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When I was a kid, the first PC I built was a white box with a Pentium 4 HT, which was still a fairly new CPU at the time. It ran hot so I cut a hole in the side of the case, bolted a 120 MM fan in the hole, and covered it with a shroud that I think I must have fabricated with Aluminum facia.

It didn’t look pretty but it worked. And it kept my bedroom toasty in the winter.


First rule of technology: if the increase in complexity and decrease in reliability outweigh the added tangible value, don’t implement it. This is why it’s usually best to avoid “smart” appliances or, you know, brain implants.


I’m a member of a church that runs a large food pantry. Even with lots of donations, grants, and steeply discounted food, it still takes a lot of money, resources, and manpower (volunteers) to make it happen. Our client count is at an all time high and steadily growing. A food pantry is not a “business” you really want to see grow but I’m glad it’s there for people who need it.


I’ll second Veeam. It only runs on Windows but as far as backup and recovery software goes it’s the gold standard and the competition is not even close.

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

Zoom: “wE cAnT cOlAbOrAtE iF wErE nOt In PeRsOn. We NeEd EmPloYeEs To ReTuRn tO tHe OfFiCe.”

They have stiff competition but this has to be one of the most incompetent boners I have ever seen pulled by a major corporation. Stating very clearly to the entire world that you have no confidence in your own product. If Eric Yuan (Zoom’s CEO) wasn’t the principle shareholder he probably would have been fired out of a cannon by now.


The fact that Trump is old is no where near as serious as the fact that he’s a complete fucking idiot. The smartest thing that guy has ever done was marry Ivana, because she was probably the only person in that entire family who actually knew how to use her brain. And he couldn’t even manage that for more than about two minutes.


🎶Oliver! Oliver! Never before has a boy wanted more [memes].🎶

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

Are you really going to sit there and try to tell me that Patrick Mahomes eating wings doesn’t make you want to immediately drop what you’re doing and go to wing stop!?


Anytime they talk about using “AI” at my job it’s in some way that is completely unnecessary and seems to actually make the product shittier. And no, it’s not Bing.


Mrs. Doubtfire would have been an awesome Super Smash Bros. character.


Just a reminder that the big three used the 2007-2008 financial crisis as an excuse to screw over their employees while GM and Chrysler both received tax payer funded bailouts.

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

Doing the right thing, especially when it puts you at a disadvantage.

Edit: I tell my kids that there are days in your life where the only satisfaction you will have is knowing you did what was right. I know this from experience. Sometimes things go completely to shit and you don’t have any control over 99% of it. But what you can control is you and a tiny sliver satisfaction is better than none at all.


A separate bill she signed restricts the public release of her travel and security records.

Ah, I see someone wants to campaign on the taxpayers dime with zero accountability.


My mom would call home and if she got a busy signal so many times throughout the day we were busted. Dial up sucked ass.


One of the reasons I moved on from IT operations. Management considers your department to be nothing more than a cost center and then goes all surprised Pikachu face when they take an axe to the IT budget and then everything inevitably goes to shit.


Software engineering. I was actually surprised at how few people I’ve met in software engineering that originally came from IT. It can be an advantage because a lot of newbies in the field have no idea how infrastructure works at the enterprise level.

I was in IT Ops for 12 years and made it to the Director level. The further up the ladder you go, the less you work with technology and the more your ability to deal with corporate politics and leadership skills matters. I actually didn’t mind that part. I enjoyed helping my team grow and develop their skills. Changing jobs at that level often means packing up and moving halfway across the country. That was especially true before the pandemic. I came really close to doing that. Then the pandemic hit and the company I was negotiating with suspended all hiring. I was actually relieved. Honestly, I didn’t want to move my family halfway across the country. That’s when I decided my career in IT was coming to a close.

Software engineering isn’t for everyone. To excel at it, you gotta understand that it really is an engineering discipline. It’s relentless problem solving. It pays well when you get to a certain level but the attrition level early on is fairly high because people get into it thinking it’s easy money not realizing that 2 out of 3 projects they’ll be assigned to is just being thrown into some dumpster fire of a code base, that someone else set ablaze, and expected to make something of it. Half the time management doesn’t even know what they want the app it to do so in that respect it’s not that different from IT Ops.


