@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar


@[email protected]

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@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

So the gAslightIng is infesting even scientific publications now??

Can I add a custom search engine *with* query autocomplete / search suggestions?

By default I use Google and it shows search suggestions, but when I add a custom search engine like https://www.google.com/search?q=, or a completely different one, I don’t get any. I don’t really care where the suggestions are coming from, they could be the same as the one for the default engine.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I did this the hard way by creating my own plugin and then got schooled in the comments on how to actually do it for any bookmark. Link:


PS: Don’t duplicate your post on a bunch of different servers, it just creates a lot of unnecessary spam for people. I can see at least 3 in a row from lemmy.ml.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Something be Neal Stephenson, lol.

heavyboots, (edited )
@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I hate this so much. Literally stopped using Perl and switched to PHP to get away from the “Look, ma! I can condense 6 comprehensible lines to one complete gibberish line that still works!” crowd.

I’m not saying I won’t use shorthand if/else format on very rare occasions where you have to do a bunch of different if else’s within your HTML for some reason, but in general, I try to avoid it.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean… while I defend the right of Israel to defend themselves from attacks, they’re basically committing genocide in the name of “defense” by not discerning between innocent Palestinians and Hamas. And thus, they have become the bad guys through their bad actions and are getting a lot of hate over it.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Huh. I actually did do a search first, but apparently not well enough. Welp, that explains it, lol!

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

COP has been 110% co-opted and hamstrung.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s Americanized Mexican, at best. Personally, I cannot stand the taste though, so I’m also not the best judge probably.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

They do have a “Don’t show this again” button, so at most this will enrage the people it does enrage only once.

Eugen seems pretty savvy about making a quality product that works well out of the box. Mostly when things fail on Mastodon it’s because the goals for the feature were different that what a lot of new users coming over from Twitter assume they would be. (And sometimes those goals were good and sometimes they were kind of nonsensical, like the by-design feature of not being able to quote-post.)

A poll: are followers-only posts on Mastodon public? (infosec.exchange)

On Mastodon, Followers-only posts are only visible to your followers – and to admins of any instances your followers on. But if you haven’t turned on “approve followes”, anybody who’s logged in to an instance you haven’t blocked can follow you and get access to your followers-only posts....

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean it’s pretty much the same as Twitter? All your posts are public* and anyone can follow you unless you activate the follower approval option. It’s the first thing I did when I created my Mastodon account. (And the first thing I did on Twitter as well.)

  • Actually now I think about it, on Twitter I also made my account private immediately.
@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

In the demo I saw they did an agent spoofing to Chrome and the delay went away, but it didn’t look very extensively tested. As others said, the disappearance on reload could easily be because they thought he was returning to the page and had already seen the ad/been punished for not seeing the ad and so something ad-related disappeared instead.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean… it’s a process? I have a yahoo and a gmail account and I’ve switched like 95% of my stuff away from them to iCloud at this point. It just takes time and patience. As for logins, grab BitWarden and start using it to store passwords instead. Has the side benefit of letting you generate all randomized passwords as you switch to mail-based logins so theres no password duplication or patterns for anyone to analyze if a few different places lose your account credentials.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Everyone is pretty good at spam detection these days. Also, this is a reason to have at least 2 email accounts—one you only give to close family and friends and one you use for commercial purposes.

And use throwaway/blockable for anything political too. (Apple has Hide My Email that lets you generate random email addresses linked to your primary that you can block with a click if they start to spam you hard immediately after.)

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Really? I rarely get spam at my Yahoo account that gets past the filter. 🤔

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean, he’s not wrong about it IMHO… that was a terrible, nonsensical movie.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Unfortunately my senator is the traitorous Sinema, so she’s worse than useless. Just got an email from her rationalizing this power grab today after writing her and asking she not support it a few months back. 🙄

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Just checking in to say I got it working here. I have a bog standard lemmy.ml account and it was just repeatedly giving me incorrect login errors until I removed the account and re-added it. Once I re-added it everything suddenly started working as expected again. So if anyone is still unable to log into lemmy.ml after updating, that seems to be the path forward. Just remember, Remove is sliding left on your account name. Not the same as Account Deletion!

