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Pretty big claim that China, who seem pretty neutral on this conflict, are actually the puppet masters behind it. Even weirder since you’re basically accusing them of arming both sides. Why would they do that? Where’s the evidence for any of it?


This China-backed Wa State Army seems to be staying neutral in this conflict though?


That a China-backed militia is staying out of the conflict seems to me like it actually confirms that China wants to be neutral. And since you tried to pass this off as some sort of evidence for your claim that China is arming both sides, which it clearly isn’t, while not mentioning they are on neither side, makes me think you’re just trying to bullshit me.

(DE) "Ampel will Schuldenbremse wieder einhalten" - m.M.n. eine unfassbar schlechte Entscheidung ( German

An alle die gedacht haben, dass wir jetzt auf dem Weg sind unseren politischen Diskurs auf einen zukunftsorientierten Weg zu setzen: Sike… Schuldenbremse wird nicht ausgesetzt, einzige Steuererhöhung die kommt ist das anheben der CO2 bepreisung ohne das Klimageld einzuführen und der Rest der Lücke wird über dumme...


Bei sozialen Standards sind laut Finanzminister Lindner keine Reduzierung geben. […] Dennoch erreiche man durch mehr Treffsicherheit bei Sozialleistungen eine Einsparung von 1,5 Milliarden Euro.

Wer’s glaubt wird selig. “Durch positives Denken werden wir Arbeitsplätze herbeizaubern. Auf keinen Fall haben wir die Sozialkürzungen auf nächstes Jahr verschoben, wenn wir leider gezwungen sind, wegen einem 1,5-Milliarden-Loch doch noch zu kürzen.”


It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Germans still are racist, genocide-supporting pieces-of-shit, particularly if you know what a joke denazification was. I should know, I grew up here.

The whole society is antisemitic, which is why they support Israel: The crypto-fascists can pretend not to be antisemitic by getting the all-clear by the “official” Jewish representative on earth, Israel, while at the same time secretly celebrating the fact that many Jews would rather go to Israel than return to Germany.

The rest, which like to think of themselves as not racist, have developed a fetish towards Jews and Israel. A kind of “positive” racism, in which Jews (assumed to be one and the same as Israel) are not held to the same standard as everybody else. They should be allowed to ethnically cleanse and have an apartheid-ethnostate because of how extra fragile they are. In a German’s mind, all Jews are Zionists, they all deserve to steal land from Palestinians, and anyone who objects to this is clearly antisemitic, since that’s basically what present-day Judaism is all about. They’re not only playing into the hands of old-school antisemitism by insinuating that all Jews are, in fact, responsible for the horrific crimes of Israel: they’re painting a total caricature of Jews and Judaism at the same time. They are, therefore, racists.

And then, of course, there’s a the other racism: Islamophobia. Hating on Muslims is a perfectly normalized and widespread, even among “lefty” liberals. And to a German, a Palestinian is just another kind of Muslim, really.


The easiest way to project this outward to the public is to support the only state founded upon Jewish tradition, in comparison to the plethora of Christian or Islamic tradition ones.

Well I guess that justifies the ethnic cleansing then, since it’s for the high-minded goal of creating an ethnostate for Jews. Who could object to that? Are Jews special in your mind to deserve an ethnostate? What about all the other historically oppressed groups? Maybe we should support creating ethnostates for them as well? And ethnically cleanse all the people currently living there?


This is a fact. They pretend Germany is “importing antisemitism”, as if that needs importing. And somehow, someone that comes here, fleeing a genocide committed by Zionists, is clearly the real antisemite when they complain about it, because apparently no one could object to this treatment unless they hate Jews for no reason.


Oho, is that so? Have you looked at literally any comment section anywhere in the German-speaking internet (and I’m not just talking about conservative newspapers): There’s a ton of shit that goes unmoderated and barely pushed back on, about how Islam is a barbaric religion, they’re backwards culture is just incompatible with “our enlightenment values”, they should assimilate or get out, and so on. People speak like this real life too, I’m like bio-German and people will say shit like that to me, and except me to agree with them. They’re very surprised when they get pushback. Some quite openly, others sort of couched in some way so as not to appear too racist.

