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I’m not too familiar with the ITS, but hearing the monumental work done during the 1960s and 70s surrounding operating systems is something I can’t fathom.

He really stands for so much in the philosophy surrounding FOSS… Ironically, if it weren’t for the Ted Talk on YouTube that I watched from him a year ago, I wouldn’t have known about his existence.

Hope he recovers, it’s different to see him without his signature long hair and beard :(


I want to get better at using TUIs and all the lot of lighter-weight software, but I’ve quite frankly been too stupid to learn it.

I downloaded Gentoo onto an old Chromebook with the Mr Chromebox script. Currently am trying to make it into a sandbox for me to learn more about how init systems, compilers, and other lower level OS details.

Other than reading the Wikis, are there any projects that you’d suggest to increase one’s ability in those realms? Thanks!


Are there any good resources to learn more about the vast tribes the North American continent was home to? I’ve always felt ignorant to the rich history and connection with the Earth that the tribes held and passed down.

Not sure about the accuracy of the top map, but it looks like that format could be a great educational opportunity.

On a lighthearted note, if you’re from the bay, give Café Ohlone a visit! I had the pleasure of meeting the two head chefs at an event where they cooked for the audience. They showed how candy cap mushrooms, acorn flour, and a duck egg could be incorporated into a brownie mix. I can’t speak for the actual restaurant, but it was delicious what they made :)


Right? I wish more people would consider the product life cycle analysis of what they want to purchase. Virtue signaling doesn’t help, and nor does more scrap ending up in a landfill at the end of the cradle to grave trip.

I’d love an E bike! It would be great to take the train into the city for me and use it to get around. I haven’t been able to afford insurance and still don’t have a driver’s license. It’d save me a killing and allow me to actually save my money than have it guzzled up by gas, car maintenance, and overall way less hassle for me. I’d rather not have to worry about features eventually getting pay walled by the shitfotainment system…


Still getting into programming and having a bit of trouble understanding what a “manifest” is. What does this technically entail? Are “manifests” implemented differently by PL or OS?


What a beautiful kitty! She looks precious melted into that big bean bag


I’d love it if they made a movie on Mel. The guy who coded a magnetic drum completely by hand.

He’d memorized a gazillion opcodes and tuned the drum to do better even before compilers had been implemented. He just didn’t trust them so he refused to use the compiler lol


Unfortunately I don’t think completely automating my resume is going to happen. It’s just a dream :( I’ve finally found something that got the attention of an employer though, so hopefully my job search will be over soon.

I’m still itching to do something with NLP/LLMs, but I’ll have to define the problem more rigorously rather than throw out nebulous desires. Thanks for the response!


I’ll check those out and see if I can get a good workflow going for it.

I wanted my first web project to be a static site since I really only need a blog at this point in time. The use case for my blog really would be to write about chemistry and chemical engineering stuff I think is cool. Having a worksheet repository for my students as well that they could access with some encryption so the access is restricted. I’d love to try the fancy stuff on websites, I just need to get the poison of “JavaScript is spyware” out of my head.

It’s pretty disorienting to figure out the “right” way of learning web development after the loads of slander I’ve seen in memes. Im sure youve seen the same about React, JavaScript, and something about “NodeJS”. I wasn’t really too aware of software other than doing calculations on data collected from DAQs. Any resources you’d recommend to check out?

I guess I should ask the question, what exactly is all the fuss about surrounding some of the frameworks? I definitely can see the argument about adding more layers of abstraction can obfuscate the underlying mechanisms of the codes thus increasing the amount of potential vulnerabilities. Particular companies and developers turning evil is also. But some of the rhetoric becomes “They’ll put a miner for your crypto” “They’ll siphon every facet of information about you”. The most bizarre I read was how to figure out the outline of 3D objects surrounding the user via the pattern in white noise detected by an interference pattern.

Histrionics aside, is there a good resource that I can read that dismisses common falsehoods that is generally reflective of what constitutes a " good" framework? Thanks for the help!

Did we kill Linux's killer feature?

A few years ago we were able to upgrade everything (OS and Apps) using a single command. I remember this was something we boasted about when talking to Windows and Mac fans. It was such an amazing feature. Something that users of proprietary systems hadn’t even heard about. We had this on desktops before things like Apple’s...


I’ve seen the term “hooks” used all the time and have always wondered what the need for them is. I was a Windows user my entire life since childhood and recently rectified that a couple months ago.

