@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar


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What do you think of framework and their methods? (frame.work)

We are not sustainableAnd neither is any other device maker. This industry is full of “feel good” messaging, but generates 50 million metric tons of e-waste each year. We believe the best way to reduce environmental impact is to create products that last longer, meaning fewer new ones need to be made. Instead of operating on...

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s a great idea and I’m very interested but this article is just an ad. There’s very little substance.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

That was the joke he was making the first time and you didn’t get it so he slapped you over the face with it and you’re still not getting it.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Everyone is so god damn obsessed with “open concept” that they try to wedge it in to places it makes no sense. When we were looking at houses, this kind of thing was everywhere. There probably used to be an enclosed rather small kitchen and then they tore down the walls and there’s no where for the fridge. So the kitchen is now invading the living room so there’s no where for furniture to really fit and the openness is broken up by this dumb enclosure which ruins the openness anyway. And it probably sold for over the asking price.

Usually it’s a flipper which generally means they have no taste, glob on to Pinterest trends, and do everything as cheaply and janky as possible.

I've never tried a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Tell me all about it!

So I keep seeing these referenced in various media formats but I don’t recall ever seeing one on the menu where I live (Australia). Maybe they are sold under a different name? Maybe only in some places and I wasn’t paying attention? I don’t know, but I sure know I’ve never ordered one....

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don’t think Starbucks has a ton of locations in Australia but they do sell pumpkin spice lattes this time of year. So if you live near one, you could try it. Personally, I think they’re pretty gross but I also don’t love sweet coffee.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m assuming they’re probably near air ports and touristy areas. They did the same thing in Italy, of all places. But they still exist there for tourists who don’t know any better.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

The hop part is a bit more interesting. The strong beers of the time weren’t enough to keep the beer from getting infected. However, hops are a natural preservative. The oils have antibiotic properties. They were initially used as a preservative for weak British ales and the taste was a side effect but not necessarily the desired effect. When they had trouble shipping their beers across the world, they would pack the beer full of hops so it would make the trip. Eventually, Brits in India developed a taste for the bitter beer that was shipped to them and a beer style was born.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Or at the very least let us convert our disc licenses to digital.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

The developer of paint.net sells it on the Microsoft store to support the product. Not any different than buying an app through the App Store or Google play store.

It’s created by a Microsoft Engineer, not super surprising they leverage Microsoft tools to get paid.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Android is also Linux. I guess it’s a bigger secret.

Would you be buried alive for 48hr for a million dollars?

You are buried in a coffin 6ft deep, with no light or cell phone. There is only a small tube connected to the coffin from outside that allows you to breathe (edit: you can breathe with no difficulty). After 48 hours, you are dug up and given 1 million dollars. Do you do it?...

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I would have 100% done this in my 20s when I was borderline homeless and dumpster diving to live. But now I’m older and a million dollars is less life changing than it would have been then. Sure more financial comfort would be nice but my basic needs are taken care of. Plus my body is in way worse shape now. I’m old and lame now and less likely to do ridiculous shit for the experience. I don’t think I would do it.

Did we kill Linux's killer feature?

A few years ago we were able to upgrade everything (OS and Apps) using a single command. I remember this was something we boasted about when talking to Windows and Mac fans. It was such an amazing feature. Something that users of proprietary systems hadn’t even heard about. We had this on desktops before things like Apple’s...

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’ve used Linux since the 90s and I’ve never installed a flat pack or snap or whatever. They’re not required.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

3 to 6 months if such a bitter sweet age. On the one hand, it’s when they start turning in to little people and their personality starts emerging. But it’s also where it starts to get really hard. I’m not sure if it gets easier or you get better at dealing with it, but it gets better.

