky guy has been my favorite customer ever since. I might or might not sometimes “accidentally” swipe my own tag across the scanner to give him an employee discount…

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly … there would not even have been a shortage if everyone just kept shopping the normal amount instead of trying to hoard stuff. Especially for TP it was completely unneccessary unless your entire family planned to shit themselves eight times a day for weeks on end, yet people acted as if their lives depended on it (and even stole rolls from the public toilets, bought paper towels as backup and the like).

Another delicious “FU” moment, that I was sadly not personally present for but got told in great detail, was when one customer tried to return 100-something packs of TP for a refund after the first wave of Covid was almost over. Turns out he and some buddies had the genius idea to buy “one pack per person” multiple times each day for a couple of weeks (he had a giant bundle of receipts so we know when the packs were bought) and then resell the TP online for profit, but noone bought it… and since TP is a “hygiene article”, we don’t take those back for safety reasons, just like underwear, swimsuits and everything else that is meant to come in contact with human bodies. He was so furious that he started throwing things, screaming about how “we ruined him and will pay for it”, and threatening employees to the point that police had to be called to remove him.

Not the shop security, but actual police. A report was filed and a shop ban issued.

Because of toilet paper.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Good luck. It’s not an easy feat to consistendly walk that fine line without burning out, especially in the holiday season … take care.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

The thing that really scares me though is the way the problems change at the higher levels.

In case you find yourself in the situation, tell your employer. It may sound awkward to them at first that someone wouldn’t want to be promoted, but in the end it is in their best interest to keep employees who ARE good at doing their jobs, instead of creating a situation where the same employee is suddenly no longer able to do a good job. This is no shallow talk by the way, but a well-documented, scientifically proven effect called the Peter Principle (which basically boils down to “everyone gets promoted until they reach the point of maximum incompetence and then get stuck in that position”)

We as a society are trained to percieve “climbing the corporate ladder” as the main/only goal of working jobs with a hierarchy, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with staying at the level you’re comfortable at. ;)

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Ohh okay. I really misunderstood your point then, but thank you for clarifying ;)

I’ve talked my way into jobs I can’t do, then failed badly

Failing at something is not the end of the world. Sure it sucks at first, and possible setbacks in life aren’t exactly cool either, but you DO sound like someone who refuses to stay down whenever life decided to knock you down, and that is something not everyone can do. That requires an inner strength and determination that a lot of people simply can’t muster.

And you know what? Your idea of working in the social sector sounds like an excellent goal - it IS a hard job with little pay, but since you fought your way up from the bottom already, you have a completely different, deeper insight into related issues than someone who knows homelessness and its struggles only from a textbook. You will be able to understand clients in similar situations on a completely different level, and they in turn might be more inclined to trust your advice. You might be able to actually help people that simply fall through the cracks elsewhere.

Good luck, friend. May your spark never fade.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Breeding slimes for specific colors. Winter is basically the only time I can do that in relative peace, as “sorting” those little hyperagressive snotballs takes astoundingly long each day, and when I try to do that in any other season I start to neglect everything that isn’t automated (like planting crops, going to festivals, working towards the greenhouse…).

  • In spring, summer and autumn: animals > crops > spending the rest of the day foraging, wooing villagers, mining or fishing.
  • In winter: animals > slimes > spending the rest of the day foraging, wooing villagers, mining or fishing.

(I still often manage to run out of time and sprint home, cussing, only to break down in front of the bed…)

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

I have a slightly weird and a bit too complicated approach to this issue, but it works for me at least:

I’m an avid breeder and have been maintaining a huge collection of 'mons with special egg moves, good IVs (and later Apriballs and hidden abilities) since the breeding mechanic was introduced. Whenever I feel the urge to restart a run on any game, including the “older” ones, I create five eggs for a starter team and let them hatch in the new playthrough. That way I make sure that every team member is useful to me right from the start and I have no issues circling through them depending on which one is the most useful for the climate/zone I’m currently in or which one needs a little more XP at the moment.

Whenever I rely only on the 'mons that can be caught in early routes, I end up overlevelling my starter as they tend to be the most (or only…) useful team member and trying to battle with the others feels like a chore. It’s just not fun to try and fight with a Poochyena that only knows Tackle, Howl, Sand Attack and Growl until it finally gained eight or so more levels to learn its first actually useful attack, and then having to swap it out shortly after that because you need to drag an HM slave with you. =/

The downside is that you either need someone else to help you trade, or use one of the still availiable online storage options to trade with yourself in order to move the eggs or newly hatched 'mons into another game, and Nintendo’s service in that sector isn’t exactly convenient.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Amen. As a DM it is completely fine to generate challenging “food for thought” situations for their players, but when you start to play against your party and actively sabotage their characters, decisions or playstyle, it’s time to step down as a DM.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Had a similar experience once at a convention. The DM was somehow obsessed with “winning” the scenario, as if it was a player party VS. the DM situation. He even was suprised when most of us flat out left the table after we managed to defeat the first major threat of the campaign and it then somehow suddenly turned into an undead version of itself, stood up again and managed to escape for no discernible reason other than the DM being unwilling to “lose” the fight.

