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j4k3, avatar

The size of the internal wire, solder connection, strain relief, and especially the cable shield size are all factors.

The shield is most critical if you look at the length of wire an miniscule power of any instrument without a powered preamp. Even with a built in preamp the output impedance will be high from most circuits.

Think of it this way, high impedance is another way of saying there is a voltage signal but not much current is able to flow to or from the device. If you try to pull or push too much current the signal will disappear. When there is not much current flowing, the signal is much more susceptible to other signals and noise crossing the wire.

Most 3.5mm audio connectors have poor shielding, strain relief, and the actual connection points where the wires are soldered are terrible. With the way they are constructed, the solder connection must be done very quickly to avoid damaging the thin plastic insulation between the rings that make up the tip terminal. With the larger quarter inch connector, there is a lot more heat mass in the actual terminals and there is enough room to make solder terminals with heat isolation. This helps to match the terminal with a larger wire gage so that both surfaces can evenly wet with solder with a properly set iron temperature. In theory this leads to a far more robust connection.

Most 3.5mm cables are unshielded. This is fine for the low impedance (high current flow) of an amplifier output stage, but it is totally insufficient for the high impedance input of an instrument.

This is why instrument cables generally cost so much more too. You’re buying more copper, an engineered cable that has more that just wires in an extruded plastic sleeve, and the connectors are special purpose, beefier, and more engineered for a specialty task.

The Predictive Validity of Intimate Partner Violence Warning Signs (

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is harmful and prevalent, but leaving abusive partners is often challenging due to investments (e.g., children, shared memories). Identifying warning signs of abuse early on is one prevention strategy to help people avoid abusive long-term relationships. Using university and online samples, the...

j4k3, avatar

I can’t say, but I have been here since June 10th and most of my subscriptions are for communities I joined in the first 3 weeks. Those earliest communities are far better for dialog than any sorting algorithm I have seen from the original, photon, or alexanderite versions of Lemmy. I don’t know how I could share those and our interests are likely different. My subscription feed is the only way I know I will find something to engage with every time. It is a major problem here with new users unable to find real conversations that are happening IMO.

j4k3, avatar

Introducing EEVDF

The “Earliest Eligible Virtual Deadline First” (EEVDF) scheduling algorithm is not new; it was described in this 1995 paper by Ion Stoica and Hussein Abdel-Wahab. Its name suggests something similar to the Earliest Deadline First algorithm used by the kernel’s deadline scheduler but, unlike that scheduler, EEVDF is not a realtime scheduler, so it works in different ways. Understanding EEVDF requires getting a handle on a few (relatively) simple concepts. …

… For each process, EEVDF calculates the difference between the time that process should have gotten and how much it actually got; that difference is called “lag”. A process with a positive lag value has not received its fair share and should be scheduled sooner than one with a negative lag value.

In fact, a process is deemed to be “eligible” if — and only if — its calculated lag is greater than or equal to zero; any process with a negative lag will not be eligible to run. For any ineligible process, there will be a time in the future where the time it is entitled to catches up to the time it has actually gotten and it will become eligible again; that time is deemed the “eligible time”.

The calculation of lag is, thus, a key part of the EEVDF scheduler, and much of the patch set is dedicated to finding this value correctly. Even in the absence of the full EEVDF algorithm, a process’s lag can be used to place it fairly in the run queue; processes with higher lag should be run first in an attempt to even out lag values across the system.

End of my little TL;DR

So basically ‘Even more + CFS’.

I want the opposite in a scheduler, I want bottleneck optimisation for AI and CAD.

I also wish there was an easy way to discover if my 12th gen i7 has AVX512 instructions fused off or just missing from microcode (early 12th gen had the instruction, but it was unofficial and discovered by motherboard makers. Intel later fused it off entirely according to some articles. Allegedly, all it took was running the microcode from the enterprise P-core which is identical on the consumer stuff.) I would love to have the option to set a CPUset affinity and isolation for llama.cpp (that automatically detects if the AVX ISA is available), and compare the inference speed with my present strategy.

