@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar


@[email protected]

Blogger Podcaster 👉Invoker of Dopamine He/Him
#ActuallyAutistic ♣️ : infiniy_rainbow :
#AutisticAF Out Loud Podcast http://neon.ly/AFOLcast 🎤

I’m an #AutisticElder. 70. Born before autism was invented…

Been a meditation teacher, cult member, magazine publisher, ad agency owner, non-profit activist, 3-time grad student, 3-time husband, homeless, mental health counselor, substance abuse counselor, cult counselor, homeless, fast-food clerk, Pretend Rock Star, homeless…

I offer my life...

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Thanks to the generosity of Megan McLaughlin, Ed Dupree, Cinja & Kimberly...

I've made a lot of progress toward this vital goal. But still a little over $200 shy of restoring our car.

If you've enjoyed my recent posts... and can help me out... I'd sure appreciate it.

Link to Ko-Fi Support: https://ko-fi.com/autisticaf

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics


Hello, incredible community! Johnny Profane here with a humble request. AND, some well-deserved shoutouts at the end.🌟

I provide all my info for free. But I depend on the generosity of folks like you to make it happen.

Link to Ko-Fi Support: https://lnkd.in/gKjeVEkA

Each day, I pour my heart into my work... to be a voice in our autism journey. Basically, cuz I gotta. That's special interests for ya...

But now, I’ve hit a snag.

Our car, my lifeline in this rural Owensburg, is crying for help.

We were so fortunate... family members Zach & Sky GAVE us the van. Our Odyssey's absolutely neccessary to survive. At least in the country village we chose to support my autistic sensory need.

But we're facing brakes & tires. Which ain't cheap. I’m staring down a $500 bill.

Plus Christmas is coming for the family. Kimmie has 7 extraordinary kids. And then there's the 17 grandkids showing more and more signs of extraordinary every day...

If you've found a friend in my words, consider lending a hand. It’s more than just money; it’s keeping our dream of an autistic community alive.

You guys make MY dreams come true. Every day. In my freaking 70s.

It's my raw hope, I help make one or two come true for you by sharing my lived experience.

I’m forever grateful for your past support. Together, we're more than just a community; we're a family.

With your help, we can continue this amazing journey. Thanks for being the stars in my night sky.

Big shoutout to EVERYBODY for always being there. And making AutisticAF Out Loud a reality!

Angie Kilroy
Bernard Grant
Bernadette Grosjean
Brea Corwin
Bridget Donahue
Burnett Grant
Chris Thompson
Ed Dupree
Fellow Autistic
JD Goulet
Jim Hogan
Kimmie Knapp
Marcus Garrett
Martin Nutbeem
Merlin Star
Nonimiz on TikTok
Zach & Sky Granger
And a dozen more folks who prefer anonymity.

Link to Ko-Fi Support: https://ko-fi.com/autisticaf

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

readers... looking for a long read to curl up this weekend?

How about a deep dive into the evolutionary aspects of autism ...?

Thought experiments will set your mind free...

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyaudhd @actuallyautistics


johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Dear ChatGPT: Imagine you're an Alien scientist. Visiting from another planet to study human .

You see a startling pattern. Human medicine, education, politics...

ALL make ONE fatal flaw...

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics


johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Phase 2. For "Autism: ChatGPT & Me Talk a New, Powerful Alien Perspective" coming at ya this weekend.


The title "Autistic Galaxy" adds a layer of meaning to the image, emphasizing the rich and intricate inner universe often experienced by individuals on the autism spectrum. The cosmic scene within the silhouette suggests the depth and vastness of the autistic mind, filled with unique patterns of thought and perception. The intermingling of celestial bodies and mechanical elements could symbolize the structured yet expansive nature of autistic cognition, where logic and imagination coexist in harmony. The flow of ideas and thoughts might be represented by the comet-like streams, illustrating the dynamic and continuous movement of an autistic individual's internal universe. This image could be seen as a celebration of the diversity and complexity of the autistic experience, encapsulating the beauty of a perspective that encompasses both the analytical and the creative.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar


Hello, incredible community! Johnny Profane here with a humble request. AND, some well-deserved shoutouts at the end.🌟

I provide all my #autism info for free. But I depend on the generosity of folks like you to make it happen.



Each day, I pour my heart into my work... to be a voice in our autism journey. Basically, cuz I gotta. That's special interests for ya...

But now, I’ve hit a snag.