Unlearning the Windows paradigm of operating systems has been annoying. So many functional aspects of my machine abstracted away made me have to create an entirely new scaffold for learning technology…


Thanks for the explanation! I always wondered why would describe hooks so trivially. I’m still bleaching my brain of the Windows habits I developed from lifs-long usage.

I looked a little more into hooks, and am curious if a patch can kind of be like a hook? Where you create a config file that has symlinks to all the executables like you mentioned? Still a noob when it comes to software creation :D


The chemical process industry as well as undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum really needs to show that DWSIM exists as a FOSS alternative. ASPEN is a complete load of shit and is filled with tons of bloated features… It made it hard as hell to learn a software with a billion buttons on it whilst simultaneouslyadjusting to pedantic scientific vocabulary…

I didn’t even know vim existed or VScodium due to my undergraduate forcing anaconda on us. The instructors had no clue how to code and neither did the graduate students, so more FOSS options are definitely needed.

My Pixel 6 Pro commited suicide this week (

Woke up on Monday and my Pixel 6 Pro wasnt quite fitting in the case while i was checking news while having coffee on the morning. Pushed it in and it didnt seem to fit right. Took the case off to find it had turned itself into a spicy pillow and was splitting along the side. Was 1 month inside warranty, messaged support who...


Oh God, I have the exact same phone and now I’m hoping I don’t look up from sipping coffee to a ballooning backbone!


I recall hearing something about strain on one side of the battery increasing if you only recharge it wirelessly, but I’m not sure how correct that is. I’ve been hesitant to use a wireless charger for awhile because of that.

Have you found that phones in the past were getting clogged, scratched or mangled somehow from the cable insertion? I had a Samsung A50 lose its entire screen as it gradually turned purple over the course of 2 weeks. One morning the whole screen turned purple and then pixel death propagated like concentric circles in a lake while skipping rocks.

It was terrible. I lost my ability to log into my phone the usual way and ahve yet to recover the data on it. Got a Samsung S10 for a quick replacement which the screen broke on one drop… The Pixel has been great so far though. Hope you got a replacement. What are you using now?

LLM Inference for Legal Document Summarization?

Hey everyone, I’ve been parsing through the Huggingface website and am having a bit of trouble picking out an LLM inference to help me parse through legal documents. I am not a lawyer, but I would like to understand my rights and how to search for answers to legal questions with concrete answers using an inference....


Is there another archetype of Machine Learning technologies that would be better suited to the task of locating useful information enciphered in legalese? I know Lex Machina exists, but that’s more of a specialized software for someone in case law.

I don’t plan on using what the Agent tells me in a court of law, nor do I plan on using it to blindly form a legal opinion. I remember watching the Legal Eagle video about a lawyer who submitted a legal brief containing case law that didn’t even exist because GPT-4 hallucinated it! Sounds like a nightmarish scenario to find yourself losing your J.D. over it lol

LLM Inferences for Legal References?

Hey everyone, I’ve been searching for a bit on getting local LLM inference to process legal paperwork (I am not a lawyer, I just have trouble through large documents to figure out my rights). This would help me have conversations with my landlord and various other people who will withhold crucial information such as your...


Personally, I’d enjoy if the class had an aside about how the display graphics are used to render graphics in something like Groff vs. a desktop environment like GNOME or KDE.

Also, emphasize that your students could choose vim/neovim or emacs to edit text rather than nano.


Thank you for all the great suggestions! I’ve been slowly implementing a potpourri of the recommendations I’ve gotten across tech in my life so its been quite exhausting the past month trying to digest it all.

I love the pihole! I started using it about 3 weeks ago and its made my mobile browsing experience so much better. It was perfect to see all those terrible ads and popups that just make it distracting and impossible to read vanish into smome. Not to mention redirects and videos I didn’t want to play…

Just checked out Fennec and Droid-ify and is there a particular reason Droid-ify was written entirely in Kotlin? I only recall that Kotlin was named after the island near St. Petersburg, but that’s it… I only started using Arch Linux about 3 months ago as my daily driver and used Windows for 18 years prior. Been hard to unlearn a lot of habits instilled from undergrad from my shitty Python and MATLAB courses + decades of Windows usage.


Any advice on adjusting to a search engine like Searx or enhancing how to use DuckDuckGo since Fennec comes with it?

