@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar


@[email protected]

I like me some tech discussion and freedom.

Thank the sky above for the 1st and 2nd amendments.

Reality is best seen as absurd.

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Why do most people refuse to accept that they are wrong

I have come across a lot’s of people like these. like 99% of them. Sometimes it makes me think twice if what i am saying is wrong? What’s wrong with them. Is it so hard to swallow your pride and acknowledge that the other person is speaking facts? When they come to know they are wrong they proceed to insult/make fun of...

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Because most people have their own idea of what is morally right in the world, and they want to cling onto that regardless of what other perspectives may exist. Both sides do this.

Also, in some cases, speaking the truth about something leads to them losing their jobs or livelihoods.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair

Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza? (apnews.com)

JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of surgery at Gaza’s largest and most advanced hospital held up his phone Saturday to the hammering of gunfire and artillery shelling. “Listen,” said Dr. Marwan Abu Sada as fighting raged around Shifa Hospital.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Because someone decided it was such a funny idea to use these places to launch missiles at their enemies.

Fucking godawful people Hamas are, ruining the lives of 2 million people and assuring untold suffering for probably generations. The sooner those fucks are gone, the better.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

This would be scary except for the part where I think many of these young activists would honestly rather have their whole search history read in court than vote for Trump.

If it’s those two guys again, the election will go exactly the same way as last time, because 99.9% of Americans will have already decided before the first presidental debate even happens.

I know I’ve already decided that I’m not gonna bother come 2024 if those two are back. But I’m more apathetic about politics than the average Tlaib listener. They will almost certainly fall in line the instant the primaries are clinched.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Wow, finally, a doll for me!

  • no one
@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Took long enough. What the hell was the holdup?

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Redistricting should be done by mathematics, because clearly people can’t be trusted for it.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Open Source as a concept is kinda similar to fanfiction. They are both technically just statements of fact, either they are or aren’t, but both of them are very much intertwined with political “The big man can’t control me” kind of zealotry. Which, at least for the anti-corporation parts of it all, I can respect.

But… OSS has a problem that fanfiction doesn’t have: maintenance. With a fanfiction, it either gets finished, standing on it’s own as a self-contained cake to be consumed and praised over, or the writer gets bored and the cake is unfinished. Either way, no person or business ever relies on that cake for their own goals, other than small personal satisfaction. It sucks when a writer leaves it hanging, but that’s just how the cookie crumbles, and the consumer moves on to another work.

Open Source has to constantly update and expand to keep up with the technologies that it’s connected to. And guess what, most all of the major OSS success stories rely on paid workers to keep things up with the times, and make those crucial integrations that keep the software usable.

Linux has many developers paid by their Big Tech employers to make stuff that they can use for their products without hassle somewhere down the line. Same with OpenStreetMap. Even worse with Android.

Does anyone here really think there would be enough maintainment on these projects to keep it at the stability and feature-improvement they are now if all paid work vanished tomorrow? I certainly don’t. And unlike fanfiction, you can’t truly just say “well, we’re not updating it anymore”, at least, unless you don’t care about your whole use case and functional existence being replaced within a year, likely with a more-supported corporate alternative.

There are two and only two ways to keep Open Source supported well enough:

  1. The governments of the world forcibly support them much the same way China invests in their companies, as a social good, replacing the corporate workers and funds with government ones.
  2. Luxury gay space communism somehow comes to fruition and these developers get all the free time in the world free from any other worry, ever, and the whole community forms so well that they all pick up each other’s slack with their newfound infinite free time.

The first option violates the spirit of true open source much the same way as now, and the second one, actually, that’ll happen… the day after the perpetual motion machine is invented, that is.

Reality hurts.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Honestly, I have no real clue.

Twitch isn’t quite completely impervious to adblockers, with proxy extensions allowing us to skip ads still for now, but YouTube could do the exact same thing tomorrow if they wished. uBlock Origin wouldn’t save you, SponsorBlock wouldn’t save you, the only thing that could be done would be a black screen whenever an ad pops up.

Maybe YouTube doesn’t want to fall into the hole Twitch is in, with the proxy loophole, and they view fighting adblockers as a better choice than having to spend a massive amount of encoding expense to have the silver bullet in every country.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Man, that is an unfortunate wikipedia page this picture is on.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Elon Musk running a dating app sounds like the biggest dumpster fire in human history.

You know what, actually, go Elon! I wanna see the trainwreck play out.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

The age of people willing to go through the effort to start and maintain their own website has LONG since passed.

A nice utopia… but one that won’t ever be real, sadly.

Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ (www.theverge.com)

“If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever. So, it’s not just like send $20 to my friend. I’m talking about, like, you won’t need a bank account.”...

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Buy a social media company because you know there’s no way you’ll ever make one naturally

Claim that it’s too full of bots and try to walk out, despite having already signed the deal

Treat your new employees almost like slaves because apparently sleeping at the office is a reasonable proposition

Rebrand the social media network for no good reason, tanking value

Drive advertisers away by changing the algorithm that helped make site so good

Lose millions in company net worth and become an internet laughing stock

…Have the bright idea to save the company by also making it a… banking provider…


@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

ChatGPT? You should see the people addicted to c.ai, they have them beat by miles.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

They’re trying to clown you because “zipper merging everyone should do it” but they’re not thinking about human nature once again.

