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inkican, to scifi

Any writers on /m/scifi up for critiquing my middle grade scifi novel query? Here it is:

Sometimes you have to leave Earth to find home…

Meet Micah “Mike” Thomas, a 12-year-old boy whose life is thrown into chaos after his mother’s passing. He longs for a return to normalcy, but his grandmother, a female version of Elon Musk, has other plans. His new reality is a nightmare: friends desert him, grades plummet, and his dad’s emotional absence deepens. His sister, Jenn, drowns her grief as a social media influencer addicted to attention at any cost, while Grandma – intent on punishing Mike’s dad for her grief – tightens her grip on the broken family.

In search of a fresh start, Mike’s dad takes a new job in Santa Fe, but the challenges persist. His sister’s social media obsession grows, and his father remains emotionally distant. Even his trusty AI companion can’t fill the void. The new job brings a secret project – the world’s first space elevator – putting the family in the crosshairs of Grandma’s narcissistic rage.

Mike yearns for his mother’s return and a shot at a normal kid’s life, impossible when Grandma forces him to spy on his own dad. Beating Grandma at her own game requires a journey into the stars and into the heart of his family’s deepest pain. Mike will rescue the space elevator – and his family – from Grandma’s destructive designs, even at the cost of his AI best friend.

“MIKE.SIERRA.ECHO” is a 65,000-word Middle Grade hard sci-fi thriller set in Boston, Santa Fe, and Ecuador, 150 years into the future. It will engage readers who enjoyed “We Dream of Space” by Erin Entrada Kelly and “Rebecca Reznik Reboots the Universe” by Samara Shanker.

inkican, to scifi


Happy to say that The Battle of Victoria Crater Part I and Part II are now online! The novella takes place in the desolate Martian frontier of Victoriaville, a brave community of settlers faces relentless threats from mercenary bandits working for a powerful Earth corporation, WTO. At the same time, life as a Martian teenager comes with some interesting challenges. This time, the light at the end of the tunnel comes with grim news – not only are the bad guys on their way, so are desperate refugees and a monstrous dust storm. Pete and Martin risk everything to rescue the plucky pioneers from certain doom. Martin learns in the grinding dust and darkness that victory is something you win, one step at a time.

You can listen for free or buy the ebook andaudiobook versions online at Thanks for reading - enjoy your weekend!

#scifi #videos #books #audiobooks #ASMR #Mars #space

inkican, to scifi

Not for nothing but SyFy is doing nothing but horror content right now - I get that it's Halloween but it's literally in your name: SCIFI /rant


JoMiran, avatar

Event Horizon. Checkmate

inkican, to scifi

Quick Mod Update - I have gotten some new insight about posts on the Microblog that helped me understand a particular function of Kbin that I did not understand before. As such, I've rescinded some bans on the magazine for particular users that simply used the tag, only to show up here automatically. My sincere apologies and gratitude for your patience.

inkican, to scifi

Took time to gather my thoughts after a sneak preview of ‘The Creator’ – this gorgeous, action-packed movie is SO much more than the reviews are saying. I’m still an anxiety-ridden mess so I don’t go out, but thanks to a friend I got to see ‘The Creator’ anyway.

Make no mistake – we’ve left the ‘hater therapy’ portion of sci-fi, where we try to make movies and stories for the haters to ‘bring them along.’ The Creator just goes all-out to tell an fun, interesting science fiction story and it doesn’t care whether /r/scifi likes it or not. THAT, my friends, is makes it great.

But wait, Jackson – you say – nothing about this movie is ORIGINAL. The script sounds like it was generated by an AI! Yes, yes – we’ll get to the complaints in a few moments. Let’s set the stage correctly. The Creator is the celebration of original scifi we needed – it feels like what great science fiction used to feel like – unshackled by public opinion, content to let you figure out what’s going on.

It reminded me in some ways of ‘La La Land’ when it came out. Before you ask ‘What on Earth are you talking about?’ Let me explain: A movie review of ‘La La Land’ calls it ‘a gorgeously photographed, unashamedly nostalgic, bittersweet marriage of the modern and the traditional’ which, if you think about it, is a perfect description of ‘The Creator.’ It, too, is a gorgeously photographed, unashamedly nostalgic, bittersweet marriage of the modern and the traditional science fiction.

Just as Casablanca works because it’s a collection of tropes told in a way that people can relate to on a human level, The Creator doesn’t attempt to be THE MOST ORIGINAL SCIFI IN THE WORLD. Rather, it’s trying to be the best science fiction story for the most people. It’s trying to bring people together. That’s why I loved it and that’s why I recommend it. It’s also why I think the sci-fi community is doing a massive disservice to itself if it doesn’t support this original, well-told science fiction story. But this isn’t ‘hater therapy’ time – it’s time to talk about The Creator. Here are some quick notes:

Emperor, avatar

we’ll get to the complaints in a few moments.