Our car, my lifeline in this rural Owensburg, is crying for help. We were so fortunate...

Family members Zach & Sky GAVE us the van. Our Odyssey's absolutely neccessary to survive. At least in the country village we chose to support my autistic sensory need.

But we're facing brakes & tires. Which ain't cheap. I’m staring down a $500 bill.

Plus Christmas is coming for the family. Kimmie has 7 extraordinary kids. And then there's the 17 grandkids showing more and more signs of extraordinary every day...

If you've found a friend in my words, consider lending a hand. It’s more than just money; it’s keeping our dream of an autistic community alive.

You guys make MY dreams come true. Every day. In my freaking 70s.

It's my raw hope, I help make one or two come true for you by sharing my lived experience.

I’m forever grateful for your past support. Together, we're more than just a community; we're a family.

With your help, we can continue this amazing journey. Thanks for being the stars in my night sky.

Big shoutout to EVERYBODY for always being there. And making AutisticAF Out Loud a reality!

Angie Kilroy
Bernard Grant
Bernadette Grosjean
Brea Corwin
Bridget Donahue
Burnett Grant
Chris Thompson
Ed Dupree
Fellow Autistic
JD Goulet
Jim Hogan
Kimmie Knapp
Marcus Garrett
Martin Nutbeem
Merlin Star
Nonimiz on TikTok
Zach & Sky Granger
And a dozen more folks who prefer anonymity.



johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

I always try to give #Medium's discerning readers my very best.

Raw, unfiltered truth. Many of us who are autistic… live it. But we don’t talk about it.. much. At least not out loud…


I'm honored to be published in Artfully Autistic, home to new neurodivergent voices. Check it out.


@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyaudhd @actuallyautistics

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Tentative title, "Disabled Warrior".

Tentative podcast title, "Actually Autistic? Whatever Doesn't Kill Your Neurodivergent Ass..."

But I need my wife;s input before I get too married to it....

The nice thing about digital art is it never has to be finished. On this one I got too deep into the image. There's a lot going on you can't see cuz the midtones are too dark...

The non-gendered warrior SHOULD be creating themself (to coin language) out of and battling dark chaos, a bright spark headed toward a dim light... they never know if there's a goal...

Plus they wear a blindfold like Lady Liberty.

In the chaos behind them are dim objects of adversity... chains, car wreck, wheel chair, a fallen dove... others I probably forget ...

Working on the post...

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics

"Friedrich Nietzsche Ist Untoter..." A fantasy 19th-centure book illustration of Friedrich Nietzsche, vandalized by a bright red grafitti x. Next to his name, Friedrich Neitzche in the book plate, black spray-painted grafitti reads "ist untoter..."

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@GreenRoc @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics

The second image is a sophomoric joke. I hope it will make sense in context. Friedrich Nietzsche is the philosopher who wrote, "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger."

I take strong exception to Toxic Positivty in the post I'm writing. The phrase "Friedrich Nietzsche ist untoter," means he's "undead." Like a philosophical zombie...

I made it grafitti, cuz, well, Banksy blows my mind.

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@GreenRoc @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics

Starts like this...

"#Poverty does not breed nobility of character. Or humility. It just breeds hunger of body & soul.

#Trauma does not breed compassion. Just pain. And the spreading of pain.

#Disability does not secretly empower you with courage & persistence. It just limits what you can do.

Toxic Positivity is a modern cultural plague. It just keeps you buying stuff. And working harder and harder... to buy more stuff.

Religion for consumers.

This kind of positivity is not spiritual. Or uplifting. Just one more yardstick measuring my failures. Inspiring movie by inspiring movie.

What doesn't kill you? Does NOT make you stronger. Not often enough. It just doesn't kill you. Breath after breath... after breath.

The difference between Strength and Misery?

Not a choice. But it is very real.

Honor it.

This is a raw, unfiltered truth. Many of us who are autistic... live it. But we don't talk about it.. much. At least not out loud. Not with typical folks. Not among other neurodivergents, either. Maybe not even to ourselves.

I don't know about you. But I mask a secret shame in colors of anger, resentment, regret.

Why? TV, Hollywood, the damn New York Times Best sellers list...? Together, media create our social mythology. Championing only the lifestyles of effective people. Ya know, folks who turn out tons of widgets. And consume mass quantities while flicking screens...."

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@GreenRoc @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics

I meant both, my friend. So thank you for replying!

