This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Wobei Segnung jetzt nicht so das Ding ist. Ich habe mir auch mal mein Motorrad segnen lassen, als ich noch eins hatte.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Wobei Kartoffeln und Zwiebeln irgendwie auch recht teuer geworden sind. Aber Kartoffelpuffer sind schon lecker.

Hefebrötchen kann man in so einem Teil bestimmt auch machen und mit einem Glas Heidelbeeren essen.

Pizza ist recht vielseitig. Muss man schauen was man zum obendrauftun findet, da geht ja vieles. Vielleicht bekommt man auch einen Taco hin, oder ein Fladenbrot (oder Flammkuchen). Bohnen würden zum Taco passen, oder man versucht sich Falafel aus Kichererbsen herzustellen. Ich besitze allerdings keinen Pizza Maker, keine Ahnung wie schwer das ist den zum Braten oder Backen zweck-zu-entfremden.

Omelette etc wäre noch möglich, aber Eier sind wahrscheinlich nicht im Budget.

Was auch manchmal funktioniert, ist in der letzten Stunde bevor der Wochenmarkt zu macht hingehen und nett fragen ob etwas übrig ist. Manchmal sind massenweise Bananen oder sowas da und die sind schlecht wieder abzutransportieren. Dann verschenken die schonmal was oder machen einen Sonderpreis. (Bananenkuchen geht gut ohne Eier, dann muss der auch nicht zwangsläufig durchgebacken sein.) Es gibt auch noch Foodsharing etc.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Für Sicherungen ist in der Regel auch der Vermieter zuständig. In Deutschland gehört einem ja meist die Küche, aber erst nach diesem seltsamen Stomanschluss. Vorteil ist man muss die Reparaturen an den Sicherungen nicht selber bezahlen. Unser Vermieter hat auch recht fix einen Elektriker geschickt, die ein- zwei Male wo etwas nicht in Ordnung war.

Ich würde stark davon abraten an dem Herdanschluss oder dem Sicherungskasten herumzuspielen. Sobald man da die Abdeckung öffnet, kann man auch die falsche Seite der Sicherungen berühren oder die Stromklemmen. Das wäre dann nicht so gut. Und man benötigt das korrekte Werkzeug, isolierte Schraubendreher usw.

Und so eine alte Schmelzsicherung überbrücken lohnt sich wahrscheinlich auch kaum. Die sind wahrscheinlich nicht sehr teuer und außerdem könnte man auch vorübergehend irgendwo anders eine herausschrauben, dann isses halt beim Kochen irgendwo anders im Haus dunkel ;-) Nur wenn der Herd kaputt ist und die Sicherung mit Grund durchgebrannt/herausgesprungen ist, hilft das natürlich sowieso alles nichts.


Some of my favorites were Star Trek Armada II and Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force.

Manchmal sehe ich beim Laden von feddit oben rechts ganz kurz einen anderen Nutzernamen. German

Fühlt sich an, als würden gecachte Inhalte nicht immer korrekt ihren jeweiligen Sessions zugeordnet. Ich hab jetzt noch nicht weiter draufgeschaut, ich hab keine Ahnung von Webtechniken und würde wahrscheinlich deutlich mehr Zeit in einer Analyse versenken als nötig. Ist das Phänomen bekannt und hat da schonmal jemand...

h3ndrik, (edited )

Okay, habe ein paar Male neu geladen und jetzt konnte ich es selbst nachvollziehen. Bei mir stand ganz kurz ‘FlyingOtter’ anstatt ‘h3ndrik’. Sieht für mich auch nach Caching aus.

Ich habe die Bugreports gefunden, scheint schon seit Juni gemeldet zu sein, aber nach wie vor nicht repariert:

(Vielleicht kann sich das einmal einer der Admins von anschauen, z.B. @wintermute oder einer der Anderen, die in der Feddit Seitenleiste gelistet sind. Zumindest ob das sicherheitsrelevant ist.)

masimatutu, to fediverse en-gb

Default instance blocks should largely replace defederation

Since what content users might want to see is quite unlikely to match which servers the admins tolerate, choosing instance on the Fediverse can be quite complicated, which is inconvenient and off-putting for new users.

For this reason, and simply that the Fediverse is stronger united, I believe defederation should ideally be reserved for illegal content and extreme cases. If Fediverse platforms would allow instances to simply block the rest for users by default, the user experience would be the same, unless they decide otherwise.



Yes. That needs to be implemented. It’s a bit annoying that Lemmy is still missing that much moderation and usability features.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Ziemlich wahrscheinlich dies. Man kann die Ecken auf dem Foto sehen.