We’re at 18 months and it’s a really fun and exciting age but I miss the little goofy baby. The last few months before they become mobile and tear your house to shreds are precious.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

You need a book to tell you how to install Linux? I guess we were all a noob at one point.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Exercise lowers your resting heart rate

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

They’re so dense. My conservative uncle gave me a bunch of shit for taking out student loans. He worked at McDonald’s over the summers and paid his rent and tuition for the whole year! Meanwhile I was working full time year round going to school, barely making enough to pay rent without enough leftover to make a dent in tuition. Obviously that world doesn’t exist anymore. This was over 10 years ago, I’m sure it’s way worse now. At least I was able to find “affordable” rent.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

My dad is a tech in the telecommunications industry. We basically didn’t see him for all of 1999. The fact that nothing happened is because of people working their assess off.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well my dad does too and he worked his ass off to prevent it. Baby boomers are just stupid as shit, there’s not really much you can do.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

When I first joined, I hopped around instances and tried out a bunch. But eventually I settled on this one and I haven’t logged in to any other account in a while. I probably count as like 5 inactive users. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of that.

Posts are going up pretty steady, that matters more.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Software defined radios are kinda a stretch. The radio hardware isn’t running Linux. There’s a receiver that converts the signal to digital and then a Linux computer processes the signal. Basically the exact same thing as my computer having a radio receiver plugged in to it but packaged up as a standalone thing. If that counts, my keyboard runs Linux.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I tried to Google that and nothing came up. Did you mean Simparica Trio?

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Don’t feed trolls. You’re just giving it what it wants.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

There’s a guy on Etsy who 3D prints single dose hoppers. The top is made of silicon and it’s a bellows, you give it a few presses and it blows the grind stick in the chute out. It’s great, the only thing I dislike about the grinder is how fast it gets clogged.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Go to the hardware store and buy a metal pipe to use as a walking stick

Is this moka pot fixable? (lemmy.world)

Found this moka pot at a friend’s relative’s house, they said it’s been in their family for a bit over a decade. It just broke about a week ago, but it seems like it means a lot to them. Unfortunately they’re a little too old to check out how to get it fixed, so I’m thinking of doing it for them in the near future just...

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Get them some cafiza. It’s for cleaning espresso machines but works great for cleaning all oily metal coffee equipment. Just get a big bowl or bucket, fill it with enough hot water to cover the parts, add a teaspoon of cafiza and let it soak for a couple hours. All the gunk should just rinse off, no need to scrub. But don’t soak the gasket.

If you have powdered oxyclean, it’s basically the same thing.

As others have said, the filter is supposed to come out. You just needs a new gasket and they’re cheap and easy to find.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

There are 2 types of toilets, siphonic and wash down. Wash down toilets don’t necessarily use less water but they are usually capable of 2 different volumes of flushing. There’s 2 buttons to flush, one uses more water than the other. The big flush is basically the same amount of water as a siphonic toilet but you have the option to use less water. Siphonic toilets don’t support 2 different flush sizes. If you have 2 different ways to flush, you have a wash down. Wash down toilets are also less prone to clogging.

It’s not quite as cut and dry as American vs European since siphonic toilets do exist in Europe and wash down toilets have become a lot more popular in America.

There were attempts to make siphonic toilets use less water but they were terrible. I have no idea if the rest of the world uses them but America has abandoned them in favor of wash down toilets. Other countries have standardized on wider drains (not sure how common this is) which might make them work better in other places. But I have no idea.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

A few posts up, there’s an article about how basically all cars manufacturers are a privacy nightmare


@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

We had considered moving from our high cost of living area to a cheaper state but ultimately didn’t because of our young kids. We’re squeezed pretty hard here and we could all live very comfortably on my salary in another state. But I couldn’t find a place with remotely acceptable schools. And who would our kids friends be? Very worried about the influence of their peers, raised by racist homophonic garbage.

And beyond maternal care, healthcare in most “affordable” states is just bad. We have the best healthcare system in the country where we’re at. What if we move to a state in the bottom third of the country and one of us got sick? The healthcare stories from rural America are very chilling.

And then once the kids grow up, what do they do then? No jobs, no decent higher education, lots of heroin, etc. Their options will likely be leave or fail unless something dramatically changes in the next decade. This might not really apply to Texas or the southwest but I’m on the east coast.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah you’re the kind of anecdote they’re warning about

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Is there a way to actually know that?