And that Germans have a super weird complex about Jews is 100% true. They’re like a prop they get out whenever it’s convenient, usually to make themselves look humble and reformed. Meanwhile, literally every politician is constantly proclaiming unconditional support for Israel as a “Jewish state”, that has a “right to exist” and “right to defend itself”, which actually means (though that’s not usually spelled out explicitly) to have a Jewish ethnostate, to not let Palestinians return from the areas they were ethnically cleansed from, and to slaughter Palestinians for daring to fight back against what is actually an attack, and not in any way “defense”. To deny any rights of Palestinians basically.


Depends on the reason they support Israel, I guess. If, like in Germany, it’s justified because Jews are some special kind of people unlike others, that need a separate country just for themselves, because it’s supposedly impossible for them to live safely in our society. That shit is some twisted form of antisemitism.


Klitschko, the mayor of Kyiv, is saying this in an interview with German mainstream outlet Der Spiegel, and this is here reported by Ukrainian newspaper Kyiv Independent. Your assessment: Russian propaganda.


do you view Russia as a liberal democratic state? I’m sorry but are you out of your mind? And surely they are not led by ordinary people but by a class of oligarchs

All liberal “democratic” states are ruled by a class of oligarchs/capitalists, and not by ordinary people. Why are you citing evidence that’s perfectly compatible with a liberal “democracy” as if it was somehow at odds with it?

Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza? (

JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of surgery at Gaza’s largest and most advanced hospital held up his phone Saturday to the hammering of gunfire and artillery shelling. “Listen,” said Dr. Marwan Abu Sada as fighting raged around Shifa Hospital.


No cost is too great

Eat shit.


Wouldn’t have made a difference to the outcome of the war anyway. And if they hadn’t sent those heavy weapons, Ukraine might have not attempted their disastrous counter-offensive, and all those fallen soldiers might still be alive.

Great job, Western powers: Block peace talks and send weapons so that the war lasts probably two years the longer than necessary, hundreds of thousands additional dead, a shit-ton of destroyed infrastructure, large swaths of farmland mined and littered with unexploded ordinance, and worse negotiating position for Ukraine. Some strategic geniuses at work there.


The US is now pushing Ukraine to negotiate and make concessions. I guess the US admin doesn’t actually believe that Putler “will not stop until dead”, or they wouldn’t do that, would they? Maybe they were just saying that to get people like you on board with their escalations.


There are so many differences between Nazi Germany and present-day Russia, between Putin and Hitler, and between this war and WW2. It’s a great rhetoric tool for shutting down discussion though.

No matter how badly the war goes, no matter what the actual things that Russia says they want, no matter that Ukraine is destroyed and hundreds of thousands soldiers dead: They have to keep on fighting. Can’t negotiate with Hitler! Can’t trust anything they say! Have to keep on fighting until Putin is no more or everyone is dead, because, you know, HiTLeR!! Hitler is coming to kill us all and we need to fight to the death!

No need for analysis, no need for evidence. HITLER! Argument over.


Let’s look at some hallmarks of the Nazi regime and compare this to Russia, shall we?

Ethnonationalism? Russian nationalism is multi-ethnic, quite unlike Nazi ideology. The state-promoted Ukrainian Banderites, on the other hand, love to go on about the difference between white Europeans and “asiatic” Russian orcs.

Brownshirts? United Russia does not have a bunch of SA-like street thugs. But in Ukraine I’ve seen pictures of Right Sector & co that look exactly like that.

Anti-communism? Most types of communists are tolerated in Russia to some degree. Ukraine, on the other hand, has outlawed all left-wing parties and criminalized communist symbols.

War as a first resort? Putin was in power for 20 years before he started this alleged master plan of conquering half of Europe. Hitler always wanted to go to war, he wrote that shit down even before he came to power. Putin spent until 2008 trying to get along, then started pleading for Russian security interests to please please please not be ignored. In 2014 he signed the Minsk agreements, even though it would almost certainly have been easier for Russia to roll over Ukraine right then and there. In 2022 immediately started peace negotiations after invading. Clearly didn’t even bring enough troops for a proper war. So no, war was clearly not plan A here.

