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Then again, cookie auth is vulnerable to CSRF. Pick your poison.

Although CSRF protection just adds a minor inconvenience, while there is never a guarantee your code is XSS vulnerability free.


how much effort will pirates put into ripping video this way

I have yet to find a video that was DRMd and couldn’t be found on high seas. The DRM is more inconvenient for the user who paid for the content than the actual pirate. It got to this point that I pay for Netflix and watch on pirate sites, because I don’t have to use a special browser on special os just to watch 1080p. Like what in the fuck?


Framework has multiple config files, allowing you to customize almost every aspect of it.

Nooo, this is too much config files, they take up too much space in my project tree.

Framework is a monolith with a single file to configure it.

Nooo, the file is unreadable and developing extensions for it is annoying.

Framework is minimal

Nooo, it doesn’t have any useful built-in features.

Framework is a complete solution without too many things to configure.

Nooo, it doesn’t allow me to do what I want.


Java used to lack many features to make the stuff you wanted it to do, so most Java programmers adapted design patterns to solve these problems.

Honestly, older versions of Java are utter garbage DX. The only reason it got so popular was because of aggressive enterprise marketing and it worked. How can a language lack such an essential feature as default parameters?

So, anyway after the great hype Java lost its marketshare, and developers were forced to learn another technologies. And of course, instead of looking for language-native way of solving problems, they just used same design patterns.

And thus MoveAdapterStrategyFactoryFactories were in places where simple lambda function would do the same thing, just not abstracted away three layers above. Obviously used once in the entire codebase.

Imo the only really good thing about Java was JVM, while it was not perfect, it actually delivered what it promised.


Reminds me of that one episode on House M.D. where he performed an operation on himself in the bathroom.


The fact is there is no evidence for existance of God Flying Spaghetti Monster. But also there is no evidence that disproves the existence of God Flying Spaghetti Monster.

See how that doesn’t make sense?


Or - you know - for consistency? In physics kilo, mega etc. are always 10^(3n), but then for some bizarre reason, unit of information uses the same prefixes, but as 2^(10n).


Real time RT really is meh, but I like what they’re doing in CS2. Prebaked Global Illumination looks freaking fantastic.


I might be wrong, but even for games like Cyberpunk 2077 there is a finite set of world states that define lighting conditions (time of day weather etc.).

So prebaking lighting information for all these combinations and then figuring out a way to create transitions between them would maybe not be the perfect representation, but best of both worlds.

However, given how fast RayTracing improves hardware-wise, in my opinion it would make no sense to even consider researching and developing a solution of that kind.


Totally agree on that. When the first generation RTX cards launched, I was pretty sure that it was just going to be another gimmick like PhysX, but today, it’s an inevitable future.


Rclone can mount remotes to your local filesystem. mkdir -p $HOME/mymount && rclone mount dropbox:/ $HOME/mymount, and now you can use mymount, as any regular directory.


Yeah I don’t get why it spits out whole types instead of only differences between them. Like “function expects non-null ‘’ of type ‘string’ in argument ‘someArgument’, which is missing in passed argument”.


Don’t get swayed specifically by critics. I swear most critics in the film and video game industry have the weirdest takes ever, while they should represent an average joe. There have been many movies which have been obliterated by critics, which have been quite popular and fun, as well as many awful movies, which have been praised by critics.


I think ARM is their end goal, it’s really the only option for a handheld console, as today ARM is the only way you’ll get enough performance/power rate to make it both good on battery with good enough performance.

Win-win for everyone if they invest in an open source x86 to ARM project, similar like they did with Wine.


If you’re a beginner:

I almost gave up programming once, I thought I was too stupid.

Then I learned Linux and figured out starting out in IDEs as a beginner is the worst thing you can do. It doesn’t teach you anything, it just lets you get the job done - the thing that you should avoid while learning.

If you can’t build your software with only CLI - you probably have no idea how technology you’re programming in works.

If you are intermediate:

Reinventing the wheel is a great way to learn how libraries you’re using actually work.


Um… what?

If you drive a car, your car needs a license plate. That plate is tied to you. If you commit a crime you’re likely to get reported. Also you can be randomly stopped by police and they will check if you have a driver’s license.

For firearms, as far as I’m concerned, the ammunition has some sort of serial number, which in case of committing a crime, would allow the police to track you by contacting people who sold it to you.

With printer, how then fuck is it going to change anything? Not to mention you can actually quite easily build it yourself.


The language itself is not that bad. Especially the newest releases are really great, thought out DX improvements. What stinks are its legacy parts and how it needs to be run.

My biggest pain is that for it to actually behave like it should it requires some sort of an actual web server like apache or nginx.

