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  • jsdz,

    It was added to the “exclude” list in an apparently unrelated commit three days ago with absolutely no explanation. Glancing at its front page I see nothing objectionable, just a lot of anime stuff. When challenged u/dessalines had nothing to say other than “no, that is full of CSAM” and just closed the discussion without further comment.

    Unless some more info comes to light it does not look good. Probably as good a time as any to depart from

    jsdz, (edited )

    I wouldn’t need to be wholly convinced that there’s anything heinous going on over there, just that the person accusing them of it had good reason to think so. So pretty much anything more than no info at all would probably have done the trick. Anyway, thanks for putting up with me for a little while and good luck to everyone at, but I’m outta here. I’ll probably go try kbin or something.


    I used it once, as a last resort when I wanted to try some program that had a ridiculous set of build dependencies that was just too much. It was okay, I guess.


    If everyone on the fediverse goes to right now and searches for “best new iphone car insurance shopping aarp member bad credit” maybe we can save the economy.


    Who are all these extremist wackos who don’t already want to abolish capitalism?

    Former UK prime minister Boris Johnson said Covid was "nature’s way of dealing with old people" and he agreed that "we should let the old people get it" (

    Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s former chief scientific adviser, made the comments in his diary on 14 December 2020, amid a huge Covid wave that led to the third UK-wide lockdown and killed 1,000 people a day at its peak....


    Amazing how Johnson’s government managed to combine this callous indifference to the fates of its people with one of the most cruel and restrictive “lockdown” regimes in the world, arresting people for going out to walk their dogs and so on. Boris really had a talent for ineptitude that was exceptional even among prime ministers.

    jsdz, (edited )
    <span style="color:#323232;">int is_even(int n)
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">{
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    int result = -1;
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    char number[8]; //should be enough
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    sprintf(number, "%d", n);
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    // check the number
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    // TODO: handle negative numbers
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    for (char *p=number; *p; p++)
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    {
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">        if (*p=='0' || *p=='2' || *p=='4' || *p=='6' || *p=='8')
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">            result = 1;
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">        else if (*p=='1' || *p=='3' || *p=='5' || *p=='7' || *p=='9')
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">            result = 0;
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">        else {
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">           fprintf(stderr, "Your number is wrong!n");
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">           exit(1); 
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">        }
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    }
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    return result;
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">}

    "Why are we destroying the economy for people who will die anyway soon?" former UK prime minister Boris Johnson said to have asked at the start of the Covid pandemic (

    The claim, branded “horrific” by bereaved families, emerged from notebooks kept by Imran Shafi, Johnson’s private secretary for public service, during the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, an investigation that has been set up to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the pandemic....


    More evidence that all political leaders need someone whose job it is to sneak up on them and whisper “remember, you too will die” whenever they seem in danger of forgetting it.


    If you really want it right now, many guides for how to compile linux kernels are available. Here’s one.

    jsdz, (edited )

    AI that is used to monitor cameras and identify our faces to track everywhere everyone goes: Why would that concern you? Do you have something to hide, citizen?

    AI that might be used to generate agitprop, competing with conventional advertising: HOLY SHIT we need a new international treaty right away!


    You might think that things have changed over the years, but I was around in 1995 and I can assure you this looked exactly as ridiculous then as it does now.


    What’s the difference? They both speak Swahili, right?


    I have two reactions: 1. The headline is rather silly. 2. There’s no way this little script, although it might conceivably be useful to someone, needs to be a youtube video.


    XFCE works for me, but I’ve heard that LXDE is pretty good too.


    Well okay, since it’s up to me: Let’s have free software. Fully free Linux on every phone, including all “firmware” which has gotten awfully soft lately. No more proprietary driver blobs for ethernet controllers or cellular modems. No more proprietary DRM modules. No more “smart” consumer goods that come without source code. The free software revolution has gone pretty well in some respects, but we need to finish the job and put an end to all that garbage.


    It’s a bank! It’s a dating app! It’s a video hosting service, a town square, a shopping mall, a floor wax AND a dessert topping! Why go anywhere else? Just stare at the middle of the big shiny X until it makes sense!


    I wonder how disastrously bad things will need to get before it finally breaks through into public consciousness that maybe putting surveillance cameras everywhere was a bad idea. I expect we’ll find out in a couple of decades.


    It is often heard from non-native speakers and will probably be understood, but in the absence of other context it will be perceived as slightly odd. Perhaps it’s on the way to being widely recognized as fully “correct” but I don’t think it’s there yet.


    “full-disk encryption” is the search keyword you’re looking for


    It’s yet another scheme to gather data about Chrome users for the benefit of advertisers. Aside from the fundamental problems with that whole idea which people most often point to, it’s also underhanded in a way that cookies, tracking scripts, and browser fingerprinting aren’t: It’s code that’s built in to the web browser itself which exists for no purpose other than to act directly against the interests of its users. It may be the first time that’s happened in such an obvious and unambiguous way.

    jsdz, (edited )

    My time was wasted by LLM-generated nonsense just yesterday. I wanted to know when whistling tea kettles similar to the classic design we know today first became popular. The first search result I got was a 3000-word essay all about the history of kettles, so I started reading. You’ll know you’ve found the same one I did if at various points it claims that the kettle was invented “ca. 8000 BC”, “4000 years ago”, “around 3000 BC”, “15,000 years ago”, and “approximately 906-1127 AD”.

