@independentpen@mas.to avatar


@[email protected]

Writer. Artist. Folklorist. Creative services strategist. Probably definitely autistic. In Corvallis, Oregon.

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AutisticWave, to autisticadvocacy
@AutisticWave@mastodon.social avatar

While the phrase "we're all on the spectrum" may be well-intentioned, it is potentially harmful to us, autistics.

Here's how: https://link.medium.com/zjV6w9mgFFb

@autisticadvocacy @autistic[email protected] @neurodiversity

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

We're all a little bit autistic exactly to the same extent that we're all a little bit pregnant.

"My feet are swollen too, Marsha!"

I don't know who came up with this this first, wish I could say it were my idea
@autisticadvocacy @autistic[email protected] @neurodiversity

theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistic
@theautisticcoach@neurodifferent.me avatar

What does the term “unmasking” mean to my #ActuallyAutistic comrades?

#AskingAutistics @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

It's the way I am around animals

prachisrivas, to academicchatter
@prachisrivas@masto.ai avatar

Argh. Why have university websites become so opaque that you have to be a ninja just to find a list of departments, schools, and faculties? When you finally do, faculty are hidden away behind opaque tabs.

University websites now seem a shell to attract research partners, donors, and (ostensibly) students, forgetting their main function is still to produce knowledge and teach and learn.

It shouldn't take long to find basic info - who's doing what and in which fields.


@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I'm leading strategy rn on a uni library web redesign. The current IA and wayfinding is a total mess

@independentpen@mas.to avatar
arcana, to actuallyautistic
@arcana@fedi-01.starlight.quest avatar

@actuallyautistic i'm so exhausted of how inaccessible activism and social justice is. sometimes it feels like every single movement other than neurodivergence stuff specifically excludes neurodivergent people. even a lot of general disability movements.

constantly seeing new rules on what we can and cannot say, how to correctly engage with topics, etc really fucking strikes a nerve at this point.

like, "don't ask questions and do your own research," because asking clarifying questions is a dick move, even if you're actually confused and just want to learn how to help and it's not researchable. (source: I HAVE DONE SO MUCH FUCKING RESEARCH)

"don't say this word or phrase anymore" like okay, sure if i give someone my preferred pronouns i'm clearly transphobic against myself because i'm supposed to just say "pronouns." i'm not allowed to say "socialized woman" to describe my shared experiences anymore, either, because apparently some bigots made a dogwhistle out of it and somehow that's my responsibility (this gripe excludes slurs, which are pretty cut and dry)

like, fucking honestly, it feels like 95% of social justice conversations these days are just policing general social interactions with extremely unintuitive etiquette, alienating anyone who cannot make sense of the neverending rules.

which — oh, right. that group consists primarily of autists, doesn't it? "well that's okay, autistic struggles are clearly exaggerated and if someone sounds like an asshole that must mean they're an asshole and i should treat them like one."

i want to be an effective activist SO BAD but the community is ACTIVELY hostile and inaccessible to me because of my adhd, autism, and trauma. i basically give up at this point and i hate people.

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I've noticed similar things ... and I've also noticed a huge difference between online and in person on these same issues. It's been reassuring to me to think the negative online spaces are not indicative of these movements irl, like it helps me disregard the bananas bullshit to think of the meaningful, nuanced conversations I've had with activists in person. At least to know they are possible in different spaces

aspiringcat, to academicchatter
@aspiringcat@mastodon.social avatar

Every couple of months I get slightly annoyed by Zotero and look for other reference managers and come to the conclusion that others are far more buggy!

Why don’t we have a reference manager that’s more — modern? Why can’t I take notes like I would in a good text editor? The way to add notes is clunky, I can’t easily see what papers have cited the current paper? Generating notes from my annotations is always not intuitive? Am I missing something here?


