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That’s why! Once in a while I watch one of his streams for a bit when he’s playing something new. Every single time I watch, I come back a day or two later and I have booby streamers in my suggestions. I’m not even remotely interested bc gay. I always have to remove the suggestion but it’s a losing battle. They come back. You’d think twitch would actually cater to only what you want to see.


I have absolutely no idea. Whenever people say it’s the oldest or the birth of democracy, I just chuckle and tell them to read a history book.


Exactly. The alias just points to the script which is executed.


The default power plan Asus setup is doing this. You change power plan settings.


so much for track day, I guess?

Stuff like this is likely planned in advance with sports and super cars. Since this technology has existed for a while. Assuming you visit a recognized track, wherever it may be, the limiter simply turns off. For example, the 2009 and later Nissan GTR is sold in Japan with a 112 MPH artificial limiter in the software. The limit is there by law. GPS / Sat Nav is standard on this car. If you visit say, Fuji or Laguna Seca, the car knows where it is and turns the limiter off. Allowing you to achieve the ~200 MPH top speed. Examples sold for other markets such as US and EU need not worry. The redline in 6th gear is your physical limiter.

On a slightly related note, clever people have figured out ways around limiters. Such as tricking the GPS or modifying the ECU. Unfortunately, these days it gets harder to do this as manufacturers like Mercedes, BMW, VW, and a few others, are encrypting the communication network physically located in the car. It’s not the traditional low and high speed CAN Bus. FlexRay is becoming more commonplace unfortunately.


Office doesn’t have native Linux binaries. You either have to use a VM or Wine. You’ll find most people recommend a VM. There are Office web apps, but they’re not as robust as the Windows native offerings. Microsoft doesn’t really want to offer Office on Linux. Stick with Windows for the remainder of your education. Once you’ve finished, you can sink time into learning Linux.



If my device is compatible, does it automatically have access to Google Play and branding?

No. Access isn’t automatic. Google Play is a service operated by Google. Achieving compatibility is a prerequisite for obtaining access to the Google Play software and branding. After a device is qualified as an Android-compatible device, the device manufacturer should complete the contact form included in licensing Google Mobile Services to seek access to Google Play. We’ll be in contact if we can help you.

Google services are entirely missing from Android open source. The Google Play package is what contains the entirety of Google’s services.

Not sure if anyone remembers but back when cyanogenMod was the go-to, early versions had Google services included. Google sent a cease and desist notice and said it was a license violation. You cannot distribute it as part of the OS by default. The next release of cyanogenMod had it removed. Users had to flash the package if they wanted it.

OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login. (

Update…Per Microsoft’s instructions, disabled all tracking protections in Safari and requested desktop mode and it works. Their instructions say turn protections back on after using teams… 😐...


See 2.5.6 here:

It is possible to build perfectly decent web apps but many times they choose not to or it’s too much trouble

On iOS, they quite literally can’t in some aspects. They’re restricted to using the supplied WebKit Apple enforces. On Android you can use the Blink Web View (Chromium) or Gecko Web View (Firefox). Both of which can be bundled in the app, or you can use the system version.

They have different browsers with limitations but I don’t know about not proper.

Every single iOS “browser” is WebKit. AKA Safari. Due to Apple’s plug-in system being proprietary, it’s difficult to extend. Third party browsers typically use JavaScript injections which slow down the browsing experience. The supplied WebKit is also watered down and updated on a slower cycle. Apple intentionally makes their browser better.

You’re not actually using Microsoft Edge. You’re using Safari and it’s being identified as such by the UA string. Due to Safari being in last place for web standards feature support, it’s not surprising you’re coming across the issue.


Doubtful. Load it up in a VM. Windows guest, Linux host. Use a network monitor to see what it does with and without a firewall on.


Jellyfin gives you 100% control. You’re responsible for setting up remote access. Which actually isn’t that hard. Several IT and network admins of the community (myself included) hand out documentation on how to do this. Without completely ruining your security.

