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Give Russia’s Frozen Assets to Ukraine Now (www.theatlantic.com)

A majority of Americans and a majority of Congress want to help Ukraine win the war against Russia, and to stop the spread of autocracy into Europe. A majority of people in the European Union and a majority of EU leaders want the same. But small minorities of lawmakers—some inspired by Russian President Vladimir Putin or his...


You can say “asshole” on the internet. Trying to “censor” it by hiding two letters doesn’t change the fact that you’re still using that word and everyone knows it; if you don’t like cursing then don’t fucking do it, but don’t pretend you’re not cursing when it’s clear what you were trying to say


Whaa, that sounds like an interesting premise at least. Whats the name of the game?


Nice, thanks. What’s your impression of it?

hydroptic, (edited )

Ah nice, thanks. Might not be a good game for my poor Steam Deck then, it’s a terrific system but a CPU & GPU powerhouse it ain’t.

I have a weird “mixed” connection to the eastern block. I’m Finnish but in my 40’s, so my childhood’s Finland was in some ways a hybrid between a “fully capitalist” market economy and some more socialist features (and not just social democracy) thanks to us having to walk a bit of a tightrope with the Soviets so we could stay independent.

But eg. a surprising amount of the “Socialist cube” concrete houses you see especially in the former East Germany, but also in some other parts of the Eastern Bloc, were actully made from Finnish concrete elements. We also built a zillion of them with the same ideology behind it: functional / brutalist rather than anything fancy, which means they were affordable for everyone and cheap to build. I’ve lived a huge chunk of my life in some Socialist cube or another

hydroptic, (edited )

The people inside the house look like they all have dark hair. Maybe in the original it’s angels guiding and protecting righteous immigration cops while they’re arresting dangerous illegal immigrants (ie flashbanging toddlers)?

edit: nope lol it’s jehova’s witnesses: “During the great tribulation, Gog of Magog’s forces may try to assault us in our homes. But we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus and his angels are aware of what is happening and will defend us”


I did an image search and you were right, it’s jehova’s witnesses: wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2022240

“During the great tribulation, Gog of Magog’s forces may try to assault us in our homes. But we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus and his angels are aware of what is happening and will defend us”

Allrighty then.


All I did was say to my wife, “that piece of halibut was good enough for Jehova!”


free will is sort of like the Prime Directive in Star Trek if you want to be charitable

This is a hilarious way of putting it, and as someone who hasn’t been all that steeped in christianity to be very familiar with it, that actually told me a lot 😄


Wait, wait, wait: is this seriously what JWs believe? I honestly don’t know much about them except that they’re somehow weird.

Also fun (???) tidbit, that “But we can take comfort in knowing” phrase.

hydroptic, (edited )

Shit, I had no idea. That sounds like a fairly anxiety-inducing way to live.

Around the Cretaceous period when I was in elementary school, I had a classmate who was in the JW and their life did sort of seem pretty drab compared to the rest of us, at least based on what they talked about, but I guess it’s no surprise that they didn’t much venture into the whole Armageddon thing for example, being 7–9yo at the time.


It’s like the “anti drug education” a lot of us had to sit through as a kid. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE FREE DRUGS I WAS PROMISED DEALERS WERE HANDING OUT???


Getting XCom flashbacks

XCom allows you to flashbang toddlers‽


Maybe they didn’t contribute enough to the collection last time

hydroptic, (edited )

God as described in the Bible suddenly makes perfect sense being a fickle piece of shit because he’s just a bastardized history of seemingly good rulers dealing with completely different problems in completely different ways.

This isn’t even all that far from the popular hypotheses about the history behind some of the stuff in the Bible, but the reason why the God of the Bible seems so damn fickle is that it’s likely an amalgamation of two different early Israelite / Canaanite gods: El and YHWH aka. Yahweh (and that name probably sounds familiar. Guess why!) If you’re interested in history, check out the book A History of God by Karen Armstrong, a nun-turned-atheist-historian. It’s an extremely interesting look into the prevailing hypotheses about the history of the 3 Abrahamic religions.

Now, it’s been a while since I read that book or about this in general so I’m not 100% sure I’m not mixing Yahweh and El up, but I think in general the ones where God goes all “FUCK YOU IN PARTICULAR” to some person or nation are El. In general in the “Elohist” passages that descend from stories of El, God is described as something really abstract or non-human, such as the burning bush. Also, interestingly the name still pops up in the (Hebrew-language) Bible in various forms.

In the “Yahwist” passages, God is described in a more personal and intimate way, and again if I remember right Yahwew is the more laid-back “facet” of the Biblical God. Interestingly the OG YHWH really hated farming and farmers, and there’s a general theme that farming and soil are somehow connected to evil, and you can see some that in the Bible; Cain was a farmer, for example. My own pet hypothesis for this is that that dates back to the agricultural revolution, when conservatively minded people would absolutely have thought that that newfangled woke farming bullshit is going to destroy society, and this sense of farming as a source of evil could have gotten incorporated into religion. Yahweh is also why depictions of God are forbidden.

