This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.



I miss power-up racers that weren't just Mariokart clones, like NASCAR Rumble and that.


Literally why

They already have Truth Social and Twitter.


It's not gonna extinguish the fediverse in the same way nobody leaving reddit joined Mastodon as a replacement. They're technically compatible, but these are entirely different styles of sites we're talking about. Lemmy and Kbin are gonna keep on trucking regardless of what happens to the Twitter-likes.

But they're definitely going to try and kill Mastodon/similar through social engineering. Everybody's favorite content creators, organizations, and brands will be on Threads, not Mastodon, and when they lock it down we'll lose access to them and end up needing a Threads account. I don't understand why anyone trusts this company won't try to secure market dominance and then monopolize it. The guy says "we'll just be right back where we are now," but this could easily decrease the Mastodon population by pulling away anyone who doesn't care about federation or open source and just wanted a decent Twitter alternative.


You don't have to make excuses for an independent company that willingly took on a project and was in no way coerced into it.


The only things Annapurna has made up until now have been exclusivity deals. This is their first game that's actually theirs.


Sriracha is sweeter and has more garlic flavor.

Just to clarify, which sriracha is this? That sounds pretty good and if it's the growers' one I'd like to pick up a bottle.


What's the other kind like? Just more toned-down?


If anything, the real laughing is all of the stuff we've been doing to fuck with reddit anyway. Destroying subs, burning posts and comments, deleting accounts.



I grew up browsing the Facepunch forums, where self-rating posts was also possible and public at least at one point in time.

To be blunt, it kinda just made everyone who did it look like a tool and they got hella made fun of. So no, you're not the only one, I avoid upvoting my own stuff like the plague.


In essence, yes. These blockchain games exist for two reasons:

  1. They want "play to earn" gameplay where people are grinding to get items of real value to sell, like a job.
  2. They want it on everything, not just Steam where the community market already exists.

Problem is nobody likes or wants NFTs.


I feel as if this is the first real sign that this shit has had an impact. Minecraft isn't a small community by any means, and them ditching the huge subreddit over this is shocking. is blocking all requests from /kbin Instances (

I discovered yesterday evening that is blocking all inbound ActivityPub requests from /kbin instances. Specifically, a 403 'access denied' is returned when the user agent contains "kbinBot" anywhere in the string. This has been causing a cascade of failures with federation for many server owners, flooding the message...

/kbin logotype

If that's the case then they can shut it down and move to lemmygrad where at least they're not pretending to be normal people. My biggest problem with is that they will enforce their beliefs with "orientalism" bans without ever saying that this will happen if you post contrary to their stances.

Personally, I hope it's intentional and leads to other places defederating as a result, finally cutting them out of the mainstream instances.


The PC gaming community alone would kill this plan. Data caps make game steaming for long periods untenable and Valve has explicitly been focusing on Linux and Proton for the last decade to try and prepare for Microsoft doing something like this. Apple just released their game conversion toolkit or whatever that shows promise for (relatively) quick and easy ports of Windows games to M2 Macs. Having a streaming connection to play games would be laughable to anyone in the eSports community and would immediately result in companies abandoning Windows.


My biggest problem with GOG is that Galaxy doesn't rival Steam, same as every other launcher. For example, GOG hosts a lot of older games, that used to be their bread and butter and even their namesake. These games generally don't have native controller support, so if I want that, I have to launch them through Steam anyway to use Steam Input. If I want to play something on a Linux device, which is now more likely than ever since I own a Steam Deck, the fact is that it's a pain in the ass to deal with GOG even with their minimal DRM stance (because they allow DRM now seemingly so long as it doesn't prevent the player from beating the game) because of the lack of support, making it more reasonable to buy games on Steam, even when it's a game that does support controllers (like how I own The Evil Within on GOG).

The big feature of GOG Galaxy is that you can pull every other launcher into it, but that doesn't matter to me when I still have to launch everything via Steam anyway. Feels like they're missing the point a little bit.


There are several pages in this thread so these might've been mentioned already, but

Mirror's Edge, the original.

Tomb Raider (2013) and up

If you enjoy the Ubisoft formula, Far Cry 6

Saints Row 2 and up

Mass Effect franchise before Andromeda


You say this like there aren't plenty of movies and shows that don't have this problem at all, even YouTubers generally knock this out of the park.

Dialogue is one of the only things that should always be clear, it exists to tell the story and missing critical parts of that because they can't be assed to make sure it sounds half decent in more than one specific environment using one specific audio technology is not something I'm willing to support.

Should the Fediverse welcome its new surveillance-capitalism overlords? Opinions differ! (

I'm changing my stance on the whole Meta/project92 thing after reading this article. I think the entire* fediverse should block project92 by default. Later, some instances can re-evaluate whether to maintain those blocks, once we have a better idea of what the benefits and consequences of federating will be:...


The upper hand of Facebook getting BTFO. I don't like mentioning the quote about his Harvard data collection because people post it all the time and it feels overused, but I feel it's particularly relevant here:

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don't know why.