Genocidal SS death squads trailing the front line and murdering whole villages? Hmm, no. In fact, the amount of civilians killed in Ukraine since Feb 2022 is pretty low for how much fighting is going on. Israel already killed more civilians in 4 weeks. The US invasion of Iraq was a lot worse, by comparison. This doesn’t even come close to the organized mass murder of the Nazis.

gnuhaut, (edited )

In your other comments you did specifically mention Hitler and Nazis, now you’re “ok ok not Nazis more like some other fascist”. Goal-post shifting much? Your logic was basically “Hitler won’t stop and wants to conquer”, but not every fascist set out for world conquest. Even if you conceded this is some kind of fascism, you need to actually analyze what the Russian goals actually are. Just going “that’s just what fascists do” is not enough.

Btw I have heard all this stuff about Ilyin and Dugin or whatever before. This seems like pretty weak sauce to me, I’m sure you can find some influential fascist-ish writer or another in pretty much any liberal’s bookshelf, especially a politician’s. I suggest you try to play your game of “find the fascist influence” with Britain, or France, or the US.

The fact that you then dismiss state-funded and state-promoted Azov as “there are neo-Nazis in all countries” kinda makes it clear you don’t really care about fascism, because no one who looks at this thinks this normal in any way, even for liberals. They declared Bandera a national hero in parliament already in 2010 or so, and that was before they outlawed all the left-wing parties. They put up statues and named streets after these people everywhere. Zelensky himself has done a bunch of photo ops with the Azovs (he even suprise-broadcast Azovs directly into the Greek parliament – they were not happy). They took in full-throated Russian Neo-Nazis that had fled persecution, gave them a bunch Bradleys and other weapons, and told them to raid across the border in the north. The Ukrainian propaganda then celebrated this is as some massive win for all the world to see, and they do this shit in their propaganda all the time. Open fascist propaganda combined with massive repression of leftists.

But according to you, that’s totally normal and not fascism, but I guess Putin might be influenced by some writer, and, to get back on point, that’s why he’s Hitler and you can’t reason with him and we need to fight to the deeeaaath!

You know what actually reminds me of Hitler? It’s this fucking death cult of fighting to the bitter end.


I always referred to Putin as fascist, not Nazi.


And let the Nazis recoup and build up forces… just like allowing Putin to do so when he had asked for a ceasefire before.

Putin could have stopped […]. But like Hitler, he wanted more

You compared Putin to Hitler and the Nazis, and explicitly drew your conclusions from this comparison. Maybe don’t draw conclusions if the analogy is bad? But you did that not because it’s a good analogy, but because it’s a neat shortcut for dismissing any call for diplomacy without having to make a coherent argument.

The fact that you then dismiss state-funded and state-promoted Azov as “there are neo-Nazis in all countries” kinda makes it clear you don’t really care about fascism

Putin himself have used neo-Nazi groups to his own benefit. There are plenty of those groups linked to Kremlin, nevermind Putin cosying with and funding far-right political parties.

That’s not a response to my point about you downplaying fascism in Ukraine. Funding far-right groups in other countries is something liberals do all the time, just look at all the far-right parties, regimes and insurgents the US has supported over the years. But you’re claiming the US isn’t fascist, so you have to extend the same leeway to Russia here. Liberals support and work with fascists all the time.

What is exceptional is how Ukraine very openly supports and glorifies Azov “heroes”, promotes fascist Banderite ideology, and criminalizes all left-wing parties and orgs. This is actually pretty weird for a liberal democracy, and you are pretending this is totally normal. Since you’re not at all concerned about this, I conclude you’re not opposed to fascism, you’re just opposed to Russia. You used fascism (well, Nazis before you backtracked) as a shortcut argument for why Russia can’t be talked to, without being able to substantiate what exactly is uniquely fascists about Russia (apart from I guess Ilyin, which you very well know nobody’s going to read in order to find out, so that’s more of a “trust me it’s fascist and trust me Putin loves that shit”). And btw, I’m not going to watch a Kraut video, from what I gather he’s a dipshit and I don’t want to.

