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Warum Biden Netanyahu so deutlich kritisiert (www.tagesschau.de) German

Seine bisher schärfste Kritik an Israels Vorgehen im Gazastreifen hatte Joe Biden geübt, als keine Kameras oder Mikrofone im Raum waren. Vor Unterstützern seiner demokratischen Partei hatte Biden laut Augenzeugen gesagt, dass nach dem Angriff der Hamas am 7. Oktober der Großteil der Welt hinter Israel gestanden habe....


Is mir egal wie und wo ers macht, aber wenn er Netanjahu Druck macht dass der Typ gefälligst mir Kriegsverbrechen aufhören soll ist das eine starke Leistung.

Biden ist definitiv kein perfekter Präsident, aber man muss echt sagen er verdient sich gerade kontinuierlich Pluspunkte.


Have been living together with my brother with only one wall in between that has nothing in between and let me tell you: two drywalls with air in between resonates just right on a mechanical keyboard at 2am. Now obviously floors have quite different standards even just when it comes to the load they have to carry, but that said, there’s things that make it better and worse. Carpets can be good, dampening in between is good, putting little silicon plates in between stuff that connects to the floor is also good.

And then ofc if they decided to start dropping pianos on the daily, that might make a difference.

Either way, talking to them is probably the best option. There’s not really much you can do about noise from the floor above you.


good thing is, apple and Google will get so much antitrust shit for their app stores in the near future from the EU, they will be forced to make side loading a thing at some point. So the only thing for the US to do is to get their laws together to make it legally binding for them as well.


Member of a family of progressives: there’s no stigma per se in my family about my autism, but sometimes I act different and they don’t understand and I can’t explain. That means sometimes ppl get angry / annoyed / confused / etc. because of something I can’t control, and sometimes they don’t understand why as well.

There’s never been a solution. I try explaining it but how do you explain what’s different between you and another person when it’s so native to you and you don’t have a comparison.



It’s quite ironic when the biggest gaming event calls you out on a practice you are actively participating in and you can’t just brush it off as easily.

Very good for this to get exposure. I hope they earn a shit storm for this.


Bathing salts, a chair cushion, a calendar, a cooking book, slippers and some chocolate.

It all sounds random but what makes them good presents is that I have reason to believe my family actually wants those things.

That said, I think next time I’ll be giving less thought into it because apparently half my family would like to stop with the presents cause they feel like they don’t need more shit and also don’t like being obligated to buy stuff for other people. Fair enough, but if it’s small things I still like gifting stuff.


Oh man was ein wahnwitziges Konzept, dass eine DNS-Anbieter für Inhalte haften müssen mit denen sie eigentlich nix zutun haben…


“früher war alles besser”

Joah weiß nicht,so’n bissl Toleranz hat was gutes, und normalerweise hängt was du sagen und nicht sagen kannst von den Menschen ab mit denen du dich umgibt. Wenn ich bei meinen Freunden mal out of Pocket Kommentare loslasse dann wissen die wies gemeint ist und gehen nicht gleich auf die Barrikaden.


🎲die spinnen die römer.


as reported by Eurogamer

The source is from 2012. That’s internet Explorer levels of recency reporting.


1h in, we’ve got a few possible answers. I guess you lost the bet?


A game where there’s a mundane task like fishing or gardening, but it gets kinda minigame-y and trippy and it branches into maybe some kind of either party game or some other super complex shit. The closest someone has come to this was with Dave the diver.


I mean ppl usually say that you’re only alive when you feel good and bad emotions, and when you’re hurting sometimes as well. So I assume making some mistakes, being wrong, feeling things, being exposed to stuff, that’s all “living”. And sitting in your room following daily patterns a lot, no change in behaviour or routine, that’s all the “dying” part.

But at the end of the day it’s all subjective and it really depends on your focus in life and your definitions.


Tbh this rule hasn’t been an issue for me. I cite him for his quote on politics and I still respect a lot of the geniuses who work for him. I really don’t share his views, but ppl can be skilled and still suck with what they’re saying. I love PCs and the internet, but ppl will never be binary.


It is legend that will haunt us for the rest of our lives.


That is awful and I hope he won’t be traumatized from it. I also hope the asshole who called the swatting gets traced and prosecuted criminally.


Isn’t this the guy who was a dick about copyright to his work concerning derivatives? I remember someone saying that either for the games or for the movie they had to fight to retain licenses because he was acting up about it.


I mean he had a very weak case iirc but it’s very unsatisfying to hear he still got a settlement. Makes sense tho, lawsuits are not worth it 95% of the time.

