@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar


@[email protected]

‘Recruiter’ for my podcast, Hire Me Not. The podcast that exists because recruiters are terrible. hiremenotpodcast.com

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@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Why are medical devices operating on the same band as consumer devices??

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Had mine for over 20 years until it disappeared. Years later still no idea what happened to it. Only issue I had with it was the clock it had, broke halfway through owning it.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Ideas are easy. If you find the secret to sustainable implementation let me know.

How to combine sports and study?

I’m studying at a univetsity and I want to begin to do sports. I want to do kickboxing, but I’m afaraid of to get strong hand blow to head bucause due to it I can get concussion of the brain which may cause my mental abilities to deteriorate. I don’t want it because I also want to become a good programmer, but because of...

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Sounds like you’ve never trained. If you want to try kickboxing or Muay Thai you’re not going to be starting out sparring. You’ll be learning the basics. That is, of course unless you’re at some dodgy ass gym that pushes everyone to spar right out of the gate. In which case you should avoid and go to a proper gym. If you’re getting many hard hits to the head in training starting out you’re doing it wrong or your partner is an asshole. Just do it. I trained with other people in IT, I remember one guy was a C++ programmer. Stop over thinking it and go for it.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

That shit ain’t right! It’s sad that those wannabe gyms exist and it puts off people who would likely otherwise have a good, albeit still tough time (with some conditioning).

hiremenot_recruiter, (edited )
@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Now you’ve outdone Google.

Alright, calm down. If they “outdid” Google, they would have their own SEO dreamland platform. All they did was work within the confines of Google’s algorithms, A/B testing until something works. When Google makes changes they repeat. Overall the Internet is in a reeeeally shitty state due to the marketization of search results. There have been some things I have searched for whereby there were pages of what was essentially cloned articles. Many times I’m unable to even find what I’m looking for. Recent example, there was that article posted about that AI service / software that aimed to poison images, I don’t remember the name. I tried searching for the actual software / website. I gave up and never found it through the utter bullshit “articles” all spouting the exact same thing and clearly taking advantage of the “freshness” and relevancy of the tool.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Ja that’s right, I knew it was a plant or something. Thanks!

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

All of those are outside activities, right? In my town we have flyers and stuff in a few different locations. At times I get annoyed I can’t find information about events online, and then I think no it’s actually a good thing.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Lowest common denominator. Easy content that’s bound to get clicks. When this happens, in my mind it begins to cast doubt on criticisms. It literally just becomes the orange man bad memes. Sometimes I feel like pointless division is the point. Quarrelling among ourselves while they sit in their hypocritical ivory towers.

while, not whole

First Real Self Host Setup question

So I finally finished gathering the hardware for my first real homelab. I currently have a pi that I run nginx, searxng, and pihole, but I’m looking to move to something more hefty. I’ll probably leave pihole and nginx on the pi. I’m wanting to set up plex to host things for home use as well as a way to store photos,...

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Unraid (you pay for how many disks you have in your array, you can get the unlimited one for like $119 - would have to double-check but it’s around 100 bucks, it’s not subscription-based, so once you buy it you have it for good). Been using it for years, it’s great and is pretty easy to set up. If you have any questions let me know. They’re constantly improving it.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

What are people doing to get this message? I haven’t seen a YouTube ad in so long I can’t remember.

  • Don’t use the official app, use something like NewPipe or the equivalent on iPhone, on desktop use Firefox with uBlock origin (go into settings and enable filters at your leisure)
  • Get a VPN that has adblocking built in (I use Mullvad, I honestly don’t know how effective it is because I have other adblocking as well on top)
  • if you want to get fancy with your home network, use AdGuard on a raspberry pi or docker or whatever works best for you
@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

One day they find a way to inject ads into the downloaded file, don’t worry.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Destroying environments? Wasting money and fuel on false-promises (the Elon way)? I’m sure there’s a tonne of other reasons.

hiremenot_recruiter, (edited )
@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Just one? I’ll do you a few better…