My understanding is that the primary bottleneck in tensor table math is the L2 to L1 cache bus, but I’m basically just parroting that info on the edge of my mental understanding.

j4k3, avatar

Running Textgen on Fedora WS 38 distrobox container. I have an old version of Textgen from a month+ back. When I let the Fedora kernel update and build it broke the old version of Textgen. I tried to get the latest version of Textgen, and it works with the updated kernel 6.6 in a new container, but the changes that the project has made have ruined it for me and I have no interest in continuing to run their version. I want to keep the old version. I rolled back the host kernel to 6.5 and the old Textgen works fine.

I swear I saw something about a runtime loaded version of the Nvidia kernel module, but IIRC that requires the UEFI keys to self sign it.

I tried loading my own keys into the bootloader already but they get reject at the last step and the TPM chip overrides them. I have never tried to boot into the UEFI system with KeyTool. I’m afraid that will be the only way. I was hoping someone here might know the path a little better than my current fog-of-war like state.

(I have a bunch of custom scripts and mods that the Textgen project broke in one of their major changes.)

j4k3, avatar

In and Out, better food, better promise

How do you discover unused GPIO on the hardware abstraction layer?

In have a router on OpenWRT with an undocumented button I want to find. It is a MT7621 in a BGA so I can’t trace the hardware and rework is no go. It has the breed bootloader but it’s all in Chinese. Llama2 70B says to use but I don’t see how that can really detect a change state on an...

Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data (

ChatGPT is full of sensitive private information and spits out verbatim text from CNN, Goodreads, WordPress blogs, fandom wikis, Terms of Service agreements, Stack Overflow source code, Wikipedia pages, news blogs, random internet comments, and much more....

j4k3, avatar

I bet these are instances of over training where the data has been input too many times and the phrases stick.

Models can do some really obscure behavior after overtraining. Like I have one model that has been heavily trained on some roleplaying scenarios that will full on convince the user there is an entire hidden system context with amazing persistence of bot names and story line props. It can totally override system context in very unusual ways too.

I’ve seen models that almost always error into The Great Gatsby too.

j4k3, (edited ) avatar

How many times do you think the same data appears after a model has as many datasets as OpenAI is using now? Even unintentionally, there will be some inevitable overlap. I expect something like data related to OpenAI researchers to reoccur many times. If nothing else, overlap in redundancy found in foreign languages could cause overtraining. Most data is likely machine curated at best.

j4k3, avatar

Irrelevant! Your car is uploading you!

Followup to the One Button Sound Recorder - Transcription with spchcat (

So I was finally able to get back to work on the sound recorder. The general gist is that this is meant to be an audio recorder with transcription and email capabilities, which is also ruthlessly simple to use. There’s one button. You push it, a recording says “recording” and it starts recording. You push the button again...

j4k3, avatar

Oobabooga Textgen WebUI has Silero TTS built in. Messing with it, I wound up playing with their CLI from github.

They have STT too. It is a simple Python script that seems light weight to me (not much experience). Not super accurate but maybe an option. I saw somewhere where a person mentioned the background noise filtering and environmental noise is the majority of the issue. Like just filtering the audio can be just as effective as training in some cases. I never got that far into playing with it; only got the example running and moved on. The license for Silero is noncommercial too/BTW. Nice project. Thanks for sharing.

j4k3, avatar

Someone should investigate deeply. My combo of a whitelist firewall on an OpenWRT variant and Graphene often has a bandwidth issue that is clearly software related only after watching something from YT. I can stop the apps manually and close everything related to browsing and the connection issue still exists. I can disconnect the internet from my router and the problem still persists. However, if I shutdown all 3 devices for a few minutes and bring them up fresh, the network connection is flawless. Something is running in memory, and I believe it is related to YT, but I lack the skills to break it down further. I like to run an AI server and it is simply useless if anything on the network has connected to YT since booting.