Even if we, for the sake of argument, pretend like Russia is fascist, it doesn’t follow that they want to conquer Europe, will never stop, can’t be reasoned with, will commit genocide if not stopped, or whatever. That’s actually part of your Hitler analogy, and I already went over why that one is bad.

Even if that’s the case, you don’t invade another country. No one is saying to invade Saudi Arabia to “de-Wahabbisised” the country for radicalising Muslims across the world. Funny that Russian apologists ignore those analogies, don’t they? I’m sure you’ll ignore this as well.

I never even fucking argued that Putin is fighting this war because he wants to denazify Ukraine, since I don’t believe this. I’m pointing out this: You’re making the argument that Putin must be opposed at all costs because he is a fascist in bad faith, since you downplay and excuse the very obvious fascism that infests the Ukrainian state, which you support. That fascism is a lot more obvious to me than the alleged Russian one.


Some of the far-right like Israel for stupid reasons:

  • It’s an example of the sort of ethno-nationalist supremacy they want to implement at home.
  • Some in the far-right have embraced this idea that various ethnic groups should not mix, but they can have their own countries/regions (“ethnopluralism”).
  • They want to get rid of Jews from their home countries, so they like the idea of them leaving and going to Israel.
  • They hate Muslims even more than Jews.

“They can’t do that! You can’t negotiate with Hitler, remember? That’s appeasement!”

“Who are they to tell Ukraine anything! It’s a sovereign country! By telling them to negotiate they’re basically helping Putin! Fuck those pro-Russian traitors!”

“Ukraine’s negotiation position is weak now, they will be in a much better position after the upcoming spring offensive!”


Biden said something like: “If there was no Israel, we’d have to invent it.”

The US loves having a highly militarized, violent, totally amoral and 100% US-dependent proxy next to all those oil fields. The last thing the US wants is peace in the middle east. This is just divide-and-conquer 101.


Das hat im Kern nicht so viel mit Religion zu tun. Religion ist sekundär.

Der Zionismus kommt ursprünglich aus der säkularen Ecke, und ist ein koloniales Siedlungsprojekt vergleichbar mit der Besiedlung Nordamerikas. Für die Palästinenser, die auf dem Siedlungsgebiet lebten bzw. noch leben, wurden und werden systematisch vertrieben und diskriminiert, da sie nicht zur Vorstellung eines exklusiv jüdischen Ethnostaates passen. Dabei werden Juden nicht religiös definiert, sondern als Volk.

Im palästinensischen Widerstand spielten Islamisten vor ein paar Jahrzehnten noch keine große Rolle. Die Gruppen waren eher links und/oder nationalistisch, beeinflusst durch anti-kolonialistische Theorien z.B. von Marxisten. Die Islamisten wie z.B. die Hamas sind quasi eine Antwort auf das Scheitern dieser Gruppen (die im übrigen ebenfalls Zivilisten getötet und Geiseln genommen haben). Der Islamismus hat dabei den Vorteil, dass der Islam dort eine lange Tradition hat und es in den Köpfen der Leute viele Möglichkeiten gibt, daran anzuknüpfen. Mit Marxismus können weite Teile der Bevölkerung eher nicht so viel anfangen, weil das für die neu ist. Außerdem wurden Kommunisten usw. im kalten Krieg vom Westen deutlich stärker bekämpft als Islamisten. Tatsächlich wurde Islamismus sogar oft gefördert.


UN says Gaza Health Ministry death tolls in previous wars ‘credible’:

The Health Ministry, which utilises data from morgues and hospitals to reach its figures, released a 212-page document on Thursday with names and identity numbers of those killed.

Israel says they dropped 6000 bombs in the first 6 days (that was two weeks ago) on one of the most densely populated areas in the world, on people that are not allowed to leave. They said the “emphasis is on damage, not accuracy”.