  • The Falcon 9 rocket put a hole in the ionosphere

  • Falcon 9 makes use of kerosene, which puts black soot into the atmosphere (if they used solely liquid oxygen or liquid hydrogen the only thing left would be water vapour)

  • Serious damage at a Texas base (caused craters and debris to scatter around remote cameras)

  • An explosion on the launch pad during a test caused damage

  • Boca Chica…

    • Massive amounts of dust, which contain toxic shit
    • Destroyed the launchpad (scattering large chunks of concrete into delicate marine and coastal sanctuaries nearby)

Edit: fixed up formatting

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

HTC TyTN II. Loved that thing. Used to pay Age of Empires on it.

Do you think the Internet and websites with 'voting' systems encourage hivemind thinking and discourage any debate or discourse? Solutions?

I ‘upvote’ more or less all posts I interact with (sometimes I forget to vote). I feel like we should bring back open dialogues and heavily dissuade people from simply disregarding someone’s entire belief system or ideals based on 200 characters of text (an example)....

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

And comments like yours are exactly why I want open discourse. You’ve risen in the comment ranks with misleading information. And even if what you said were true verbatim, how does your argument solve anything? Do you think that suppressing someone’s right to think or express themselves will make them “see the light” like in some movie? Think about it from another person’s angle. If someone you disagree with tries to silence you, I’m sure you would not be okay with that, right? If they said you’re not allowed to have a safe space because your ideas are somehow dangerous from their point of view. They could use the same argument your using, demean your viewpoints by name-calling. In their mind, their opinion is the correct one, much the same as you’re feeling. Where does it end? These are all fairly common arguments to silence people and where has it gotten us? Think of the children, this group of people are dangerous they’re not allowed a voice. So you’re free to speak, just please don’t cross the line into defamation or anything illegal. I find it troubling that the first thing you did was go searching in my comment history, instead of simply addressing my post on its merit, which is something we all should try and do. I don’t care what you believe politically or whatever, I’m here for discussion and advocate free speech, and to do that there are times when you will defend peoples’ right to speak you don’t necessarily agree with, but there’s more to it than this petty arguing, and that’s what I’m trying to get at. To sum up, you’re essentially telling me to shut up through the side of your mouth, as is your right to do so in a free world, but I implore you to critically evaluate your comment. Honestly I’m not 100% sure what your point was, you’re stating criticism is part of public discourse, I agree, I don’t advocate otherwise. This implies that people should be free to speak, but also to be criticised, yes, again, I agree. Then you speak about walls to criticism, not sure where you got that from. A downvote is not criticism, it’s a mechanism by which to control visibility of someone’s post or comment. My argument is that people should be held to account for those downvotes, which would mean they would be criticised, so again we circle back to the criticism, which I’ve already agreed with you on. I hope you allow yourself to let go of whatever hatred you have in your heart, and I wish you a good day or night wherever you are.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

To each their own!

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Never heard of Beehaw, I’ll check it out. And yes, the chilling effect is a real thing, unfortunately. Sorry to hear you’ve felt that way about posting.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Sometimes it feels like a bandwagon. I’m sure a lot of the time people mindlessly downvote instinctually or are more likely to based simply on the existing score.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Haha I think 4chan is a completely different beast. I’m seeing quite differing opinions on the thread, which is cool. It’s enlightening to see how people think about issues like this. I can see how both sides hold merit. Though in a way I disagree on simply telling people they’re wrong. I feel you can’t reason a person out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. In my experience, it’s much more effective to ask people questions and maybe they begin to see, or not, it’s out of my control at that point.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Nobody likes to be made to feel stupid. A person without knowledge isn’t stupid on the face of it, they’re just a person without knowledge. I think the moment you start insulting someone the argument or whatever is already over at that point. At that point it’s not a discussion it’s the beginning of a mud slinging match.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I think your comment is the best take I’ve read so far. I agree wholeheartedly. As soon as I read it I thought of when I used to play WoW. Many alts I created similar to this. Having a fresh character, but something new without all the complications that came with being a higher level, more useless “responsibilities” with no real pay off. Because in the end it was still just a game. You may not fully see the connection, just know I understand where you’re coming from in my own way. Thanks for sharing.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Nazis are allowed a space to hang out