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@GreenRoc @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics

I think I saw Water World long ago. Kevin Costner? I should revisit it.

I'll try to think of a realistically inspiring movie to share. I'm way too freaking picky. Nothing meets my standards very long... still working on that

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar
johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Hey, anybody got 4 minutes? I'm testing some new voices and sounds on my podcast. Much of it AI generated from my cloned voice.

I could sure use honest feedback. ChatGPT ihas got me smoking my own stash... Encouragement from an AI is a two-edged sword.

@actuallyaudhd @actuallyadhd

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar
johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar
johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

EMBRACE the Spectrum

🌒One night that redefined a life.
🚨Dive into identity... embrace rebellion, break ALL the rules.
🎙️🎧No masks, just raw authenticity. Click to enjoy



👉 https://autisticaf.me/2023/11/03/the-night-this-autistic-adult-broke-free-an-autisticaf-halloween-tale-%f0%9f%8e%83/

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar
johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

The Night this Autistic Adult Broke Free: An Halloween Tale 🎃

I was home. Freaks, geeks, punks & junkies. Turns out the jocks were right back in jr. high. I was weird. And these were my peeps. AND I was fucking tired of dreaming it…

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics
@actuallyaudhd http://autisticaf.me/2023/11/03/the-night-this-autistic-adult-broke-free-an-autisticaf-halloween-tale-%f0%9f%8e%83/

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

"I was home. Freaks, geeks, punks & junkies. Turns out the jocks were right back in jr. high. I was weird. And these were my peeps. AND I was fucking tired of dreaming it…

"The night I stopped being a meditation teacher.
The night I made the first crack in my autistic mask.
The night… I took the first step… of a 38-year journey…
To grow up.
And become fully dot me..."


@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics @actuallyaudhd

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

I ask for a few minutes of your time...
To listen to podcast audio samples, and...
Give me your opinion in a poll. Mebbe a comment.

I will act on the results of this poll... because your input is important to me.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics
@actuallyaudhd https://autisticaf.me/2023/11/02/poll-listener-input-needed-on-podcast-auditory-processing-quality/

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@nddev @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @actuallyadhd @actuallyaudhd

Hey thanks!

The blank apparently had an upload problem. But it's fixed now.

I wonder if there is a gain problem on the distorts one. I will check.

Thanks for your patience.

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@nddev @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @actuallyadhd @actuallyaudhd

I believe the audio files are fixed. If you have time, my friend, I'm trying to discover if the narrator voice only with effects is a better choice for folks with or without auditory processing difficulties.

Thanks for all your input! Useful.

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar


"Night this Autistic Adult Broke Free: An Halloween Tale"

Proud to be published in Artfully Autistic.

I was home. And these were my peeps…

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

🎃 https://link.medium.com/xPuRuUSLoEb

johnnyprofane1, to random
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

A real Halloween memory... Rated .

October 31, 1978. The night I stopped being a meditation teacher.

👉 Content Note: No fucking blue pumpkins were harmed in the posting of this memory.

https://twitter.com/[email protected] https://twitter.com/[email protected]

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

☝️☝️☝️I meant to share this 5hread with the groups. But messed up.🙏🙏🙏

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Dear marketers seeking LinkedIn connections...

And I don't mean the usual "I can get you 3000 followers over nite" suspects...

I mean the "sincere" ones...

I may not be your best prospect.

I have a personal thing about...

  1. New connections whose first DM asks for a favor, donation, participation in research, editing or writing help, promoting your pet project...

Or the earnest developer who requests that I test drive a product you're SURE will help disabled folks. For money.

Most especially, folks targeting , and other 's.

  1. I don't like folks making money off my autism. And I don't enjoy transactional social relationships... especially those masquerading as some noble purpose.

I usually just block. But I'm getting sick of it.

This morning's DM finally brought this response from me.

"Honestly I don't try freemium apps that don't outline features for trial, paid, and free versions.

"I understand the value to you of any user's trial... marketing, user data, beta testing.

"I need to understand the value to me.

"That said, it sounds like a valuable app. Wish you luck."

And removed our connection.

Have some sensitivity when marketing to disabled folks, shall we?

Btw, no answer from neurodiverse huckster. Probably busy posting hundreds of DMs to y'all.


Dude went totally narcissistic on me. I'm rude & dismissive. Like I owe him trying his product...?⁉️

No clue how to market to folks.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Can't finish the podcast... But here's the artwork ... #AltText to come...


