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The One Musketeer

Our hero, D’Artagnan, faces numerous adversaries and learns the meaning of honor while searching for the last candy bar on earth.


The touching story of a dog down the street that won’t STOP FUCKING BARKING!! All day and night, every day! Does it not sleep!? Does it not eat!? Are it’s owners deaf or were they brutally murdered by their neighbors for letting their damn dog bark every fucking second of every day!?


Screenplay - “Goldfinger” (1964)

---- SCENE

James Bond lies strapped to a table and looks on with increasing anxiety at the laser beam between his legs as it moves slowly towards him.

Bond: “Do you exshpect me to talk?”

Goldfinger: Scoffs “No, Mr. Bond! I expect you to ask Moneypenny out. She’s really into you!”

Bond: Relieved “Sure, I could do that.”

Goldfinger shuts off the laser.

Goldfinger: “Good.”



🎶Goldfinger. He’s the man, the man with the matchmakers touch…"🎶


Starring The Count from Sesame Street.


What you are is about to get Litt up.


I’m like Cliff Clavin from Cheers except I’m not full of shit. At least not completely.


If I had the time, I would volunteer as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). What’s a “court appointed special advocate” you ask? Well, when kids go through the family court system, often because they’ve been removed from their home for their own welfare, entered the foster care system, etc. the court assigns them an “advocate”. The advocate’s job is to build a rapport with the child, check in with them regularly, appear with them in court, keep the court updated on how things are going, and even make recommendations to the judge regarding the child’s care. As an advocate, you represent the child and only the child. You get to be a voice for them in this process.

It’s a hard job and it can require a strong stomach. Kids who wind up in the court system have often been through hell. Some of the things you’ll see and hear are awful and will make you feel sad or angry. Some people can be incredibly cruel even to their own children. I’d like to do this myself at some point because I think if I were able to help make even one kids life a little better, it would be worth it.


Here’s a quick test that I do: look through my contacts for someone with a phone number that I don’t know. Read their number and then immediately try to write it down from memory, without looking at it again. If I can do it, I know my meds are working.


I know. Crazy isn’t it.

Transitioning from GnuCash

I have mostly enjoyed using GnuCash for desktop and GnuCash Android for years, but the Android version hasn’t been updated in a while and I noticed that it isn’t even available in the Google Play store anymore (or F-Droid, for that matter). There’s a different GnuCash Android app available, but it’s a different developer...

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

Personal accounting is a tough one. I recently switched accounting software. There aren’t really any great FOSS options that I’ve found and automatic bank transaction syncing is a major obstacle there. Not to mention, any good accounting software is complex and detail oriented. I ended up switching to Quicken; which is probably not a phrase said often. Quicken Desktop is legacy and their online/mobile offering is lackluster at best. But the desktop suite, “Quicken Classic”, effectively has no competitors and has a feature set far more advanced than any other personal accounting suite.

I’ll admit my situation is probably unique. I manage our personal finances and two businesses and I am incredibly picky. The next logical step would be QuickBooks but I don’t have a payroll and don’t really want to spend that kind of money. I made the switch – somewhat begrudgingly – and after doing lots and lots of research. Overall I don’t regret going with Quicken. I definitely have some complaints and concerns, not the least of which is that it’s closed source and extracting my data would be difficult. If I had the time, I probably would have used Excel w/ Tiller. That gives you the flexibility to do just about anything. But, spending my evenings creating VBA scripts and pivot tables is not my idea of a good time. I really wish there were a better and more comprehensive solution because I would be all over it.


“She expected nothing, but instead she received a promise…”

It’s either a Hallmark movie tagline or JavaScript.


Side rant: I refuse to download the McDonald’s app. That’s the first question they ask (and increasingly, any fast food joint asks) when you roll through the drive through. “Are you using the app today?”

No I’m not fucking using the app today. I just want an ice cream cone. Ok!? I don’t need or want to download another goddamned app and manage another set of credentials when it takes me less time to say, “Can I please have an ice cream cone?” And for you to respond with, “I’m sorry but our ice cream machine is broken.” than it does for me to order a fucking ice cream cone on the stupid app.