I said people you disagree with. I also stated I don’t understand what is meant by “Nazis”, I feel you’re projecting an awful lot. The word Nazi doesn’t even mean anything anymore. Maybe it means something to you personally, but what is in your mind has nothing to do with me. It’s funny going into what I guess is quite an “echo chamber” and get accused and name-called and told to shut up. For what, exactly? So you consider yourself a tolerant person? If you are unable to tolerate anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the exact same thoughts as yourself then I suspect the answer is no. Why don’t you try basing arguments off actual merit, rather than leaping to your hail Mary Nazi shut down line. If you open your mind a little bit, I mean really, actually open it up to everything, I’m sure you’ll find your anger start to subside. I’m sorry you feel the way you do, and again, I wish you all the best.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

If we’re talking about alternatives to YouTube, should the bar for “quality” users really be those who haven’t yet been banned from YouTube? Does it really matter? If you can choose what you look at, subscribe to, etc. I’m not sure I fully understand the fear, or your point as to those users being on the platform as well?

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You’re saying nazi a lot, what does that actually mean? I’m not familiar with these so-called conspiracy theories, perhaps I don’t run in the correct online circles. In any case, shouldn’t the Internet be a relatively free place to share and have opinions? You seem to have carte blanche to speak your mind and denigrate those you think are in the wrong, shouldn’t they have that same freedom?

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Do you actively seek this stuff out, or are you perhaps misrepresenting the extent? I browse the Internet everyday and have so for many many years, yet oddly enough I don’t manage to stumble across this type of content I see people complaining about.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I used a soldering iron to “weld” it.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I used an exhaust, don’t worry. I may be dumb, but I’m not that dumb.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Duct tape, they should call it problem solving tape.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Have you read The Trial? Funny how history repeats itself, even if it’s from “fiction”.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I find the hype of something is inversely proportional to the quality of the end product. If some game company put 7 years into a game and their marketing was, “could be alright, see how you like it”. I’d be all over that shit like white on rice.

America's nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really don't like organized religion (apnews.com)

Mike Dulak grew up Catholic in Southern California, but by his teen years, he began skipping Mass and driving straight to the shore to play guitar, watch the waves and enjoy the beauty of the morning. “And it felt more spiritual than any time I set foot in a church,” he recalled....

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

And at the same rate, politics and “science” are becoming disorganised religion. I see many similarities in behaviours. It’s just swapping one form of religion for another at this point.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Perhaps you’re younger, I can tell you I’ve seen a massive shift in how science is seemingly manipulated and misrepresented to push political or idealogical ideas. In my opinion it’s primarily to do with money and power. It could mostly be the media highlighting the worst and least reputable, however, you’d be surprised how much our perceptions and impressions of things can influence how we behave and feel on some things.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

If you’re really worried about giving out your number, you can use virtual / temporary number. Just keep in mind it complicates backups and transferring to a new phone, etc. Puts into perspective if it’s worth the hassle. Or maybe you just want usernames? 😅

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I joined Twitter recently. Every second post was about Musk. It’s exhausting. It wasn’t worth joining.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

The more I think about it, the less I know why.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

So you’re saying it’s relatively cheap for the privilege of being in an abusive relationship?

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

From what? Zee Germans? Seriously though haven’t had any issues. Your Internet?

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Nope! Didn’t order anything so was pretty suss.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar


@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar


@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

It was shortened so wasn’t immediately obvious, though not from a common URL shortening service - not that that matters too much. But I’m the same, better to be suspicious first.

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I’ll try reaching out, thanks!

@hiremenot_recruiter@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Reached out (posted on their feedback site). Linux has been requested since 4 years ago so not high priority by the looks. With other issues I’ve been having I may move away from it soon if they’re not resolved.

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