(BTW, the Remove vs Delete UI is pretty obscure and very terrifying. Hiding the option to Remove behind a slide feature and leaving the nuclear option out in the open is… not ideal IMHO. I personally think you should have 2 buttons visible if you’re even going to implement permanent account deletion from an instance at all. Did not check whether there are multiple “are you sures” on the Account Deletion one, but I sure hope so!)

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

If you’re just testing on it you can get away wit pretty much anything as long as it’s Apple Silicon. I would think a used M1 Mini is probably your cheapest bet, and as a bonus you can use it as a media serve for Plex of something when you’re not testing on it.

If it’s got to be a laptop form factor, then yes, an MBA is probably your best bet.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh man, I feel you. Worst thing for my last cat was he had to get radiation therapy for his hyperthyroidism. So he had never been away from home overnight and they have to keep them like 4 days until the radiation is out of their system enough to come home BUT they say no cuddling or sleeping next to them for another 3 days. He was SO SAD when I would push him away to the other side of the couch and when I had to lock him out of the bedroom for the first time ever.

Be careful, your understanding of incognito mode in Firefox may be wrong and that could be costing you

All the incognito browser windows share the same “session” in Firefox. So say you open an Incognito window to browse Facebook or something, then you open another Incognito window, this new incognito window is linked to the previous incognito window, meaning you are logged into Facebook at that new Incognito window as well....

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I think what you are looking for is Containers. FF uses containers to wall things off from each other, whereas Private sessions are still all sandboxed together, as you discovered. I know this is quite different from how Safari, for example, handles things, but you can accomplish the same things, just a little differently.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I think the point is if you like the book you hopefully buy a copy for yourself? I tend to read like 40 books a year and if I didn’t use the library extensively the foundations on my house would crumbled under the weight. As it is I still end up acquiring probably 5 or 10 new books a year despite everything.

(But at least they’re ones I know are good.)

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Well, yes. I probably still would. But that’s me. And also, you’re talking about “instant access” when actually if you want access to a specific and popular book there’s usually a wait of a couple weeks to a couple months. So some people who really want that book are going to want to read it right now and might buy it for the instant access whenever they want?

At any rate, there are people who use the library and people who don’t. I read like 2-3 digital books a year usually—only when the library failed to get a physical copy, basically. But I only buy a few of those books for home use (physically again) because there are only a few that I really like enough to own. But that has been the case with library users practically since libraries were invented, so it’s not that new a situation.

Scribd I can’t speak to as I don’t use that at all, but it kind of sounds like Kindle Unlimited, so… if they’re paying the authors, it needs to be adjusted enough to where the authors are getting a decent cut per use. This is the same as with Spotify and music. It’s something that has to be worked out obviously, but there’s nothing to say it couldn’t happen as far as I know.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

If the article mentioned babies with their heads chopped off it could be a disinformation thing? Supposedly that story has been circulated with zero fact check and only one source, who has made previous online comments basically in favor of a Palestine genocide.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah I have no idea then.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Back to school kevlar sales! Keep your child safe and fashionable!

But more seriously, it is so past time to actually regulate trucks and SUVs. We are here because congress left a “light truck” loophole in their legislation decades ago and never closed it. No other country in the world uses almost exclusively gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs instead of smaller, more efficient cars to the extreme extent we do.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Design our streets to be narrow and winding

And with separate, protected walking and cycling infrastructure.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I guess this was in reaction to our city in particular, where they have made the new 3 lanes each way major arteries much more curvy to help control traffic speds but still have a bike lane separated only by white paint (on a 35mph street where everyone travels 50mph). The winding aspect has just made it more likely that drivers cutting the corners clip into the bike lane more basically.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

This is the second one in like… 2 months?? But much like gun control, car control is not an option in this country apparently.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

You know what would slow it down a lot? Legislating that anything created with data sets using publicly available data cannot be copyrighted or trademarked. And while we’re at it, lets create a bill of privacy rights for people.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean, obviously this does matter, but given that the 1% are the ones causing as much pollution as the combined poorest 50% of the world, I feel like we need to ground bizjets a lot more than we need to noodle over whether or not office work causes more pollution than remote work.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

As much as I hate this and want it not to be true, it sure as hell looks true to me.