On the flip side, we had a blast continuing the scenario in the partking lot on our own terms, without a DM.

Long story short; not a common problem, but IF it happens, it is frustrating and annoying and can ruin the fun of the entire party.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Random fun fact: there is a German roleplaying system (Das Schwarze Auge) which explicitly mentions that elves do not have belly buttons, because the “wound” gets magically healed right after the cut. There is a lot of similar weird official canon that occasionally makes me wonder what TH they smoked at the time of writing their rulebooks.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, why not? ;) Sorry that most of the sources are in German, but I don’t know about relieable English sources.

  • Orcs are big, bulky warriors with green skin and very little hair in almost all other franchises. DSA has a bad case of “our XYZ are different than yours!” for most of their species, so their orcs are covered from head to toe in thick, black fur (they’re condescendingly called “Schwarzpelze” / “blackfurs” by other races) and are noticably smaller than humans. Think of small, dark wookies with big teeth. Orcs generally don’t view women as people - not even their own! Female orcs are called by a name that allegedly translates to “animals that birth orcs” and they’re generally treated like livestock.

  • Goblins got the same weird “ours are different” overhaul. In almost all other franchises they’re the smaller, big-eared, smooth-skinned green people, but in DSA they’re basically orange monkeys (some official art) who ride swine and are literally incapable of understanding where babies come from because the “goblin queen” (Kunga Suula) held a ritual to permanently erase specific traits of that species, these being: understanding what fatherhood means, understanding what personal property is, understanding any type of death rites (they just toss deceased relatives to their swines), understanding loyalty of any kind. A bit more info here: pnpforum.de/viewtopic.php?t=56697 … and the “best” part is that this ritual was held to protect the tribes from the Nameless (basically the main antagonist) because that entity often corrupts people by false promises appealing to their desires, like promising to liberate a folk from harsh conditions or protecting their loved ones and the like. A Goblin who doesn’t care for his offspring or friends won’t be tempted by that, right? Extremely weird way to protect your people IMHO, but canon.

  • Elves, at least the “purebred” ones, never have unwanted pregnancies. They can f*ck all they want and won’t need protection or birth control, because elven babies have to be “called from the light” which is basically just a ritual to make a female elf pregnant. No idea what this ritual is supposed to look like, but sex isn’t necessarily involved. Elves having fun with other races, that’s a different topic tho, and might lead to an inconvenient surprise when the elf in question suddenly understands why other races don’t have / need such a ritual…

  • Elves start out incapable of digesting fermented or highly processed stuff. The entire race is basically lactose intolerant and “spice-tolerant” like a Brit until they VERY slowly get used to eating human meals. The Elven language (isdira) is also basically unlearnable by other races, because elves speak with two voices at once, so a single elf sounds like two different people saying the same thing at the same time, and THAT in turn is a prequisite for the correct pronounciation of a lot of elvish words. Like I said earlier; I really wonder what TH the creators smoked … I also faintly remember reading somewhere that the second voice comes out of their nose when they say two different things at the same time, but I can’t for the life of me find the source for that so take it with a grain of salt. It might have been a fan theory. Some more info here: dsaforum.de/viewtopic.php?t=51042

  • Every single person on the continent Aventurien has a “soul animal” that represents their character traits. They may not know about it, or may know that such a thing exists but don’t know WHICH soul animal they are associated with, but there are magic spells to “see” said soul animal in others to give the spellcaster an insight of the spell-targets soul. If for example a wizard casts that spell on a person claiming to be a war veteran and they see a battered, scarred, old lion then the wizard will know the other guy speaks true, whereas if their soul animal turns out to be a stressed-looking chicken or something like that, then that guy is probably a liar.

  • Simlar to that, witches usually have an animal companion that is basically a separate part of their own soul, so it should be identical to the soul-animal of the witch in question. The rulebook suggests some “classics” like crows, black cats and frogs, but any regular (non-magical) animal between the size of a bunny and a cow is okay to use when creating the character. You want your witch to have a monkey, goat or tortoise as a companion? Go ahead. Witches also have some …unusual spells. They can make their saliva have healing or damaging properties, so they can heal wounds by licking them but also melt the face of an attacker by spitting at them. And they can reanimate and move “dead” wood. The witch of one of my regular players once was in a situation where she was tied to a chair, and she decided to make the chair run away with her still on top while their captors weren’t looking. We had to pause the session for a while because everyone was laughing so hard at the mental image of a tied-up 80-something wrinkled old lady galloping through the streets on an effing chair, yelling “so long, suckers!”

  • There is a goddess named Rahja, who stands for lust and love and joy. One of her “Alveranians” (basically angels) carried her child to term in her stead, to spare the goddess the pain of having to birth the child herself. The thing is … that Alveranian was a man. I do NOT want to think about this any further.