Zuck: They "trust me"

Zuck: Dumb fucks.

I'd rather we not repeat the same mistake. This time we know full well not to trust him, and I say this as someone with a considerable amount invested in Meta right now.


“But you don’t understand! They are the bad guys!”

Y'know, that's the funny thing. I live in the U.S., and all the people losing their rights seem to be the good ones that are nonviolent and just wish to live their lives.


I knew it. As soon as Epic announced their bullshit I saw the end in sight.


They're publishing Alan Wake 2. Alan Wake 2 will be digital-only.


Make a product, make it good

I hypothesize that if this worked, Xbox would be outselling right now. From a features standpoint, Xbox has been on the ball for years trying to improve their platform. Backwards compatibility, a cheap 1080p console to go along with their 4K flagship, 1440p support from day one of this generation instead of taking nearly two years to put it in, Xbox Adaptive Controller and Copilot for accessibility, Series X|S having Xbox One controller compatibility, replaceable controller batteries so that slow controller death isn't an issue, Microsoft Rewards exists to get stuff like Xbox giftcards for just playing games and typing shit into Bing, a fully-featured Chromium-based browser (meaning you can do pretty much anything on there that you could do on a normal browser, like GeForce Now or browser games like this (and yes, it works with the Xbox controller on the console), Gamepass (specifically Ultimate, which comes with hundreds of games on its own, EA Play Basic, a bunch of stuff for Riot Games games, game streaming, "perks" like game DLC, movies, and trials for services, and more point-gaining opportunities for MS Rewards), and on top of all of that, you can pay $20 for developer access and install emulators for pretty much any console Xbox 360 or below.

On the PlayStation end, they also have a lot of great features, like the DualSense controller (built-in controller microphone is a super nice-to-have, the DualSense haptics are sick as fuck when they get used to the fullest, and they've got gyro functionality for console users wanting to play with gyro aim in competitive shooters), the fancy PS+ guides feature, the most high-end VR headset on the market, and I really appreciate them not using a proprietary expansion format that completely fucks people all the way from launch until like a couple of weeks ago when Seagate exclusivity runs out finally, but that's about where my praise of the platform itself ends (Edit: The monthly PS+ games are also way better than the XBLG games, which is excellent for people who don't want the Netflix-style subscriptions but do pay the online fee).

The real value to people seems to come pretty much just from what games are on the platform. So,

and people pick what they need based on WHAT THEY ACTUALLY NEED.

they actually are. People just wanna be able to play the cool new games, and Xbox hasn't had any in a long time. Starfield might actually be the first game since the Xbox One where a large amount of people are pissed off that it's exclusive to Xbox, whereas PlayStation gets game after game that Xbox gamers would really like to have. Hence, exactly why they bought Bethesda and made Starfield exclusive.


Tbh I usually just use it to play games on a bigger screen with a Bluetooth controller when I'm bored, Nintendo Switch style. There are plenty of console-style mobile games + streaming services that can make it a pretty good time killer if I'm the only one in a waiting room or something.


More than we need some armchair commenter trying to diss someone who's an expert in this field because...?


I invest in Meta since I figure I'd better make money off of Zuck if he's gonna make money off of me, and I'm curious if my money is literally on him. This seems like the type of universe where stock prices could fluctuate based on whether or not the CEO has a better punch than the other guy.


Presumably because everyone else just wants reddit but less shit. If spez hadn't decided to go insane and tank the usability of the site, yeah, I'd still be there. Fact of the matter is that reddit still has a bunch of content I want to see, but doesn't exist over here.


Perhaps block the "RedditMigration" magazine if you're not interested in seeing it. It's not like this place was founded out of politeness.


I dunno, we've had some trash get popular over the years, but I kinda enjoy the "absurd surrealism" meme culture we've got now where nobody bats an eye at hearing the phrase "shadow money wizard gang," which is in fact a real thing.


I have noticed this as well. I've made a few excursions back to reddit since it keeps loading old comments I haven't yet mass-deleted to my profile page, and on the two trips where I didn't immediately close the browser afterwards, both times I clicked on a thread and immediately saw some inflammatory bait, got a little annoyed, and then remembered "wait, I don't browse this shithole anymore" and came on back.

I'm not perfect, not even close, but I'm definitely trying to check how I say things while I'm here because I want it to stay this was for as long as possible.


A folder isn't "fun." Like, reddit has the Snoo alien or whatever, and they went the extra mile of letting users represent themselves with custom Snoo avatars made up of preset parts like a character creator. It's fun, and having a mascot here would be fun too.

gk99, (edited )

Reddit is going same path like Bud Light

No, because Bud Light is only hated by weird bigots who care too much about stuff that doesn't affect them at all. Reddit is hated by normal people who never asked for their favorite discussion site to make the browsing experience worse. A better example would be Digg.


