Free software and queer

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GNU is not a set of programs or libraries, it’s an operating system.

GNU packages is what you are referring to. But GNU itself is the name of the OS.


GNU is the name of the operating system. GNU packages like glibc and gcc can be used for an operating system. Gzip is a GNU package.


Because what you mentioned is ahistorical and based off reactionary history by bad actors.

Rms draws the line a GNU because GNU stands for a free operating system, which is what the GNU project is aiming towards. If this were purely a discussion about technicality, then we would be wise to let the matter drop, but that’s not whats at stake here.

shouldn’t I call my system Plasma/KWin/pacman/systemd/GNU/Linux?

You can, you literally can and it would be better that way to accurately describe what operating system you’re running. The shortest possible name is GNU, but that would be unfair to the contribution made by the linux foundation and the fact that multiple kernel projects do exist: so the name is GNU/Linux.

His essays on the topic which are publicaly accessible from the GNU website do discuss this.

other than to stroke his own ego

Rest assured that rms does not doing this out of ego tripping. Maybe you should tease Linus Torvalds for calling his kernel linux and the ENTIRE operating system linux. Torvalds is a multimillionaire who has used an apple M1 laptop. Stallman has never budged on libre software and directs his own life by his own stated principles. Call Rms stubborn, but never call him egotistical.

None of this is directed at you btw, it’s just something that always springs to mind for me whenever this topic comes up.

Please read Free Software, Free Society by Richard M Stallman so that this doesn’t have to keep springing up anymore. There are very few “linux” comm members who have read the foundational literature in full so I hope you do take my advice.


Literally please stop posting this copypasta. I know you “linux” users only have like 4 jokes but this is just outdated and also false.


Yeah these would be called NonGNU/Linux or Busybox/Linux.


First of all, this copypasta has never been said by anyone at the FSF or from the GNU project. People falsly attribute it to rms even though he has already made his thoughts clear on the matter. It’s just misinformation and a bastardized take on the naming discussion.

I mean most Linux systems with a few exceptions (looking at you Alpine) use gnu software in them

It’s not “GNU software in a linux system”, again, GNU is the name of the operating system. GNU packages were developed for that operating system. Alpine is not GNU, it is a NonGNU/Busybox + Linux operating system mainly targeted for embedded devices. Linux is not a GNU package, but was liberated by Torvalds to be included in the GNU operating system which we now refer to completely as GNU/Linux.

and it is a somewhat fair argument to say that a kernel isn’t an entire operating system and other factors should be considered

Such as the freedom of software writers and computer users. Calling the operating system “Linux” is taking away (even if not by intent) the very principle of freedom of the GNU operating system. It isn’t “somewhat fair”, far too many people who use Free software do not understand it entirely and thus are vulnerable to closing their hands from further liberation.

Also why the quotation marks? It is a Linux joke, and if you don’t like our humor than you can just kinda… Ignore it?

If “Linux humor” is repeating the same 5 or so jokes and endless banter about the same topics then it isn’t productive. Especially if that humor is just spreading misinformation in service of a cheap gag made by others. I’m just calling it out when I see it because I’m done giving a lot of yall the benefit of the doubt anymore.


It is not “intended” to be an OS if you use GNU Hurd. That is literally the name of the operating system that launched the entire libre software movement. You don’t engage with it that way because linux comms don’t bother to educate their users at all.

Rms was right, “linux” users don’t care about history and “linux” communties stopped giving a shit.


No, its because Linus Torvalds doesn’t consider libre software to be important. Torvalds sucks when it comes to free software.

GNU Hurd is an incredibly important project because there can’t be just one “free software kernel.”

Richard Stallman doesn’t care about popularity. He already changed the world. What he does care about is people forgetting their commitment to freedom.

He doesn’t give a shit if people say Linux, he does give a shit if people are “marketing” Linux without an emphasis on freedom.

Something that many have failed in.


I hate this language, its so fucking dehumanizing. “Viable competitor” is such bullshit. Torvalds gave away his commitment to freedom with binary blobs. That’s his decision to do. But to label Hurd on that same level is the biggest disservice to history you could ever do.