So…yeah. There you go. One big serving of coversation starters ;)

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

It’s basically that, minus the ability to talk (the “daemons” in HDM can talk like people, whereas the soul animals in DSA can only talk telepathically with their respective witch). The only other difference is that a witches’ companion is usually born elsewhere and has to find their witch in the real world later, which usually happens when the witch is around seven years old and her magic awakens. IIRC the daemons in HDM are somehow born alongside their respective humans and keep shapeshifting until they settle for a matching animal form eventually.

I fully agree with the name change tho. I mean, it should not have been that hard to just stick to Blackfurs and Redfurs for orcs & goblins when they’re “nicknamed” that way in the actual game anyway. Both races also have noticably different names for themselves in the game (goblins call themselves Suulak, for example) so that would have been yet another option for a unique name. No need to call these fictional races by a name that most people already associate with very specific traits and then go out of your way to make them “different”.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Ditto. I tried a couple of alternatives over the years but most of the “free” programs are either not much better than the already built-in thing, or spam the end user with advertisements about paid services (I’m looking at you, Avast!) to the point that they’re a lot more intrusive than any actual virus could have ever been.

Never had any issues with the regular Defender and I’ve been using Windows for ages.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t non-commercial use of trademarked stuff ok? I was under the impression that it only counts as copyright infringement if you somehow profit from it, which would not be the case in most communities here.

(I’m not a lawyer tho so I could just be wrong)

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

There is a Firefox extension called “I don’t care about cookies” and since I’ve installed it, I haven’t seen any pop-ups like these anymore. But if you have uBlock Origin installed already, better follow the advice of other commenters ;)

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Breath of the Wild. I mean, yes, there are quests, bosses, temples, shrines, minigames and whatnot, but it is also completely fine to just fetch your favorite horse from the stable and ride across Hyrule, hunting wildlife, watching the sunset, cooking food for your character, maybe have Wolf Link accompany you on a hunt, just taking in the scenery, foarge for mushrooms, looking for shooting stars at night … a little bit of reality escape helps to unwind after a long, hectic day. And this game is unreasonably beautiful as well, despite the simplyfied graphics.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

My first instinct would have been to pick invisibility - I’m a total introvert and I do NOT enjoy having to deal with people, so knowing that noone sees me anyway sounds tempting.

… but then again, teleportation sounds even more tempting for the same reason. Need groceries? Teleport into a store after hours, grab some stuff, teleport back and enjoy the rest of the day undisturbed (and with a still full wallet) without having interacted with anyone. Need to run an errand, like sending a letter? Who needs the post office anyway when I can just teleport wherever the letter was supposed to go and stuff it into the recipient’s mailbox, then quickly teleport back…? I could sell the car since I would never need it again - no more traffic jams either. I would be on time for every appointment without having to rush. And there are a million smaller things too, like never having to worry about locking yourself out of the house.

Definitely teleportation for me.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Avoided: Captain Laserhawk - A Blood Dragon Remix. The title is just so …edgy. I took one look at it and immediatly lost all interest.

Spoiler: Big mistake. Once I did finally try it out, I immediatly binged all 6 episodes and was devastated that there wasn’t more. Fair warning tho, the 18+ rating is completely justified.

Embraced: The Owl House. I had no idea what the show was even about, but the name has a nice ring to it so I got curious and gave it a try … with a similar result as mentioned above (binge it all and be devastated that there isn’t more of it)

Semi-related tho not about the name: I refuse to shop in ANY store that has a self-checkout. And by that, I do not mean that I just refuse to use the self-checkout - I will reject the entire store for that sh*tty business decision. You either employ enough actual cashiers or you can go jump in the lake. Yes it is petty and childish, but I still feel it is justified.

justlookingfordragon, (edited )
@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

I live in Germany. There are eight different supermarkets within driving distance (less than half an hour), and two smaller markets within walking distance. Two of the big markets have self-checkouts, so I stopped shopping there altogether out of spite.

EDIT: just to visualize the statement, this is one of the cities around these parts (~150k people). Not my actual home as I don’t post personal stuff online, but a good representation of the situation.


Everything within the blue area is less than 20 minutes walking distance away from the blue marker in the middle, and every red marker is a supermarket. If someone dislikes a shop for any reason, it is a matter of minutes to find a different one.

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

Did you know that TOH has its own community on Lemmy? !theowlhouse

Mostly MoringMarks comics, but they’re an incredilbly in-character work of art ;)

(Sort by “oldest first” because there are lots of ongoing stories between the oneshots)

@justlookingfordragon@lemmy.world avatar

No idea why the people in this comment thread get downvoted, but the extension is literally not an actual, factually correct count of youtube-wide dislikes, and the creators say so themselves.

From their own homepage:

“The backend is using archived data from when the youtube api was still returning the dislike count, extension users like/dislike count and extrapolation.” (www.returnyoutubedislike.com/faq)

It’s a mix of outdated pre-removal data, dislikes of only(!) the users of the extension, and guesswork. Dislikes of youtubers who do not use the extension are not factored in, and “extrapolation” is a fancy way to describe that part of the data is made up based on assumptions.

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