Inbus-Schlüsselsatz haben auch viele Leute Zuhause und die gibt’s mehrfach im Jahr beim Aldi/Lidl. Oder beim Ikea wenn man nett fragt an der Ersatzteiltheke. Muss man aber wissen welche Größe / welches Ikea-Produkt. Sonst natürlich Baumarkt.


I think even the Fediverse as is, has done an alright job with that.


And it’s how federation is supposed to work. Either you want to send your content to other instances or you don’t. But federation is the wrong tool if you want to stay alone. You can defederate and block them if you don’t like their terms.


Seriously doubt that. If I pirate a book, game or TV series and don’t read the copyright, it’s still illegal. Same should apply to other written text like on a website.


We should open a feature request. An additional license selection field upon posting on Lemmy, or a default setting to license every post and comment from a user account would be awesome. And free/libre culture fits well within this ecosystem.


Nice stock images and text. Now I’d need a button to export it and load it with a nice static site generator like Hugo.

(solved) I can't get my linux system to run properly

I chose to use opensuse tw kde based on some vm tests. The installation was easy but for some reason the video playback on youtube is terrible. It stutters. First thing I did after install was to use opi to install codecs. Then I used Yast to get the Nvidia repo. Lastly, I used the software manager to install the video g06...

h3ndrik, (edited )

That would be the most important question.

(I usually don’t advertise for using Linux in a VM on Windows. There are use-cases for that. But it combines the downsides of Windows with the limitations of your VM software and issues on Linux (for example the proprietary NVidia drivers and whatever they do to pass through parts of the hardware, or weird stuff VirtualBox does). And it can make it slow(er) to unusable in some cases. None of that has anything to do with Linux, but people try it that way and blame issues on Linux, when it’s really the VM software’s fault. (Or you ticked the wrong config checkbox.)

A better way to do it would be trying a live image on an USB stick, testing performance and then looking for performance issues within your whole virtualization stack if you absolutely have to use Linux within a VM. This is certainly possible. I usually dual-boot. Or do it the other way around, Windows inside a VM on a Linux host. But I don’t really use Windows, so I’m not a good example.)

h3ndrik, (edited )

Wegen der Kameras: Eventuell möchte man sich vorher einmal schlau machen wie da die Gesetzeslage ist. Jedenfalls hilft die korrekte Ausführung dabei die Bilder potenziell später als Beweismaterial zu nutzen.

Ich weiß nicht ganz was man beachten muss. Videoüberwachung (auch von Privatpersonen) ist hierzulande ja etwas strenger reguliert als in einigen anderen Ländern. Autos von Nachbarn, wie/wann sie morgens losfahren etc, sollte jedenfalls nicht erkennbar sein. Was auch immer das Gesetz dazu sagt…

h3ndrik, (edited )

100% agree. Software RAID is the thing you want as a consumer. Doesn’t need to be ZFS. mdraid is another good and well tested option for the traditional way of using RAID.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Maybe you want one of the turnkey solutions. There are several solutions that offer you a NAS box with everything pre-configured and a management web-interface. Assembling a RAID and creating a network share is just a few clicks with those. And they should come with documentation.

I don’t really know which one is best. There is openmediavault, unraid, EasyNAS, TrueNAS, …

I agree. Configuring everything yourself, Learning about RAID, filesystems, networking and file servers on an operating system you’re not familiar with is some work. And although Linux has adapted quite some Windows-workflows, setting up Samba isn’t necessarily the right-click - properties - share you learned from using windows.

For security cameras there are solutions like Frigate which can be installed in a container.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Open street map data is created by volunteers. Where I live, you can practically put in any address into OsmAnd and it’ll know it. Maybe you live too far out. Or there aren’t enough people contributing in your area. Putting in the house numbers is a tedious task.


Ah, okay. Different continent, ~500k people here. More if you count the neighboring cities. I’ve programmed in a few house numbers like 10 years ago. But generally speaking, OSM knows most hiking routes and illegal mountainbike trails in the woods. And it rarely does silly mistakes while routing me in the car. Something it used to do regularly when I started using it. Guess the experience heavily depends on where you live, then.


I think you need to use Markdown and not bracketed tags.

Try the spoiler format:

You can also have a look at how other people did it. There should be a button somewhere to view the source text of any post or comment. In the Lemmy web-interface this button is hidden behind the three dots icon.


Du wohnst wohl nicht in einer Dachgeschosswohnung?! 😆 (von wegen mehr extreme Hitze…)


I also like OsmAnd+ and use it regularly. I’m just not happy with the user-interface. That could be easier to operate and more intuitive.


I don’t think it matters if you target hobbyists. But maybe for commercial use. Or if it’s a library. Or if you’re within a specific ecosystem like Android where people mostly have agreed on one specific license.