Is there a gospel-like resource on Search Engines and using particular query delimiters? Just been tough reading some of these documentation pages with legion jargon words


I’ll add my two cents as a Gen Z that realized he was way more tech illiterate than initially thought.

In my undergrad, I was tasked with running molecular simulation jobs on an HPC that I could only access through a terminal. The complete paradigm shift I experienced going from just a Windows user to Linux was shocking. Didn’t realize how little I knew about file system hierarchies, connecting devices, and seemingly unheard of concepts like mounting and partitioning drives. I didn’t know that Bash existed, what a shell even was, or literally anything with networks. Imagine going from using Word and thinking the terminal is terrifying to writing python scripts in Vim without really knowing how to program either.

Linux plus a de-Googled phone is where I’ve been at. After nuking Windows 11 from my laptop, I even saw that it got a decent amount faster. Using software that won’t have its UI drastically changed every year is nice.


This platform feels so much more real and what I remember the Internet used to be like. Whenever I go back to Reddit, it feels like the soul of the website was siphoned out when Steve Huffman decided to annihilate the platform


I’ve been thinking about trying Kbin. I’d love to see how the Linux and technology communities are over there. I can’t even visit Reddit anymore with how enshittified it became. It seems like there are so many more bots, the quality of the conversation has definitely dropped since the API pricing explosion.

I got red-pilled into F(L)OSS stuff when I read about what was being done to developers. I only had ever used the default proprietary app because I somehow didn’t know that alternatives existed. I guess my phone was just for memes and for mindless entertainment then I realized I needed to use SSH and a bash terminal. I might have attached a meme by accident. It is infinitely buffering so I think we’ll find out when I post this.


It’s happened to me as well… When I started talking more about Free Software and security, the advertisements on my phone all showed me cybersecurity software or services to “ensure my privacy”. It freaks me out too when Discord randomly opens and I get invited to some AR headset Discord server called “Kokomo”

Aruba, Jamaica, oh I know where I never want to take her now 😵‍💫


Awful!!! I remember using those junktops when I was in high school…

Made me realize I still have one lying around and I tried to put Linux on it, but they seem to only let you sandbox Linux in it…? Not able to enter BIOS supposedly due to the firmware is obnoxious. Is there any way to put coreboot on over the firmware or something?


Apologies for the long wait for a response. Been trying to get back to people.

I checked out the Chromebook I have and made a post on the Gentoo form, but don’t believe I’m able to do it for my particular model because of how I’m sandboxed in a subsystem of something. Could I DM you and we could chat more about sending Chrome OS to the shadow realm?


Sorry for the late response, I’ve been wading through my inbox to get back to most :)

That’s gotta be why they make it so damn hard to uninstall ChromeOS… I like that Linux is being popularized more, but I hear whispers from the F(L)OSS community in my head that Canonical and Microsoft are one in the same. Its a bit confusing some of the rhetoric surrounding certain companies and software other than the blatantly obvious like Microsoft or Google, but I’ll never quite understand programmer “martian”…

Have you worked on chrome books before and swapped the OS?


Awesome! I’ll send you a DM a bit later with some details about the Chromebook when I dig through the mountain of stuff in front of me. Appreciate the help :)


I’m going to look into FreeNAS and Unraid. I have 2 WD 2TB HDDs that are relatively new that I’ve needed to just pop into the switch connected to my router. The whole networking scene has been a bit overwhelming having had so much of my foundational computer knowledge shifted I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I want the router set up in a different room so I can make more stuff with Ethernet possible rather than connecting wirelessly.

How does a docker container get lost? Does it have something to do with the “contiguity” of theway the block devices partition data? Does it get separated from the other blocks physically? Or is it just a software error and I’m over thinking it? Thanks for the advice!


So now that I’m a little farther along in my tech adventures, I’ve found myself staring at the two 2TB WD 6Gbps HDDs that I got from Best Buy awhile back. I didn’t know if I needed to buy a chassis for them (I probably do, I’ll do some more research, just been trying to get back to a mountain of comments) I’m just not really sure what else I’d be using a NAS for besides streaming movies and accessing my work projects from a Dropbox-esque in-home solution


I’ll have to get one of those 12 or 14TB harddrives in the future so I can actually have a proper NAS. Is TrueNAS what FreeNAS is now? I see their parent company is iXSystems. I’ve heard stuff about different file systems like “ZFS” and all these other fancy 3 letter acronyms. The last time I bought software was many years ago, so would you suggest paying for their OS? Thanks for the advice, now I just need to get a better job to actually afford the toys :(


I’ve been wading through the past 2 months of messages because I was far too incompetent at systems management (and hardware) to even pose the question correctly.