Not who you’re replying to but l use a credit card for all automatic bill payments. If they don’t accept credit cards or charge an outrageous fee I pay them through my online banking bill pay. Whether it gets to them via check or electronic funds transfer is their problem, not mine.


If you had told me ten years ago that I would still be using Outlook (on desktop and mobile) I would not have believed you. It’s way more stable than it was back then and honestly it’s the mail client that I find least objectionable.


Bats, upon the encountering the first human settlement, let out numerous little screeches which roughly translated to, 🎶"Oh we’re movin’ on up! (Movin’ on up!) To the east side. (To the east side.) To a deluxe apartment in the sky!"🎶


The cheaper/lower quality the air filter, the less particulates it filters from the air. What dust the filter doesn’t catch cycles through the system and can get caught by the AC coil. Filter effectiveness is measured by its MERV rating. The higher the rating, the more particulates it will catch. I use a MERV 13 filter but that’s because I’m alergic to the entire planet and it helps reduce airborne allergens. If you go much higher than that your furnace/air handler may struggle to blow air.

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

You’re talking about people who consider Newsmax and “One America News” to be the only reliable news sources and believe that Donald Trump, who managed to spend 4 years indirectly robbing them blind and would not spit on them if they were on fire, is somehow the most persecuted man in all of history.

They would believe just about anything.


My kids will never know the experience of getting up at 6:00 AM every Saturday to watch Saturday morning cartoons. I also discovered some of my favorite movies while randomly watching late night movies when I couldn’t sleep. But I do not miss commercials one bit.

Enthrone, to AskKbin

Greetings all,

I have an assignment for my Geosciences class where I have to ask others, preferably those not from the United States, why the US struggles to believe in Science, particularly topics such as The Big Bang Theory.

Why do Americans, compared to most of the world, seemingly propagate Creation myths while simultaneously rejecting the very notion of Science?

How does your community (or country) regard The Big Bang? Is it largely accepted in your culture(s)?

Finally, what could the American education system or government do to help its citizens increase their Scientific literacy?

Thank you for any responses, it is greatly appreciated!



Disclaimer: am from US.

Short answer: We don’t.

Longer Answer: Christianity is arguably the major religion in the United States and there is a small(ish) segment of Christianity, primarily composed of Baptists, Pentacostals, and other Evangelicals, who believe that the story in the Bible which talks about the 6 days of creation (see Genesis Chapters 1-2) means 6 literal days. How they came to this belief is a much longer answer which would require a more in depth understanding of the history of Christianity in the United States. “Young Earth Creationism” is also a rather new idea and was basically unheard of prior to the early 20th century.

This is not a mainstream view and it is not held by any Christian traditions outside of those listed above. For instance, I’m Presbyterian and the idea of “young earth creationism” is ludicrous to us. The theory of evolution is generally accepted by most Christians although we generally don’t discuss it much because it’s science, not theology and doesn’t really haveuch of a place church. Ironically, I was raised as a Baptist and was taught “young earth creationism” growing up so I am quite familiar with it even though I don’t believe in it. But again, the theory of evolution is a commonly accepted, mainstream view in the United States.

As far as what the American Education system could do to increase science literacy, that’s a difficult question to answer. The education system here is very diverse and the quality and resources can vary dramatically depending on where you’re located.


Scrubs: one of the best medical shows ever made. The last season was just a waste of everyone’s time.

Frasier: After Niles and Daphney got together the writers were stalling the inevitable end.

The Son: Two seasons was two too many. Who TF thought it was a good idea to have Pierce Brosnan play a Texan?


If we find something (usually on Pinterest) that we like, I will paste it in a Word document, format it, print it out, and put it in the recipe binder that sits in our kitchen counter. It’s old school but it works.


It’s always been weird. Why would I pay more money for clothes that someone put holes in on purpose?


Just make sure you get the right lube for the job. You show up to OP’s mom’s place with a bottle of automatic transmission fluid and things are going to go south real quick. And not in a good way.


“CaPrIsUn iS mAdE oF PiSs FrOm sLeEpY jOe BiDeN aNd tHe DeMOnCrAtS! OnLy DrInK TrUmP PiSs! MAgA! LeTs Go BrAnDoN!”