Here’s the latest update from the UN human rights commissioner were they again allege Israel bombing civilian buildings.

Pretty much everything that’s coming out of there from civilians themselves, from journalists, the UN and even Israel paints a pretty clear picture of the IDF dropping thousands of bombs on civilians. But I guess you’d rather pretend that there’s some uncertainty and doubt about this.


The business press often has better grasp on reality, because the managers and capitalists that read it actually care about getting correct information for investment purposes. Dismissing all pro-capitalist publications out of hand is not very wise. You can read them critically, you know.


You think state actors are targeting lemmy? That seems like an incredibly bad investment. Do you think the troll farms boss would be happy with me posting on here instead of facebook or twitter?

It’s actually far more likely that your opinion (including this hot take right here) has been formed by many an organization or rich dude throwing money at promoting their views in both traditional media and social media. Of course this place here seems out of place to you, you’re the one that has taken the propaganda at face value.


China is exertng their economic power in Africa nation building all the time.

Exerting? How? Are they threatening sanctions like the US? Are they forcing “structural reforms” on them like the IMF?

Their nuclear arms stockpile is fastest growing.

Says who? Last time I checked the US stockpile is more than 10x larger still.

China make a habit of stealing IP so much […]

Does this comment have a point or are you just collecting random brainworms?


The roofs of pretty much all the cars are dented inwards. If you search for images of burned out cars, you can see that fire doesn’t usually cause dented-in roofs. This means the center of the explosion was above the cars, in the air, and was probably much bigger than the small crater would indicate.


“Both sides”…/israeli-palestinian-conflict-96-of-d…

However, recent data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) shows that since 2005, 96% of deaths have been Palestinian.

Every time the oppressed fight back, libs immediately start to create a false equivalence with the oppressors.


Greens now to the right Merkel on this. I’m making the Green-voting libs among my friends and family uncomfortable by pointing this out. The Greens have dropped every issue they ever pretended to care about. Main reason I hear for why people still want to vote for them is lesser-evil-ism or because they feel protective of them against far-right rhetoric. No matter that the Greens are also a nationalist, neoliberal, racist, imperialist, militarist, green-washed ghouls. Main difference between them and straight up conservatives is in rhetoric: the Greens will cry and moan about “having to do” this stuff, and how that’s actually good for you. Except with the imperialism, they did the crying and moaning already during Kosovo, now they’re on a straight up mission to spread freedom and democracy to the backwards people like they’re channeling George W. Bush.


Many peoples were forced by circumstances to fight alongside people they didn’t like.

He volunteered to join the SS. Nobody was forced to join the fucking SS. Did you mean to say “really wanted to fight alongside”, and what’s your evidence for “people they didn’t like”?


Ah you’re right, there were also conscripts in some Waffen-SS units. Looks like this guy volunteered though, as it says in the article:

A blog by an association of its veterans, called “Combatant News” in Ukrainian, includes an autobiographical entry by a Yaroslav Hunka that says he volunteered to join the division in 1943 and several photographs of him during the war. The captions say the pictures show Hunka during SS artillery training in Munich in December 1943 and in Neuhammer (now Świętoszów), Poland, the site of Himmler’s visit.

In posts to the blog dated 2011 and 2010, Hunka describes 1941 to 1943 as the happiest years of his life and compares the veterans of his unit, who were scattered across the world, to Jews.

I guess they couldn’t confirm that this is definitely that same Yaroslav Hunka, though that would be some coincidence. Not only did he volunteer, he loved it. And what even is that comparison? That doesn’t sound like a person who has learned anything.

Their values and goals didn’t necessarily align with those of the Nazis, other than they had a common enemy.

You call it “not necessarily aligned, other than”. I call it very much aligned. The difference in opinion can’t be that big or important if they’re willing to kill and die under Nazi orders.


Putin has shown he’ll keep on invading neighbors so long as he can get away with it

How the fuck has he shown that? How many countries has Russia invaded since Putin got into power?

Even the US foreign policy people have been warning that Russia won’t accept NATO in Ukraine. This is why they invaded, not because Putin is a serial invader, because he very clearly isn’t. You know who are actually serial invaders? The US and their NATO entourage.