Ideally, I’d like my NAS to have a VLAN’d off way of sectioning my security camera footage and my website so I don’t get locked out of it somehow. I heard that I need to somehow create a topology that involves a WAP, Switch, the physical chassis with the NAS in it, and the actual modem/router into the wall. I want to have a streaming server for music/video, a Hugo website, an email server, and a file system where I can store projects just in case I need to access them somewhere other than my home.

I’ve also heard others suggest some of the larger drives for the RAID array, and I’ve seen various things suggested such as Thomas Krenn’s “mdraid”, which requires a “Hardware RAID controller” which makes me wonder what this thing actually is. I need to do more research into it, but I’m just a little stumped on how the drives fit together (physically and logically). Thanks for the help!


Yikes! I’m going to have to watch out for that. I don’t know if I can just jerry-rig together some HDDs into one of the RAID X configurations, but I think I want to get some that are quite a bit larger than 2TB given the amount of things I’d like to do with my NAS (File server, email server, personal website, etc). I’ll do some more research, thanks for the help!


To what extent could companies wreck my freedom in cars even more? I have heard of heated seats being pay walled, despite the technology to heat the seat being installed in the factory… Computer controlled locking systems where if my key fob breaks I can’t get into my car, or worse, the electronic control system fails and I’m up shit creek without a paddle.

As to education, how can I even learn to repair something like that? My ignorance makes me think soldering may be useful, but how can an individual have greater control on the freedom to repair and own their automobile. The generality of my question lays in my ignorance to the inner workings of most cars.


Oh man… I grew up poor and couldn’t imagine my car’s daily functions spontaneously malfunctioning due to a stupid code you can’t control (reliably) as an end user. Having never had money to throw at solutions , I can’t imagine how horrible equity will be as time progresses with knowledge and understanding of these things.

I’ll check out Mazdas! I’m in the market for a new car, but really anything that just is a “dumb” car. I don’t want the infotainment crap and paywalled everything, just let me repair my vehicle so I can afford to live :D


I got an OBD-II device for reading and clearing codes and at least I can snatch them from my vehicle. I haven’t heard of the dongle before, does it connect to the infotainment system and then allow you access to the underlying file system? I don’t want to brick anything doing that lol


Welcome to the platform! Unfortunately, Reddit isn’t what it used to be, but we definitely can reignite the community that we all so fondly remember. Already loving it here and how friendly everyone has been :)

Linux for the Airheaded Layman?

I have tried to learn Linux for ages, and have experimented with installing Arch and Ubuntu. Usually something goes wrong when I try to set up a desktop environment after installing Arch in VirtualBox. KDE gave me a problem where I couldn't log in after getting to the point where my username was displayed in a similar format to...


Downloading the ISO right now! I think that was routinely the case where I was "installing" Arch nearly every other day. I'll update how it goes once I get it up and running. Thanks for the suggestion :)


I’d give it a try! It has been quite fun to have a Linux system and to finally feel more comfortable with the Unix-like way of using a computer. It has greatly simplified a lot of things I needed to do when I was in uni, such as uploading and processing data from a DAC as well as the simplified way of managing packages and CLI workflows. I never knew how many times the task just needed a solution with a Regex in it, but it takes one awhile to learn it.

It feels weird to go from being a lifelong Windows user to using Linux. Unfortunately, I chose Arch to be the distribution I’d struggle with because I was too stubborn to give up. Now that I’m a little more comfortable with systems, I’ve been hopping around tinkering in different virtual machines. It took quite some time before I felt I got fluid enough with the CLI, but it makes everything feel like a text adventure game! It’s so nice to be more comfortable with Vim when I need to do systems work, access servers remotely via SSH, or navigate the system more easily. I never thought you could agnostically open files, so that was nice to learn. It’s impressive the beast of programming problems that needed to be solved before one could have a seamless in-home system. I can’t imagine shuffling magnetic tape through a dinosaur, or the hoops you’d have to jump through and technical knowledge to use a PDP-10 or older computer. Lots of respect for the gurus who can speak in tongues for those machines :) Thanks for the advice, never knew immutable OSs were a thing.

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