I loved it but my favourite criticism I’ve seen is:

spoiler“I’ve just watched the end of Rogue One four times.”


@Emperor That’s why I’m writing all this. It’s not about marketing or influence – we want to champion good, original science fiction when we see it. Even if it’s not perfect – Hollywood responds to butts in seats. This is an opportunity for us to say ‘more, please!’ That’s the only way we’ll get to see more of it.

inkican, to scifi

Everybody go see The Creator. Now.


@memfree I'm sorry if my passion came across as ordering you about. That said, you're making a huge mistake if you don't support this movie.


It’s all good :-)

inkican, to scifi

Currently in negotiations with a well-known SF author to do an AMA here on /m/scifi. Any thoughts on what questions you'd like to ask David Brin?


@Arotrios Stay tuned ...

Arotrios, avatar

@inkican Rockin' - I figure I'll never get around to writing out the idea, and certainly not well, so why not toss it back to the guy who inspired it.

Working title: Dr. Doomlittle

ba boom boom tish

And I'm outta here... thanks everyone, and try the fish!

inkican, to scifi

Ooh, shots fired ...

@JohnShirley2023 - any thoughts?

inkican, to scifi

Scifi is a Top 20 magazine on K.bin! I just saw the numbers today - we moved past /m/apple to take the 20th spot. I'm not going to change our designation until we see if /m/scifi remains in the Top 20 for a month. But this is great progress - thank you, everyone!

inkican, to scifi
inkican, to scifi

Do me a favor? Help me pick out a tagline for my Mike.Sierra.Echo query letter. Lit agents ask for taglines in query letters. A tagline serves two purposes: to make a memorable, positive phrase that customers remember and helps them identify your book. I wrote all evening and came up with these. Now I need your help to pick the best one that grabs your attention.

Make sense what I'm asking? Polls only let you post 4 options so I'm posting this in the microblog - post the number of the tagline you like:

  1. Getting to space is a lot easier than getting away from Grandma ...
  2. From loss to joy and back again
  3. Sometimes you have to leave Earth to find home
  4. "The end of everything is the beginning of everything else"
  5. "I go where you go kid. Let's look at some stars ..."

inkican, (edited ) to scifi

Quick note on the self-promo posts I've been seeing on the Microblog - Let me start out by saying this:


However - artists who ONLY talk about their work on /m/scifi and contribute nothing else - no other content, articles, comments, engagement - will quickly wear out their welcome. I've had some direct conversations but it's starting to feel like a game of Whack-a-mole. I'm still figuring out how to make this community work for everyone, and it's disturbing to me to - other than @stopthatgirl7 - be the only people that post things for us to read/talk about on the threads. We're not Reddit - we're better than that.

Here's a quick re-cap of Rule #5

Rule 5: Self-promo is a privilege, not a right
The ratio of content to self-promotion in a community can vary depending on the specific context and the community's goals. However, it is generally recommended to prioritize content over self-promotion to maintain a healthy and engaging community environment. Here are some guidelines to consider:

Content First: Emphasize the importance of valuable and relevant content that adds value to the community.

Limit Self-Promotion: While self-promotion can have its place within a community, it should not dominate the content. Encourage members to engage with the community through meaningful discussions and contributions rather than solely promoting their own work or products.
Promote Community Engagement: Actively encourage community members to participate in discussions, share their perspectives, and contribute to the community's growth. Engaging content fosters a sense of community ownership and encourages members to interact with each other.

Clear Self-Promotion Guidelines: Establish clear guidelines regarding self-promotion to avoid ambiguity and ensure transparency.

Remember, the ultimate goal of a community is to facilitate meaningful interactions, shared learning, and the exchange of valuable content. By prioritizing content over self-promotion, the community can maintain its focus, encourage active participation, and create a more vibrant and engaging space for its members.

The microblog space has seen some AMAZING content - kudos to @SFRuminations, @ewdocparris, @TheSpaceshipper, and others for their continuing contributions that make this a fun, interesting place to be.

To wrap up - please consider this your Self-Promo yellow flag. Talk about your work, but contribute to the rest of the magazine too, please.

Additionally - I'm embarrassed to note that some NSFW content has swept into the Microblog. Let me restate: Rule #6 - No NSFW content - is very real and will result in an immediate/permanent ban. I can't be everywhere at once, so please **Report **any NSFW you come across here on /m/scifi.


