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What is really happening in a terminal when a container or environment is launched?

I really want to make a bashrc function that I can call from the Gnome Terminal that will cd into a directory, then enter a distrobox container, then enter a conda environment, then launch a python script. (doing AI stuff and have many coexisting dependencies), I want a function because I would like to pass arguments to alter...

j4k3, avatar

I haven’t heard of it before, but I just read its page on the Arch wiki. I definitely have a use for that one to assign CUDA variables.

Still, I would like to better understand what is really happening in the gnome terminal and emulate its behavior

j4k3, avatar

So I have containers and conda environments for Oobabooga, KoboldAI, Automatic 1111, ComfiUI, as GUIs, and separate CLI setups for Tortoise TTS, Selero, privateGPT, Langchain agents, and a couple of setups for additional CLI tools and a database. Most of these talk to each other over local host. Some of them like Oobabooga, I open every day and it just gets tedious. I have run the alias oobabooga=“cd ~/foo/bar && distrobox enter foobar – uname -n && conda activate baz && python ./” that can work but it is static and it doesn’t always activate the conda environment correctly. I think this may be due to how long it can take for the distrobox container to activate. The uname -n helps a bit and is the only visual indicator I managed to get working to show me that I am in the distrobox, but it flies above the output quickly and if the program exits in error, my PS1 variable is not changed so I don’t have my usual indicator that I am in a container. Overall, this can launch the script, but that is not what I am asking about or trying to achieve. I want the same visual indicators and clear execution as running each command sequentially in the terminal from a function or script.

j4k3, avatar

Can you maybe please edit your post on [email protected] to match this one with the picture featured instead of the printables URL. (I am the mod there) this is awesome, but so much better with the pic

j4k3, avatar

Proprietary AI is what Sun Micro is to the internet; irrelevant. If you don’t know; proprietary internet was a thing but Open Source killed it. Offline Open Source AI exists now. AI is the framework not the product. Open Source is the only future because Open Source is ownership. Ownership is Citizenship. Proprietary is ownership of a part of your person; slavery. Neo Digital Feudalism is for imbeciles.

j4k3, avatar

Broken neck and back riding a bicycle (roadie/amateur racer) into two SUVs that were crashing in front of me. I took a 30mph hit directly to my head with nearly the entire force of my body into my forehead. As a reference, at sea level, a person diving from a ten story building would have a similar velocity hitting the ground head first. I was told I only survived because I was initially unconscious for 3 hours as the damage to C1 and the base of my skull would have been fatal if I had moved substantially before the swelling had time to build pressure.

j4k3, avatar

I was in ICU for two weeks with 3 days on critical round the clock watch. I don’t care to talk about it because 10 years later I’m still disabled, but thanks for the shit comment

j4k3, (edited ) avatar

Thanks for mentioning. That kind of thing can wear hard on me. Shit happens. I could write a long list of all the junk that happened and all of my broken stuff, but at a certain point, one has to ask how they want to be defined themselves, and what it means to be a victim when the results of an event are never able to leave one’s immediate consciousness. This is my pain. As I type this message, my inner voice is yelling over the constant annoying sound of a horn blowing in a figurative ear on my back. Nothing makes that pain go away. Meds just make me care less about yelling over it or the things I might be otherwise doing.

This is what it really means to barely survive. Injuries are ultimately easy. There is an enormous spectrum of what it means to survive and recover. It isn’t some binary of did or didn’t, or a trinary with paralysis. To really be close to that measure of “barely” and to stabilize at a point that is not much higher than “barely” THAT is what is remarkably hard. It is impossible to really relate this in words without a person experiencing it. One must mentally rebirth one’s self from scratch with new expectations, interests, relationships, and worst of all dependencies on others, while dealing with isolation and really the death of one’s self. That is truly hard.

Of all the sketchy eCommerse sites (Wish, Aliexpress, Temu), which is the "safest?"

I always hear stories about the dangers of buying from, Aliexpress, and recently Temu. I’ve jokingly called them “buyer beware” sites even. Yet people still use them, and there’s just as many positive results as negative. But I’ve also heard about unexplained card charges, data hacks, pyramid-scheme-like...

j4k3, avatar

Around 2020, after having ordered a few thousand dollars total from AliEx across hundreds of orders, my address suddenly got changed to a non existent random address hundreds of miles away, and around a half dozen orders sent to it. I tried live support three times, and they acted helpful each time but disconnected the support after asking me to wait every single time. I have never ordered from them since and will never order from them again. It isn’t about the money. Anyone can steal from me like this once; that is on them. I will never be stupid enough to let them do it twice; that would be entirely my fault. As far as I am concerned, they have no customer support in practice and they do not rectify their errors.

