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This is one of the reasons I’m really not happy with DND. I just don’t want to play a resource management game. I want to do cool stuff.

There are lots of games that aren’t built around resource management and attrition, but unfortunately DND is so popular it sucks all the air out of the room.


I have had mixed success with “folks this isn’t a trap or puzzle or very interesting. We can just skip ahead”.

One group was like mind blown they could ask to fast forward when they were bored. Another isn’t really fond of the tool.


One of the reasons I really dislike DND is the long rest cadence. It’s just not really how a lot of people want to play the game.

Sure, some people want to play the resource management game and really think hard about how to make their five spell slots last. Most people just want to do cool shit.

New GM: Player wants a new character early in the game

We’re 3 game sessions deep into a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle. I’ve just heard from one of my players that they feel like they’ve put a bit too much of themselves into their character, and they’re starting to get uncomfortable with it. As such, they’d like to roll up a new char sheet and bring their current...


This doesn’t have to be complicated.

The old character gets a personal lead in another city, and they’re going to follow it. They don’t even have to tell anyone. They just leave.

New character conveniently enters the foreground shortly after.


Alan Wake 2? Seriously?

Ok, to be fair I haven’t played it, but did it break new ground and I just didn’t hear? I assumed it was just… a fine third person horror game.

Baldur’s gate 3 is a masterpiece and new high water mark. I say this despite intensely disliking DND 5e’s rules.


Most of them.

I get notified for

  • Calls
  • SMS
  • WhatsApp (yuck, but a few friends use it)
  • Signal
  • Tinder
  • DuoLingo

Tinder seems to be “buggy” and won’t accept that I want to be notified for new messages and matches, but not for anything else.

Nothing else is supposed to send me a notification. I don’t really use social media (other than this, if it counts), so that helps.


I haven’t used Spotify in a while. I buy stuff on Bandcamp (Bandcamp Friday usually).


I believe on Bandcamp Friday the artist gets 100% of the sale. I’m not sure if they’re going to keep doing it after the sale to songtradr.

The loss of bandcamp’s independence is a tragedy


Capitalism is a machine for producing tragedies.

The only silver lining is even if Bandcamp goes away, I can keep the music I bought on it. It’s all drm free. If a streaming service shuts down, you’re typically left with nothing despite having paid every month.

I hope Bandcamp survives, and somehow regains independence.


There are very few games I’ve bought at full price. Baldur’s Gate 3. Elden Ring. Dark Souls 2 and 3. Those were all worth it. Most things I’ll just wait for a sale. My friends don’t really play a lot of games, and rarely all want to play the same thing, so I don’t have that peer pressure problem.

I can’t even think of anything that exciting coming out soon.


Not me. There would be so much murder. But we’d be able to take action on climate change and have way fewer billionaires, for starters.


Unless the time stop powers get real weird with physics, I really don’t think I’d be down for carrying thousands of people thousands of miles and then babysitting their prison indefinitely.


Some sort of magical game that people with radically different skill levels can enjoy together. I tried to get my friend to play nioh2, but she just doesn’t have the practice to be any good at it yet. If we put in 100 hours she’d get competent, but that’s a big investment. I want someone to figure out a way that I can play like Nioh2, and my friend can play like Bejeweled, but we’re doing it together and it’s fun for both of us.


I almost also wrote that I wanted something like dark souls, but built for co-op from the ground up. The dark souls games typically have a fair amount of stuff each player has to do alone, and you’d have to do the game twice.

It’s still fun and I actually coop’d the franchise with a friend, but I don’t think I could get my “plays bejeweled” or even “plays Mario games” friends to do it happily.

(There is Remnant, but it didn’t really do it for me)


I think I tried the demo or free weekend and it didn’t quite click for me, but I was playing alone. Thanks for the recommendation, though.


I really dislike the 6 traditional stats for many reasons, and this is one of them.

The chronicles of darkness games have a nicer stat system, in my opinion. It’s 3x3. One axis is Power - Finesse - Resist, and the other is Physical - Mental - Social. They have names (strength, dexterity, stamina are the physical ones, for example), but this is the underlying concept.

Demanding people’s attention is Social Power. Being subtle is Social Finesse. And keeping cool is Social Resist. Now it’s possible to make a character that is The Center of Attention who isn’t subtle, or someone who cannot be spooked but also isn’t very good at talking to people.

If I was going to do some hacking to D&D, I would probably rip charisma out entirely. It’s half-baked and its implementation introduces a lot of un-fun problems.


I legit used Google sheets for my pandemic game and it worked extremely well.



One time I was at a MicroCenter (kind of like Best buy) and Nine Inch Nails’ “Closer” came on the store music. I was like who the fuck plays a radio edit of this song what’s the point?

It was not a radio edit. We all heard “wanna fuck you like an animal” in all its original glory. A+ would buy wireless keyboard from there again.