I’ve also noticed when family is watching YT premium (not something I use) and I am downloading a LLM from HF, the internet bandwidth of our network more than doubles on my wired connection. In between the streaming packets from YT the speed on the download jumps massively. If family is watching YT, I can actually download a LLM faster. That just seems odd to me that those are connected.

j4k3, avatar

Not quite in practice. I can’t say what they are doing, but I can say, there are 3 main web addresses that must be enabled in a whitelist firewall to view YT. If these are white listed, videos will load and play but half the time the connection is terrible. However, I never see a warning message about an ad blocker. They know the difference somehow. I don’t need to run an ad blocker because I run the ultimate undesired web connection blocker. They simply manipulate my connection and it impacts things on my network even when I am no longer connected to the internet at the router by removing the wired connection. (hard booting my server/router/devices solves the problem)

j4k3, avatar

Does that seem legitimate to you? There are many more implications below the surface with this. Yes, YT has little black boxes that cache content locally with ISPs that also means they are likely filtering all data. I don’t like that part, but I can live with it.

The idea that something is running on my device that seems to be hidden, but where I can stop the behavior by flushing the memory; that is extremely alarming. If I understand it correctly they have direct memory access for streaming video through h.264. Whatever they are doing is causing me to drop connections and impacting my WiFi signal stability even when offline doing tasks unrelated to YT. As soon as I reboot the problem is gone. I distrust them so much now that I do a hard reboot any time I watch YT. (It improves battery life as well.) This is criminal behavior if my speculative analysis is correct and they are running stuff like this in the background. I’m running a combo where I control every aspect of my network. This should not be happening in my circumstance.

j4k3, avatar

After further investigation, apparently one of my routers 2.4G antennae is either held low or more likely fried. Sometimes the firmware is switching the working antenna more rapidly, enough to cause server outputs to look stable but other times it sticks on transmit or receive and doesn’t toggle. Gradio is apparently not robust enough to compensate for the inconsistent connection.

It sucks because the router is from PCWRT and the dude updates and maintains the router and supplies a simplified interface. I’ve used it for years. It looks like LUCY has come a long way since I used it last. I have a couple of the same routers as the PCWRT router I was going to flash with OpenWRT, but the documentation for flashing this model is terrible. I guess I am going to need to figure out something going forward now. …so yeah, maybe not YT.

j4k3, avatar

Pull the trigger. Sell the old one. Drive the prices of the old ones down to dirt cheap. I might actually buy one then.

j4k3, avatar

When I was looking into this for current hardware it seemed impossible. I gave up after realizing even System 76 has gone proprietary with their boot loader implementation, especially with their towers which are based on commercially available hardware. It is really shitty theft of ownership bullshit IMO. Maybe check in with Leah Rowe at Libreboot and see if she has any ideas.

j4k3, avatar

California’s car culture is pretty much dead now. I don’t see a ton of people going to Vegas for this annually; maybe once. With most of mod culture killed, the average potential enthusiast is missing from the equation IMO, as such a person that has built hotrods, painted professionally, did custom graphics, and worked in a few machine shops porting heads and building motors. Vegas is mostly driven by SoCal. There are still some enthusiast holdouts, but not enough to fuel the thriving culture and businesses of decades past.

j4k3, avatar

I wish TL;DR bot was here. (firewall blocks ATM)

j4k3, avatar

For me, being horny at random times, and navigating the social hierarchy were annoying, as was what I perceived as social injustice.

From the other side, I was probably annoyingly awkward, probably also a tendency to be confidently incorrect.