They settled plenty of issues when it came to sellers making mistakes, but when their system made the mistake, they did nothing. I would not give any vulnerable credentials to such a company. If they can’t manage their infrastructure and back up their mistakes, the mistakes and incompetence will only become bigger with time. It shows the management culture is incompetent.

j4k3, avatar

I just killed Hitler in 1936 with a grenade on a drone. You should have seen his face when he saw it coming close.

j4k3, avatar

Go running up and down the street outside of wherever you are waving a gun and reading all of your social media posts as loud as possible so all your neighbors can here. I bet you won’t last an hour until the government shows up, shoots you, hauls you off, or tells you where to shove all of your rights and amendments.

j4k3, avatar

Really? You’re surprised at that? I can’t watch most movies of that era, but I couldn’t even finish watching the original Dune movie, and I’ve read the entire main series including the final ending in the Brian Herbert books.

j4k3, avatar

The hell u thinklin they ain’t evn Nase cars. They fat as a catalack but ain’t nothin rih bout it. Who need a catalack tha only go lef.

Gyros peons ain’t no better. They wrace plains tha cain’t fly. Least a hourse lil cut ur grass.

j4k3, avatar

Why PT?

j4k3, avatar

Oobabooga Textgen Webui - because offline open source AI is the biggest force multiplier and most powerful game changer in the last 20 years. It will reshape everything in the next couple of years. This will be bigger than the revolution of capacitive touch screens. Oobabooga is easy, and it makes playing with AI easy even if you don’t have the best hardware. Get it on github, then go to Hugging Face for models. Look for prequantized models by The Bloke, read the model card. His models tell you the minimum requirements and what you need to do.

j4k3, avatar

When I was the Buyer for a chain of bike shops I basically became like a co-owner. I managed to link up all of the point of sale systems merge all the preseason ordering so that it was centralized and I could negotiate better terms on inventory. I managed all data entry and got the system unified so that it was easy to search our stores and available products from distributors. I took on responsibilities and improved the place well enough that I set my own hours and could do whatever I wanted. I was the boss but without any people drama responsibilities. I could set other peoples schedules and arrange for anyone I wanted to work with, but like I never told people what to do or had any of the negatives of managing. Like, “I am just doing X, Y, and Z today and if you’d like to help, come join me, otherwise I’ll do it myself.” Working with me, my style, and taking on responsibility without being told is how people got a pay bump. No one ever talked about it, but if I asked for someone to work with me across a couple of schedules, the owner bumped their pay. I loved that I could work a few hours before the shop opened or a few after it closed and have the whole place to myself. If I wanted to do a weekday race or it was just a nice day for a ride, I just left and went riding. I picked my demo bike and custom gear to ride and constantly got new stuff given to me. It was a fun life more than a job. The pay sucked, but it was fun.

j4k3, avatar

I wouldn’t recommend the style it was originally. I have a modified custom setup. I’m partially disabled with upper neck and back issues. The original stand sucked. The base took up too much space, it didn’t have enough extension, the height had rigid detents and it fell over constantly. My setup is not pretty. It is just scrap wood and junk, but it works for me.

j4k3, avatar

Just like Prigozhin was safe to fly to Moscow. It would be a shame if Putin’s plane came down with a bad case of the crashes.

j4k3, avatar

I would try with a brim, but I think it might be an issue with the design not having sufficient material at the base of those walls. The only way to tell is by looking at the sliced file layer by layer.

How would you go in making a standardize size chart for women clothing?

We all know, women sizes differs between brands, models and countries. Men had the war to tha k for standardize sizing due to uniform requirement. Need a pair of pants? Hip size and leg lenght is all you need! For wonen though, it depends wich country, company, cut of pants. You’vegot hips sizing, waist size, various non...

j4k3, avatar

I have been a Buyer for a retail chain. This is not possible. Women have a much larger range of body types than men, and vastly different expectations for clothing types and cuts. The only option is to specialize for a demographic and body type.

j4k3, avatar

Yeah. It is a Buyer’s nightmare too. If anyone tried to produce something that covered all sizes and body types, it would look even worse than Walmart generic men’s clothing.

I Buyer’s real goal is to minimize overburden and keep turning inventory as fast as possible. The easiest way to illustrate this is if you are stocking something simple like socks. The noob mistake is to order something like XS-2, S-4, M-6, L-6, XL-4. A week after stocking this you’ll have something like: XS-2, S-3, M-1, L-0, XL-3. The remaining inventory is overburden and a major problem. It won’t sell well and the center/majority of the customer base is angry they found something they like but not in their size. The better order would be something like: XS-2, S-3, M-15, L-20, XL-3. This requires data to plan for well, but is a realistic order I might have placed.