@independentpen@mas.to avatar

@mrbig @aspiringcat @academicchatter Which of those notetaking apps do you like best? I haven't considered using one of these before, not sure of the pros and cons

independentpen, to actuallyautistic
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

My head is spinning ... from not sleeping last night, from two conferences a week apart diappearing the last three weeks, from the deadlines I'm behind on, from finding my elderly friend dead in his house ... one , day , at a , time , right ? @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Thank you. I feel it catching up to me. Not sure how to selfcare and function at the same time

independentpen, to folklore
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

The Harvard library research guide for folklore listed the following as core skills for folklorists: deep listening, observant participation, cross-cultural comparison, historical contextualization, collaborative interpretation, cultural documentation, empathetic engagement, and good storytelling. I love this. #whatDoFolkloristsDo #folklore @folklore

eo, to actuallyautistic
@eo@dads.cool avatar

@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic

what are some of the most common, or most bothersome, false assumptions people make about you?

Don't limit yourself to neurodiversity or any other topic.

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I am cold/ cerebral/ overthinking it. I am interruptible. I don't know what I'm talking about/ don't have depth of expertise. I am uptight because I care about dumb things. I am uncaring because I go with the flow.

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I'm good at improvising, so I can banter in a fast conversation, but any time I'm asked to reflect on something (even a trivial thing) I do need a pause. Usually people don't wait for that

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Such a good answer though
@eo @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

"That a two-minute interruption at work costs only two minutes of my time." <<<<<-- THIS
@eo @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Have you seen the tendrils cartoon? I felt so extremely resonant when I saw it
@eo @actuallyautistic

theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistic
@theautisticcoach@neurodifferent.me avatar

Do you use the word "Neurodivergent"?

Why or why not?

Do you think it's ableist?

If you don't use it, what word do you use?

#ActuallyAutistic #AskingAutistics @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Before I knew about neurodivergent, I was telling people that I think divergently. This is a fact and imo has always been a strength, despite the difficulty. We need to get past the idea that acknowledging difference is ableist

JeremyMallin, to actuallyautistic
@JeremyMallin@autistics.life avatar

I have trouble maintaining direct , but I have no problem with photographs of people looking directly at the camera or drawings of people looking at the viewer.

Do people really have this level of problem with it? Do you?


@independentpen@mas.to avatar

No. In some contexts it can be startling but even then, this isn't an issue for me

theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistic
@theautisticcoach@neurodifferent.me avatar

Good morning comrades!

How long does it typically take you to "boot-up" in the morning?


@independentpen@mas.to avatar

A lucid jumble sounds pleasant to me. I enjoy being aware of sleeping now and then
@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

JeremyMallin, to actuallyautistic
@JeremyMallin@autistics.life avatar

I rarely ever address anyone by name. There are people I've known for decades whose names I've never even used when addressing them directly.

Is that an #Autism thing?

#ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I don't think it's specific to autism; I think if you were to ask the NTs you'd get a lot of yesses there too

jaschaschmitz, to histodons German
@jaschaschmitz@fedihum.org avatar

I'm currently writing my master's thesis on & @histodons 🤖 ... so method. history of in a (specific) way.

...and I've stumbled across so many great quotes now which could just as well have been written today and not in, like, 1970. I really feel the urge to start sharing some of them, because that groundhog-day experience I keep having is as entertaining as it is lowkey frustrating lol.😅 Also saw it's topical for some people so maybe it'd even be useful?!

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

What is simulated history? Do they mean faked/ made up?

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Can you give an example?

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Ohh that makes sense. I'm pretty familiar w the literature on the peopling of North America and this is ringing some bells for me; I can imagine how a simulation would fit right into the debate. Thanks for taking time to tell me!

independentpen, to anthropology
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I'm sharing pics from the conference in Toronto on my insta: https://www.instagram.com/independentpenmyself/
@anthropology @academicchatter

radlschorsch, to random German
@radlschorsch@muenchen.social avatar

Wo bleiben die Universitäten im Fediverse?

Warum betreiben Universitäten nicht schon längst eigene Mastodon-Instanzen?

Warum bekommen Studierende nicht mit der Immatrikulation auch einen Mastodon-Handle?

Warum hosten Universitäten Vorlesungsvideos nicht über PeerTube im Fediverse?

Es gibt einiges, das für ein stärkeres Engagement von Universitäten im Fediverse spricht.