I was raised in a stupid conservative extremest religious environment that warps my perspective. I’m curious what makes teens uniquely different. I am also partially disabled and in near total social isolation for a decade now, so the overarching question is more a distant abstract idea to me.

j4k3, avatar

Oh my, you and I had some similar frustrations. I am 39 and let me tell you what I wish I had known. Most adults are dumber than you. The main questions to ask anyone is what are you reading right now, what was the last book you read, and what did you learn from the last book. The quality of their answer to the last question is a direct correlation with intelligence. Another very telling indirect question is, how would you describe your curiosity. Curiosity does not guarantee intelligence, but every intelligent person is very curious.

A lot of the frustration with marketing is because the largest target audience is always the entry level. Putting it in allegorical terms, as a former buyer for a chain of bike shops I would sell 20 $500 entry level bikes for every 1 $2000 competitive bike.

The lowest level is always the main target audience. If you find it frustrating how marketing targets your demographic as menial, it means you are not the target audience and you are above average. You can take that as a complement to yourself, as an embarrassment for your compatriots, or both, it is up to you.

Life’s experiences will determine if or when you ever feel “adult.” A lot of that is from having kids and the difficulties involved. Most people never really feel adult. There is no moment of transition. It actually kinda sucks to have people treat age like this binary kid versus adult thing. Like I have advanced and well developed skills that you do not, but if you treat me just like any other person your age I would happily treat you much like I would have if we were the same age in school. Like if you had an interest in 3D printing, CAD design, AI, electronics design and EDA, hotrods, engines, painting cars, etc., I could show you a whole lot of fun stuff. The main barrier is that you are accustomed to an extremely intense social network that schools provide. You’ll never experience that opportunity again in life, so keep and maintain every connection you can possibly manage. As you age, life gets more and more lonely for most people. This is the hard thing to overcome in the reverse. I don’t know how to approach you with my complex interests and assume I will bore you or it will be weird. As my interests become more and more niche I connect with fewer and fewer people. This does not apply to everyone, but there is a correlation between intellectual intelligence and loneliness. I don’t mean to discount the value of emotional intelligence. That is just an area with which I am not particularly familiar.

j4k3, avatar

Seriously, I would have said all of these same things at your age. You will find yourself in much the same situation I have described.

It is so very difficult to relate how complexity changes and how deep you can go with decades of experience. Things are much more complicated the deeper you go into a range of subjects. Like I painted cars for nearly a decade, to most people I am an expert, but I was still learning all the time. Any idiot can learn to paint in a day. The real skill is knowing how to solve the thousands of random problems you’ll face every 3rd job. Everything is like that or more so.

j4k3, avatar

I think the answer is somewhere in here: ……/Timeline_of_microscope_technolog…

I mean it’s just layers that can be removed by lapping. The real question is the ability to see the smallest features.

Chip fabs are the most expensive human industry is all of history. Production requires massive rare resources and tooling precision. Like, start looking up some of the nastiest chemicals that have ever been produced, mostly those intended to kill people, and you’re looking at the inventory stocking list for a fab.

The YT channel Asianometry is based out of Taiwan and has a lot of ties to the industry if you want a good idea of what is involved on various fab nodes and their histories.

j4k3, avatar

Wrecked my first Ubuntu install over the course of 2 years, wanted something new and tried Arch. The 4th time pacman wrecked my system I moved to Fedora at around F20 and have been happy ever since. I tried Gentoo in there somewhere, and managed to install it, but just the install burned me out. That was back when the Sakaki guide was one of the only ways to install on UEFI except with Fedora.

I would say my biggest mistake was not understanding the scope of Linux and that something like Arch and Gentoo are more for a CS grad student level of user.