The more broad the size range gets, or the more trendy/bold the style, the more risk there is in tying up cash flow. If no one likes the product it is trouble. If you’re stuck with oddballs it’s trouble. When I am spending hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time, I am very conservative and I want as much historical data as possible. I would much rather see something like sales figures over the last 10 years show shorter middle aged women have consistently purchased a certain fit, in a certain size range, at a certain time of year, in muted darker color tones. There is a lot of risk when I start trying to fit a broad range of demographics against data that appears to show VERY specific buying choices.

Mind you, I am applying my experience with a chain of high end bicycle shops to something like a department store. Most retail is the same though, and I carried women’s clothing at a small scale of a few racks worth. Most buying happens 6 months to a year in advance and it involves spending a ton of money at one time. It is always something of a conservative gamble about trends, styles, and very local demographics. One really bad decision will cost you your job. It is quite agonizing at times. The farther from center a customer gets, the more they fall outside of the available data a buyer has available. This is why most retail seems clickish or type oriented. Overburden inventory and bad cash flow is what kills most retail businesses.

Like with bike shops, you won’t find many shops that sell high end bikes that stay open for more than a decade unless they are a hobby business owned by someone with enough money to not care about profitability. Overburden kills bike shops consistently. With 3 stores I spent between 1.3-1.5 million dollars in preseason orders total for the 6 years I was the Buyer. It is fun, but it is stressful to show you what you want to see, things that are interesting but not quite right, and always have the thing you really came for, all at the same time, all the time, for the majority of customers.

j4k3, (edited ) avatar

I have not built such a device. The programming skill is a big first step to understanding the potential applications. Assuming the accuracy shown is replicable, the example joinery and mechanics is invaluable. I have tried making low lash joints with 3d printed parts. This was not an easy problem for me to solve from scratch. From my experience mostly making functional prints and mechanisms, a project with the results claimed here looks like an enormous project with a ton of engineering. It is the kind of thing where I would pick up a lot of design ideas and principles.

Lastly, assuming the final product is durable enough, it changes the time/value balance for repeatable tasks; so anything can become cheap. The first thing that I think of is sawing. With a basic hacksaw blade you can cut through almost anything just by repetitive motion. It becomes possible to cut through almost anything that would be impractical normally due to effort and time. This kind of machine really benefits from getting paired with other machines. It could even be used with a 3d printer to replace build plates or remove prints.

j4k3, avatar

It isn’t a bait scam or anything. The full Gerbers and schematics are present. It uses a STM32F446 and TMC2209’s. This is really standard stuff. No raspberry pi or anything like that is capable of running steppers. This is like standard printer hardware. Offering the completed boards just saves the user a ton of time and money compared to ordering your own or etching something.


j4k3, avatar

No one is making money off of small run hardware like this. The time invested in such a project will never be recuperated. This is a passion and/or university graduate project. The boards available are likely just extras from a small run they did with a prototyping service and were close to a minimum order quantity. If you order the same type of thing from somewhere like PCBway, you’ll be stuck with extras too.

I’m too busy learning AI for a project like this ATM, but I would like to build this at some point in the future.

j4k3, avatar

Nationalize his assets and deport him to South Africa

j4k3, avatar

Using starlink is now directly supporting the Russian invasion

j4k3, avatar

The right isn’t stupid. They use a stupid message to maintain control of the conversation as a diversion tactic that is very effective. The whole point of this is to ensure no legitimate reforms and legislation are put in place. We fall for it every time we get enraged by the bullshit. That is the joke, we are the joke, and there is no way around the fact we will spend the next 2 weeks pushing back before the next prescribed side show drops into the circus. The outcome is fixed and calculated well in advance. This entire thing is planned out. I doubt they expected this one to have quite this big of an impact, but it will disappear just like all the rest. If a supreme court justices can be openly corrupt, there is no question the oligarchic prince will walk away completely free. We have entire states like Georgia fighting against justice for the biggest coup attempt in this country’s history. The perpetrator at the center is still free years later. King Musk is invincible because of Republican Russian Red team and their oligarchy.

j4k3, avatar

Marjorie Taylor Greene is probably the craziest of the bunch. She is following the Russian/Putin playbook to mobilize convenient idiots just like Trump. Lauren Boebert was a call girl, and is still turning tricks just for a higher end client. All of these people are acting their prescribed roles. They are all just actors playing roles. It has been reported that they all act completely different behind closed doors. Mobilization of convenient idiots is how Putin gained so much power. This is exactly what Republicans are doing. Most are being advised directly by Russia.