    There are various other inconsistencies and things that make no sense at all by human standards, but it’s written in an authoritative tone, looks pretty nice, and was the first result on my searx instance, appearing in the results from several well-known search engines. It wasn’t immediately obvious to me that it’s all bullshit, and there’s probably at least some truth mixed in there somewhere.

    It’s not exactly something to panic over I’d say, but it sure is annoying.


    monopolisation of the init system

    That’s the one thing about systemd that is sort of nice. We don’t really need to have more than one init system, and it does a sufficiently comprehensive job of being one. If it were only an init system and nothing else, there basically wouldn’t be any remaining complaints about it by now.


    Remember when Google’s DNS server address was hard-coded in systemd-resolved? Good times, what a laugh we all had.

    jsdz, (edited )

    The main thing that turned it into a serious issue rather than just a stupid thing to joke about was that Poettering refused (as of five years ago) to admit that it was a mistake.


    It’s just one more annoying little thing to go on the big list of items to be corrected when setting up a systemd-equipped system, but more importantly believing that it’s acceptable to just leave it there demonstrates extremely poor judgement to a degree that makes many of us doubt the trustworthiness of the entire project. Perhaps in 2013, or whenever the decision was initially made, substantial numbers of people were sufficiently clueless as to think that adding in the possibility of inadvertently having your system quietly direct all its DNS queries to Google was better than the more obvious alternative of not doing so, but after everything that’s gone down since then it’s quite hard to imagine why anyone would stick up for such a bizarre point of view today.

    jsdz, (edited )

    the packagers had not changed it as they were asked to do

    Were they really? Or were they told “change it if you don’t like it”? Genuine question, and it would make some difference.

    But in either case I’m sure not all of them did, and failing that it is all down to the one person (or worse, one team of people) administering the system. Badly configured networks resulting in DNS problems is not exactly rare, but that is beside the point. It’s clearly wrong no matter how uncommon is the situation that makes it materially detrimental.


    She would have expected people to name figures such as Quintus Lollius Urbicus, who became governor of Roman Britain

    Look, I know everyone in Britain is required to know the names and dates of all the monarchs going back to the 9th century, but expecting everyone to be able to come up with that name when put on the spot is going a little too far.


    vastly expands the pool of potential victims

    I’m not brave enough at the moment to say it isn’t some kind of crime, but creating such images (as opposed to spamming them everywhere, using them for blackmail, or whatever) doesn’t seem to be a crime that involves any victims.


    Not sure if it’s from an alternate universe or from our own future, but somewhere there is a version of this article that’s like “Today, the market for Mastodon alternatives is a crowded one to say the least. There are numerous services for consumers to try, including the open-source based Misskey, smaller startups like Pleroma, plus the Elon Musk-based product formerly known as Twitter.”


    No matter how good it is, and I’m hoping for the best, it will definitely be over-hyped.

    GPU upgrade for linux workstation

    Hey all! This is my first post, so I’m sorry if anything is formatted incorrectly or if this is the wrong place to ask this. Recently I’ve saved up enough to upgrade my graphics card ($350 budget). I’ve heard great things about amd on linux and appreciate open source drivers so as to not be at the mercy of nvidia. My first...

    jsdz, (edited )

    It may depend on how highly you value your software freedom and the benefits that come with it. Even if the performance per dollar for GPU tasks on blender was 25% worse, personally I would still go for the one with the free driver.

    New policy requires Chinese influencers to display their personal information on Weibo (

    The massive Chinese social media network Sina Weibo informed its platform’s most popular users last week that they must display their real identities, including names, gender, IP locations, as well as professional and educational background, on their account page starting at the end of October....

    jsdz, (edited )

    It sounds like pretty close to the same thing except for the “if you intend to monetize it” part which is a very big difference. But I don’t think Twitch or Youtube or the other platforms where significant money can be made have any support for anonymous payment methods, so that situation is not so different in Germany compared to the rest of the world (outside of China and places like that.)


    Well, that marks the first time I’ve seen anyone refer to it as “the apt store.” Thanks, I hate it.

    Fighting pedophilia at the expense of our privacy: The EU rule that could break the internet (

    Hundreds of academics and engineers and non-profit organizations such as Reporters Without Borders, as well as the Council of Europe, believe that the Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR) would mean sacrificing confidentiality on the internet, and that this price is unaffordable for democracies....


    It seems like a coordinated effort

    It’s nice to see this getting noticed for once in mainstream mass media.

    Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed (

    The new data — comprehensive and definitive — should put to rest the countervailing narratives over Musk’s management of the app. Under his stewardship, X’s daily user base has declined from an estimated 140 million users to 121 million, with a widening gap between people who check the app daily vs. monthly. X’s...