I have mixed feelings about PbtA. On the one hand, I am so done with D&D and I’d like to see people play other stuff. Stuff that isn’t a close relative of D&D. On the other, I didn’t really like it the two or three times I tried it.

The success rate felt too low, and the playbooks felt very restrictive.

Maybe one day I’ll get a good group for Fate.


Part of why I’m a little obsessed with system is years of people insisting on using DND for everything. Modern day investigation? DND. Sci Fi? DND. Occult horror? DND.

People just refuse to look at other options. They’d make up wild excuses to justify spending tremendous effort hacking d20 DND into something else instead of using a purpose built tool.

It’s infuriating. And they say “well DND is simple”.NO IT’S NOT. or “well I already know DND” when frankly they don’t and I have to remind them the rules every week anyway. Or “it works just fine” when they need to take three classes to build their concept, or the fact they have 40hp undermines any sense of danger the DM was aiming for.

System matters. A good DM can do a lot with any system, but the system you use affects the experience.


In my mind, forums and reddit-likes are a different category than Facebook and other social media. Mostly because they tend to be content-first and organized around content, rather than user-first.

Like on Twitter it mostly wanted you to follow users. On a forum I go to the section for, say, elden ring. I don’t usually pay attention to the users in any detail. I don’t feel like people are chasing clout.


Interesting. I think the heal on main hand dagger is under appreciated. More heal options sound nice for disorganized play.


This is a plus for me. I don’t want them to recommend me anything. I don’t trust them not to recommend me stuff that’s going to piss me off.


You could post the video to Dropbox or something? They might have to download the full video before playback, but i wouldn’t be surprised if some file sharing services are smart enough to stream video.


I had to look up what fkr means here. Another post said

You may have heard of FKR recently, an emerging style of RPG play that takes inspiration from old-fashioned Free Kriegsspiel wargames and pre-DnD RPG campaigns. It’s something like a fork of the OSR.

I don’t really like osr, so this might not be for me.


Health scare currently got me down. Good odds it’s fine, but the possibilities range from “nothing to worry about” to “easily treatable” to “unpleasantly treatable” all the way down to “terminal”.

Just last week I was contentedly playing darts at the bar with a date!

Appreciate your health while you have it.


Doctor said it’s nothing to worry about, but follow up in six months. So that’s a relief. 😅

What do you all do on your phones that isn't doom-scrolling or mindless mini games?

I find myself checking out pretty often and just making myself feel bad about the state of the world, or killing half an hour on stupid games that I could 100% live without. This is probably pretty common, and I’m wondering what other people have found as a way to do more productive things with their phones in the downtime.


I don’t have any social media (other than this, which I guess counts). Where my friends hit their Instagram or Facebook, I just scroll through my old photos. “aw look at the time the cat found a box” or “oh remember when we went to storm king?”.

Works fine. Less rage.


No. 25 is very young.

Dating can be difficult and lots of people screw it up. That’s okay. Being bad at something is the first step towards being okay at something.

Remember to ask questions when you go on dates. It’s a common mistake for people to just talk about themselves. Try to ask the other person open ended questions, and engage with whatever they’re talking about. So if they say like “I went to Storm King this weekend” you can say like “Oh storm king is lovely! My favorite is the sculpture of the moving pipes that spin but never touch. What’s your favorite part?” Don’t go off on a monologue. Don’t just change the topic to something you want to talk about. It’s like a game of catch. Throw the ball back.

Also weight isn’t the most important thing. Unless you’re like so overweight it’s a medical problem, there are people out there who will be into you. If you want to lose weight (or get fit, an arguably better goal) then you should do it for yourself.

Also rejection is to be expected. Don’t let it get to you.

If you use an app like tinder, you’re going to get way more misses than hits. That’s fine. Focus on the hits and let the misses fade from memory.


Please make more games that are complete, thanks. The whole game + season pass model is annoying. The in game shops are trash. I can’t stand battle passes and seasons.



Met a partner of ~5 years ok okcupid some years ago.

Met a partner of ~8 years on ok cupid after that.

I get a fair amount of dates on Tinder now, even though I’m getting old and have at least one major deal breaker.

It turns out a lot of people are really bad at using the dating apps. People don’t write anything useful in their bio. They waste their first message with “hey”. When they get a question they dead end it. Like “hey your profile says you love NK jemisen. Have you read her new books?” -> “no”. And then they’re like "why isn’t this working?'. My friends please be better at this.

Tinder still sucks and you can see where they’re putting profit ahead of a good experience, but you have to go where the people are.


Out of curiosity where in the world are you? I assume you’re a dude that doesn’t date dudes?

I’m in New York City and get maybe a match a week on tinder, and maybe one in three is actually someone I’ll go out with. I’m a pretty average guy, and I don’t date men.


I can see where you’re coming from.

However! Two counter arguments.

