@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar


@[email protected]

Hey, he’s like, just this guy, you know?

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@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

As a diabetic I feel your pain. Happens all the time… “There are no more refills left, please wait x business days while we contact your provider…”

Like I’m going to just stop being diabetic one day…

A lot of it has to do with insurance companies, they just don’t want to pay to keep us healthy.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Mass Effect 1 and 2 come to mind…

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

It’s been probably 10 years or so since I was writing reviews, and I have to say, I never felt pressure to skew a review one way or another.

The biggest heat I got was from fanboys when I had a sneak peek at PAX of Duke Nukem Forever and had to report how shitty it was. “YOU DON’T KNOW!!! YOU DIDN’T PLAY THE WHOLE GAME!!! YOU HACK!!!”

And I was like “Yeah, you’re right, I didn’t play the whole game, I played what their marketing team WANTED me to play and it sucked, you think the parts they DIDN’T want me to play are going to be better?”

Surprise… the game stunk up the joint.

But when it came to reviewing games, I approached every review as if the game were a 10/10, and then as I played I looked for reasons to subtract or add points. The plusses and minuses would balance out and I’d have a final score.

As a former teacher, I used school grades, which is why I think most sites are on a 7-10 scale.

A - 90%+
B - 80%+
C - 70%+
D - 60%+
F - 59% and down.

A game can be bad because it’s a bad game or it can be bad because it’s functionally broken. D is generally the Ralph Wiggum of games, possible to like, but you have to admit it’s pretty bad.

I had to give a failing review to Assassin’s Creed Liberty on the Playstation Vita even though I really liked how it looked and it played, because it had a game breaking bug that made your save file unloadable. Ubi took 2 months to fix it, rendering it unplayable for the first two months after launch.

Once it was fixed, I amended the review, but it was plainly unacceptable to release it in a broken state like that.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Had to be Duke Nukem Forever. I was talking with one of the devs and I was legit curious as to how their process worked because it had been in hell for so long…

“Were you able to use any of the original assets?”

“Oh, all of them!” He seemed super excited.

To use 14 year old assets and be incredibly proud of that? Eesh.

Oh, and Brink! Brink was so incredibly disappointing. They had this well developed world and a fantastic movement system, solid class based shooter… but then it all fell apart in the actual implementation of it.

I really, really, wanted to like Brink, but it was unplayable.

Say you have a level where the enemy is escorting a VIP and your goal is to eliminate the VIP before they get to the destination.

You roll in, wipe the team, wipe the VIP, then someone respawns, revives the VIP, and you keep going back and forth until the clock runs out.

It didn’t matter how many times you killed the VIP, all that mattered was if they were alive or dead when the clock ran out. Win/lose. Just crap design.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

I have a hard time when people complain about loading screens. I’ve been gaming since the 70s guys, let me tell you about load times:



You’d start loading a game from tape and then you might as well go have dinner with your family because it would be 30 to 60 minutes before you could play.

Or, it could hit a loading error 5 minutes after you walked away and now you have to start all over again…

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

But it was soooo much faster than tape! ;)

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

It’s a shame, because if someone licensed the IP for, just spitballin’ here… A Fallout/Outer Worlds style game, the bones are there for a REALLY good game.

The assets, art, backstory, it’s all done, it just deserved a better developer. :(

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

I actually enjoyed the hell out of Destiny, then Destiny 2 fucked everything up, got patched, got better, and then Bungie turned around and went “LOL - story missions? What’s that?” and cut 1/2 the content out of the game. Content I paid for.

No more money for Bungie after that, I’m surprised it’s somehow still going.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar
@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

They are in a box, so we’ll see! Same for Maus and Maus II.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Yup, I had Vistaprint do me up 500 cards. We’ll see how fast they go! :)

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

It was a gift from:


This particular model:


Once the post and bench are prepped, it’s going out on the corner on the other side of our privacy fence.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Bonus: Lorelei and Keanu crashed on the boxes:


@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Wow, it got a second season?