Text begins:
"Autism? It's a State of Being. NOT an Identity Group.

You are born autistic.
There's no initiation fee.
No secret handshake.

And you don't need anyone's approval to be autistic. It's not like they can kick you out.

Maybe… they won't let you sit at their lunch table. But you're used to that. Right?

Just. Do. You.

Seems obvious. Or is it just me? Cuz…

I feel a growing pressure to conform.
Today, it's the healthy demand avoidance side of me speaking. My built-in "authenticity filter," screening out anyone who casts shade on my individuality. With hidden motive.

See, I tend to… well, go nuclear meltdown around demands for conformity.

Whether from medical pros who diagnose me… defective. Helping pros who counsel… that I become more like them. Or even autistic advocates who define proper language… and correct attitudes… to "unite our people."

Look… I cannot handle pressure.
That ain't gonna change… this autistic lifetime...

"Autistic Leopards Exchange the Secret Handshake", illustration by Johnny Profane Âû. Two autistic leopards exchange a secret handshake. In the background, a dark, foggy jungle.
"Autistic Leopard Enters the Secret Club", illustration by Johnny Profane Âû. Standing autistic leopard enters the secret Leopard Club, his hand the handle of an ornate wooden door. In background, a dark foggy jungle.
"Autistic Leopard Takes His Seat", illustration by Johnny Profane Âû. Leopard carrying a metal lunch tray, sits down in fantasy lunchroom of young adult humans. In background, a dark foggy jungle.

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

? A state of being. Not an identity group.

No code of conduct. No approved language. No secret handshake.

You don't need anyone's approval to be .

It's not like they can kick you out. Just... not let you sit at their lunch table.

You're used to that.

Do you.

It's the healthy demand avoidance side of me speaking. I tend to get bitchy around demands for conformity.

Like I need to adopt a new mask. At my age.


@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar


Some points came up on other platforms. Thought I 'd share.

No additional context. Just my comments to raised questions:

We're into semantic and philosophical waters I'm not good at negotiating in back and forth texts...

There are differences between a group organized by a limited shared factor, a personal identity and an immutable state of being. Differently defined by psychology, spirituality, sociology, political theory etc.

Leopard can't change his spots. But may have some control over whether is a dick. Or agrees to swear loyalty and follow the rules of his Leopard Club.

I offer no advice to anyone. That's not part of my identity.

I write about my values. It's not a matter my narcissism. But rather my respect for other sentient beings.

Leopard sitting in solitary mecitation. Via Bing image create.
Leopard entering Leopard Club. Via Bing image create.
Solitary leopard looking for a seat in a crowded lunchriom. Via Bing image create.

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar


Two leopards exchanging a secret ritual handshake. blurred jungle background. Via Bing Image Create

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

I'm asking a few folks questions once in a while? May I ask you?

On my mind may be minor... But well decisions are hard for me.

I can experiment with translating my posts into most other languages thru AI. But it costs... so I'd like to experiment with one.

My writing is pretty idiomatic to American English. If I were to try to reach an under-served non English population... do you have any ideas which language might be a good choice to try?

Hindi? French? Spanish? I'd like to reach a large population that could use material aimed at adult autistics, parents, educators, employers, folks wondering if they are Neurodivergent... overlapping a great deal with ADHD.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @askingadhd

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@GreenRoc @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @askingadhd

I'm actually looking for an international audience to translate existing podcasts.

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@f1337 @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @askingadhd
Spanish might translate well. Close relationship.

French reaches some African nations. Portuguese some South American and others.

If I mostly stick with European languages for the similarity, I think those are the best choices.

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@nddev @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistic @askingadhd

Thank you!

I'm a little deeper in my experience than this. I am actually with this post hoping to find a native speaker to share with when I try a sample text.

Right now I was simply looking for input on language groups that might be under-served or more eager for autism experience than others.

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar
johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

What Theo... a homeless, autistic... surviving the streets since cracking up in grad school.. taught me the American Education system, Part 1 of 4...

NEW podcast & transcript.



johnnyprofane1, to actuallyautistic
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

What Theo... a homeless, autistic... surviving the streets since cracking up in grad school.. taught me the American Education system, Part 1 of 4...



johnnyprofane1, to random
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

👉😱👈Sometimes I just feel like typical society chokes the life out of #AutisticAF me. How about you?

"If You Meet a Saint Along the Road," limited & open prints. Find the hidden details...