With Plex, some of the application communication is routed through their network. It requires an active internet connection and you must create an account with them. They have third party analytics embedded, use tracking pixels, beacons and device fingerprinting. Whatever personal data you have supplied is used to serve ads. This being their promoted content that isn’t part of your library.


IMO, one of the best Chromium based browsers is Vivaldi.

  • Microsoft threw in the towel on Edge HTML.
  • Opera gave up on Presto (the source code for this leaked at one point in time).
  • Brave was a decent choice for a while. It’s controversial now.
  • Avast and Comodo AV companies have their own Chromium.
  • Amazon Silk is mobile Chromium for Amazon’s devices.
  • Samsung Internet is mobile Chromium for Samsung devices.
  • Yandex search has a Chromium browser.

There’s more than this but these are the big names.


From their own privacy policy they outline what they do:

For research and development purposes, we may use datasets such as those that contain images, voices or other data that could be associated with an identifiable person.

To provide location-based services on Apple products, Apple and our partners and licensees, such as maps data providers, may collect, use, and share precise location data, including the real-time geographic location of your Apple computer or device.

Apple’s websites, online services, interactive applications, email messages, and advertisements may use “cookies” and other technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons.

We also use personal information to help us create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve our products, services, content and advertising

At times Apple may provide third parties with certain personal information to provide or improve our products and services, including to deliver products at your request, or to help Apple market to consumers.

Apple may collect location, IP Address, network information, Bluetooth information, connected devices, accessories, personal demographics, browsing history, browser fingerprint, device fingerprint, search history, app data, usage data, performance, diagnostics, product interaction, transaction information, payment information, purchasing records, contacts, social graph, watch history, listening interests, reading list, call metadata, device information, messaging metadata, email addresses, salary, income, assets, health data, ad interaction, in-app purchases, in-app subscriptions, app downloads, music downloads, movie downloads, TV show downloads, Apple ID, IDFA, Random Unique ID, UUID, IMEI, Hardware serial number, SIM serial number, phone number, telemetry, cookies, Nearby WiFi MAC, Siri request history, Web sign-in, songs played, play and pause times, playlists, engagement and library.

Literally all of this is what Google does. The only thing Apple does differently is hinder 3rd party apps to a greater degree. But to be fair, Google has been improving the Privacy features of Android with each version.


The Feedback Hub was introduced to fix this gap in user reports for Windows. Microsoft does actively monitor this. They respond when necessary, merge topics, deny or approve bugs/suggestions, etc. For their software, such as Terminal or VS Code, you can use GitHub issues.

Keep in mind, like most companies, Microsoft has guidelines on what employees can say when responding to any user feedback. This is why we typically see a lot of copy and paste. When it is more than that, wording is selective and you may not get more than one or two responses in total.

I know of at least one employee on Reddit who participates every so often.


Third party AV just becomes malware itself by hooking into nearly every function at the kernel level. Of course this adds overhead and why historically Windows updates and third party AV have clashed leading to disaster. Blue screens, failed updates or failure to boot.


Your entire statement here stems from not knowing what you’re talking about. That’s OK. I’ll provide some insight.

Secure Boot is a security feature of UEFI that only allows trusted, cryptographically signed operating systems to boot. The nature of this prevents rootkits. Software that runs before the OS and injects itself. BIOS has many hard limitations and disadvantages over the modern standard that is UEFI. Your comparison going from 32 to 64 bit architecture is quite fitting. It’s not that different. There are many hard limitations and disadvantages to 32 bit. It’s unfit for today’s standards due to lack of features and security. All aspects of technology have to move forward.


Your statements made me believe the opposite. Though I wasn’t condescending. I said it was OK to not know.

Microsoft doesn’t say that. They state it adds to the security of your computer before Windows even starts. ……/secure-the-windows-10-boot-proce…

Any device security is multi layered.

Having a mechanism that only accepts trusted boot binaries is pretty critical to fighting malware. Rootkits effectively have total control of whatever you decide to boot because of their persistence. When your hardware has its own security features (Secure Boot, TPM) why not take advantage of them to make the software you run more secure?