It’s like communism. If everyone was perfect, leaving enough room and always willing to let people in at the top of the lane without slowing down, then it would work.

But all it takes is one asshole, or even someone that is merely distracted by their kid or something, and the guy in the ending lane has no room and will have to slam on their brakes to stop.

And then they somehow have to merge into decently fast traffic from a dead stop, which is not easy. (Unless of course, the other lane stops to let you in, thus delaying everyone)

The system we do now is shitty, but the alternative if you end up caught stranded is far worse.

jray4559, (edited )
@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

By the time he was CEO it was already dead. He was right to kill it.

I have my doubts that a three-horse phone race would have been stable in the first place, as one of those three (Android, iPhone was too established) would have likely fallen out of favor. And then, you all would be complaining about monopolistic practices Microsoft would inevitably be doing.

Google is not a good company, but they have treated Android much better than they could be.

It's Day 20 with no House speaker, and lower-level names seek Trump's support and race for the gavel (apnews.com)

Republicans gathered late in the evening to hear quick speeches from the congressmen seeking the job, though none has a clear shot at the gavel. Eight candidates are in the running for one speaker after one dropped out. Behind closed doors, they made their elevator pitches to colleagues ahead of internal party voting....

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Ah yes, I definitely had “Republican party needs to call Trump to help decide who needs to be the leader of their constituency so they can govern” on my 2023 bingo card.

Man, this is just a never-ending disaster for the conservate wing, but they totally deserve it for pointing at the far-left Congresspeople and saying how not united the Democrats are.

In a more reasonable government this would be at least a 4 party system, but no chance ever of that with FPTP.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Netanyahu quitting while there are rockets going into his country? Will never happen.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

They should put the clown music on every time they come up for a vote. Would be fitting for how much of a clusterfuck the Republican party is right now.

And they were supposed to be the “united” ones…

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Figma Bal-

Uhhh… I mean yeah, screw Adobe, go Open Source! Screw Monopolies!

(To be honest, I never heard of Figma or Adobe XD, their supposed competition, until this acquisition)

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Man everybody’s hiking up prices. Where’s the money gonna come from to pay these, though? Considering thanks to inflation a lot of us have to use that money for more important things like… food.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

You could say the same thing about posting on Lemmy. Or a new game in your favorite RPG series coming out. Or Starbucks’ newest coffee flavor. Or any number of other comforts.

This is the “don’t be depressed, starving children in Africa have it worse” kind of argument. Please don’t.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It’s what needs to happen.

People who can not abide by the social contract (whether by mental illness, addiction, or otherwise) can not be given the same freedom as people who can. They will likely abuse it for their own destructive aims. They need to be forced into rehabilitation, or, if they can’t be rehabilitated, a separate housing place.


Those services they need are either overwhelmed or don’t really exist in many places, because none of us taxpayers want to spend the money to actually build them, or allow them next to our house. Which is fucked up. And it’s clear that nobody is going to willingly increase their taxes to do something about it. So, what then?

I think it needs to be declared like wartime. Set aside a certain area, get as many help people as possible, and move these people over to basically a modified refugee camp, with what basically amounts to martial law to keep the peace as much as they can. Yes, it’ll be tents and sleeping bags, which is not good, but they need something. Don’t be like the NYC hospital law that sends them in for three days and lets them go back out to the street, because that helps nobody.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

They didn’t behead babies!

They only use their own citizens as human shields and parade tourists around like war spoils before killing them. Such shining examples of humanity Hamas is.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I mean, he’s right, Hannibal Lecter would probably love him.

Or, at least, his cellulite.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Alright, Czech guy, are you gonna put your constituents’ money where your mouth is and help build up Europe’s defense force? Or are you not gonna change a thing because you know the US will continue to act as the world police?

I think you know which one you’ll choose.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Really? We’re doing this again?

Haven’t we all learned by now that there will always be a part of 4chan that will do something bad purely because they think it’s funny? Just ignore these people. If we don’t give them attention and doom about them, the five people on the site being little contrarians will get bored in a week, and they’ll stop doing their stupid racism garbage.

Simple as.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Life in a nutshell. Never make your hobby your job, because you’re going to hate it.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I mean, if this is the way the executive branch is talking about the judicial branch, both of them should be forced to resign and be replaced with other people.

How that is, I have no clue, but you can’t run a country with distrust like this.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Redditor ahead of his time

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

But will you actually leave?

Money is the only language these people talk.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Ban weed smoking too.

Things like edibles, sure let 'em have it, but we’ve only just gotten to the point where life doesn’t smell like nicotine anymore, we shouldn’t be replacing that with everything smelling like weed.

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Do I pirate? Yes.

My philosophy? I don’t wanna pay for it.