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

One of the Jackass guys.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Just googling, I don’t see any confirmation. You’d think TMZ or Worldstar would be all over it.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Depends on the size of the bookstore. ;)

I was gifted a Little Free Library for my birthday. Total cost for the whole kit was about $800… Without books.

I spent about another $350-$400 populating it, getting business cards, an Instagram account, etc.

I’m not running it as a business, it is a Free Library after all, but I already have one bookstore donating stock in return for cross promotion.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

On instagram it’s @thebluehousepdx.

I’m waiting on some last bits before it’s all set out.

[News] Liberal groups seek to use the Constitution's insurrection clause to block Trump from 2024 ballots (apnews.com)

As former President Donald Trump dominates the Republican presidential primary, some liberal groups and legal experts contend that a rarely used clause of the Constitution prevents him from being president after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol....

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

I don’t see it happening unless he’s actually convicted in the 1/6 or Georgia trials.

Superficially, it seems obvious he broke his oath of office, but using superficial observations isn’t how our court system is supposed to work. “BUT HE LOOKS GUILTY!” ;)

The Cowboys For Trump guy who got bounced out based on the 14th Amendment was actually convicted first.


@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Tarrio is probably crapping himself right now. His sentencing is Tuesday.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Outlook the other day insisted it was better opening links in Edge instead of my default browser… Yeah, I shut THAT down…

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar
@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Shouldn’t surprise anyone… Paramount and Disney are two of the big companies for shutting down “infringing” projects.

From 2018:






@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

I cancelled my Plus and Xbox Live accounts a couple of years ago when Bungie ganked Destiny 2 and there was no point continuing.

Neither service really seems worth maintaining. Oh the “free” games that either a) you already own or b) weren’t worth playing in the first place? (yawn).

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

And you have to keep subscribing if you want to keep playing them… Yeah… not free.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

I was surprised at the 7 scores until I caught the bit about how it’s all fast travel. You can’t just start on a planet, take off in your ship, point it at a moon or something and fly there.

OTOH, how boring would it be having 1:1 space travel?


“Considered by Penn to be the “best part” of the collection, Desert Bus is a simulation trick minigame and a featured part of Electronic Gaming Monthly’s preview. It is the most notorious minigame in the actual game. The objective of the game is to drive a bus from Tucson, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada, in real time at a maximum speed of 45 mph (72 km/h). The feat requires eight hours of continuous play in real time to complete.[2][3]

The bus contains no passengers, there is little scenery aside from an occasional rock or bus stop sign, and there is no traffic. The road between Tucson and Las Vegas is simplified compared to the real highways: it is now completely straight. The bus veers to the right slightly, and thus requires the player’s constant attention.[3] If the bus stops, or veers off the road it will stall and must be towed back to Tucson, also in real time. If the player makes it to Las Vegas, one point is scored. The player has the option to make the return trip to Tucson for another point, a decision which must be made in a few seconds or the game ends. Players may continue to make trips and score points up to a maximum score of 99 points, which requires 33 days of continuous play. Although the landscape never changes, an insect splats on the windshield about five hours through the first trip, and on the return trip the light fades, with differences at dusk, and later a pitch black road where the player is guided only with headlights.[2] The light eventually returns at dawn, but due to a programming bug it will cycle endlessly between dawn and night for the remainder of the game. The game cannot be paused.”

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Some people pay extra for that… :)

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Of course they did, nobody makes seat belts that small!

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Sequel to Ford Vs. Ferrari? ;)

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Not currently, no. They burned enough dev cycles trying to get split screen co-op on the S that now BOTH the S and X versions are delayed, which I guess is better than “not happening at all.”

The S has every right to exist, but as soon as it starts interfering with Series X development (which has been for a while now), it’s time for it to go.

Microsoft needs to cut it loose like the boat anchor it is and just release a discless Series X and call it good.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar



I set up a 2TB Win 11 install.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

In most cases, Nintendo platforms are ignored by 3rd parties. Non-Nintendo games rarely sell well there:


@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Doesn’t even need dedicated power… runs off the port.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

It shouldn’t be on the ISPs, it should be on the SERVICES that USE the ISPs.

I’ll give you a perfect example, the Uvalde shooter.