If you didn’t know, Android, macOS and iOS have their own TPM and Secure Boot implementations that have been enforced and present for over a decade.

Random thought: Windows is largely successful because of Piracy

Windows as a software package would have never been affordable to individuals or local-level orgs in countries like India and Bangladesh (especially in the 2000’s) that are now powerhouses of IT. Same for many SE Asian, Eastern European, African and LatinoAmerican countries as well....


Eh. Adobe puts more effort into making it harder or tedious.

With the introduction of Creative Cloud, the notorious “amtlib.dll” that houses Adobe licensing, was bundled into the respective applications binary (exe). It didn’t stop pirates. In 24 hours they found the licensing mechanism and patched it.

You could create a CC account, install the desktop manager, install any app(s) you wanted, then crack them. When an update arrived, you could simply update the app(s) and apply the crack again.

Occasionally the licensing mechanism would update and an updated crack would be needed. As usual, pirates had this worked out the day of or a day later.

Adobe would later patch the desktop manager and break functionality to update software if it wasn’t genuine. People could still get the latest versions by uninstalling and reinstalling through the desktop manager. Since it would retain user settings by default.

Later, a mechanism was built into each application that would throw a warning message that the application isn’t genuine. For example, Photoshop would soft lock and the genuine check would display with the only option to close. This too was eventually patched out by pirates.

The latest attempt from Adobe now forces users to input and have a credit or debit card saved before activating a trial. This removed the ability for users to easily install software anonymously.


It’s pretty wild how Google search has degraded. The push for SEO has really ruined useful results.


Those that do loans are much more likely to have negativity equity when trading in. Which is already proven with those who have terms longer than 4 years. This means on trading in, the borrower is looking at an increased car payment on top of the already higher average transaction price of $35,000. If you put money down, default on the loan and lose the car, you’ve quite literally given away money.

It’s true the average loan is 7 years, but within the last few years there are 10 year (!) loans are available. This helps bring down an $800 payment. But that interest is gonna suck if you don’t get a very low rate.

Those that pay off their loans tend to keep their cars for 10 to 12 years. Assuming the car doesn’t catastrophically fail. Which anecdotally happened to our family. 1.6L Ford EcoBoost defect killed the engine 2 years after a 4 year loan was paid off.


No. Just for entering the zone it’s a flat rate unless you’re zero emissions. There’s additional charges if you don’t qualify as Ultra Low emissions.


So true. I have a theory about why.

As technology got better, filming and production processes were refined, it allowed us to not only make more, but longer films.


Why can’t it be both? Just because you have money and can realistically afford these devices, doesn’t mean you should buy it. Purchasing tells Apple you’re fine with the price.


Because prices rise every day? The cost of food in many countries has risen 10%-20% over the last 12 months. Do you think people should stop buying food?


Can’t compare apples to oranges mate. An iPhone and a MacBook are wants and not needs.

We all know they’re overpriced and marketed at a premium. If you want a phone or laptop, there are dozens to choose from that are far less than what Apple offers. My phone was $600. My laptop was $800. Both have the same performance as Apple’s offerings. I’m quite happy with them.

Now if you need a connected device there are significantly cheaper options out there that again provide the same level of performance. You can even get government assistance for a new phone or laptop. Unsurprisingly, no iPhones or MacBooks. Will be low end Android and Windows devices just enough to do basic tasks.


We really should move away from 30 fps as a baseline for PC gaming.


Everyone’s perception is different. I can do 60 fps. I prefer 90 fps minimum and 120 fps target. I see no benefit at 144 or higher. Anything below 60 fps and I just get frustrated. That’s my perception.

30 fps though is something we should move away from. Given how far we’ve come in with all kinds of hardware and software features.


What really makes him credible is he literally calls himself out in videos when information changes or he makes mistakes.

  • “When I said, xyz, don’t listen to me. I was wrong/lied.”
  • " [company name] changed their stance/policy and my previous statements are outdated."

He also tells viewers and readers all the time to come to their own conclusions and do their own research.