Is it just me, or has the BS with OpenAI shown that nobody in the AI space actually cares about "safeguarding AGI?"

Money wins, every time. They’re not concerned with accidentally destroying humanity with an out-of-control and dangerous AI who has decided “humans are the problem.” (I mean, that’s a little sci-fi anyway, an AGI couldn’t “infect” the entire internet as it currently exists.)...


Totally agree. Looks like the whole argument was the OpenAI board firing Altman over his safety concerns but unexpectedly the whole team shared his concerns.


Klingt wirklich solide und scheint vor allem so als hätte sie einen Plan und auch die Motivation mal was zu bewegen.


But iirc return YouTube dislike extrapolates only for the videos where it doesn’t have enough data. So for new videos it can record the amount of dislikes through the extension, which makes it far more accurate (although the sample size is still a little bit smaller than it was on YouTube).


Soweit ich weiß gab es eine Aussage eines Mitarbeiters die sich mit einer Sicherheitskamera deckt indem Gil Ofarim keinen Davidstern getragen hatte und das würde ja bedeuten er hat wissentlich falsche Informationen über die Interaktion zum Detriment des Mitarbeiters verbreitet.

Natürlich weiß ich nicht ob das reicht, aber wir sind nicht mehr unbedingt im “Aussage gegen Aussage” Territorium.


Corruption is so funny and quirky


Hab auch die Befürchtung dass das nicht zielführend ist. Es werden am Ende immer die falschen bei solchen oberflächlichen Kampagnen abgeschreckt und die dies machen sind eh meist beratungsresistent.


That’s fine.

I bought the game on PC and I played it for 2 weeks and then never touched it again. They managed to touch so many things from the original modern warfare 2 that it completely lost its flow. It was really sad to say that the gameplay lost all it’s charm, but oh well.

Good thing you got your money back, it probably wasn’t worth it anyway.

Why Mozilla is betting on a decentralized social networking future (techcrunch.com)

The mission-driven tech company behind the Firefox browser, Pocket reader and other apps is now investing its energy into the so-called “fediverse” — a collection of decentralized social networking applications, like Mastodon, that communicate with one another over the ActivityPub protocol.


This is literally the bottleneck of all of fediverse imo.

With ease of use integrated into the fediverse, half of social media could become irrelevant.


The question that this probably comes down to is: “is this a harassment problem or an AI problem?”


I’m on a streak where I only go fishing whenever the game supports that. Far Cry? Time to learn the mechanics. Minecraft? How about building a restaurant at the ocean and then bringing in the food. Some obscure casual game? You know it baby.


Bei den Streiks um Piloten bin ich immer etwas skeptisch aber ich kenn halt auch deren Branche nicht deswegen kann ich’s schlecht einschätzen.

Bei allen anderen bin ich immer entsetzt dass die überhaupt so lange ohne Streik durchhalten.


I really don’t think it’s just to maintain an image. I don’t know him personally, but relationships get weird. Maybe he hasn’t divorced her because he is in a catch 22 with the property, their friends or his children. Maybe he still loves her. Maybe he loves the idea of her. Maybe he does it because she won’t take it well. There could be a million reasons. However, will does not strike me as a cold hearted business man. He might know his way around the actor scene but this ain’t it.


Jinjer - Pisces

Although it’s not a comedic song in itself, when the chorus kicks in, the cognitive dissonance of that mismatching voice is funny. But then after 5 listens you are just impressed because it sounds good. And that made me unironically listen to it more and I put it in my playlist, recognizing the depth of the lyrics and that unique feeling of the song.

That’s btw 1 of 2 songs from jinjer that are considered outliers and those are the only two that I like by jinjer which is very weird.


Because the training, and therefore the datasets are an important part of the work with AI. A lot of ppl are arguing that therefore, the ppl who provided the data (e.g. artists) should get a cut of the revenue or a static fee or something similar for compensation. Because looking at a picture is deemed fine in our society, but copying it and using it for something else is seen more critically.

Btw. I am totally with you regarding the need to not hinder progress, but at the end of the day, we need to think about both the future prospects and the morality.

There was something about labels being forced to pay a cut of the revenue to all bigger artists for every CD they’d sell. I can’t remember what it was exactly, but something like that could be of use here as well maybe.



And let’s also pin down that this is the exact issue we need more laws on. What makes an image copyrightable? When can a copyright get violated? And more specifically: whatever the AI model encompasses, can that inhibit fully copyrighted material? Can a copyrighted image be assumed by noting down all of its features?

This is the exact corner that we are fighting over currently.