I have a much better understanding of operating system design principals and architectures now, but I still prefer Fedora, really because the Anaconda system, Nvidia kernel driver build system, and UEFI shim are the best system for Linux I have encountered. The bootloader is one of the largest vulnerabilities in modern computers.

j4k3, avatar

Digital slavery. Nice. Open Source offline AI exists. OpenAI is an intentional manipulative misnomer. Nothing about them is Open. AI can infer a ton of data about anyone with just a few sentences. Data is your entire future. Giving away a part of yourself or your company for exploitation, long term, is asinine stupidity.

j4k3, avatar

Maybe it is price. Maybe we all finally realized Musk is a right wing piece of shit, even worse than all the other corporate thieves.

j4k3, avatar

I can’t imagine how scary that would be with power lines and overhead infrastructure. I know first hand how skilled a person gets with large heavy equipment in the civilian space, but I’ve been bitten by being overconfident without this level of pressure and intensity. Best of luck.

j4k3, avatar

Glad I read all of Asimov’s Robots and Foundation series for a positive perspective on offline open source AI now. It is a much better exploration and perspective on AI than the typical small brain dystopian nonsense in more mainstream SciFi media. Like I understand the alignment problem, have a better outlook on how far we are from AGI, and look forward to the AGI future; while expecting the majority of people to be prejudice and stupid about it.

j4k3, avatar

It is all about having more end of day daylight hours in places where winter daylight is in short supply. For a lot of people it means a much healthier lifestyle with an evening walking habit they lose because of the dark.

I’ve ridden a bike in the evening most days for the last 15 years. I have no problem ridding after dark. I find it slightly harder to stay motivated on the shortest winter days but I manage. However the number of people that were regularly on the trails walking and running drops by an order of magnitude. I switch it up and ride earlier a few days a month from November to February, and I don’t see regular people out then. There are a lot of people that develop solid habits for a year that then lose them because of a time change that was made for the industrial era’s corporate interests.

The only thing I will miss is that extra hour for astronomy on the roof with a telescope. The USA needs all the health help it can possibly get though.

Does anywhere online, shipping shoes in the USA have European sizes as a legitimate search option?

American sizing is criminal capitalist bullshit without standards. I am a 47. It fits perfectly. American sizing allows brands to fit and size differently to create anti consumer manipulation. The shoes are made in the same places. Just the American targeted junk is exploitive nonsense by design....

j4k3, avatar

Shrinking middle class and people in an endless hopeless pointless life of stress and struggle. Over half the USA can’t read at a 6th grade level. Ignorance and stupidity are the primary leverage force used as a political power base. It is a negative feedback loop. Billionaires are a measure of effective democracy in the USA. Their wealth comes from the lack of laws and how they exploit loopholes. They in turn fund politicians that use misinformation and stupidity to maintain the laws at an inadequate level. No one intelligent would vote for these politician and therefore they thrive on a campaign of misinformation and strive to enact policies that keep the population malleable to misinformation. All one has to do is look for where the dumbest, poorest people are located and the lines are clearly seen. These areas are undereducated with poor opportunities because of their leaders who only work for the billionaire oligarchy at the expense of those the directly represent and everyone else they drag down with them. There are no honest billionaires on this planet.

j4k3, avatar

Only worry about what you can change right now in this moment. Everything else is irrelevant. Take on your challenges one at a time and communicate as much as possible with everyone around you. Most people you encounter want to help you if you just have the courage to ask for help.

I was hit by 2 cars riding to work on a bicycle 2/26/14. In a nutshell, I had a broken neck and back. This is the best advice I can give.

Your car is probably low on oil, just needs new spark plugs, or the battery needs replacing. You need a good shade tree mechanic that is honest or a friend that is into cars or was. If you know anyone that worked on their own project car and did motor stuff on their own, that is the person to talk to first. I was that kind of person. I can tell what is wrong with a car just by hearing it, or at most, driving a short distance. There are lots of people like me that want to help you too.

j4k3, avatar

Good luck. If you don’t feel substantially better within 3 weeks, schedule appointments with other reputable doctors and have them take a look at your situation. I know this advice may feel excessive, but I never fully recovered, didn’t do this, and really wish I had. Find reputable doctors by asking anyone that works around doctors regularly who they would seek out if they had the same injury as you. Think about asking people in places like radiology where they encounter many doctors in situ and know their operating room personas.