SFRuminations, avatar

@inkican Thank you for the kind words!


@SFRuminations Thank YOU for making this an awesome place to be! :)

@stopthatgirl7 @ewdocparris @TheSpaceshipper

inkican, to scifi

Today in the funniest Sci-Friday ever, please enjoy a video I call: Detroit Meets The Naked Gun. Frank Drebin is an android and he’s out to clean up the future dirty city – enjoy!

inkican, to scifi

Calling all Lit Agents / authors / query-letter writers - I submitted my draft query letter to Reddit for feedback - would you like to give me feedback, too?

Draft is here - please be kind - I'm going through a lot rn:

inkican, (edited ) to random

Some might be curious about the rules of /m/scifi so I have them posted here for reference:

Rule 1: Respectful and Inclusive Discussions
In the federated internet community about science fiction, it is crucial to foster an environment that values respectful and inclusive discussions. Members should treat each other with respect, regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs, or opinions. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of hate speech should not be tolerated. Encourage open-mindedness and a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable expressing their ideas and engaging in constructive debates.

Rule 2: Evidence-Based Arguments
As a community centered around science fiction, it is important to base discussions and arguments on evidence and logical reasoning. Encourage members to support their viewpoints with references to relevant literature, movies, or other credible sources. Promote critical thinking and discourage baseless claims or unfounded speculation. By fostering evidence-based discussions, the community can maintain its credibility and contribute to a more informed understanding of science fiction.

Rule 3: Mutual Learning and Collaboration
The federated internet community should serve as a platform for mutual learning and collaboration among its members. Encourage individuals to share their knowledge, insights, and experiences related to science fiction. Foster a culture of curiosity and intellectual growth, where members can engage in constructive dialogues and learn from each other. By embracing diverse perspectives and promoting collaboration, the community can become a vibrant hub for science fiction enthusiasts to expand their understanding of the genre.

Rule 4: No Spoilers without Proper Warnings
Respecting the enjoyment of others is essential in any community centered around science fiction. Avoid sharing spoilers without proper warnings and considerate labeling. Recognize that people may be at different stages of experiencing various science fiction works and may not appreciate having key plot points or surprises revealed prematurely. By being mindful of spoilers, members can maintain an environment that allows everyone to fully engage with and appreciate the narratives within science fiction works.

Rule 5: Self-promo is a privilege, not a right
The ratio of content to self-promotion in a community can vary depending on the specific context and the community's goals. However, it is generally recommended to prioritize content over self-promotion to maintain a healthy and engaging community environment. Here are some guidelines to consider:

Content First: Emphasize the importance of valuable and relevant content that adds value to the community.

Limit Self-Promotion: While self-promotion can have its place within a community, it should not dominate the content. Encourage members to engage with the community through meaningful discussions and contributions rather than solely promoting their own work or products.
Promote Community Engagement: Actively encourage community members to participate in discussions, share their perspectives, and contribute to the community's growth. Engaging content fosters a sense of community ownership and encourages members to interact with each other.

Clear Self-Promotion Guidelines: Establish clear guidelines regarding self-promotion to avoid ambiguity and ensure transparency.

Edit - 09/19/2023 Update - The John Shirley Rule - Authors with long-standing industry pedigree (John Shirley, et al) are allowed flexibility on Rule #5. Flexibility is granted on a case-by-case basis.

Remember, the ultimate goal of a community is to facilitate meaningful interactions, shared learning, and the exchange of valuable content. By prioritizing content over self-promotion, the community can maintain its focus, encourage active participation, and create a more vibrant and engaging space for its members.

Rule 6: No NSFW content - we cater to SF fans of all ages.

Maintaining a Safe and Inclusive Environment: The scifi community's decision to prohibit NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content is primarily aimed at creating a safe and inclusive space for all members. By disallowing explicit or adult-oriented content, the community ensures that people of all ages and backgrounds can participate without feeling uncomfortable, offended, or excluded.

Focusing on Intellectual Exploration: The scifi community often emphasizes intellectual discussions, creative exploration, and thought-provoking content related to science fiction.
Preserving Professional and Academic Relevance: Many members of the scifi community include professionals, academics, and industry experts who contribute their knowledge and expertise to discussions and projects.

For next 30 days, feel free to add your comments/feedback on these rules and then we'll call them 'done' for the next 12 months. Thanks. :)

chgowiz, avatar

@inkican Just asking if those are on-topic for the scifi magazine, or if you'd prefer them elsewhere?


@chgowiz I don't see why they wouldn't be. :)

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