I think you can mount network shares with the Kerberos token you got from AD. Sometimes just the user credentials suffice. At least that’s how it used to be when I last tried something like that years ago.

h3ndrik, (edited )

I case they’re set on WhatsApp:

You could use something like:

and bridge WA to a secure Matrix server of your choice. That way you can have a secure environment and they can use whatever they like.

Here is an overview table about messengers, in case you want to compare them and have more arguments in the discussion:

I wouldn’t consider WA secure. They do tracking, they have your phone numbers and those of all of your friends and know exactly who you talk to, when, and how often. Even if they don’t know the content of the message because it’s encrypted, that’s a lot of information for the algorithm to feed on. Apart from that, I’m not sure if they have access to the encryption keys. They might be able to decrypt everything if they want.

I’m sure someone wrote a lengthy blog article about WA. But unless someone does a proper security audit including where the encryption keys are stored and the implications of that and how extra features like breaking encryption in case someone flags an inappropriate post turns out… The ‘it’s safe’ is just a claim by your brother or Meta. You’re free to believe in anything you want. But it’s not necessarily true.


That’s not correct. WA claims to use end-to-end encryption. I have no reason to doubt that. It probably arrives encrypted at the servers, not as clear-text.

That’d also align with the business-model of big tech. They do lots of things with meta-data. And algorithms can infer lots of important things just by looking at that. I wouldn’t be surprised if they really don’t care about the exact content of WA messages.

h3ndrik, (edited )

I don’t want to sound overly negative here. But that idea is more a hypothetical proposal “we should do something about it” at this point. There is a working group mimi. But not even a draft or technical proposal, yet. And interoperability is hard, and they also want to come up with a solution that makes it secure, the messages confidential and maybe grant anonymous access. These problems aren’t solved at all as of today. On top you have to deal with spam, malicious servers, users, lawful interception and all kinds of things in a distributed platform. Then they need to come up with a text for the regulation. Write it, discuss and do several revisions, debate it. And there will be lobbyism against it and court cases because it cuts into the business model of large companies. Then it has to be adopted into national legislation and it will get a grace period.

So if you want to wait 'til 2029 (or so) to reply to your mom, go ahead and wait for the EU. I don’t have a crystal ball to be sure, but I highly doubt that this will happen in the next few years.

And on top, there is no guarantee that it turns out good or usable in the first place. There is a lot of lobbyism happening in the EU. Especially by big tech. They’ll find a way to make it a thing that just connects Apple, Meta and Google and exclude independant or secure services.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Thx for the additional links!

I’m curious what Meta is going to unveil. Usually big tech companies get ahead of legislation, in order to set a standard they like, or to prevent possible more strict regulation from happening. We see the same thing with AI and practically everything the big tech companies lobby for. I’m a bit wary.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Yeah. I think they partnered with the makers of Signal and took the encryption from Signal back in 2014 or 2015. I still remember the first of my friends adopting WA and it had zero encryption or protection against impersonating people. I used XMPP (Jabber) back then and just shook my head.

But it’s different now.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Any genre and time?

  • Dropkick Murphys - Rose Tattoo (or Shipping up to Boston)
  • Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash - Jackson
  • Pink Floyd - Money (or any of their songs)
  • The Rumjacks - An Irish Pub Song
  • Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond
  • Tenacious D - Tribute
  • Darude - Sandstorm

Make sure to link your Peertube channel so I can subscribe.


Yeah, I think that’d be awesome. And I haven’t found many takes on it yet. 1, 2. Hope [email protected] reads this. OP seems to regularly ask questions on Lemmy but rarely engages in the conversation.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Hehe. Nice. Would you mind posting the link to your Peertube channel?

Edit: Nevermind I found it in your previous posts. I subscribed.


“Let It Goat” - A playful twist on Idina Menzel’s “Let It Go” from Disney’s Frozen, with new lyrics about a farmer who decides to start raising goats instead of living a stressful city life.

That’s what the AI came up with, amongst other really bad suggestions. You can add goat noises ad lib.

Also: “Old town road” by Lil Nas X


Interesting. For me it has been working fine the last months. Loads and plays now, tested 30 seconds ago.


Mmh. They do so much silly stuff nowadays with the ad-blocker detection, handling browsers differently and people from different countries and all the magic that chooses your data rate and quality… I’m not surprised that it’s a different experience for everyone. Hope they don’t take third party frontends away from us for good. (I’d be also happy if every creator switches to a better alternative. But I don’t see that happen any time soon.)


