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  • gk99,

    Calling people the things they literally are is not name-calling. For example, conservatives tried to overthrow our government, tried to overthrow our democracy, and have been sending elementary schools in my town bomb threats for weeks. It’s not name calling to say they’re terrorists.

    Edit: To clarify, the bomb threats are because a librarian joked about having a “woke agenda.” These are the same types of people.


    And without the context that these devs just added Denuvo to their game, you might have a point. They shouldn’t be supported for fucking consumers, time can be tracked by adding as a non-Steam game, and by the point they remove Denuvo, the patches probably won’t be rolling in anymore.

    Personally, I don’t pirate, so this is where I’d buy grey market or used on console. They wanna be dicks, I’m gonna be a dick right back.


    To re-iterate, Ubisoft has done nothing to curb the sexual harassment issues that were reported ages ago and, frankly, simply not requiring return to office would’ve solved that problem along with a boost to employee happiness and workplace attractiveness.

    Payday 3 developer drops Denuvo from the game before it's even out (www.pcgamer.com)

    It's common practice for PC games today to launch with Denuvo, a form of DRM designed to stop the spread of pirated copies of games, and it's also common practice for developers to remove Denuvo several months after launch as interest (and the risk of piracy) dwindles. Less common is a developer publicly announcing it's removing...


    I mean, to be blunt, the game was never going to beat PAYDAY 2. PD2 is years of updates and content additions to make it fun despite the shitty engine, PAYDAY 3 is a brand new game with a lot of potential but all of it unrealized.


    I mean, yeah, considering “conservatives” generally only seem to care about taking rights away from others. Giving back is pretty radical of them.


    Unfortunately, patent trolling means they won’t become mainstream. Companies have to pay to add paddles, so they won’t unless it’s part of a more expensive controller offering.


    Tbh the only reason I’ve got an ounce of care about FaZe is because their CSGO team is pretty cool. The “clan” itself is just this weird baggage that comes with the name.


    I’m sure the 2% of Steam users that they were almost definitely losing money supporting will enjoy this announcement for decades to come.


    You’re welcome to have that opinion. My opinion is that this is a niche issue that doesn’t actually affect anyone’s ability to play the game because dual-booting an unregistered copy of Windows and using tools to remove the watermark isn’t difficult. It’s realistically not a problem unless you’re hyper privacy-sensitive, in which case there are cut-down versions of Windows out there that strip all of the gunk out.


    Maybe they shouldn’t be doing everything possible to drive off consumers. Exclusivity deals everywhere, prices that don’t like to dip, multiple versions of the same game so you need to pay more for the complete thing later. I tried to get into FF with 15, and I actually really liked it. Then all this nonsense happened with FF7R and I just gave up because it seemed like a pain to try and follow the series.


    Glad they’re finally catching up to Xbox from a platform features standpoint. Things like this were why I used to be so pro-Xbox, but that gap is narrowing rapidly.

    The lack of actual continuous gameplay being shown is kinda alarming this close to release

    I mean, we never got more than half a minute of gameplay before they jumped to something totally different. Nothing to gauge what the actual gameplay loop is like and how all those systems feed into each other. The bigger previews are all kept under closed doors and hush-hush....


    Last time I trusted Bethesda, we got Fallout 4, a game I still believe is just straight-up unfinished and lacking in story content. I think I’m just gonna hold off and wait for a few patches anyway, it’s not like I’m a speed runner or anything that needs the bugs.


    Considering this is a temporary measure, I imagine not. Lemmy.world has been under constant attacks as the #1 Lemmy instance and it’s not going to stop just because bots can’t get in automatically anymore.


    If you were okay with “man, after getting away from a life of crime, is immediately pulled back in by people who don’t have his best interests at heart and will use him to betray others before eventually getting betrayed themselves” for over two decades, I don’t think you need to worry. Took until RDR2 to break that mold.


    I quit playing when they started sunsetting planets,

    I vowed never to spend another dime on Bungie products until they give me back the $60 campaign I paid for.

    I don’t know how this game is still going after they consistently make unpopular decisions that turn people away. Maybe being dumbstruck by that is why Sony bought them.

    Edit: Like I straight-up paid them full game price only to be treated like an F2P player because they’re apparently incapable of doing what 343 did with all of their older games in the MCC and allowing players to install specific parts of content. I’m still annoyed that I’m being punished for their incompetence.


    I’m really glad I never really developed an interest in Diablo. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is supposed to be the same sort of genre as Minecraft Dungeons and Torchlight, right? Not some weird fucking pretend MMO where disabling features at players’ expense is just okay?