Hurd will never be the “viable competitor” because you hold selfish attitudes about how makes software valuable or not.

Torvalds sold out. Hurd didn’t.


Top members are all companies that have made bank abusing their users to no end. Linus Torvalds refuses to upgrade to GPLv3 because he doesn’t see the value for enforced freedom restrictions. He is a “freedom for me, but not for thee” type of person. Hurd on the other hand will never suffer this issue because of it being a GNU package.

The kernel is filled to the brim with nonfree firmware blobs. These blobs can be updated/modified by the vendor but not by the user, by that definition, they are nonfree. You could say that Linus Torvalds chose the “pragmatic” option. You wouldn’t be wrong to deduce that none of the companies on that board member list would EVER contribute to the kernel if they had to also respect the user’s freedom.

But that’s the thing, Torvalds still sold out. Scandals like the proprietary Nvidia driver (which will now get its home in nonfree firmware) gets to happen (and will continue to happen) because the precedent was set. Torvalds historically didn’t even want to liberate his kernel until he was convinced by the work of the GNU project to do so.

Torvalds is the poster boy because he does not threaten any sort of status quo. No one is immune to propaganda, and the Torvalds “Open Source” media narrative is still the dominant one. The GNU/Linux vs. Linux controversy is propelled by this Faustian pact.


Intel and AMD both have tons of blobs that they ship to the kernel. Google has Android which relies on more nonfree firmware and proprietary user space. ChromeOS is also another example.

Strict copyleft has always shielded contributions from being used nonfree programs, ensuring their freedom. Weakened copyleft or pushover licenses should only be used in certain circumstances.

“Open source” was not a concrete concept back then. It was certainly not as we know the concept today. The noncommercial clause in torvald’s initial license would not comply with the 4 freedoms, thus it was proprietary.

Torvalds didn’t “sell out” to GNU. He liberated his own project for use in the GNU Operating System which is and always will be a project to create a fully free operating system.

Libre != noncommercial, neither are virtually all definitions of the modern open source movement. If torvalds were to sell out he would have kept his kernel as it was.

The FSF is not “too idealistic.” It is simply an organization dedicated to a set of standards for software freedom. They solve problems related to living without nonfree software and share those solutions.

The real “idealistic” world is the status quo, where all humans are meant to grovel at the IT tyrants as computer science becomes more and more stripped away from public conciousness. It is idealistic to think that human citizens would not revolt against this system and expose it for the parasitic shell that it is.

The FSF is a response to freedom being stripped away from us day by day. The reason you didn’t think of it that way is because no one is immune to propaganda blasted to you 24/7.

Every good natured family member who tells you to use facebook, every peer who tells you to go on a discord “server.” Every weak redditor. The huge amounts of e-waste produced by OEMs with little to no regulation. And all the kids who are being raised under the jailphones of iOS and Android. This is all propaganda designed to manufacture consent for you swindling away your freedom to privacy and computer science. If the ghouls could convince you that computers were magic, they would.

Why would this not spawn the most fierce resistance campaign that spans the entire globe? One that is unyielding and hostile to threats?

And why wouldn’t one want you to think that they’re too “idealistic?”


Nothing is holding hurd back. Debian and GNU Guix both ship hurd. The world has failed hurd instead.

Hurd will never accept firmware blobs or proprietary drivers. Thus, it will not work on OEMs who use those tactics for their machines. You are still able to install hurd in a VM as those have libre standards.

This is true for all GNU packages, not just hurd.


It is a “zealot” opinion because I don’t topple over at the slightest breeze.

Both Linux and Hurd are libre software. However, the freedom of linux is compromised as torvalds set the standard for how OEMs can circumvent the GPLv2.

“viable competitor” is not the correct term to use. It miscontrues decades of history and circumstance.

Hurd is far better than Linux in terms of ensuring your freedom. But linux is better for getting more folks onto the freedom ladder. Linux however, isn’t the end goal: GNU is. If you don’t know what that means, congrats, you’re part of the problem.

GNU has their own kernel, called linux-libre, which follows the same set of principles as Hurd. It won’t function 100% on modern OEM hardware but its important as message towards freedom.