EU investigation says Tbilisi launched indiscriminate assault on South Ossetia

An investigation into last year’s Russia-Georgia war delivered a damning indictment of President Mikheil Saakashvili today, accusing Tbilisi of launching an indiscriminate artillery barrage on the city of Tskhinvali that started the war.

In more than 1,000 pages of analysis, documentation and witness statements, the most exhaustive inquiry into the five-day conflict dismissed Georgian claims that the artillery attack was in response to a Russian invasion, accused both sides of violations of the laws of war, indicated that war crimes had been perpetrated against Georgian civilians and rejected Russian claims of “genocide” in the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia.


These drone strikes are more about improving Ukrainian morale, rather than hurting Russian morale.

Can’t win a war on symbolic victories alone. When they run out of real recruits it won’t matter that the NAFO dork army is still in high spirits as they imagine Russians cowering in fear.

Another country has called Xi a 'dictator' and China is not happy with that description (

China has lashed out at Germany after its foreign minister called Xi Jinping a “dictator” and summoned Berlin’s ambassador for a dressing down, in the latest flaring of tensions with a western democratic power over how the Chinese leader is described overseas.


In China, the people directly elect local council (e.g. village or town level) representatives. Those local council members than select who among themselves to send to represent them at the next level above. This continues all the way the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee.

This sort of organizational structure is more-or-less how political parties in Germany also work; so by that logic the Green party itself would presumably be an undemocratic institution.

OK, but the CPC can control who is allowed to run in elections, right? Well, Germany banned its communist party: In Germany, any organization (and their members) that wants to abolish the liberal order, capitalism, private property and so on is subject to repression, surveillance and outright bans, and this is enshrined in the constitution. So no fundamental difference there either: In Germany the liberal institutions decide who can and cannot run, and they have decided the commies are out.

Empirically, the Chinese government enjoys way better approval rating than any Western government, Chinese people believe themselves to be living in a democracy, and the Chinese administration seems way more responsive to the actual needs of the people, what with the poverty reduction and all. How is this possible if they’re so much more undemocratic than Western liberal democracies?


different conceptions of democracy

This is kind of my point. Western liberals claim their representative type of democracy is the only correct way to have democracy. But in their version of democracy, economic power allows oligarchs and corporations to own and control the media, there are countless legal (and illegal) ways to influence policy and bribe politicians, and the police and courts routinely suppress anti-capitalist and other emancipatory movements, organizations and individuals.

Giving lectures about democracy when you’re at the helm of a country that is actually ruled by the capitalist class is hypocritical.

gnuhaut, (edited )

Taiwan was returned to the Republic of China (ROC), ruled by the nationalist KMT, after the defeat of Imperial Japan, which had occupied it. The KMT forces lost the civil war on the mainland against the communists and fled to Taiwan, claiming to be the true government of China. The ROC was a military dictatorship until the late 80s and responsible for the White Terror. At first, the communist People’s Liberation Army (PLA) couldn’t follow and invade Taiwan because they lacked a navy, and soon after, the ROC got US protection (Taiwan was in important US military base during the Korean war).

In the 70s, Nixon recognized the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Beijing as the legitimate government of China, and un-recognized Taipei. He also signed an agreement with the PRC stating that there is one China, and that Taiwan is part of China. White House spokespeople reaffirm this regularly when asked. They never actually properly committed to this though: In practice the US treats Taiwan almost like it is independent, but they avoid calling it that officially. So the US is arguably in breach of its agreement with China on this point, and always was (though I think this was understood by all sides at the time of signing).

In this agreement, the US also promised to work towards reunification and to demilitarize Taiwan. They did in fact remove US troops from Taiwan and scaled down weapons deliveries. Lately though, they are increasingly breaking these promises with more weapons deliveries, more US military personnel on Taiwan, and open support for pro-independence positions and politicians.

The PRC for its part promised to work towards peaceful reunification and not use military force. So far they haven’t, so this is currently a one-sided breach of the agreement by the US. Why is the US breaking an agreement that so far has prevented a military conflict?