    Activision-Blizzard’s obsession with stripping player freedom out of their games is suffocating. This franchise used to have mods, now you’re not even allowed to trade if they find out that people who don’t want to grind are duping items.


    It’s not worth playing non-VR. To be blunt, all of the game elements other than graphics really kinda suck from a traditional gameplay perspective and are forgiven or ignored because of what VR adds. The levels are claustrophobic, the weapon and enemy variety is horrid, the AI was handicapped to make it easier to shoot in VR, there isn’t even a jump button or melee attack in a franchise known as a boomer shooter with a crowbar-wielding protagonist. It’s not a traditional Half-Life game and trying to play it as one will likely lead to disappointment.

    The reverse isn’t true, playing the VR mods for the rest of the franchise is a blast and there are plenty of amazing VR conversions for other games, so I find it saddening this is the direction Valve took for Alyx.


    I don’t agree with the classification of 360 as “retro,” because I can think of multiple 360-era games in the top 50 charts today. The implication being that if the 360 is retro, so are its games.

    And I can’t imagine going up to someone playing GTAV or CSGO and saying “bro this game is retro.”

    Dharkstare, to pcgaming

    Despite how much I dislike working with hardware, I'm toying with the idea of building my own PC. A quick perusal through Newegg leaves me wondering why everything related to gaming PCs has to have RGB lights everywhere? How am I supposed to sleep at night when my computer's acting like it's at a rave?

    #pcgaming @pcgaming


    How am I supposed to sleep at night when my computer’s acting like it’s at a rave?

    …Turn it off?


    Lame. There’s no reason you can’t have co-op in an RPG. Wasteland 3 was made 100x better with the addition and allowing me to share the experience with a friend.


    A game they have nothing to do with? I’m pretty sure they put their budget into The Surge, a game they actually developed.


    Especially since they thought selling all their western franchises off at bargain bin prices to go all-in on NFTs was a good idea, and they’ve been pushing them to date despite continued unpopularity. Decisions like that aren’t just out of touch, they’re downright stupid.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if they ended up bought by Sony, considering their working relationship and poor leadership. Hell, I never bought FFVII Remake despite really enjoying FFXV, my first FF title, because of their business dealings. It was PS4 exclusive and I didn’t wanna play it at 1080p 30 FPS on my near-launch console at the time. I knew it was temporary and coming to PC eventually, so I waited. This was followed by being Epic exclusive and the first $70 PC title, so I waited for a launch literally anywhere else and a sale. Eventually that happened with a Steam launch, woo-hoo, except by that point I didn’t care as much as I did at launch and they had already given me the game as a PS+ title. Didn’t really feel like buying it when I already had access, didn’t ever even end up playing it, and now I have Intergrade’s PS5 version as part of PS+ Extra these days for when I get around to it. In my eyes, they’re kinda just standing in the way of their own sales in favor of taking whatever cash these companies are willing to offer them. I didn’t buy FFXVI either, because I still have VII RI in my backlog from all that shit.


    Realtalk, once Hytale drops I’m probably dropping Minecraft. It’s everything I want them to add but without me having 13 years of experience with the game. Something new with QOL and easy modding sounds great.


    People complain about them supposedly having DRM now or whatever but, to be frank, the fact that I can just click “print” and it actually prints makes it miles ahead by default. My printer actually functions now so I can’t say I have any regrets.


    That said, this was a terrible business move. Under no circumstance is giving viability to formerly unknown competitors a good thing. Reddit may still have the raw numbers, but the fact that Lemmy and Kbin are as usable as they are is a problem Spez created.


    You should check with a doctor to see if they can help with your “I’m just an asshole unprovoked for no reason” problem.

    With all this talk about sync's pricing...

    I think now is a great time to remind everyone, like sync’s developer, Lemmy’s developers need to be paid too! The amount of time all the devs put into making lemmy exist, in my opinion, should be worth some of your money. If you can afford it, donating to the people who develop lemmy and/or the people keeping your home...


    The people who develop lemmy get paid to do so, as stated by iirc Dessalines themselves.

    I would put donating to those running instances at the highest priority, because without servers, we have nothing.


    We knew they had sat down with tournament organizers around the Paris major and expressed displeasure regarding partner teams and the like, but Valve is such a slow-moving monolith that it’s still a little unexpected that they actually did anything about it.


    The publishers ruined Disco Elysium for me. I’d buy this solely for it, had they not fucked over the people who spent years building the world. They’re never seeing a cent from me.


    And we’d still have poultry and fish in the end.

    Not the worst thing that a tick could be spreading at all.


    In which case yes there’s a high likelihood of a PC port six months to a year from the launch date. Square Enix has a history of terrible, short-sighted deals, but they’d have to be especially stupid or Sony would have to be exceptionally loaded to get them to never launch FF16 on PC.