I mean hells bells I’m a software engineer. I make my living designing [often unnecessary] software [which provides little tangible benefit]. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to have an app to go through a fast food drive through or use household appliances. I will die on this hill. Ok, maybe not die, but I will be severely wounded on this hill.


This should be the new meme format. The only way it could be any better is if the text on the mug said “dumb ass”.

Adults , how do you deal with other professionals

Hi, I’m 46 years old and have had a diagnosis since childhood ( was call add then). And without getting to much into it have had many challenges throughout my life. I’m in a good place now where my own Strahles coupled with therapy and medication help me manage things. Up until very recently i felt like this was something to...

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

I think understanding people goes a long way toward working cohesively and maintaining good relationships with them. Two books that I found really helpful are How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and It’s Your Ship by Michael Abrashoff.

A few cliff notes from my experience:

  • People are often driven by their emotions at the expense of logic. Be quick to forgive this. We’re all that way sometimes. Part of the human condition.
  • Use knowledge of the former to your advantage. People like to be trusted and given ownership of their job. Focus on clearing obstacles and enabling your team rather than micromanaging their work. If they learn to trust you, they will be much more prone to come to you for help before things have gotten out of control.
  • Balance criticism with praise. You need the job done right but your main goal is to help your team succeed. Their success is your success. Have hard conversations with them when necessary. Be direct but be kind. Have these conversations in private. As much as people need to know when they’re not performing as expected, they also need to know when they are. And, I would argue that they need this more. When someone does something right, tell them and mean it. It’s ok and sometimes even good to do this publicly. “John, that feature you implemented was great and your code quality was top notch. Thanks for doing that.” It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.
  • Take responsibility for your own failures. You’re not perfect. None of us are. You will earn a lot of respect by being willing to own your mistakes, not to mention it shows you’re a person with integrity and at the end of the day, it’s worth more to know you can sleep at night because you did the right thing even if was hard.

Good luck! I hope this helps.


It will not surprise me at all if this becomes a thing. Advanced social engineering relies on extracting little bits of information at a time in order to form a complete picture while not arousing suspicion. This is how really bad cases of identity theft work as well. The identity thief gets one piece of info and leverages that to get another and another and before you know it they’re at the DMV convincing someone to give them a drivers license with your name and their picture on it.

They train AI models to screen for some types of fraud but at some point it seems like it could become an endless game of whack-a-mole.


Jesus: “Whatever you want others to do to you, do that to them.”

Monique (Probably): “But what if, and just hear me out here, I don’t wanna?”


Have you seen a psychiatrist and are you taking any medication?

Chronic insomnia is a common symptom of ADHD. Your body doesn’t produce melatonin as quickly as it should. Another common problem is because we can’t sleep, we sit around doing things that make it even more difficult to fall asleep like staring at a screen. My nightly regemin is to to take 5 mg of Melatonin and put on blue light filter glasses (the ones that have an orange hue) 2 hours before bed time. Then I take diphenhydramine (aka Benadryl) at bed time. I also sleep with a weighted blanket which helps me stay asleep.

It’s not perfect but I sleep much better than I used to.


That’s good to know. I haven’t experienced any negative side effects but I don’t doubt what you’re saying. I wonder why it gets marketed as a sleep aid (or put into sleep aids) so often with that many known side negative effects?


I have a good relationship with my dad now but that wasn’t always the case. It’s too long a story for this comment but I’ve confronted him a few times over the years about various things. On one such occasion, he said something to the effect of, “Why don’t my kids ever want anything to do with me?”

I said, " I love you Dad, but you’re an angry dick about everything and you always have been. Would you want to spend time with your dad if he was like that?" His dad was exactly like that. He didn’t say anything but I knew I struck a nerve. He’s worked on himself a lot and is a much, much better grandpa than he was a father.

I don’t know your situation and you can’t change your family members behavior. That’s on them. But sometimes it’s ok to let them know what their behavior is doing to everyone else around them. They may not understand that. And if they do and just don’t care, then they’ll have to deal with the consequences.