Both Beijing, as well as the majority of people on Taiwan, are in favor of continuing the status quo for a while longer. But Beijing has made it clear that they will not accept Taiwan declaring independence, and they certainly do not want a hostile military presence so close to the Chinese mainland and important port cities. The PRC has threatened to blockade/invade Taiwan if independence is declared or if there is a military buildup.


No it doesn’t. One is about kicking out colonial rule, and the other is about kicking out migrants.

Elon Musk seen as working counter to U.S. interests in dealings with Russia, China (

Elon Musk's financial interests put him in a position of having his own personal foreign policy, but new reporting shows that whether it's manufacturing in China or the Starlink network being used in Ukraine, Musk’s decisions can run counter to stated US policy.

gnuhaut, (edited )

Elon Musk is a US interest. The US is a bunch of business interests in a trench coat, and they don’t always agree on everything. Some want to do business with China, some want the Chinese competition destroyed, and some want to create tension so they can sell more weapons.

The idea that Musk is “counter” to US interests is wrong, he just represents a faction of the ruling class that’s not on board with the (trade) war on China. Since it’s not in the interest of the working class to have a US-China (trade) war, neither in the US nor anywhere really, he is inadvertently aligned with the interests of the majority of humanity on this one.


You: Want to abolish billionaires because they do not support the war enough.

Me: Want to abolish billionaires because they exploit and oppress the working class.

We are not the same.


Patsoc detected.


You’re just thinking of the worker aristocracy in the West, not the global working class, clearly. China has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. And it’s neat how you blame China for something done by your own ruling class. Furthermore, this trade war (not to mention a war war) will be terrible for workers everywhere. Do you think the billionaires are going to bail you out? No, they’re going to squeeze workers even more to finance this conflict, and they’ll tell you suffering is your patriotic duty.

And imagine thinking China is the genocidal one out of those two. The US has had a hand in so many genocides and has directly and indirectly killed millions in the last decades. If you compare this to what China has done recently they look like angels.


You’re mad at Musk for this???

Musk has done so many terrible things. Treats his workers like shit, destroys the environment, platforms racists (he’s a racist pos himself), false advertising, siphons government subsidies, scams investors (including pension funds, I don’t particularly care about scamming venture capitalist and the like), lobbies against public transport and god knows what I forgot right now.

But oh no! He only supports the war effort up to a point, and he doesn’t want to have a cold war with China. For once he’s kinda reasonable, and for that the libs are calling him a traitor.


“Patriotic socialist”, someone who claims to be a champion of the working class, but is actually more of nationalist. They only care about the working class of a certain nationality or racial group, and are generally bigoted in their view towards marginalized groups. Real socialists are internationalist. You wanting to get rid of Musk, because he’s not sufficiently gung-ho about a war fought between capitalists on the back of workers, implies you consider the national interest more important than the lives of workers. This is anti-worker class collaborator shit, which is what patsocs are really.


That’s because you identify with the US empire, which is not, and never was, on your team. And neither was Musk.

Musk isn’t even against the US empire, he just didn’t want to escalate. The White House regularly does (not) do a thing because they don’t want to escalate. They’re all traitors to the US too, are they?

Treason is not wanting total war, got it.


help the US and it’s allies stop Russia from invading other countries as they have been doing for decades

Wait, you think the country that has by far done the most invasions should be supported to stop checks notes an invasion? This is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. And apparently by any means necessary too.

I wonder what would have happened if the US’s whole Mediterranean fleet were destroyed thanks to Russian help during one of their “humanitarian interventions”. I wonder if you were also moralizing about the need to start WW3 in those situations?

Zelensky: No way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned (

Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very...

Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death (

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin – the Russian mercenary leader whose plane crashed weeks after he led a mutiny against Moscow’s military leadership – shows what happens when people make deals with Russian leader Vladimir Putin....


You say that, but conscription always has exceptions, which usually include having an important job or going to university, which would presumably skew the result towards more poor people in the army. There’s also corruption of course.

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