    13% may not sound like a lot, but it includes almost all of the 10% who weren’t complete idiots.

    jsdz, (edited )

    I tried to submit it to but they didn’t accept it.

    It sort of looks as if they did accept it. If they were hesitant, perhaps it has something to do with the description suggesting that it’s a broken and pointless temporary kludge, as well as calling Firefox “removed”, and the ridiculously irrelevant screenshot.

    I didn’t realise it was that easy to build a simple firefox extension like that. Maybe I’ll modify it to disable the whole clipboard api and some other stuff.


    The “info” thing was a misguided attempt by a crazed bunch of emacs zealots to usurp the rightful position of “man”. Probably GNU’s worst idea. It persisted in having some popularity for a decade or more but is now mostly forgotten I think. Despite having used Debian for the past ten years straight I’ve only just now found out that info doesn’t even get installed by default any more.


    No, nothing to do with that sort of thing. The idea was that it’d be all hypertexty and therefore better.


    I’d have liked it a lot better if it had been intended and used as a place to put the more extensive documentation that isn’t really appropriate for a man page, while leaving the man pages as they were. Instead, I learned about it back in the day by being frequently annoyed at missing man pages for basic tools, which had been replaced with suggestions to look at ‘info’ instead, which always seemed to be much less concise and have a worse UI.

    "Linux Desktop: A Collective Delusion" - an unhinged rant (

    Linux has made significant strides, and in 2023, it’s better than ever. However, there are still individuals perpetuating a delusion: that desktop Linux is as user-friendly and productive as its mainstream counterparts. After a few discussions on Lemmy, I believe it’s important to provide a clear review of where Linux falls...


    Laptop computers have made significant strides, and in 2023, they’re better than ever. However, there are still individuals perpetuating a delusion: That a powerful gaming laptop is as user-friendly and productive as the Apple iPad, which is what everyone should obviously be using. After a few discussions on Lemmy, I believe it’s important to provide a clear review of where these fancy “laptop” computers fall short as daily drivers for normal people like me.

    PC gaming laptops will, most, likely, fail, for:

    • People who need the App Store
    • People that want everything to work exactly like it does on the iPad
    • Anyone who wants a simple way to install Angry Birds without trying to use needlessly complicated things such as a mouse and keyboard
    • Apple apps that won’t run because you bought a non-Apple laptop
    • The performance overhead of that extra complexity costs at least 5-15% of what you’d otherwise expect from such a powerful machine
    • People who need to run FaceTime and whose friends won’t consider any alternatives outside the Apple way of life
    • Serious scientific labs with policies that require iPad-only data acquisition
    • Musicians, artists, and customer service agents who’ve built their whole careers around iPad-only software
    • Developers and sysadmins, because you’re probably administering Apple systems for which the iPad is indispensible

    Laptop computers are great, I love them but I don’t sugar coat it and I’m not delusional like you.

    If one lives in a bubble and doesn’t to collaborate with other Apple iPad users then PC latop apps might work and might even deliver a decent workflow. But once you’ve got to work with other iPad users it’s “game over” — the “alternatives” just aren’t up to it.

    iPads aren’t that expensive and they work right out of the box. Software runs fine, everything on the App Store is supported whatever you’re trying to do and you’ll be productive from day zero. There are annoyances from time to time, sure, but they’re way fewer and simpler to deal with than the hoops you’ve to go through to get a minimal and viable/productive laptop computer experience.

    It all comes down to a question of how much time (days? months? aeons?) you want to spend fiddling with a mouse and keyboard to set up things which simply work out of the box on the Apple iPad for a minimal fee. Buy an iPad! You know it’s the only sensible thing to do and the ROI will be fantastic!

    You can buy a second-hand iPad for around €4 that comes with everything you’ll need. And every iPad comes with IOS for no extra charge, so why wait? Buy it! Buy it now!

    “They hated him because he spoke the truth. I can’t even get “simple” apps like Apple iMove to run on my PC. And there’s some kind of “video card driver” that needs “updating”? No sane person could ever cope with this. No amount of googling or even the fabled tech support genuis of “chatgpt” was able to help me. It just won’t work. This whole Internet is delusional, if they think that laptop computers are usable for the average Joe and I’m an Apple iPad expert so I know what I’m talking about. It’s too much hassle. I just want to get things done.” — Average Joe

    Still thinking that 2023 is the year of the laptop computer? Think again. The Apple iPad is all the computing you will ever need.


    It is if you redefine AGI to mean the thing that’s already here, although to get away with that it helps if at the same time you overestimate what LLMs are capable of doing.


    I have frequently found myself surrounded by Twitter and Instagram users, and they seem just as deluded as they do from here.


    Yeah I’d pay up to $7 per 1000 videos, that does seem like a fair price. It’d cover about 3 years of my typical usage.


    My CPM numbers are pretty out of date, perhaps their costs have gone up with inflation. On the other hand perhaps they’ve gone down with storage and bandwidth costs.


    I’ve just noticed that this is in c/piracy. I suppose there’s lots of interest in the story here and everywhere else, but I’d just like to remind you all that ad-blocking is not piracy.

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