I use a blobbed kernel one if my machines, but I also have a librebooted debian thinkpad. I am intensely interested in a fully free OS, this is why i seem stubborn to those who don’t even keep what Im saying in mind.

My x220 uses intel microcode, that is nonfree software. However, I was convinced by the founder of libreboot’s (Leah Rowe) extensive writing to make it so. Im not completely stubborn, but Im also not careless.


Hurd is not a monolithic kernel, so it’s an interesting technical endeavor. It’s also a GNU package which means it’s guaranteed to stay libre.

Hurd is also a smaller project relative to linux without the many eyes of the Linux board members.


No one is here to coddle your feelings. Enjoy being a loser bootlicker, you never cared in the first place and want to project that onto others.


Linus Torvalds has a large political influence, even he couldn’t hold back and flipped off Nvidia. But Torvalds and the rest of the foundation don’t go further than that. They’re willing to criticize but not to condemn.

You’re right in that the larger hardware industry is an even bigger shithole artifice than IT is. Thats a failure of state actors who have an open secret of corruption (esp in the US) and laziness. Projects like RISC-V and coreboot are promising in that regard.

So we either have the choice of accepting proprietary drivers or just not using the functionality of GPUs.

Thats just life. This is still a transitionary period. But soon in the future, all software will be libre and all proprietary elements will be purged, never to come back ever again.


The strategy of the GNU project is to create and support as much free software as possible to make proprietary software obsolete.

Firmware is one of the biggest hurdles as the freeworld has the userland locked down for the most part (albeit some editing software like CAD or becoming feature competitive with photoshop).

There will always be people seeking to control others through dirty licenses and EULAs. The solution is not to target them (yet!) but to reject them and empower ourselves.

If that means not being able to use a wifi card: use an adapter! Or use ethernet. If that means we can’t get microcode, we’ll find cpus unencumbered by patents or reveree engineer them. Want to use an apple m1? There are people trying to liberate that machine as much as possible.


“ecosystem” is a misleading term here. There is no “ecosystem” in CS, market giants explicitly make decisions about what their product policy is and rarely budge on them out of goodwill. Ecosystem implies that we implicitly lack a large degree of control and are only observers. That may be true for cutting edge research (only sometimes from a certain perspective), but hardly the case for when a company wants to create jails in their software for their clients. Or refuse to release firmware for a wifi card that they don’t even sell anymore. Those are gardens meant to trap users in. The garden of the GNU project is all unapologetically libre software meant to prevent users from endangering themselves with nonfree software.

The GNU project never “allowed” non-free components, but they will always exist. The goal is to obtain a fully free operating system on all levels. It’s okay to use proprietary software for the purposes of study and reverse engineering (a la using UNIX to develop userland/kernel). What’s not okay is to stop agitating for more freedom.

The current GNU/Busybox + Linux desktop is virtually a complete operating system, but is held back by blobs and users advocating for proprietary software (users complaining that proprietary “X” doesn’t run on “Linux”).

We get market share by being more free, not by making ruinous compromises.


macOS is based off FreeBSD, which is completely free. Not sure what you mean here.

I don’t know which part of the comment you are referring to, but stating that MacOS is based off of FreeBSD is the same fallacy as saying Android is based off Linux. The two proprietary systems (very few people run Android with a fully libre userland) have become so drastically different that it becomes just a historical fun fact. Not to mention your statement doesn’t paint the full story.

I don’t really see much documentation that shows GNU made Linus use GPL or not. You can’t assert that.

Torvalds states in this interview that: “So in the meantime people have pointed me to the GPLv2, and I decided that rather than just change my license by editing it again, I should just use an existing one.”

Sure, the GNU Project did not directly advise Torvalds to use the GPLv2. But Torvalds found utility in the GPL as a way to close the financial gap of distributing and support the kernel’s development.

They propose solutions that would require good sacrifices that many greedy people simply won’t follow.

No social movement has ever succeeded by appealing to the whims of the most selfish people. Most folks don’t use proprietary software out of any sort of greed, but because of envy and ignorance. Envy meaning that proprietary software and its propaganda is so prevalent in society that people feel like they will be harmed if they don’t use it. Ignorance is self-explanatory. At least in the US, scientific illiteracy is far too common and a well documented phenomena.