I mean, I dislike Biden pretty intensely but whatever alternative the Republicans are going to field is basically going to be using The Handmaid’s Tale as a how-to guide, so I’ll still be voting for him alas.

We desperately need ranked voted for all elections, and we need it yesterday so we can start to get away from this stupid 2 party system where everyone can only vote for the guy they think might win the final election rather than being able to rank the candidates by who they like the most with “the guy that can win” as a safety backup to who they like the most so their vote isn’t thrown away.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean… they shouldn’t be supporting Xitter anyway. And encouraging people to use IG and FB is just as bad basically.

Ideally they should run their own Mastodon instance and provide announcements and support there.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

The US can be a pretty boggling place to try and bike or walk, yes.

He’s talking about some pretty cool bike infrastructure that they’re at least introducing in ABQ that is pretty sweet compared to when I grew up there in the 80s though. I remember biking down Lead or Lomas in the mornings with no bike lane at all and rush hour traffic trying to get around me non-stop, lol. I remember I felt slightly safer on Lomas even though it was 50mph+ traffic just because the lanes were really wide.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Foundation has been interesting so far and very pretty. For All Mankind is amazing.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I think whenever you start messing with Special Circumstances, you in for a wild ride and can pretty much count on being played, if not by the drones, then by the Minds running things behind the scenes. That’s kind of a signature aspect of Culture novels in some respects.

A lot of Culture novels contrast aspects of authoritarian societies vs the utopian Culture, and PoG is definitely no exception to that rule because Banks absolutely loathed authoritarianism/fascism and wasn’t very fond of capitalism either, IIRC. But in a lot of ways that is what makes his books so fun (for me). Quite a few very rich or very powerful people who think they can get away with things because The Culture is the good guys and have to play nice are quite surprised by what a benevolent society can get up to when it puts its mind and tech to it in Banks’ Culture novels. Such as finding a guy who just absolutely loves games amongst their zillions of happy citizens and partly manipulating/partly just pointing him in the direction of a game he hasn’t played before and weaponizing his idea of fun into a tool to take down an empire.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean… I’ve been using Firefox since Google silo’d all log-ins together.

On the other hand, search.brave.com is freaking incredible. It’s so much better than Google, Bing or DDG at this point, it’s shocking. I switched a couple weeks ago and it’s surreal to see so many usable, useful results on the first page again.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

You mean DDG is better for programming or Brave Search is? I’m finding a lot more useful stuff via Brave for whatever reason currently.

(I guess results may vary though if that’s not the case for you!)

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Cool! I didn’t think of that, but it would do the trick, you’re right.

(I was hoping for it to be in the popup list of search engines, I guess.)

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Well, when the award nominee lists come out, I jump on those if they sound like books I’d like. And of course, new books by past authors I like. And generally books that I start seeing a lot of people reviewing favorably or just getting a lot of buzz I will at least evaluate.

heavyboots, (edited )
@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Is it just me or did OP post the wrong link? Here is one that goes to an actual article about the asteroid.


@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Cannot upvote this enough…

Fstoppers on YouTube: Printer Ink, It's a SCAM (www.youtube.com)

In this video, a Canon print cartridge is opened up and revealed not to contain the meagre 11.9 ml (0.4 fl oz) of ink it is advertised. The proposed solution is to buy a printer designed to be manually refilled with bottles of ink (such as the featured Epson EcoTank ET-2850), though it has only been tested briefly.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

I feel like a Brother laser printer is a much better solution unless you specifically need color. Also, if you try and print with a laser printer after a couple months of disuse, it should fire right up and print. The same is not necessarily true of an ink jet, where things may have dried out and clogged.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

And yet Siri is dumber than a bag of hammers…

And I say that as someone who has been using Macs since the 512k in high school.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Let 3 or 4 go under as an example to the rest and see if they suddenly find they can make it happen after all? I do feel like there’s some merit to the idea they are gaming the system with lowball bids.

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

Definitely skipping this one. I loathe musicals in general. 😬

@heavyboots@lemmy.ml avatar

And yet what I really, really want is the ability to block instances… any idea if/when that is coming? I know it’s a thing on Mastodon so it should be one here too, hopefully.

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