Honestly, with the exception of abandonware that can’t legally be bought anywhere, piracy can’t be legitimately excused. If you do it, you do it because you want something that you should pay for, but don’t wanna. Which is a choice you can make, I won’t hate you for it, but own that instead of pretending that you have a logical moral argument to getting it.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Honestly, the main problem for popularity’s sake is the un-diverse userbase.

It’s a bunch of techy redditors, the same way that many other services that splinter off from reddit are. Almost all the communities are literal clones of reddit ones. So for someone who wants a similar style of place and doesn’t have a hatred of reddit corporate built-in, why would they not go to reddit, which has the same kind of userbase but with 100x the users?

Honestly, other than “Open Source Master Race!!!111!!!111”, there isn’t any reason, especially not one that the average person will care about.

Another one, and I fucking HATE saying this, not enough zoomers dragging their friends along. This place feels like a place for the 30-something instead of the 20-something. Which isn’t bad, of course, but in terms of network effect power it is, because peer pressure is huge for social media.

But, separate from all that, do we actually want it to be that kind of popular? Maybe we should stay under the radar for the most part. Keep it from becoming stale and condescending like lots of Redditors can be. Keep the advertisers from sinking claws in. Maybe that’ll be better for the site as a whole than needing ads to support a service 100x the size.

Nebraska governor signs executive order defining men as "bigger, stronger and faster" (boingboing.net)

Nebraska governor Jim Pillen, a Republican not noted as a women’s rights supporter, yesterday issued an executive order “defining” males and females and the attributes thereof. The anti-transgender political grandstanding offers fusty explanations of the sexes–men are “bigger, stronger and faster” on average–in...

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

There is a missing “on average” in the title of this headline, which completely negates the oniony part of the sentence.

This bill did not say that men were exclusively bigger, stronger, and faster, or that women weren’t. It just said that, on average, they are, which is true.

Why that is in an executive order, honestly, there is no good reason for it, but the principle is still the same: lying by omission is still lying, especially in a culture where people only read headlines.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Well, if you want her to stop being in Congress, you know what to do in the primaries.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Yeah, but who’s going to stop the music of growth? Certainly not any politician that wants to keep being elected.

The average person doesn’t really care about sustainable living, they just wanna be able to keep their golf courses and SUV’s and everything else wasteful. If the lake dies, they’ll just take water from further north. Thus, nothing will change, and we lose more and more of our limited freshwater.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I’d hope for that, but there’s also probably at least a 50/50 chance that Utah strong-arms the federal government into letting them have water from Wyoming and Montana up north. Or, god forbid, they get a Great Lakes pipeline.

Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer” (www.pcgamesn.com)

Quote from the article: “The inclusion of intrusive DRM softwares [sic] like Denuvo is a choice that yields an unfair punishment on the consumer,” Running With Scissors says. “Respect the consumer, make a game they want to play, and you will never feel the need to fight piracy. The gaming industry deserves a better future,...

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It is bad for the consumer… but the alternative is instant cracks, as seen with a lot of games on r/Crackwatch that don’t have the DRM.

Denuvo is the first software in a long time that has been able to successfully stop the supposedly inevitable march to cracking. It’s a miracle that more AAA devs don’t use it, since it works so well. (EMPRESS aside)

You can hate me all you want for saying this, but the war against piracy, for the most part, has been won.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Fuck Elon, but dammit, Tesla cars look sleek, this guy is wrong.

And Superchargers >>>> Every other charger as of right now.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

This doesn’t change much because of a simple difference: This was an AI product put in wholesale.

There was no human intervention in (visually) creating this product, thus no human can claim copyright.

Studios aren’t gonna do this when replacing some of their writers, because AI may not be good enough yet. Instead, it’ll be a smaller team, they’ll do the edits, and they can claim copyright.

This only really matters If AI advances to the point where we can completely create a full movie or TV show from scratch with just purely prompting, which, currently, we can not.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Not in the copyright sense.

Yes, there were millions of people’s work that was in the training data that was used to make whatever AI program created those AI images, but (at least right now) that isn’t considered for legal ownership.

The US Copyright Office is taking the stance that there must be human effort that can be seen/pointed to in the final product directly in order to count as an “Author”.

Think about that guy with the monkey taking a photo, and how that got into the public domain. Just because the company selling the camera “created the camera used to take the photo” (made the AI model) or because someone using the camera “set their own settings for the photo to be its best quality” (typed in a proper prompt for the model) doesn’t mean that either party “owns” that image.

That whole paradigm could maybe change if/when AI LLM programs get seriously regulated, but even so, I personally don’t think that changes the chain of ownership, nor should it.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

There still exist cars in 2023. It’s not just SUV’s available on the lot.

People just want them, because of grocery trips or a kid in school sports or whatever.

Whether most of them actually need that SUV space is something up for debate, but it’s gonna be hard to convince the average American (already in love with full SUV’s) to just switch away.

@jray4559@lemmy.sdf.org avatar


I want to be sympathetic, but honestly, I’m just not.

Web3 was a mistake from the beginning.

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