I can understand not wanting to be referred to as CIS, it's hardly like everyone associates good connotations with the prefix considering the high tensions that can come in relevant discussions, but to outright ban it is absurd. To be clear,

Banning use of a word that’s part of our daily vocabulary around the world

it's not part of everyone's daily vocabulary around the world, and that is precisely the problem. I grew up in shithole Oklahoma, and the only time I have ever heard or said the word in-person is when talking with my trans friend, and I literally had to remember what the prefix was last time I was having a discussion involving it. I learned about the word not from someone who was politely explaining to me the difference, but from a very openly hostile person referring to CIS people as "scum" online. That's a really shitty first impression. I get that it's not actually an offensive term, but the feelings I was experiencing when I learned the meaning have sure stuck around and I don't generally enjoy using the term. If, instead, the term was more normalized, it'd just be a normal run-of-the-mill word to me that I wouldn't have a problem associating with.

I feel like banning it and calling it a "slur" is literally only problematic for these sorts of reasons and will lead to continued pointless division of something that should just be a basic descriptor. It's misleading, will associate negative emotions with the word, and will in turn hamper LGBTQ+ acceptance as the phrase is continually thrown around.

tl;dr Musk is a dumb fucking idiot that is going to harm society.

gk99, (edited )

Kbin currently has no functional API, which makes it much harder to develop a kbin app.

Edit: Also I'm pretty sure that one is iOS only so I can't use it 😭


I mix Coke and Orange Juice to wake up in the morning sometimes. My wife that dips steak in ranch dressing and friend that eats peanut butter and ham sandwiches hate it.


Gonna wait a bit because I wanna make sure there aren't any crazy unforeseen side effects on humans, but this is a tremendous step forward for several environmental and ecological problems and I'm ready for a minimal-kill future.


Just before IPO.

Right after announcing that reddit isn't profitable and his solution is a PR disaster over 3% of site traffic.


Have to go to their site to continue deleting everything I've ever posted.


I'm just saying, they do this and also demanded r/piracy open back up, so shouldn't that mean reddit is now involved with piracy and should be gone after by media companies?


I think it'll help me out that my hobbies are likely to be the hobbies my kid has. When they see me playing Minecraft or something and they ask to play, I'll be able to just slide them a controller or hand them my phone to play on or something and we can build a house together.


It's impressively usable, but there are certainly some problems with it right now. I haven't made a second account to use a Lemmy app because I don't want two accounts to access the same set of content, but I am eagerly awaiting the API coming online so that app devs can start working on a more polished mobile solution.


You’re safe from the big bad scary communists on Lemmy. doesn't defederate, so either way we're playing by their "don't say Uyghur genocide because we don't think it's real and we will ban you based on that belief" rules if we accidentally stumble into there.

This is where I would like to see individual-level instance blocking so that it doesn't show up in the home feed, same as how I can block everything that pops up in a language I don't speak.

Edit: Turns out we have that! Just found another thread showing how. On kbin, it's possible to view entire instances separately, and there's a "block" button similar to individual magazines/communities/users. To see, the link would be

but replacing the part with any instance should take people to that instance just the same.


They have a definition, they just won't tell the users because it's not a realistic definition and they plan to pull the rug out later on.

If third-party apps were only 3% of total traffic and reddit was willing to destroy its image and massively increase the viability of its only competitor just before IPO over it, I'm sure they'll have no problem getting rid of whatever percentage of blind people who can't see the ads reddit wants to serve anyway.


Who's downvoting this lol

Like it's getting hard ratio'd because it's a good meme, but I'm curious as to why 13 people (so far?) are upset about it.


That's what I'm hoping for. I don't want a bunch of accounts depending on what device I'm using, I want to have one account on a platform that I like and have good interfaces for using it.

That's why I left reddit, they removed my ability to do that by killing Boost.


Either way you're being inflammatory by pointlessly generalizing political parties.


I mean the funny thing to me is that this guy is just an idiot. This is r/piracy we're talking about, they're pirates. A decentralized and low-key forum like this is exactly where they should want to be, not on one of the world's five biggest websites just posting freely on main.


The fact of the matter is that I don't care if something is a monopoly as long as it's a monopoly for it's quality. Reddit used to be that, a hub for damn near all of my interests, and I used Boost to make the experience great.

But reddit is getting worse with this change, so I'm here now.

PSA: If you have more than 1000 posts, more than 1000 comments, chances are, if you think you deleted/overwrote/shredded everything, you're probably wrong. (

I just spent all day today fighting with reddit, trying to get all my comments deleted/overwritten:


Honestly, what's really important to me is that my top stuff was deleted, rather than all the other horseshit I posted day to day on reddit. As much as possible would be good, but what I really want is to leave behind holes in major discussions, turning the place into Emmentaler. Thankfully, this is my third account wipe so I'm not that worried.

Edit: Plus I haven't actually deleted my account yet and continually run a delete script every time I see comments come back. Hell, I cleared it out early today manually at work while I had free time.


That's a pleasant compliment lol

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