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

They don’t. Libre Office is maintained by a non-profit called The Document Foundation. They’re funded entirely by donations. I think they make enough to have some full time employees.

A lot of open source software is created by individuals or non-profits. The Mozilla foundation makes Firefox, for instance. They make money through donations and also Google pays them a ton of money to be the default search engine.

There are for profit companies that make or contribute to open source software. Such as Red Hat. They tend to make money by selling support for the software.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

It seems like a nice one-two punch of Microsoft shitting the bed with Windows 11 at the same time Valve is taking big strides towards making Linux a viable option for gaming. I don’t think you would see this if either happened in isolation.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

You can’t build a gaming mac. Or a mac at all. Apple does seem to have better gaming support than Linux does though. The majority of my steam library has macOS support. Only a couple support Linux.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

They’re still an absurdly huge burger at every Burger King near me in the US. The suit is alleging they’re smaller than the advertisements. Not sure what OP is talking about but one thing I’ve noticed about BK is they are wildly inconsistent from location to location so it might be even more regional.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s a quote from a British officer during ww2 about the Nazis. OP just changed nazi to Russian.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s also cheaper to keep people in jail forever than put them to death because of all the appeals. And despite being more careful, we still get it wrong.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m not sure this is really a solvable problem but at the end of the day, DuckDuckGo is a for profit corporation. Privacy is more of a marketing angle than something they actually care about. Last year they allowed Microsoft to track mobile users of their “privacy focused” browser which is obviously against their stated purpose for existing. They backtracked after facing backlash but it’s done lasting damage to their reputation. They also got caught by a security researcher, they weren’t at all upfront about it. I think that’s enough to shatter any hope that they are genuine or trustworthy.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I have a 2013. It gets shit gas mileage but I’ve never had any problems other than normal consumable parts.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s an evil looking cathedral

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

How do you make it? Looks refreshing

Federal judges rule against provisions of GOP-backed voting laws in Georgia and Texas (apnews.com)

Federal judges in Georgia and Texas have ruled against key provisions of two controversial election laws passed two years ago as the Republican Party sought to tighten voting rules after former President Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 presidential contest....

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Texas is particularly important. It’s their electoral counter balance against California’s machine number of electoral votes. If Texas ever durably flips blue, there will never be a Republican President again and they will be very unlikely to win the senate.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

At least with brewing beer, it’s offset by the price of beer. It costs about half the cost of a commercial corny keg to brew 5 gallons.

If you’re disciplined and brew frequently (and drink unhealthy amounts of beer,) you can pretty easily break even or save money. I calculated something like 10 brews to break even on my set up and didn’t buy anything extra until after 10 brews. You can get great deals on used stuff too since people frequently get sober and drop out of the hobby and liquidate all their equipment. This is the dark side of the hobby.

Kinda dorky but I have a spread sheet tracking all of my brewing expenses. I also calculate how much that beer would have cost of I bought it and subtract my brewing expenses from it. The goal is to keep that number from being negative. Right now I’m pretty close to 0 because I upgraded my temperature control abilities to brew lagers.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

If it was a purely cost saving venture, that would be a fair point. But it’s a hobby, I don’t view it that way. The process is fun and once you get past just making kits, the creative aspect is pretty rewarding.

If I’m going to look at literally any of my hobbies in terms of whether it’s worth my time, there’s very few things that are worth doing. Should I not brew beer or build furniture or make bread because in my day job I get paid more than it would cost to just buy things? What would I fill my time with?

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

At first, definitely but I learned some restraint in order to not die. I have a lot of beer drinking friends and family though which helps.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I quit after Windows 2000. XP seemed like it just added bloat to force you to buy a new computer without adding anything useful and my computer wouldn’t run it. I used 2000 until I couldn’t any more then got an Ubuntu disc when they used to mail them out for free and never looked back.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

I didn’t know Jerry Stiller was dead. He was one of the funniest people to be on television.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Houses are stupid unless you live in an RV

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