–Someone having a stroke while posting on Facebook, Probably


We worked for the same company but at different offices. Normally I would avoid dating someone I work with but I hated that job so I didn’t care. She was cute. I was going through a divorce. I started chatting her up because I thought she was cute. I was still kind of surprised when she asked me out. I said yes but told her I wasn’t ready for a serious relationship and why. She was cool with that.

Eventually it turned into something serious. That was almost 7 years, a wedding, and two babies ago. She is an absolute gem of a lady and my best friend. 10/10 would definitely trade that shitty job for my awesome wife again.


Me: Swinging at wasp with a fly swatter.

Wasp: “You don’t scare me. In fact, I’m going to pretend you’re not even here. La La La! I can’t see you!”

Me: Standing there minding my own business while a wasp flies into me.



For your internal LAN there aren’t really any pros.

Does your ADHD make you forget?

Hi, I’m new to lemmy and this is my first post. I’ve been diagnosed with adhd for a while now and I’m on medication. I’ve always had issues with memory and was wondering if this could have something to do with my ADHD, as taking the meds seems to help and it’s only with small, simple things like what I did today or had...


Here’s a simple experiment you can try. Look up one of the contacts in your phone. It has to be one whose phone number you don’t know. Read their phone number, then try to recite it or write it down from memory without looking at it again.

If my meds are working like they should, I can do it. Otherwise I have to literally look at every single digit as I write it down because it’s like as soon as the number is out of sight, I might as well have never seen it. Same with reading books. I love to read but I struggled with it before getting on Vyvanse because I would get to the end of a paragraph and have absolutely no idea what I just read. I’d have to read the same paragraph 5-6 times before some of it actually stuck.

This is something that some people who don’t have ADHD struggle to understand. Everyone forgets things occasionally. That’s normal. What’s not normal is forgetting things so quickly and frequently that it severely degrades your quality of life. That’s a common symptom of ADHD and boy does it suck.

Stop Loss Securities as Savings/Emergency Funds safe?

Is it safe to treat stocks and ETFs in my brokerage account as savings and emergency funds as long as I have a significant number of lots with a Stop Loss or Stop Limit Order in place? My Savings Account technically doesn’t cover 3 months of expense, but combined with my brokerage account it does. Is it safe to be have 1 month...


One of the benefits of an emergency fund is instant availability. I can access those funds almost immediately if needed. If my house burns down or gets wiped out by a tornado, I would rather not have to deal with liquidating investments and waiting for the funds to clear. At that point there will be more pressing issues to deal with.

Earning a return on my emergency fund is secondary to availability in terms of importance, to me at least. There are plenty of good options out there for high interest savings accounts.


Based on the age of that model, I would expect the issue is more likely a failing vacuum tube.


“I think he said the sheriff is near.”


Arkansasan here. That’s about right. God damned Texans.


It’s already available. Picked up my daughter’s prescription today. Going to have my doctor switch my prescription to generic next week.


I’ve got an old PowerEdge tower server sitting in my basement that I picked up for $300 on eBay. Dual 6-core Xeons. It’s running probably 7 Ubuntu VM’s in Hyper-V and not even breaking a sweat. Still need to get the GPU passthrough for Jellyfin configured though.

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

It might if it were really working hard but at idle it draws around 160 watts.

Edit: I was close. 140 watts.


We got reorganized last month. Scrapped almost all the projects we were working on and fired 1/4 of the workforce (mostly sales and support staff). On the plus side, I’m still employed and I’ve been able to use the last month to catch up on personal shit while the higher ups figure out what they want to spend money on next. On the down side, the new project I’m assigned to sucks and is never going to be successful. At least I don’t think it will.

But, as long as the paychecks keep rolling in…


One time I rewrote an Azure function to make it slightly more efficient. The cost savings were ~$50k /yr. Cloud services have their place but it is amazing how quickly the costs can spiral out of control.


First thing I did was update my resume. I “job hopped” a bit over the last few years, out of necessity, and I’ve only been at this job for a year. I’ll probably try to stick it out for a while. It’s also a brand new tech stack to me so as far as I’m concerned I’m getting paid to pad my resume.

Edit: also I work for an unprofitable division of a much larger profitable company so not as much risk of the entire place folding.

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