If you really think the status quo is “idealistic” then you don’t know what that word means.

I do think it’s idealistic for many in society to believe that the current proprietary model is sustainable. It’s an artifice that many governments and communities have opted in to. To stay on a sinking ship in hopes of it getting better is pretty idealistic, no? The status quo was a purposeful decision made by the parasitic hoarders of society to perpetuate, it is a constant ongoing theft of knowledge and wealth.

Despite how much software the FSF have funded, they’re still unable to attack.

True, they aren’t a multi-billionaire who strong-arms and bribes the US Congress to spread his OS and ideology throughout schools (cough Bill Gates). But I think a rag-tag group of volunteers have done immeasurable damage relative to their resources.

You can argue that any promotional stuff, including FSF, is propaganda being blasted to you 24/7.

This is in bad faith, you cannot equate the FSF with large multinational media firms. I wish the FSF’s message was blasted 24/7, but the reality is it’s not and it’s very disingenuous to say otherwise.

Linux is a practical response to non-freedom… but we need workable alternatives that can do many of the same stuff to switch to before we can rejoin freedom.

I don’t think you’ve actually read about the GNU project. You’re just repeating the GNU Project’s mission but falsely attributing it to Linux. “Workable alternatives” is also a misnomer. Free software is not an “alternative” to proprietary software. Free software is meant to invalidate and destroy the legitimacy of proprietary implementations. By saying alternative you’re subtly implying that nonfree software has a place in Computer Science and setting up Free software to always be beholden to its proprietary implementation. A nonfree firmware blob is not an “alternative” it’s a concession and a fatal flaw.


Im sorry you’re insecure. I scream GNU because I’m not embarassed about having an opinion.

My “cause” doesn’t include kissing your ass when you feel uncomfortable.


The control we should have was taken away from us. Though efforts like RISC-V and Asahi Linux are both examples of purposefully regaining control.

Linux-libre or Linux-gnu is the official de-blobbed linux kernel of the GNU project. However, Linux-libre is an ongoing project that needs to overcome microcode and blobs as does Hurd. The linux kernel itself is free software, but is often built or packaged with nonfree blobs.

Windows has continually added anti-features, jails, and other injustices. They are a subgroup of the microsoft corporation, which spends millions upon millions in legally gray practices to spread their nonfree software.

Windows gets users by capturing them.


Someone’s mad lol.


Oh no not your precious “linux” community. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Have fun with your digital Stockholm syndrome and corpo mindshare.

Man, people like you are why we have to call it GNU/Linux. You have no core principles.


But you enable MS’s bad behavior. They know you all have no backbone.

There’s no strawmanning, just the consequences of endorsing abusive behavior done by parasites.


No , you just gave up. Stop lying to yourself. You hide behind muh affordability because that’s the convenient excuse to use to not think about this.

The status quo will benefit you for giving up entirely and disparaging those who advocate for freedom.

“Teenage me” sounds like a mask off moment for you being a bitter out of touch person. You endorse the status quo and hide it under emotional rants of being more mature than the rest of us.

“Nothing is pure… Rant about corpo crap”

I’m only commenting to this because I don’t want younger folks or to be caught up in your self hate spiral.

Its GNU/Linux because clowns like you exist and won’t shut up. People deserve better, they don’t deserve someone like you frothing at the mouth at the fact that you don’t believe a better world is possible.

You’re incredibly lucky that a majority of “Linux”/tech communities tolerate you.


Using Microsoft Windows or any of its derivatives is endorsement of that software. Every user of Windows is a sucker. OP’s post is not the end nor the start.

Get real, the audience of Windows is an audience of self-enabling victims.

“But I have to use it for work!!! I have to make money!”

You are still a sucker and perpetuating this broken system. If that makes you angry, it should, the artifice of respectable neo-liberal society was stripped from you.


sigh in librewolf and ungoogled chromium


I don’t disagree with the points brought up specifically in the video about poor management internals at Mozilla corp, but this video doesn’t even scratch a major part of why FF is supported which is because Firefox will always be libre software unlike Chromium and Chrome which get hit with anti-features regularly that has to be patched out (never mind manifestv3 and web environment integrity).