Went through a divorce almost 6 years ago. My ex has an undiagnosed mental illness and my marriage was really bad so for me it was kind of a weight off my shoulders. It was still hard but it gets better. Find someone you can talk to about it, even if it’s just a therapist, and take lots of time for self care. I did a lot of fishing, hiking, and golfing for a couple years. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed doing that stuff.


That’s nerve wracking. But you know what’s worse? Finding code that shouldn’t work, not being able to figure out why it works, and having to leave it in production because of you “fix” it, the whole damned thing will come fluttering down like a house of cards in a slight breeze.


Ah. The joys of homeownership: One person’s never ending battle against water.


It was Vader in the death star with the laser.


The news brought to you by Monty Python.


You don’t have to worry about the backups. It the data recovery that will require divine intervention.


Mine is kind of similar. Hyper-V backed up with Veeam to a separate logical disk (same RAID array, different HDD’s). Veeam backups are replicated to iDrive with rsync.

I need to readjust my replication schedule to prioritize the critical backups because my upload speed isn’t fast enough to do a full replication that often.


Which would be fine except they want it done yesterday and you’re not going to find out about it until 2 days from now.

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

Jellyfin will work in some situations. It has built-in support for HD home run tuners and has DVR capabilities. However, HD home run only works with OTA or digital cable, not satellite. Also not all clients on all platforms support playback of live or recorded TV. For the right situation, it works really well but it’s definitely not a one size fits all.


“This chicken is so good. You gotta try this!” Kaasplatt“ZZZzzzzzzzz”


Grandma white knuckling it at 45 on the interstate again.


You mean there weren’t a bunch of insane morons running around screaming that N95 masks are basically the same as concentration camps and eating livestock de-wormer by the handful? That must be nice.


There isn’t really a universal answer. Different companies have different objectives. Some of them sell it to third parties, some of them use it for a variety of business purposes. Some of them collect and store it without any idea what they are going to do with it.

I actually worked for a company that did this. They’re a commercial and industrial vehicle OEM. A lot of their hardware interfaces with the vehicle CAN bus (the computer network on all modern vehicles). They would vacuum up every message broadcast on the CAN bus and dump it into a data lake while having absolutely no idea what they were going to do with it.


“What you reading about?”

“Variable frequency drives.”

“Ooh. That sounds hot.”

“Well, not normally, but it’s possible in the case of a poor connection.”

“Well that’s …uh… ironic?”


It’s based on a really bad/incorrect interpretation of equal opportunity employment law. Once upon a time I work for a company where if they wanted to promote you, they would post the job internally and externally. Then, a VP would pull you into a room and say something like “You should really think about applying for this position. Do you understand what I’m telling you? You should really really think really hard about applying for this job.”

If you applied for it, they would conduct a series of [sham] interviews and then just hire the person they intended to promote to begin with. If you didn’t apply, you would be deemed “ungrateful” and forced out. Oddly enough, they had a similar practice for company vehicles. If they wanted you to have a company vehicle, which just meant they could monopolize more of your free time, they would bring you a set of keys like, “This is your now. Drive it.” It was never a request. More of a directive. And you couldn’t say no or there would be consequences.

Pretty much exactly the kind of place that would feel the need to pretend to follow federal employment law and generate lots of paperwork demonstrating how thoroughly they’re pretending to follow it.


Fucking carpenter bees (aka winged termites). Ironically, the males have no stingers but they are extremely aggressive and will kamakazi dive bomb you in the face repeatedly if you get near the entrance to the nest.


He was the perfect choice for Don Draper but I’m glad he was able to branch out too. He’s a good actor.


Do not let your landlord steal your deposit.

  • Take pictures before you move in. Make sure to document any damage no matter how small.
  • Keep a signed copy of your lease in a safe place.
  • Leave the place in as good condition as it was when you found it. Make sure any specific items mentioned as part of the move out are addressed and that you can prove it.
  • Take pictures when you move out.
  • Research your states small claims court rules and procedures.
  • Sue landlord in small claims court if they try to steal your deposit.

