@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar


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@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

This is not a nice way to talk to people. Please try to be more kind to others going forward.

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

I bought a used HP Elitebook on eBay for a similar purpose. I can browse and do video calls on a bigger screen when the fancy strikes. Pretty much any used business laptop should work. I think I paid about $300 for mine and I paid extra for particular hardware I thought was neat but you don’t have to. Only thing to keep in mind is the battery will likely be pretty worn.

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

Hey y’all! This thread has sparked a lot of discussion and it is obviously a very tense topic being discussed at a tense time in the world. With the way the thread has been going, the mod team doesn’t feel we can moderate this thread thoroughly enough to make it follow our rules, so I am going to lock it.

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

Other than the two attempts at caramel making I did not accomplish anything else, but I am still pretty pleased with that. I had a lot of other things going on, and making something was good. I may try another batch this weekend in hopes that I can get the last refinement in before the holidays. Overall, I enjoyed running and participating in the event, and I am looking forward to next year!

October Make Something Month: Belated Time Call

Howdy y’all! I meant to post this on Halloween but then got distracted with Halloween and travel. If you’re still working, this is your time to stop, though if you need finishing touches or anything to document your project feel free to continue on that. This final update post, so comment below with your progress and...

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to make any more caramel, and based on what’s going on life wise I’m not going to have a chance to before the end of the month. I’m still happy that I was able to make a few attempts and make some progress though!

October Make Something Month: Week 3

Howdy y’all! Another week, another update post. This is the third update post, so comment below with your progress, challenges, and next steps. See you all next week, and then a few days after that for the final post for the month. Then we’ll have a week for finishing touches and documenting out projects before the showcase.

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

I retried my recipe as a dry caramel and got improved results! I got a good color, as you can see in this picture. I think I got a little impatient and turned the heat up too high, because it was a bit burnt, although that might also have been because I forgot to prep my pan to pour into until it was almost done. The fats also went in later and were much better incorporated. I’m hoping to get one more attempt before the end of the month and have something I will feel good about making for the holidays.

Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed (www.bigtechnology.com)

The new data — comprehensive and definitive — should put to rest the countervailing narratives over Musk’s management of the app. Under his stewardship, X’s daily user base has declined from an estimated 140 million users to 121 million, with a widening gap between people who check the app daily vs. monthly. X’s...

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

Hey, this comment reads like you’re just dunking on another user. If that is not what you meant to do, please try to communicate more clearly, and if that is what you meant to do, please refrain while commenting on Beehaw in order to be(e) nice. Thanks!

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

I did manage to spend a bit of time today making caramel. I followed a recipe I had written down on a sticky note last time I tried this. Currently it is chilling in the fridge to be cut tomorrow. The bit that I scraped out of the pot after definitely has the right texture, stuck to my teeth and very chewy. That said, it didn’t really get a caramel color, I’ll try to take a picture and add it here along with the recipe, but it stayed almost white even though it reached firm ball temp. I have another recipe that I tried before, so I might go to that and maybe use it as a starting point for experimentation if I can get better color out of it.

October Make Something Month: Kickoff

Howdy y’all! It’s October 1st, so make something month has begun. If you would like to participate, post below with what you are planning to do. There’s really no rules, you’ve just got to make something. Every week after this I’ll post a thread for weekly updates, and then on the last day of the month a final update...

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

A little late to my own party because of a business trip, but I think I’m going to work on refining my dairy free caramel skills. I should have photos of a few batches of caramel throughout the month.

October Make Something Month: Gauging Interest

Howdy y’all! I’m hoping to run a make something month in October either here or in Creative. The idea is that a bunch of people all make something, doesn’t matter what, throughout the month. Each week I’ll make a post where we can share progress and discuss, and at the end of the month you can post your final creation(s)...

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

I was not terribly successful on this last year so I have two ideas, both aiming to scale back a bit:

  1. Complete my project from last year, which was a round shield inspired by Viking round shields
  2. Hammer out a good dairy free caramel recipe. I already have a dairy free fudge recipe which I make at Christmas every year. There’s also caramels, but my SO has a dairy allergy so she cannot partake, so I would like to work out a good caramel recipe. I have made previous attempts at this, but they all fell victim to various mishaps, ranging from becoming overcooked into burnt hard candy to having a fly nosedive into the cooking caramel

This will be made a little more complicated by having a week of business travel as well as a family visit at the end of the month, but I am hoping to accomplish something fun without setting too high of expectations for myself.

@gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

Digital is just fine! In the past for a make something month I did a website, so a 3d model would be perfect

AfterthoughtC, to technology
@AfterthoughtC@kbin.social avatar


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    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Hey this is a great contribution, just wanted to request that in the future you try to have a more descriptive title. Totally understand that it might have slipped your mind on this one, this is a charged topic to say the least, just a note for the future. Thanks!

    "Every home becomes a prison:" Now, Taliban stops Afghan women from sightseeing (www.firstpost.com)

    “Not content with depriving girls and women of education, employment, and free movement, the Taliban also want to take from them parks and sport and now even nature, as we see from this latest ban on women visiting Band-e-Amir,” Human Rights Watch’s Associate Women’s Rights Director Heather Barr says.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Hey, I know this can be an issue that strikes a nerve. That said, acknowledging nuance is important to having a productive conversation. Judging everyone by a set standard and having unkind words for not meeting that standard even before you know much about the person you are engaging with is not going to be productive, and it’s not particularly nice either.