Inspired in the traditional sense or inspired on a basis of datasets with concrete numbers? Huge difference.

What got you into coding ? (aside from money)

To give some context, I’m a developer myself and once I had a conversation with someone who has not “tasted” programming, but was wondering about passion and career. I was asked what I like about programming. My answer was that my interest in it came from writing small scripts when I was young to automate things....


I saw a lot of software and in my stubbornness I thought “that’s awfully designed, I can do better than this.”



Very annoying. Most ppl already struggle to understand ADHD. Now try to explain autism or what it feels like when you have both. But then again, I also don’t fit in with the autism crowd cause my autism is just light enough that I recognize my mistakes but I can’t fix them.

I mean tbf how could someone understand autism if I don’t really understand it myself. How could I, I’ve been born with a warped brain, I have no comparison.

"Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Meinung über den Nahostkonflikt" - Ein Gastbeitrag von Ron Leshem (www.n-tv.de) German

Als linksliberaler, homosexueller Friedensaktivist bitte ich Sie, der Wahrheit ins Auge zu sehen: Was in Israel geschah, ist nicht nur eine weitere Episode des Nahostkonflikts. Meine Tante und mein Onkel wurden lebendig verbrannt, aber in den Videos der Hamas sieht man noch Schlimmeres. Ich bitte Sie alle, Ihre Meinung zu...



Das ist kein Wettbewerb. Es ist OK nicht zu wissen wir schlimmer ist und ganz nüchtern festzustellen dass die sich beide nix nehmen


Wenn wir zulassen, dass Meinungsäußerungen oberflächlich, kindisch, schwarz-weiß sind […]

Stimmt. Nichts ist schwarz weiß. Die einzige Wahrheit ist, dass Menschen nicht sterben sollten und Krieg grausam ist und wahrscheinlich immer sein wird.

Demnach kann man allerdings auch nichts hier als “gut” oder “böse” abstempeln. Wenn man alles erklären will, müsste man 6 Jahre an Recherche investieren, denn in Wahrheit hat jede Partei an dem Krieg ihre Beweggründe.

Um das allerdings abzukürzen Stelle ich ganz nüchtern fest, dass das Ergebnis schrecklich ist, und es genug Gründe gibt dass man keine der Parteien beim Wort nehmen sollte.


Sadly, a lot of it does evolve from wanting to “watch” to wanting to do

This is the part where I disagree and I would love ppl to prove me wrong. Because whether this is true or false, it will probably be the deciding factor in allowing or restricting “artificial CSAM”.


Sehr gut. So hatten wir’s bei der VDS ja auch schon. Generelles durchleuchtet ist illegal, aber wenn es einen Tatverdacht gibt sieht das anders aus.


und das sind einerseits die Leute die uns das Leben leicht machen und andererseits die Leute, die ein Großteil in Deutschland abschieben will. Was ein Zirkus.


Best series since The Witcher.

I got popcorn and coke ready to see how stupid Lemmy can get.


Sam Bankman-Incarcerated is kinda screwed now thanks to his Sam Bankman-witness-intimidation.

The judge is pissed would be the understatement of the Sam Bankman-Century.


“scam bot operators will just use stolen credits cards -”

And that’s not true. Yes, there will be a small portion that do it, but this is where this idea is pretty smart.

Taking your credit card information is a functional hurdle, but also a legal risk.

There’s a bunch of companies and people who will stop using bots just because they can’t implement it, don’t want to implement it, or don’t have the time. Also, don’t forget if there’s one person who provides 10.000 active bots, that means providing credit card information 10.000x times, but also 120.000$ per year. If you wanna do it legally, this shit is expensive, and probably not worth it for a lot of ppl.

And there’s also a bunch of ppl who are weighting the risk of being exposed for fake credit cards, and they stop using bots because they are not willing to commit fraud.

I get that this will turn off even more users and it’s obviously a bad pr move, but you can’t understate that it is quite effective for the things he says he wants to achieve.


What you’re describing in 3. is the exact reason why I said “build software from scratch” btw. Some software just will never work properly or never work period. And usually, every Linux compatible software can technically do 80% of the stuff you need, but even that takes 10x the time and effort. I’m talking 3d applications like AutoCAD, cinema4d, DAWs like FL Studio and Ableton, video cutting like Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere Pro, and this is not even talking about use cases where there’s highly specific, proprietary or custom software.

You either use Windows, or you pay with your time, effort and sanity.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a data scientist and software Dev and I know there are good reasons why Linux should be the golden standard. But I’m also a realist and while I love the idea of what Linux’ goal is, it’s a really hard sell for most non computer science people.

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