Vivaldi has proprietary components that the developers will not disclose due to chronic fears of “corporate espionage”

Thus Vivaldi cannot be planted in a build farm nor be compiled yourself, so you have to take their precompiled binary and deal with it.

Stop being scared and use Librewolf and keep ungoogled chromium in the back for compatibility (and terrible nonfree “webapps”).

Nonfree browsers are a waste of everyones time.


Sorry but this is tenderqueer nonsense. Geopolitical alliances made by the ruling class (when have you ever made an input on NATO?) does not equal queer liberation even if you stretch it to the farthest extreme. Shame on you for spreading ruling class propaganda as some sort of queer gotcha statement. Your “fuck tankies” just proves to me that 196 has no idea what it’s talking about. You create enemies that don’t even exist and then get shocked when your propaganda is cringe (and not based on reality).

Anyway, way to go “mask off.”

jsnc, (edited )

The CCP [Communist Chinese Party] hackers utilized a vulnerability in the Microsoft software, and this was not due to ‘user error,’” Bacon wrote.

Who names their child Bacon? Also this article gets the name wrong, It’s the Communist Party of China (CPC) not the “Communist Chinese Party” or whatever sinophobic nonsense he’s telling his base. I think this is less about the actual vulnerability and more about “evil communists” living in this guy’s head rent free that contribute to a very patriotic victim complex.


It’s news like this that makes me feel better about libre software.

The other side is depraved.


Piracy of software is always moral in the face of proprietary software.

They have stolen so much from us that we have all right to revolt.


The GPLv4 is looking promising.

The Future of E-Learning: Text to Video in Education (

##The Future of E-Learning: Text to Video in Education In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the realm of education has seen a transformative shift towards more interactive and engaging learning experiences. One of the most exciting advancements in this field is the integration of text-to-video technology in...


Thanks, I hate it. SaaS products need to be cut away from schools not brought into them. This goes for all Edtech products not just this one.


Yeah why not also add the firmware blobs to the label as well. Without them, your device wouldn’t work at all. A shiny “UEFI/iwlwifi/broadcom” and “secret microcode updates” should work.

It’s not just “powered by Linux” but powered by “linux-firmware/Linux”

Did I do the funny yet?

jsnc, (edited )

The shortest proper name is GNU.

Inb4 Alpine, which is just called “Linux” internally.

People use terrible words in CS and engineering in general. Doesn’t mean we don’t challenge them.


And hardware can’t talk to it. Has it ever occurred to you that there’s more at stake here? That companies feel the need to lock away hardware in order to drive their profit line.

At least GNU has something interesting to say about computer science. And for what it’s worth, it’s telling to know that you woild rather disparage GNU rather than the purposeful decisions made by executives and manufactuers to render both hardware and software undocumented and subjugating.

But no! That’s “unfixable” and we need to learn how to “deal with it.” God forbid anyone makes a ruckus about it. Freedom for me but not for thee in this fast paced economy.

You picked the status quo and are now complaining that people reject the status quo.


What? GNU has a kernel, it’s called Linux!


GNU has both Hurd and Linux, very powerful indeed!


I don’t use “google search” because it is nonfree software; linux was not started by the GNU project members. However, GNU does have a linux, it’s called Linux-libre.

GNU is the operating system in its entirety. GNU/Linux is the name used to best describe the exact operating system by giving principal credit to the Linux foundation. The GNU part is to highlight the fact that it is a libre operating system first and foremost.

Perhaps I need to reread the essays again, but the main takeaway is that what’s at stake here isn’t credit but the political legacy of software freedom. Something that is made obvious by your last remark.


Great observation! I’m glad you feel better now.


Searxng, Whoogle, Librex, Mullvad Leta (accessible with a Mullvad subscription)

I also use brave search with many of its SaaS features turned off (AI summary, discussions) because Brave has a independent index thats useful to consult. The previous ones I mentioned are proxies to already established indices.


Mfw New York isn’t even labeled on the map.


If decides to roll advertisements we’ll know why at least.


I think we should all raise the minimum drinking age again :(


Well, I gotta leave something for those who choose to reside with the beast: Neovim

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