Historical regional rulers did, however, affect eg. which god was favored, or what was part of the official religion, and on top of that a lot of the stories of different rulers and even some of the prophets in the Bible are essentially self-insert fanfic for some king or another.

hydroptic, (edited )

It’s my only gaming system right now, although notably I’m not one of those people who thinks that anything under 4k @ 60fps is literally unplayable since I switched over from an old potato PS4 that I gave to a friend when I got the Deck, and I play on a pretty shit 720p TV too. I often play with it plugged into the TV, and use an old PS4 controller to play, and I’ve been prefectly happy. The quality’s about the same I got on the PS4, but the library’s sooo much bigger, and since it’s a mobile device I can play in bed too if I feel like it.


Yeah the heavier duty stuff I play are eg. RDR2, Cyberpunk and Starfield (yeah yeah I know, I’m stupid, ugly, bad and wrong). RDR2 and Cyberpunk run just fine “out of the box” and look like the PS4 version did or even a bit better (although like I said I have a 🥔 TV), but admittedly Starfield can occasionally be an exercise in masochism. Works better than you’d expect though especially if you sacrifice more of the graphics, but it requires a bunch of fiddling with INI files because of course it does. Hilariously it looks worse than eg. RDR2 or Cyberpunk despite especially RDR2 being like 6 years old, again because of course it does.

Fantastic fucking system, really couldn’t be more pleased.


You’re really asking whether commutativity of multiplication has ever helped anyone? Because that’s what this is.

And yes it has helped me eg. estimate things or whatever along the years – but of course it’s not going to be some sort of magical mathematics trick where just by reversing the numbers it’ll always make things easier to calculate in your head


Yeah I think this is more about how you interpreted it, because it doesn’t look like others took it as being an absolute magic trick rule and neither did I.

The Panzer of the Lake didn’t use the word “commutativity” (fuck that really is hard to spell), but it gave out some wisdom that applied that rule by saying that “percentages are reversible”: if the reverse of a percentage would be easier to calculate, you can use it and get the same answer. If it’s not easier, well, then you’re screwed 😁 Oooooor depending on the situation you can use the a × b% = a × b / 100 commutativity trick:

7 × 8% = 0.56

7 × 8 / 100 = 0.56


You’re welcome! Glad I could give you an a-ha moment.

Having an intuitive feel for tricks like using the definition of operators or symbols to make your life (well, calculations at least) easier usually means that you either have to just be “naturally” talented at math which is really rare, or you’ve just had to grind grind grind math at eg. university, work or whatever. So unless someone was taught that above trick and they actually remember it from school, they might never come to think that “hmm % just means / 100 so that can make this easier to figure out in my head”.


“Oh no, downvoting me is rape culture, better start figuring out who they are so I can clean house.”

lol the hell does that even mean? You sound like you’re planning on murdering people for downvoting you



Solving Steam Deck Shader Storage with a 61.44TB SSD (www.storagereview.com)

The essence of this unconventional amalgamation lies in its absurdity. We chose the Solidigm P5336 enterprise SSD, offering a staggering 61.44TB capacity. While the capacity is amazing, it leverages an enterprise U.2 form factor, which is problematic given the Steam Deck’s M.2 slot. As such, an M.2 to external U.2 adapter from...


This is like keeping every website you know open in a tab, just in case you plan to visit it.

Yeah, and what kind of an utter moron would do something like that? 😅

Honestly it feels like there’s something wrong with my brain that just stops me from making good use of bookmarks (and that something might actually be the ADHD, now that I think about it.)

Generally I just forget that I bookmarked something, so keeping a tab open serves as a sort of reminder to get back that page – right now I have 4 tabs “bookmarked” with a bunch of different WiFi AP models I was looking into, and seeing those tabs reminds me that yeah I need to do that shit at some point.

Yes, in theory I could just use the reminder application that comes with my frickin’ operating system, but somehow that always eventually goes to shit too 😂


This vatnik is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker! He’s a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! If you hadn’t chained him to the trench he’d be pushing up the daisies! His metabolic processes are now history! He’s off the twig! He’s kicked the bucket, he’s shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible! THIS IS AN EX-VATNIK!


Unfortunately they’re not easily avoidable if you need CUDA, there’s really no good replacement yet. Most gamers probably don’t need CUDA, however


Yeah I assumed this is just a mistranslation or a mixup, since hexogen and hexane do sound similar. For those of you not in the know, hexogen is also known as cyclonite or RDX and it’s what makes eg. C4 or Semtex go boom, while hexane is a very boring (in comparison) organic compound that doesn’t go boom nearly as much.