    Article: We failed Amy Winehouse (archive.li)

    My view on this very feminist piece is that Winehouse wasn’t anywhere near as influential or impactful to music and other musicians as Nirvana (which is the article’s main point of comparison). Many other musicians and singers have come and gone (both male and female) and are not held in anywhere near the same reverence as...


    My view on this very feminist piece is that Winehouse wasn’t anywhere near as influential or impactful to music and other musicians as Nirvana

    As just a casual music listener born in '98, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a song by Amy Winehouse. I still hear Nirvana pretty regularly though to date.


    Sure, but we have a huge chunk of the country inhabited mostly by tumbleweeds and people with less-than-awesome education. Plus, the concept of Area 51 has been around so long and has been so prolific it’s been constantly referenced in the mainstream, from Scooby-Doo to Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.


    Ignoring something long enough and it will go away

    This is quite literally how social media works. They rely on user engagement to succeed.

    Tencent to acquire Techland (www.gematsu.com)

    “Tencent is currently in the process of becoming Techland’s majority shareholder,” Techland founder Pawel Marchewka said in a message. “Teaming up with Tencent will allow us to move full speed ahead with the execution of the vision for our games. We have chosen an ally who has already partnered with some of the world’s...


    Can someone explain the economics of Tencent to me? Rather than, say, publish studios’ games like many American companies would, it seems they almost exclusively just buy chunks of these studios instead. They long ago invested in Epic when they were transitioning to live service games, they acquired Riot (and eventually Hytale in turn), they’ve got some share buy-back deal with Ubisoft, they just picked up Sumo Digital recently, there’s this now, and probably some other stuff I’m forgetting. It’s never “oh Tencent will be publishing Dying Light 3.”


    Yeah, Elon has this idea that he can make WeChat but for places outside of China. An app you’re effectively required to have as a means of communication, identification, payment, and whatever else, and he wants to call it “X.”

    ELI5: How is Amazon able to sell me books so much cheaper than brick and mortar book stores in my area

    I like shopping in book stores. There’s something about wandering the aisles and waiting for a book to jump out at you that I can’t get shopping online. Unfortunately, whenever I compare the price of a book Amazon has every in-person store beat, often pricing their offerings 30%-50% lower (or around $10/book in my...


    They can also afford to just sell at a loss if they want, similar to how Wal-Mart briefly sold games at $50 new instead of $60 as an incentive for people to buy from them instead of competitors.


    Steam accounts don’t disappear. My dad passed away about a decade ago and he’s still on my friends list, account unchanged.


    Daily reminder that Russia can just leave at any time and every dead body is their fault.

    Stay mad, Moscow.

    Vigilante: A Home Port Comparison (i.imgur.com)

    Vigilante was a 1988 Irem coin-op, a kind of spiritual successor to 1984’s Kung Fu Master/Spartan X. Like the 1984 title, Vigilante had a simple premise - you walk to the right and beat up fools in front of you and behind you. There’s no pseudo-third-dimension, no in and out, it’s just straight up single plane brawling,...


    I kinda miss when games had wacky version differences. While there was usually one definitive version compared to the rest, having a brand new experience to play by simply buying the same game elsewhere was actually nice to have in some cases.

    Nowadays it’s just “oh, you bought Skyrim on Switch? Here’s some Legend of Zelda armor” and “Depending on which platform you’re playing HITMAN 3 (a singleplayer game) on, you get a suit with a differently colored undershirt!”


    Checks out, everyone polite moved to Lemmy and Kbin. The few times I’ve gone back to reddit since coming over here have each reminded me just how vile that place is and I have no regrets leaving.


    The last three are a tragedy. Yakuza 0, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2 are the games in the series I recommend everyone play.


    I believe they also lapsed on Gamepass before being re-added, I suppose it depends on if SEGA wants them to stay and Sony’s willing to pay.


    Fortunately, I hate videocalls and have no reason to use them, so if my friend videocalled me I’d ask what the fuck they were doing and immediately be suspicious.


    G2A sells sketchy stolen keys, so does Kinguin. I’ve never had an issue buying from them, but plenty of other people have.

    There are plenty of reputable sites though. When I’m looking for a game on sale, I go to IsThereAnyDeal.com and all the sites they list are legit.


    Enshittification of Xbox Live was day one of launch, dude. Online used to be free, nobody charged for it until Xbox did.


    Without any of the protections you get when you make an actual loan.

    I’d say a 100% refund when requested with less than two hours of use within the first two weeks is a pretty good protection, and it’s pretty much the standard policy on PC.

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