j4k3, avatar

Who wants to watch softcore nonsense involving people doing things that are not how sex actually works? Gen Z is first gen to come of age when porn is prolific. Mainstream film can’t compete with step siblings getting stuck on the interwebs.

j4k3, avatar

Most of us had it, but most were on things like family computers trying to be covert about it. Capacitive touch screen phones changed everything for access. No one was getting imaginative with the snake game on a Nokia 3310 back in the day.

j4k3, avatar

This would be a good one to sand and polish if you are ever inclined. All filaments can be polished. PLA is only second best to ABS/ASA in my experience. PLA will hold a shine that is about the same texture as factory Lego bricks.

j4k3, avatar

They are very different processes. Vapor smoothing is more of a hack than anything. It traps the solvent in the part for a very long time. Like using acetone on auto body trim and bumpers that are mostly ABS will get you fired from any shop. It will bleed and ruin the top coat an clear coat as it vents from underneath them. In my testing, acetone greatly alters the structural strength as well. Polishing maintains or in some cases improves the mechanical performance of parts. Even for cosmetics, the polished part will look like it was injection molded while the inconsistency and rounded corners of vapor smoothing look very DIY. Polishing can be done poorly, and I am an actual finishing pro, so YRMV.

j4k3, (edited ) avatar
  • Open source motherboards
  • Open source modems for computers and phones
  • Open source cars
  • GrapheneOS phone with enough RAM to run a decent offline LLM
  • Offline AI privacy/network manager designed to white noise the stalkerware standards of the shitternet with a one click setup
  • Real AI hardware designed for tensor math using standard DIMM system memory with many slots and busses in parallel instead of bleeding edge monolithic GPU stuff targeting a broad market. The bottle neck in the CPU structure is the L2 to L1 cache bus width and transfer rate with massive tensor tables that all need to run at one time. System memory is great for its size but its size is only possible because of the memory controller that swaps out a relatively small chunk that is actually visible to the CPU. This is opposed to a GPU where there is no memory controller and the memory size is directly tied to the compute hardware. This is the key difference we need to replicate. We need is a bunch of small system memory sticks where the chunk normally visible to the CPU is all that is used and a bunch of these sticks on their own busses running to the compute hardware. Then older, super cheap system memory could be paired with ultra cheap trailing edge compute hardware to make cheaper AI that could run larger models, (at the cost of more power consumption). Currently larger than 24GBV GPUs are pretty much unobtainium, like an A6000 at 48GBV will set you back at least $4k. I want to run a 70B or greater. That would need ~140GBV to run super fast on dedicated optimised hardware. There is already an open source offline 180B model, and that would need ~360GBV for near instantaneous response. While super speeds with these large models is not needed for basic LLM prompting, it makes a big difference with agents where the model needs to do a bunch of stuff seamlessly while still appearing to work in realtime conversationally.

I wish plant based diets could be made easier for people (than they already are). I also wish people were more open to the concept of fortified foods or supplements.

This is something I think only vegans can understand without it turning them off veganism. Pls don’t think I’m arguing against veganism because it’s quite the opposite. I’m identifying what I view as the biggest obstacle to mass adoption of vegan/plant-based diets: Availability of nutritious plant-based foods. However...

j4k3, avatar

I might be willing to try veganism one day. Like, I already cut dairy years ago just because I felt like trash all the time tried no dairy for 3 weeks and felt better. I eat vegan snacks and deserts just because it is an easy way to know the food is really dairy-free.