Hey come on, Igor’s doing his best, he can’t help that he has Korsakoff’s. Plus I think they ran out of vodka and have been drinking coolant fluid


But don’t you understand that furries are different, and that means they deserve to be murdered


Hethethethethe pethethethethe




Use :x you pleb


Heh yeah and it’s not like it makes any difference; they’re effectively the same thing. :wq just updates modification time even if there were no changes – same as doing :w and :q separately – but :x doesn’t. Super intuitive interface 😅


And how often do you want to do that exactly?


Banning the burqa is limiting agency just as much as mandating it. Yeah, I think veiling etc. is honestly a stupid and ridiculously misogynistic custom, but I don’t think the fix is just another rule to limit women’s autonomy, but in a different way than before.

‘I was never into politics’. Monologue of a Russian draftee who fled Donbas and became a deserter (novayagazeta.eu)

“When I was getting ready to go to the warzone, I told my father that I wanted to see the truth. I did see this truth, and I am completely unhappy with it. Someone decided to write their name in history as a great ruler. Of course, you have an idea of who I mean. But I don’t want to mention this name.”


And anyone who says they’re “not into politics” is obviously OK enough with the status quo to be able to not care, they’re just trying to dodge responsibility and make themselves look like helpless victims. Which, fair enough, they sort of are as a nation, but I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that Russia has been known for centuries for being an incredibly brutal and imperialist country with a penchant for genocide, and who are seemingly almost completely unable to select leaders who aren’t – in a word – psychopaths.

There’s been some polls of Russians that have shown a fair bit of overlap between the “I don’t care about politics” set and “I support the SpEcIaL MiLiTaRy oPeRaTiOn” set. Not quite a circle of a Venn diagram, but the intersection wasn’t a sliver either.

hydroptic, (edited )

Which country hasn’t committed atrocities at some point?

“Who hasn’t done a little bit of atrocity, huh?” is an extremely weak argument. Yeah, there’s skeletons in many closets, but most countries do seem to manage with only a closet and not a mausoleum.

You can’t seriously be arguing that the scale of Russian war crimes in Ukraine is comparable to what the US did in 20-odd years. Yes, lots of heinous shit happened and it was an imperialist war started under false pretenses and causes senseless loss of life, but I would like to remind you that there are absolute metric assloads of proof that Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine. This is in no way comparable to the US’s actions in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. Yeah, in my opinion Americans should have protested the wars more etc, but Russians _absolutely should be doing something about their fucked up public institutions, the corruption and the kleptocratic “governing apparatus” (ie. including the inofficial side as well; oligarchs wield factual power.)

Seeing Russians as helpless victims of the big bad Putin not only paints them like they have no agency, but also in many ways lets them off the hook a bit too easily. Putin isn’t a unique phenomenon in Russia by any means; he’s a symptom, not the cause of the problems with Russia and many parts of their governance culture (and, frankly, many parts of their general culture.)

Edit: to really hammer the point home, here’s a very recent article about three journalists that Russia recently poisoned while they were in exile. All women too, funny coincidence.

Russia has long ago slipped into the “cartoonishly evil” category, so I’m honestly not going to feel very bad about people dehumanising some of them. Doesn’t help that I’m Finnish, and I’m in the first generation in my family in 100 years who hasn’t had to either actively fight Russian invaders (yet…), or dodge Russian/Soviet agents because someone in the family stood up to them – not a lot of love lost here, exactly.


It’s an all-time favorite with authoritarian governments. Want a problem to go away? Stop collecting data and actively make life a hell for anyone who tries to do it. Russia did it with eg. most of their current economic metrics, and the number of HIV infections (stopped collecting data after prevalence went over 1%).

For authoritarian governments, lying is just another way of exercising their power over their “subjects.” Authoritarians in general seem to lie incessantly


This is literally what they wanted, of course it’s worth it.

They think they haven’t gone far enough yet, not that the price to pay is too high. Not like they’re paying the price themselves, and they’re incapable of feeling empathy for people like this girl who are affected by their psychopathic legislation. If they themselves or anyone in their immediate family needs an abortion, they’ll go get one somewhere else because they’re good people and they have a good reason for it, unlike all those woke socialist Nazi sluts


Bill & Ted’s Gulag Journey

Bill and Ted go to North Korea and wacky hijinx ensue.

New Covid vaccines are on the way as 'Eris' variant rises (www.reuters.com)

Some public health experts hope that Americans will welcome the new shot as they would a flu jab. But demand for the vaccine has dropped sharply since 2021 when it first became available and more than 240 million people in the U.S., or 73% of the population, received at least one shot....

hydroptic, (edited )

I wonder if I should start getting the flu shot too. I’ve never gotten the shot (it hasn’t been that much of a thing here in Finland), but the last time I had the flu I had one of those swine flu variants that was going around at that time (like, uh, 15 years ago? 13?) and jesus fuck I was so sick I literally thought I was going to die, and I’ve sort of been antsy about “regular” flus after that too. Been a good while though, before the oink flu.

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