Also, servers written in are actually request handlers - every time a request comes, the whole app is reinitialized, because it just can’t hold its state in memory. In many apps every request means reinitializing connection with database. If you want to keep some state, you have to use some caching mechanism like redis or memcached.

Also had one time when Symfony app was crashing, because someone forgot to close class braces, and everything was “working” until some part of code didn’t like it and was just dying without any error.

And one time when someone put two endlines after php closing tag at the end of the file, confusing the entire php interpreter into skipping some lines of code - also without warning, and only in specific php version.


Why do you need Windows VM for developing GUI apps? Last time I used Visual Studio to make GUI app I almost gave up programming, because of how code-generation dependent it was.

For C# you have AvaloniaUI. For cpp you have countless multi-platform GUI toolkits, same for rust, Java has its own toolkits (multi-platform), and finally you can make an Electron/Tauri app.


The way for your desktop to communicate with the hardware.

It used to be X11 - A server-client architecture, which meant your desktop was effectively just a client that told the server what to do. The server was the one doing the drawing

Wayland is just a protocol, defining how programs and desktop should communicate with each other - without a middleman that was X11 server. The desktop does the actual drawing here.


The main argument to use password managers to prevent password leaks to all of your services (that you use with the same login/email). You can’t trust any service to store your password securely, therefore you should use different ones everywhere.

Using a password manager gives you the convenience of using one, strong password that’s being used very securely, and mitigating risk of password leaks spreading further.

If you abstract it that way, it by no means eliminates the risk of someone breaking into your database, but makes it harder and from a single entry point, instead of any service that uses your password.

Plus many of those password managers give you an option to use YubiKey for additional security.

Oh and also you won’t ever need to press “forgot password” ever again due to the arbitrary requirements that your password doesn’t pass, so you modify it slightly so it would.


You just need to realize that Adobe doesn’t release their stuff on Linux, not because it doesn’t allow them to, but Linux desktop market share is too small.

It’s a chicken and egg problem. Once Adobe would release their stuff, magically there would be a massive movement to improve HDR support, color accuracy etc.

And you need to realize Microsoft achieved such a giant market share thanks to illegal monopolistic practices in 90s, that still have huge impacts today.


Honestly, if you work in a shell a lot, learning vim is a great investment. You’re gonna fly through files editing them faster than with any IDE.


The correct way of implementing chromatic aberration would be like the one on the “corrected” side. There is still some, but it really is subtle.

Anyway, I don’t think games are a good target for chromatic aberration. It’s really meant for photorealistic scenes, mainly photorealistic renders, that give a sort of uncanny valley effect without it.

But once again - it looks stupid if your scene is not photo-realistic in the first place.


Ok, if I remember correctly, YouTube barely generates, but generates nonetheless revenue for Google. There are many ways to make more money without fucking over its users by cutting costs:

  • downgrade old videos with small watch count to 720p30
  • make people pay for hosting >1080p60 content
  • do not allow private/unlisted videos
  • straight up remove 10h looped videos - they take so much space, but are technically spam - both for bandwidth and storage

And my go-to solution: focus on sponsorships as main source of revenue. They are the only ads I can tolerate and are actually effective from my experience. YouTube can just take a cut from every sponsorship on YouTube video and everyone will be happy.


Brave behaving like Win XP era browser with gazillion toolbars installed, with a pinch of crypto and crypto promoting ads should be a giant red flag.

FOSS =/= trusted by default. Why are there so many FOSS evangelists, but such a damn tiny part of them are programmers, let alone programmers able to examine a source code behind such a giant codebase as web browser?

I use Vivaldi, at least their business model is clear, and developer is kind of trusted, and not crypto scammer and homophobe.

gornius, (edited )
  1. Chromium has tons of eyes on it, because it’s codebase for many other projects, such as Electron and any chromium based browser.
  2. Web integrity wasn’t discovered through chromium source code, but it was openly proposed by Google on separate Github repo, dedicated solely for that proposal.
  3. There are many shortcuts in your thinking that just the code being open makes it trustworthy. Every PowerShell malware technically has its code open, because it’s a script. But you wouldn’t open a random script from the internet, without checking what it does, yet you don’t apply the same logic to Brave. If you don’t check the source code yourself, you either need to trust an author, or third parties that “checked” the code.
  4. In addition to that, you’re probably using compiled binary, which means at this point you can throw that source code out from window, because at this point you can’t be sure compiled binary == source code.
  5. Due to the enormous amount of code, it’s really easy to obfuscate malicious behavior. At the scale of the browser it’s more efficient tracking outbound packets that program sends than examine source code.

The way I use it is ‘undefined’ is literally undefined (not set), but null means no value - explicitly.


Simple fails when complex problem arrives. Declarative approach of systemd daemons allows for more versatile solutions in unified format.


Not only OS - written using 3D APIs closed source available only for your OS.