j4k3, avatar

The general issue is making working parts you can dial in to fit and dialing in to each process. Unless you already know all the details about how to tolerance and design for a process or machine, I wouldn’t expect good results. If your parts are ultra simple, sure you might get away with just having someone make a thing. If your parts really need 3d printing and utilize its design possibilities, you’re probably going to need many iterations. Each material behaves differently and requires tweaking the design accordingly. No service can effectively do this for you. They can add little elements to make something printable, but they can’t troubleshoot and test fit with your final assembly and application. This is why I would never outsource like this. Something like machining is different. With that you can set and test tolerances. With printing, altering the final tolerances usually involves altering the design substantially. If you dial in a FDM print first, you might get away with tweaking it for another process. If you have little to no experience printing, I would greatly limit my expectations. The delay is probably because the prints failed and they just shipped the best they had.

j4k3, avatar

Jarvis from Ironman - offline AI with a private reference database running with text to speech and speech to text.

j4k3, avatar

This should be treason

j4k3, avatar

Thanks. I’m no expert at this chemistry, but this is the better reference IMO

j4k3, avatar

I was a hardcore commuter in the Los Angeles area from 2009-2014. This is one of the most bike friendly places in the USA and it is definitely not safe here. I was hit 6 times while commuting. The last one left me partially disabled. It is a culture problem here. All of my major crashes were from driveways and illegal u-turns. I think the only solution here is forced awareness. Every time I was hit it was an incompetent and unaware idiot driver and completely preventable. This should be just like a DUI with a mandatory fine and loss of license for a year. That kind of consequence would force a reasonable cultural awareness and responsible driving.

j4k3, avatar

Those are not comparable in market target or price point. This is like comparing a motorcycle saddle bag and a car trunk

j4k3, avatar

Fucking corporate feudalism bullshit. The US government has turned everyone into serfs again. We stepped back sociopolitical progress by 1000 years because of stupidity. We are officially the dumbest people in the last 1000 years. Future generations will despise everything about us and what we lost because we were to stupid to do anything about it.

j4k3, avatar

Not exactly. The nonsense right wing rage politics is a denial of service attack that has not been effectively countered in many decades. The USA has a tenth of the laws, protections, and regulations of any western country. The goal of the stupid politics is distraction. No effective discussion is possible when everyone is playing whack a mole. This is the entire strategy. It is very simple and effective. The goal is simply to keep all of the loopholes open so the parasitic billionaires can steal all the wealth and pay nothing for it. They have bought the government by playing the long game. We live in a neo feudal state as a result. Freedom and democracy are an illusion.

j4k3, avatar

Phlock phorth phor phabulous phlavor oph phour oph phivw phantatic phavorites

j4k3, avatar

Just ask the dealer to disconnect the modem upon purchase.

Better yet, refuse to buy shit you don’t own and make this known. Go to the dealer force them to stand around while you read the privacy agreement. Use an attorney because they have stupid legal agreements. Waste everyone’s time because they are the ones doing this to you. It must cost profit. Then walk away from this bullshit. Tell them why you are walking away.

All of this exists because people are too stupid to care. If you ignore this, you are one of them, and part of the problem. Legal agreements are theft and slavery. Signing them blindly is the stupidest thing you can ever do in your life. Anyone that needs a legal agreement for you to make a purchase is a worthless criminal. Signing their bullshit is saying you are okay with being their little slave bitch.

j4k3, avatar

It has to irritate the GM of the dealership enough to file a report and work its way up the chain to the top. Unfortunately this is capitalism. It is no different than the military in that it sucks to be the person at the bottom of the shit pile but they work for criminals. If they don’t like it, quit working for criminals. Yes it is pervasive. But we are the problem. We are funding and enabling these people. You must make it extremely well known that you have money and you are not spending it because of this bullshit. No one else controls the market. We fund the entire thing with what we are willing to ignore and make excuses for. We must burn it to the ground too. That means stop being nice about the person working for the thief. Sorry; not sorry.

j4k3, avatar

I didn’t say cause a scene. I spent nearly a decade painting cars for dealers. I have had close dealings with used car managers and general managers more than most people. Yes, any possible excuse about cars not selling over this kind of issue will be a leverage point that they will use when it comes to inventory. Just one sale lost over this will end up getting documented at most large dealers. All you need to do is read the document and say you are not okay with it and walk out because of it. No drama needed. This is intelligent. Signing your privacy away blindly is the only idiotic choice here.

j4k3, avatar

They have no rights to anything I own. What they ship the vehicle with is what I bought. I don’t give a shit about anything anyone has to say about this. This feudalism bullshit is the absolute antithesis of freedom. I am not for sale.

j4k3, avatar

What a wonderful person you are. Your mother must be proud.

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