Ein Aufruf den man nur unterstützen kann! #boost
#fediverse #university

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I find the academic discourse here waaaay better than on the birdsite
@RichardShaw @srfirehorseart @radlschorsch @academicchatter @edutooters

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I'm sad to hear you're not finding community here. Care to say more? I have felt so at home on this platform but I know that's not a universal experience
@RichardShaw @srfirehorseart @radlschorsch @academicchatter @edutooters

independentpen, to actuallyautistic
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I'm at an anthropology conference. A speaker/anthropologist, who is a dad of an autistic child, wrote a book, Unstrange Minds, which is a mix of scholarship (a cultural history of autism) and personal storytelling. I was suspicious at first but it seems like he's supporting the neurodiversity paradigm. Anyone read it? Might be worth checking out? @actuallyautistic

Susan60, to actuallyautistic
@Susan60@aus.social avatar

Question. Some dogs can tell if a person has cancer, presumably by their smell. Does anyone think that some autistic people might be more sensitive to such changes in body chemistry? Not as much as a dog, but more than most other people? @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

And yet it's normal to say it smells like snow
@Susan60 @actuallyautistic

independentpen, to anthropology
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Second conference this month: American Anthropological Society. Here we go!

@anthropology @academicchatter

theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistic
@theautisticcoach@neurodifferent.me avatar

How did my comrades come to know that they’re autistic?


@independentpen@mas.to avatar

An acquaintance who is a clinician told me I definitely wasn't when I wasn't even claiming to be, and that made me mad enough to spend the next year finding out through research that I am

Autistrain, to neurodiversity
@Autistrain@neurodifferent.me avatar

I'm asking my fellow for books on Autism. If you have suggestions, I'm happy to hear about them!

@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Fieldguide to Earthlings
@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

independentpen, to actuallyautistic
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

People keep sitting down right next to me when there's plenty of other space. Are small space bubbles an NT thing? @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Half and half!

independentpen, to folklore
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

American Folklore Society annual meeting! @academicchatter @folklore

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

@academicchatter @actuallyautistic
There is a panel on neurodivergent/ autistic folklore coming up next at the folkore conference .......... !

@independentpen@mas.to avatar
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

They're talking about autistics reclaiming the "changeling" label 😍

@actuallyautistic @folklore

PossiblyAutistic, to test
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

These museum/ theatre/ party/ library questions are super allistic, representing floating concepts whose intended associations are unclear to a non-allist (to me, at least)

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I always thought of myself as a whole picture person because I care about meaning, but I've since learned that I'm details first; I cannot know the whole until I've put together the details

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I assume they are; I realized recently that's different from being able to tell

@independentpen@mas.to avatar
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I feel like words are my numbers, in that sense. But I do LOVE finding patterns in numbers. Just simple things like how the ones digit repeats its sequence when skip counting, or how different numbers fit together and come apart
@PossiblyAutistic @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

This is a large part of how I finally gave myself permission to use the label
@PossiblyAutistic @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

A challenge to their authority 😂
@axnxcamr @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

But the first thing I do when beginning a massive task is develop an efficient repeatable system that I can do at high speed, spending extra time at first to work out the kinks, then finishing way ahead of what my colleagues expected
@PossiblyAutistic @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

The third is the number of times you retake it, and the fourth is the system you devise to collate your scores!
@roryreckons @PossiblyAutistic @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

It's your process; you'll find the steps that are right for you
@Adventurer @axnxcamr @roryreckons @actuallyautistic

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

I think this is a space where most people will take you at your word and not take offense. It's all good 🙂
@PossiblyAutistic @axnxcamr @roryreckons @actuallyautistic

petersuber, to academicchatter
@petersuber@fediscience.org avatar

As AI tools for writing become more common, let me throw one more worry into the mix: Students who write well without AI assistance may be falsely accused of by teachers using imperfect tools to detect AI-assisted writing.

, ,

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

There are ways to use it as a teaching tool that I don't hate, which I heard about at a conference recently. I hate AI writing, but I like the idea of using it to generate text and then asking students to critique it, in the context of a larger discussion about what writing is and why it matters
@petersuber @academicchatter

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

When I was teaching undergrads during the last couple years, I assigned milestone assignments so I could evaluate the development of their work, and I put a lot of emphasis on the thinking they were doing. I wanted them to learn to build an argument. AI is a vapid thinker, even if it can sound pretty
@petersuber @academicchatter

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