Click for my gallery on Saatchi Art:

#ActuallyAutistic 1/

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

😵🃏🙃Fear, anxiety, hope… This is overwhelmed by the USA. Art's how I deal. Intrigued?

"Portland Nights 2020," limited & open prints. Make it yours.

Click for my gallery of Art on Saatchi:


@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Fear, anxiety, hope… I’m overwhelmed by the USA. Art is how I deal.
The USA's political climate is a sensory overload for me. Ever felt like you're navigating a labyrinth of emotions? You're not alone. Explore this piece to find your way.

The Emotional Palette of Politics
Twisted sensations, mixed emotions, all captured in intricate detail.
"Portland Nights 2020" is more than art; it's my autistic lens on the chaos of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in Portland. As a member of a disabled minority, their pain and anger resonate deeply with me. Intrigued? See for yourself.

The Art of Digital Illusion
Digital art enables me to bring this chaotic, nightmarish scene to life, capturing the complex emotional states of its subjects.
The world is in chaos. Art is my refuge. Ready to dive into this visual narrative? Take the plunge.

The Politics of Overwhelm
This isn't just a tableau; it's a touchstone for dialogue about true empathy, nuance, and the full human emotional spectrum—the stuff no one talks about. Out loud.
Interested in exploring the intersection of autism and politics? Let this political mural crystallize your passion.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @actuallyadhd @actuallyaudhe

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

@obrerx @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @actuallyadhd @actuallyaudhe

High praise. I only saw news reports. Horrific.

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

The really cool thing about posting my stuff on Saatchi Art is I get to go back to the time-pressured blog post sketches ... and make them right. Ya know?

Sometimes I'm Lost Without a Clue in the Nonautistic World. How About You?


#ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #AuDHD

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Sometimes I'm Lost Without a Clue in the Nonautistic World. How About You?
Ever feel like an outsider in your own homeland? Alone. Alien. Unseen...

This tableau could be your epiphany. Feel a connection? This piece could be your roadmap...

The Emotional Odyssey
The dual sensations of alienation and kinship in intricate settings.
A young boy, back turned to us, gazes upon a fantastical Palestinian village under a surreal sun. Another boy, in silhouette, observes. What are they contemplating?

The Art of Digital Illusion
Digital art and AI allow me to paint this scene in vivid hues, capturing the complex emotional states of the subjects. Ready to dive into this visual narrative?

The Encoded Message
A catalyst for dialogue about empathy, nuance, and the human emotional spectrum.
This isn't just art; it's a viewpoint shift waiting to happen. Want to spark crucial dialogues? Let this tableau be your catalyst.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics @actuallyaudhd

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Ever felt like your was... well, the WRONG kind of joy?

This piece is your validation. Intrigued?

Make it yours... Limited & open prints shipped.

Click & browse ALL my gallery of Art on Saatchi:


@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Ever felt like your jAutistic Joy was... the WRONG kind of joy? This piece is your validation. Intrigued? Make it yours...

The Emotional Odyssey
This digital tableau is a visual journey from disbelief to relief, and finally, to a chance for autistic joy. It's a call to reclaim your birthright to happiness. Intrigued?

The Scene
A human figure sits in lotus pose, reflected in a serene pond at dawn or dusk. The dark, moody background contrasts with the bright halo illuminating the center. Ready to dive into your own reflection?

Why Fantasy Illustration?
The medium allows me to explore the complex emotional landscape of late-diagnosed autism, capturing the struggle and the relief in a single frame. It's a raw, poignant experience.

Beyond Wall Art
This isn't just art; it's a manifesto for embracing autistic joy. Can you see it sparking crucial dialogues?

The Underlying Message
For those who appreciate layers, this piece questions the societal norms that often stifle our joy. And to question the emotional labor often demanded in conforming to societal norms. Ready to challenge the status quo?

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyautistics

johnnyprofane1, to actuallyadhd
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar

Ok. I've been gobstopped by folks asking for posters. Both of you.... Lol

I'm opening a Saatchi Art gallery. They take 40%. So I can't make em cheap...

But my autistic & political art will be up there.

"Einstein: Autistic Prophet of Dark Time"

When it's up, I'll share link.


"Einstein: Autistic Prophet of Dark Time" original illustration by Johnny Profane Âû. A hero portrait of Einstein in a collage tableau including objects related to time. Major objects: black hole, melting clock, timepieces, original E=mc² formula, melting clock, more.

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