And, is that true?

h3ndrik, (edited )

Yeah, that’s why I asked in the first place. I’m zero interested in the credibility of that person. Just somebody check if it’s factual. I’m not a Javascript-person but I bet there are debugging-tools and de-minifiers available. Or just someone press Ctrl+Shift+I and look at the inspector.

Edit: Nevermind. Maybe the credibility of an account sometimes is enough.


Schön, dass du hier bist, Roflmasterbigpimp.

does Google severly dislike Firefox??

with the recent news about the things that were said about Google slowing down Firefox on purpose, are they doing this because they severily dislike Firefox/open source? :c If so, that wouldn’t make a lot of sense!!! Because Google loves open source too. I read they were doing this to stop adblockers, and well if you use...


They simply love money. I don’t think they exactly ‘hate’ their competition.


You missed that GrapheneOS got rid of Daniel Micay 6 months ago. (For the better or worse)


Yeah, I’m not sure if you always need to apologize for other people. They have a Code of Conduct and that criticises exactly that. I don’t want to warm up all the internet drama that happened back then. There was harassment involved, in my eyes probably mental health issues and a bit of persecution mania. You’d probably only make it worse. If you don’t like how it turned out… You don’t have to use that project. Just use another smartphone OS.


Thanks for the info. I wasn’t aware of that. I had a look at the commit history on Github, you’re right.

h3ndrik, (edited )

I don’t think so. I can’t find any good information about those new ‘open-source’ kernel modules in any of the Linux wikis. Just news articles from 2022. Something isn’t right there. It’s either a marketing stunt and nothing changed or something else. I would dig deeper if I were you.

Concerning NVidia’s history: Don’t rely on them making user-friendly decisions. Especially when it comes to Linux. The usual drivers work. They have some hiccups and you’re going to have some annoying issues with things like Wayland, if something major changes in the kernel you have to wait for NVidia but they’ll eventually fix it. It’s not open source and you have to live with what they give to you. It mostly works though and performance is great. I’d say this is the same with the newer ‘open-source’ drivers that just shift things into (proprietary) userspace and firmware.

The true open-source alternative is the ‘Nouveau’ drivers. For newer graphics cards, expect them to get only a fraction of the performance out of your GPU and having half the features not yet implemented, including power management. So your game will have 10fps and fans on max while it empties your battery in 20 minutes.

On my laptop Nouveau started to be an alternative after several years when development kept up and it got comparable performance and battery life to the proprietary drivers. But you might replace the laptop at that point. Waiting for NVidia or the open source drivers to keep up hasn’t been worth it for me in the past. I did that two times and everytime I had to live with the proprietary drivers instead.

So my advice is: Be comfortable using the proprietary drivers if you want to buy NVidia.

Intel Arc got really bad performance reviews. It’s not worth spending lots of money on them. But fortunately they’re cheap because the gamers don’t buy them (for that reason). I live with the iGPU that’s part of my CPU. It’s alright since I don’t play modern games anyways.

But you missed AMD. There are some laptops available with the Ryzen 7040 series and it seems to be a fast CPU. They also made the integrated graphics way faster than before, albeit probably still not on the level for proper gaming. But I bet there are desktop replacements out there that combine it with an AMD GPU.

h3ndrik, (edited )

You’re well above average. I’d say pretty good. One thing you didn’t say: Are you often logged in into the services like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Discord, … Because if you are, they can tie everything together with your account. And did you sign up for those services with your phone number? That’d be bad because it’s a unique identifier. Regarding the phone it depends on which apps exactly you installed from the Play store. Most have trackers and there are shady apps out there. I also mainly rely on F-Droid and that’s the way to do it. Another thing is email. If you use gmail, all your correspondence gets scanned, regardless of what you do at home. And you shouldn’t use membership programs for discounts in real life.

Other than that. I think I do more or less the same things you mentioned. Plus I replaced the Android my phone came with.


Isn’t there quite some information missing? Which scheduler is affected? What are the are the exact consequences since we’re talking about latency in the first part of the article. Did it affect the AMD Epyc processors that run all the VPS?


To be more specific, it’s a fork of Gitea.


Let me scroll through your phone, see if there are some nice pictures or chats, the google search history, browser history… Uuh what’s that Lovense Buttplug App for? Do you have any medical conditions or mental health struggles? How do you approach people on Tinder? What’s your salary?


YT-DLP always works great for YouTube and some other sites. There are also a few browser extensions around, called similar to Video Download Helper. But don’t install the super fishy ones, I don’t know which of them are good.


In my experience nowadays video is often streamed with something like hls and pieced together with a javascript player. If that’s the case inspecting the source won’t help you much as its hundreds of 4s snippets or something like that. It could be worth a try but often times you really need a tool to do it.

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