I did this to a landlord who tried to rip us off with a bunch of bullshit fees after we left the house in immaculate condition. We tried talking to them and they wouldn’t even respond. It cost me about $100 for the court fee and to have them served. They must have known they fucked up because they paid up (deposit and court fees) almost immediately.

It pissed me off because I guarantee I’m not the first person they pulled that shit on.


“I dOnt lIkE tYpEsCrIpT. iT aDdS uNnEcCeSsArY cOmPlExItY.”

Well I don’t like the PTSD I have from trying to refactor your God awful native JavaScript codebase. It has enough magic strings to summon the Dark Lord himself.


Boots. Here in the Southern US, boots are very common daily footwear, even for business casual attire. I have two pairs of Lucchesse ropers, one black and one brown. A “roper” has a low, straight heel like a dress shoe rather than a tall angled heel like a more traditional “cowboy” boot. I’ve probably got 10 years on both pairs and no telling how many times the heels and soles have been replaced. Still look like they just came out of the box. They are also very comfortable if you spend all day on your feet unlike most dress shoes. Lucchesse’s are expensive but most high quality footwear is.

jubilationtcornpone, (edited )

Probably more of a rural vs. urban thing. Different areas tend to have different dress expectations. I’m an Arkansan and when you traveled to Little Rock on business (at least pre-pandemic), suites were more common in a business setting. Anywhere else in the state that would be considered overdressed for anything except church on Sunday, weddings, and funerals.


I think one long term effect of this would be driving up wages outside of states that require posted salaries, at least for some positions in some industries. There probably aren’t enough businesses signing on to this idea to make much of a dent though. As a business, you’re effectively reducing your own labor pool. Either way it feels like the corporate equivalent of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Probably the same idiots whining that “no one wants to work anymore” (cue worlds tiniest violin).


Not to be pedantic about a meme but I would consider the US repeatedly detonating nuclear weapons on the Marshall Islands and then doing jack shit to clean up the mess to be worse than any coup.

67 of them to be exact. 70 years later, the Marshallese are still the ones paying the price of that incredibly bad decision.


Your best bet is to use a Router/Firewall that supports QoS. I have a Mikrotik router that does QoS and routes all traffic from my qBittorrent server through a VPN. It’s a very convenient setup but Mikrotik’s also require at least some networking background. They allow granular control of almost everything and are therefore easy to mess up.


OpenWrt supports wire guard VPN and QoS so I would assume yes but I’m afraid I’m not very familiar with it so I won’t be of much help configuring it.


The golden age of streaming was when you could get most good or popular shows and movies on Netflix. But then, as is tradition, everyone else got greedy and decided they had to have their own streaming services. Now streaming is basically just cable TV with extra steps and the value proposition for the consumer is getting to be just as bad as it was with cable, maybe worse. There were quite a few years where I stopped pirating. I didn’t really feel like I had to. Those days are long gone. It took me five minutes to download a movie my wife asked for yesterday, from the time I punched the title into qbittorrent to the time it was playing on our TV. For me this is mostly about convenience with cost as a close second. Film studios like to whine about pirating but as far as I’m concerned they are the main cause of pirating. They make mostly shitty, overpriced content anymore and then make it so inconvenient for the rest of us to get to what little good stuff they put out. Their repeated attempts to squash pirating have not only failed, they’ve indirectly made pirating more sophisticated and increased the quality of pirated content.


I use an actual physical planner. Going to Barnes & Noble to buy next year’s planner is somewhat of a ritual at this point I guess.

If I hand write things down, I usually remember them. If it’s not in the planner, it’s not getting done. ADHD turned me into a relentless box checker.


Platelets have never been the best at finish work.


Make sure the appliance you choose can handle the throughput. Just because it has two 10g nics does not mean you’ll get 10g throughput, especially if you start loading it up with firewall rules. Protectli makes some nice little appliances that are designed for running OpnSense.

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