One. Saying “hey” changes their view of you. It’s very possible that opening with “hey” will actually shift their opinion of you towards negative. To me (and friends I’ve talked to) it comes off as very low effort, which is unappealed.

Two. You’re going to need to write a better message anyway. Some people might have success with the “hey” “hey” “how’re you?” “Good u?” flow but I really strongly recommend not doing that. It takes longer, a lot of people dislike it, and you’re going to eventually have to write something better anyway. Opening with a good message saves you time overall.

Sending a good initial message saves you time overall and increases your success rate.


Self defense. But also like someone else said proportionate response is key. If someone gets mad at you in a bar and throws a punch, pushing him away is fine. Hitting him to subdue him is probably okay. Shooting him dead is not.

I’m also not really okay with people using murder to defend their stuff. Like if someone sneaks into my house and I catch them going out the window with my tv, shooting them is not to me justified. There are more TV’s. That guy gets one life. Remember what Gandalf said.

I think a lot of people have like tough guy fantasies about shooting a burglar and it always makes me uncomfortable.

On the other hand, if someone was on trial for shooting a Nazi dead I would find them not guilty. Shame that Nazi spontaneously bled out. But at least he’s gone before he killed my entire family and friends.


For anyone who sincerely didn’t get the reference:

Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.


It might be availability bias or similar, but there are a lot of stories about people shooting people entering their house or property that should not have been shot.

There was one about a kid who went to the wrong house nbcnews.com/…/ralph-yarl-shooting-victim-highly-i…

There was a story about delivery drivers who got shot at recently. npr.org/…/south-florida-shot-at-instacart-deliver…. That’s actually a good example of the shooter unnecessarily escalating. He could’ve just… Not shot at them. They were trying to leave.

There’s the related story of npr.org/…/kaylin-gillis-new-york-driveway-kevin-m… that page links

None of these are okay.

It’s possible there’s a bunch of unreported instances of people successfully defending themselves with guns. Scenarios like that where the person on the property really was there with deadly intentions. But I kind of feel like no. I’m pretty sure the scenario of “someone breaks into your house to murder you!” is actually extremely rare. (or if it does happen, it’s the police)

We should also take a moment to think on the chilling effect accepting this level of violence has. I don’t want this to be a world where I have to worry about being shot because some idiot feared for his life or property.

I was visiting a friend in upstate New York and I was legit worried walking from the train to their place. I wasn’t sure which house was my friend’s. I called them and had them come out and greet me because I didn’t want to risk going to a neighbor’s house by accident, and have that neighbor shoot me because they thought I was a burglar. And I’m a white guy.


I sort by new because there’s not that much content (at least not being served to me). If I sort by active I end up seeing the same stuff for days.


You have to vote for left leaning politicians at lower levels of government and in primaries. If you want to shift someone to the left in today’s system, I think the best move is through a primary challenge.


I’m lucky enough to live somewhere with 24/7 public transit and generally walkable spaces. Some of my coworkers have moved out of the city to cheaper places and I’m just like yeah sure you pay less for rent or your mortgage, but now you’re in a car-first wasteland.


This pattern only really exists in the game show Jeopardy, and people specifically referencing the show.


Google sucks at messaging. They had hangouts and it was fine, but they just were too busy shitting the bed to run with it.


I didn’t think I had strong opinions on fonts.

Turns out I viscerally despise “handwriting” fonts. They’re harder to read. It just makes me recoil.

I also intensely dislike "ligatures " that turn like == into a separate glyph. Or the one that turns >= into the > with the line under it. No. Stop. That’s not what I typed. That’s not what I’m looking for when I scan the text.

Side note: I assume someone is feeling clever and is thinking of replying with a handwriting font message with ligatures. You don’t have to. I already imagined it.

The texture healing seems cool though, but I didn’t immediately notice or understand until I read through the detailed section on it.


Anyone who makes a font where I l and | are not immediately distinguishable should be barred from working in the industry.


If I get a big conflict and I know my change is trivial, I feel perfectly okay doing git fetch git reset --hard whatever and then reapplying my simple change as a new commit. Sort of a bootleg rebate.


I feel old because I’ve never said or encountered “bet” used in real life :(

Also laezel is great.


I appreciate the kind words! I’m personally doing well dating wise. With one exception it’s all been people met through apps though.


Well, yes, the “I was nice to you why aren’t you sexing with me?” trope is very bad.

The two I remember specifically were people I legitimately liked. One of them we spent like hours talking after class a couple times. But when I asked her out for dinner she replied she had to help her boyfriend study.

I can see her perspective of just having a friend to hang out with, and then being annoyed when the guy wants to make it more.

But I am legitimately confused how to square what you’re writing about with the advice of “ask people out you know in real life” some people give. That was the advice I was getting back then. Meet people. Be friends. Ask them out.

Now I use apps so I know the other person is in fact available to date, and does date men. Also I’m old and my relationships currently are fine.

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