Seems like CPU-intensive game, so it makes sense.


“I’ve never had covid, so it doesn’t exist” vibes.


Have an actual sane developer experience? There is a reason why almost every developer that uses Windows actually uses WSL.

Windows pc calling home (even while asleep) (

I have a network-wide pi hole and I noticed that it requested, a url blocked by my pi hole, even while my pc is suspended. I pinged and it is currently unreachable. So, somehow, windows pc’s turn on networking, phones home, and turns off even while suspended....


Holy crap. What are you going to do with these 2 seconds saved?


95%? More like 99.999%, considering how many Wordpress sites are there.

And in many of these 0.001% cases, simple horizontal scaling would do the trick.

And if you need more than that, just use something that can work on the edge.


I actually had to refactor configuration module some time ago. These really came in handy. But was it worth it? Well… it saved some time, the time that could be used to debug problems manually, but it made me a lot more confident that the functionality that worked before, worked after.

What open source programs do you recommend for Windows? (Windows exclusive or not)

I am and all my life have been a Linux user, I have nothing against Windows or MacOS, I just like Linux, and lately I have been experimenting with Windows in a virtual machine and I don’t really know much open source software there apart from the one that is cross-platform like Firefox or Joplin....


although I’m not a TWM user I like to just press super and type the first letters of the program I’m looking for to open it.

It will never stop to amaze me how many people don’t know it’s a feature in every major DE and every Windows starting from Vista.

Even on Windows 10/11, just tap windows key and start typing without clicking anywhere.

My list of FOSS I use everywhere (these work in Win and Linux):

  • Open Tablet Driver - if you’ve got the drawing tablet it probably supports it. You can customize everything and has even built-in plugin manager.
  • Krita - GIMP alternative with non-destructive editing capabilities.
  • yt-dlp - download videos from almost any video sharing service, even TikTok, Instagram etc.
  • neovim - for quick file edits
  • vscode/vscodium with vim plugin - my IDE for everything
  • ffmpeg - forget handbrake - you can do even basic video editing here. Join two videos together? Done. Add audio to video? Done. Crop part of the video without reencoding it? Done. Loop a video to 10 hours without reencoding it? Done in matters of seconds.
  • kdenlive - an actual video editor that is 100% FOSS, doesn’t suck and works on Windows and Linux.
  • imagemagick - ffmpeg for images

I used to, but I need to get my job done, not play with configuring it for hours just to achieve what VSCode does out of the box. Plus settings sync is great.


Funny you mention Safari, because you know, Safari is the only browser allowed on iOS. Every other browser has to use Safari to render web pages if they want to be in App Store - once again the only allowed source of packages.

Safari on iOS is literally worse than IE and Chrome combined.


Why you shouldn’t develop production grade software for Windows part 25.


Actually “natural” gets a pass from me. It doesn’t feel right just because we got used to the opposite.

Imagine a paper scroll on rolls. If you slide the top of the roll upwards - the paper goes up, and you can see more bottom content. The exact opposite happens when you scroll the mouse wheel with default config.


Nah. Nvidia is still Nvidia, but 2 years ago or so they finally gave up and started supporting GBM and even opened part of their driver stack.

Some things, like hardware encoder are even easier to set up than AMD’s counterpart. (Mainly because Nvidia proprietary driver being supported better than AMD’s proprietary driver)


I specifically have a rule that if at the current abstraction layer, a step is more than one function call/assignment - I’m creating another function for that.


I disagree (mostly). What’s the difference between library and language built-in? PHP and C++ has a ton of built-ins. It doesn’t make it less complex than using library.

Problems that look simple at the first glance are in most cases are complex with too many edge cases.

I think I have never written a single utility function that had no non-obvious bug, and imagine that in more complex problems

Not to mention in many cases any function you write is possibly dangerous.

Just take a look how many things you have to consider when checking for odd number in JS:

And of course most of that can be fixed be using strongly typed language.


No, any documentation >>> GUI. GUI relies on your previous experience with similar environments. Just jump into a GUI of Visual Studio (not code) project configuration and see for yourself.


As a 1998 who had access to the internet during its wildest peak with no parental control at all (had internet since I was 10 years old), I do not agree with ANY parental control. Your kid is going to stumble upon these topics anyway, sooner or later, internet or real life.

Instead of preventing it - monitor it, and make sure you discuss it with them. Some years from now on, you will lose whole control over them, and then they won’t be easily persuaded.

Censorship creates people that are easily manipulated - no matter what your intentions are.


The times just before social media. Internet was just modern enough to serve memes to thousands of users, yet it wasn’t treated as serious as now. It was literally wild west of digital world.


It brings up actual issues of today’s world of men and women - in kind of metaphorical but not really way.

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