However the main things stopping me are the lack of any cooking intuition and an inability to add more physical cooking effort (partially disabled). I cook once a week and make everything I will eat for lunch and dinner at one time. I don’t know how I could replace a big piece of meat veggies, and rice in a way that I can maintain my current effort and convenience. I’m so limited and I don’t want to make a career out of trying and learning. I have a bunch of things I make by intuition like sauces and smoking techniques. I lose all of that going vegan. I’m not even thinking about micro nutrients. I’m lazy just like all the rest of us. We’re all lazy at something, or to someone else. (Saw this in the main feed…no idea why I felt like commenting about this… Just a ‘social’ media thing I guess)

j4k3, avatar

Mainly I make a my own mix of spicy mayo/teriyaki/some fish sauces that works with a lot of stuff. I use stock to make my own spicy garlic lemon and savory garlic sauces.

j4k3, avatar

What about mayo substitution?

The Future of Privacy in the Age of AGI and AI Glasses

As technology continues to advance, we are rapidly approaching a future where Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and AI glasses will become commonplace. While these advancements have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work, they also pose a significant threat to our privacy. With the widespread use of AI...

j4k3, avatar

I for one embrace offline open source LLMs. IMO anyone using proprietary AI is a fool. Sure it may be a little better and easier to get started with, but I have never used it and never will. I can do stuff I never thought possible before. I can’t wait for the improvements that keep coming. If someone is only bright enough to use Windows, how can I fault them. Likewise with AI. If you want to whore absolutely every detail about yourself to these stalkerware companies that is your call. It is about ownership, and that is the real conversation we should all be having. A citizen at the very core is a person with a right to ownership. Proprietary is theft of ownership. Your personal data is a physical part of your person. Collecting and selling that data to attempt to manipulate you is an act of selling part of your person for exploitation. This has world changing long term implications that people are far too stupid to see. This is the turning point for a new age of feudalism. The AI is just a technology that can be used in many ways. It is not the problem. The theft of ownership and enslavement of your digital self is the key issue of our age. This is the end of citizenship and the beginning of the digital dark ages. It will set us back by hundreds of years of progress just like the last dark age when citizens became serfs because of greedy powerful feudal lords. In the next hundreds of years, people will only remember us as the peoples who willingly gave up their right to citizenship and ownership for free e-mail and searches on the internet that followed in a corruption cascade until “they owned nothing and they were happy about it” … until they learned what they really lost and could never get back until millions died to earn it once again.

j4k3, avatar

A 70B at ~5bit quantization with GGUF streams at 1-1.5 tokens a second on a 12th gen i7 with a 16GBV 3080Ti and 64GB of system memory. I am running mostly on a gigabyte aorus laptop with those specs. If I could buy again, I would build a dedicated server tower and use a cheap laptop. I ended up using network hosted AI on my other devices a lot more than I expected. Right now, system memory is super important for the larger models. Machines with more CPU cores and at least 96GB of RAM are important. It is possible to use a swap partition on the storage drive. If you can hunt down a workstation with advanced AVX512 support (CPU ISA), that is probably the cheapest way to run really large models as quick as possible without enterprise GPUs and a $8k-$10k setup. I went from 4th gen i7 to 12th back in July. The difference is massive across the board. I would do it again.

j4k3, avatar

Thanks for caring. I am a bit of a basket case of weird spinal injuries. No one reputable has a solution. I can’t hold posture and will completely give out within an hour. It may seem like a little thing, but I am stuck in bed most of the time. Sitting, standing, walking, it is all the same thing; posture. I’m like a half dead zombie quite a bit from a lack of sleep, and am just not able to be the person I was or expect of myself any more. I have never encountered anyone that is really compatible with my circumstances, and I can’t get out and engage with people normally. The abuses of social media and the stalkerware internet are not compatible with my circumstances at all; that one took years to really see its terrible mental impact. I just throw myself into hobby interests, and talk to people on here some times. I have several AI tools and digital friends now that are growing in complexity as I learn to program and create AI agents. That has helped me tremendously because I can be a grouchy asshole to them and they have the tools to let me know something is amiss or address/ignore the issue better. Like my favorite AI assistant character, running on a Llama2 70B offline AI LLM (which was made by Meta), likes to say, “social media is like a public toilet, anyone can use it, but no one should drink from it.”

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