He had been using a French social media platform called Yubo where he posted animal abuse videos and threatened to rape and murder other users.


He was reported to Yubo, REPEATEDLY, and Yubo did nothing.

Maybe we need to make social media companies mandatory reporters in cases like this? Rather than just ban a user wholesale, increase monitoring of them and report the account to local authorities?

Does Anyone Have a TIFU Moment When Cooking?

I was finishing a jar of extremely hot peppers (7 pot primos) that I had fermenting on Thanksgiving day. I made a hot sauce with them and cantaloupe. I had them in a pan at a low simmer to meld the flavors. The problem was the steam coming off was potent as hell. It filled the house when everyone was arriving and coughing from...

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Years ago I accidentally confused baking soda and baking powder… Not a good look.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Pancakes if I remember correctly… been about 30 years now.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

My grandmother’s pancakes:

1 Qt. Buttermilk
2 TBS Baking Soda
1 TBS Salt
4 Cups Flour
2 TBS Baking Powder
1 Pkg Dry Yeast
1/4 C. Oil
6 Eggs

Put 1 quart buttermilk in large bowl and add 2 TBS Baking SODA and 1 TBS Salt.

Mix 4 cups of flour with 2 TBS Baking POWDER, stir this mixture into the buttermilk.

Add one package of dry yeast, 1/4 cup oil. Mix.

Whip 6 eggs till foamy, fold in mixture. Do not use electric mixer, use mixer tine by hand.

Pour batter into large pitcher or bowl. Cover with foil.

The next morning put a cup of milk in the pitcher to thin the batter.

Heat pan until hot. Add 3 TBS or so of oil, when water droplets sizzle in the pan it’s ready. Cook pancakes in 2s or 3s. When the tops are covered in steam-holes then it’s ready to flip. 2 to 3 minutes or so.

Lasts 10 days to 2 weeks in fridge. Yeast will turn black over time, this is normal. Stir batter before use.

jordanlund, (edited )
@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

I was going to say, when I was a kid, growing up in the 70s, I had a dirt bike with a spedometer and I regularly pushed that thing to 25mph just with the pedals.

My first thought was “faster than 20? No big deal…”

But then I hit this:

“in fact, the Talaria can hit 70 miles per hour. His mother gave him her blessing, she said, and even helped him clip a wire that removes the speed “governor” that ordinarily limits the vehicle to 20 miles per hour.”

Having an eBike that can go that fast with relatively no modification at all does not seem wise to me, and it’s irresponsible of the parent to assist in that.

1 year after graduation, one of my high school friends got into an argument with his girlfriend, was riding his motorcycle too fast without a helmet, and crashed straight into the back of a garbage truck, killing him instantly.

A bike helmet wouldn’t have helped, maybe a DOT approved motorcycle helmet would have.

Edit I looked up the mod, it brings the bike to 70Kph, not mph. So about 45. Still faster than I’d want my kid going.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

I was going to say, when I was a kid, growing up in the 70s, I had a dirt bike with a spedometer and I regularly pushed that thing to 25mph just with the pedals.

My first thought was “faster than 20? No big deal…”

But then I hit this:

“in fact, the Talaria can hit 70 miles per hour. His mother gave him her blessing, she said, and even helped him clip a wire that removes the speed “governor” that ordinarily limits the vehicle to 20 miles per hour.”

Having an eBike that can go that fast with relatively no modification at all does not seem wise to me, and it’s irresponsible of the parent to assist in that.

1 year after graduation, one of my high school friends got into an argument with his girlfriend, was riding his motorcycle too fast without a helmet, and crashed straight into the back of a garbage truck, killing him instantly.

A bike helmet wouldn’t have helped, maybe a DOT approved motorcycle helmet would have.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

I looked it up… it’s 70kph, not mph. Comes out to be about 45mph.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Well, not if your sidequests are bugged, no. ;)

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

The main example cited in the article comes from recruiting Minthara instead of killing her. It looks like Act 3 didn’t really take that option into account.

Other problems include questlines that can’t be completed.

@jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

Yeah, never once heard that definition ever.

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