    To be clear, I do not intend to ask you to tolerate oppression. By all means you should oppose oppression strenuously! But being harsh to someone you disagree with online is not the way to do that. In the future, please try your best to disengage from the conversation for a bit until you are in a better headspace.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    I’m not sure what the intent on this post is, but between not being able to find much else about this game and the installation instructions including using a VPN to pretend to be in Indonesia, I’m suspicious malware may be at play. Going to take this down for now.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Others have mentioned Stormgate, but I think the upcoming Tempest Rising is more in the Command & Conquer vein

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Gonna be honest, this comment further down explains why you should have some compassion even on posts that seem obvious to you: beehaw.org/comment/883359

    Consider taking this approach in the future.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Can you be more specific about what community you’re seeing this in? I’m not aware of a c/Random on Beehaw. Also, please report these posts if you see them, mods will clear them out for everyone.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Ah okay, annoying then but such is life

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    This isn’t really a news article, and it’s by a US source about a US topic. Please try to post things like this to Politics or maybe US News in the future. Thanks!

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Ah, makes sense with the world aspect, but still a better fit for the politics community.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    This is not a terribly nice thing to say. So much of raising children is cultural or environmental, and many people go on to be great parents after having bad parents themselves. Also, this comment gives some eugenics promoting vibes. Please try to communicate more clearly in the future to avoid giving that impression. Thanks!

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    I’m not sure exactly what you’re hooking it up to, but I had good success with this Hauppauge USB tuner hooked up to one of those flat antennas. I used it on Ubuntu Server 20.04 if I recall correctly, and they have a PPA as well as fairly helpful Linux instructions. Some of their other products might do the satellite and cable channels as well as over the air, but I have no experience with it, so your mileage may vary.

    merj1982, to gaming German
    @merj1982@social.anoxinon.de avatar
    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Hey, this post looks like it is just an ad for an ebay listing, which doesn’t really fit in the gaming community we are trying to build on Beehaw. I am going to remove it here, but if that is not the intention, please repost it with additional context. Thanks!

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    This is a great resource, thank you for posting it! However, it would likely be a better fit for the Beehaw Programming community. Please post links like this in that community in the future!

    some random thoughts about the book Ready Player One

    In the book Wade Watts powers his Oasis console and a small heater using a battery that he recharges in a van by pedaling a stationary bike. This seems quite far fetched. The console itself appears to be a thin client with only enough CPU Aand GPU power to render the Oasis and a little extra to contribute to the server for...

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    A human pedaling on a stationary bike IS a heater, if he’s getting 100 watts continuous at the generator then he’s probably producing a 2-3 times that amount in heat. Plus that’s heat injected directly into him, so it’s well retained by wearing warm clothes, no space heating needed.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Hey, this isn’t a terrible article but the source website is questionable at best. I am going to remove this topic, but if you have an article from a more reputable source please post it!

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Not a game dev but I’ve done some programming and I love games so I’ll take a stab. There’s a few reasons I can think of:

    1. That’s how the engine they’re using works. Game engines take a long time to develop, and so if you’re using one off the shelf or from a previous project, it may be from a time when tying behavior to the frame rate was a low overhead tool for timing that would cause few if any issues. Given that Wolfenstein is a Bethesda title and they’ve made many games with similar engine level limitations, this seems most likely to me for this particular case.
    2. They never intended to release it that way, and just set it up that way early in development to start getting to the real gameplay work. Then the deadline came around and it wasn’t a high priority in terms of getting the game out the door.
    3. Probably doesn’t apply to Wolfenstein, but for indie games that have one or only a few developers, none of those people may have done much programming before, instead being more focused on other aspects of game design. So if you’re learning as you go, there’s a good chance some hacky things will make it in to the final product.
    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    I suppose that’s what I get for just doing a quick google 🙃

    That is really interesting though, my understanding is that Doom 2016 is known for running pretty well and achieving high framerates, or at least that was the sense I got from tech youtube when I watching that more. I wonder what the devs were doing in that case.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Sure, people are more than their political views, but I don’t know that that means political comments made in tech content should just be ignored. The people making the content put them there deliberately, and there’s enough tech content out there that at the very least if that bothers you, it’s easily possible to find something that doesn’t include those comments, if not something that includes political commentary that isn’t bothersome.

    On top of that, what some might call identity politics, others would call minority groups getting together and demanding that their voices be heard the same as others. Political divisions often reflect real life experiences and how they differ, and the only way to just ignore the political differences is to ignore important issues is people’s lives.

    Identity politics is also a 2 way street. I’m not familiar with tech podcasters specifically, but I imagine they’re not getting the same kind of push back if the political commentary is putting minorities in a negative light.

    What I am using far too many words to say is, dismissing the concerns of the OP because they sound a little bit too much like identity politics is not a nice way to contribute to this thread, and I encourage you to reexamine your post and think of nicer ways to contribute in the future.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    Hey, I know this is probably a topic you are very passionate about. However the mod team is starting to see a pattern of behavior from you n terms of failing to assume good faith and turning arguments toward personal attacks. This is not okay going forward. While Beehaw is much larger than it was a few weeks ago, it is still very small; you will have to interact with everyone you speak with again, and there are no points for the biggest slam dunk on someone else in a comment thread. Consider if you would say the things you are writing to your next door neighbor, knowing that you’ll have to see them again every day for potentially years to come.

    What is the best way to get books/things to read for free/cheap?

    So im usally am stuck at home but ive never felt like rading but i also want to learn somethign new. i was thinking i should read a how to book or, (blank) for dummies but i do online school, i cant drive because im afraid and i tend to freak out when going somewhere becasue i have autism....

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    archive.org is a great resource, their stuff can be a bit older but is still very useful.

    @gyrfalcon@beehaw.org avatar

    That's wild! Would you mind sharing more about the process? My wife knits a lot so I know something like this would be really difficult with traditional color work but I'm not sure how you achieved it.

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