Gamers who have gamed for a long time

do you find it difficult to get into games? I’ve got Epic Games and Steam Games libraries chock-full of classic top-tier games along with many other newer games like Stray or 2077, and a bunch of indie titles. I just can’t be bothered to download and install them, much less try to get into the characters and storylines. Used...


Wow has taken such a bad turn in cultivating a toxic community.


I doubt that Cloudflare won’t adopt it. They’re actually pretty privacy focused. What’s funny about your comment, is at the time of viewing, the comment above yours in this thread links to the authoring of the draft. Which lists an employee from Mozilla and an employee from Cloudflare. Repo for the source draft is here. If you view the commits you can see authors. Click the names to view their profiles

Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple (

Samsung has released a new video in support of Google’s #GetTheMessage campaign which calls for Apple to adopt RCS or “Rich Communication Services,” the cross-platform protocol pitched as a successor to SMS that adopts many of the features found in modern messaging apps… like Apple’s own iMessage.


You can turn it off if you want.

Messages RCS toggle

At least when you use Messages.


Two years goes by fast. The only people getting extended support are enterprise customers. And that gets progressively more expensive until the extended support ends.

icedterminal, (edited )

That’s not what I see.

screenshot of Adobe photography plan


It’s 100% regional. After you mentioned it, I dug this up:…/adobe-creative-cloud-lightroom-pho…

It will eventually come to everyone.


Lol. I just searched it man. No need to get all defensive. It’s not an argument. Instead of replying twice, you can also edit. But I don’t see that plan at all on mobile. It seems like an intentional design choice. There is no “look harder” when it simply doesn’t exist.


Not just medication, but just choices regarding their bodies in general. It’s appalling. A friend of mine doesn’t want kids at all. She has been denied twice to have an elective hysterectomy. The doctors told her they won’t in case she decides to have kids.


Thanks. I’ll relay this along to her.


Everyone knows Denuvo’s statement isn’t true. There are hundreds of games with Denuvo that have improved performance after being cracked, compared to the legitimately owned version. This conversation pops up all the time. It’s quite funny when pirated games have a better experience. At least until Denuvo is removed to cut cost (it’s a subscription).


You can literally make a steam deck last 30 mins at minimum. Lol. I would say most users are getting 2 to 3 hours with reasonable settings. So many variables at play. Your best bet is to go in with realistic expectations.


From the many times I’ve seen this type of incident on the news (unfortunately), they usually place the baby in the care of relatives first if possible.


Try using virtual machines. You can do this entirely free. Install then take a snapshot. You can learn about the OS in a safety net. If you fuck up too badly, roll back to the snapshot and try again.


Is a meme. Google would kill their business model if they did this. Their whole model is to collect data from user searches and then make money off it.


Amazon actively blocks VPNs when using their Video or Music services. They also do a DNS check. It’s a game of whack-a-mole. Your VPN provider has an IP that works, 24 hours later Amazon have it on the VPN blacklist.


It’s Google’s store policy that apps cannot be removed from a users library. If you purchase it, and the app later is delisted, head to manage apps. List apps not installed. I have stuff there from when I had a device that ran Android 5. I’ve never had an app disappear. They just eventually reach “can’t be installed on this device.”


Then you should report the developers for breaching the Google Play Developer Policy.


She had a notebook listing things that had annoyed her to no end on the system…

I like this. Feedback gives me something to do. Make something better.


At one point they offered unlimited storage for Play Music only. You could literally upload your entire collection. They changed it later to consume your Drive storage. Cheap enough plans so I subscribed. Then they killed off Play Music. I’m still salty about that.

TIL; You can use any desktop Firefox addon in Firefox for Android by changing the user agent to Desktop Firefox and no need to create or have a collection.

To do this, first you need to have Firefox Nightly or Beta installed on your phone, then go to and search in the search bar for User-Agent Switcher and install it by pressing the “Add to Firefox” button and now you should have User-Agent Switcher installed....


Nope. Side loading extensions doesn’t work on Stable, Beta or Nightly.


What an absolutely shitty design.

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