@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar


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@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Why would you post an article with such a clickbait title without correcting it to actually say what game it is? I hate this shit so much. The games are Godus and Godus Wars by the way:

In a surprising move, Steam has announced the permanent removal of the god-simulation games Godus and Godus Wars from its platform

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Mac & Cheese doesn’t really fit that bill right? It’s carbs, salt and fat. A desert in terms of nutritional value. Barely any vitamins or fibres. Though I do agree with the “anything you can stomach”. I’m also ill and a few days ago I barely ate anything. I just wasn’t hungry and couldn’t really get any food inside. But I did have a huge craving for sweet stuff, so I ate absolutely abysmally but it was better than nothing.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

KeePass2Android also has those luckily

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Finally one of these I can relate to :3

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Yeppers :3 (though it’s probably better to ask first)

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Why are flags needed to denote where you live? Humans like to bond with people who have similar experiences. Whether it is the flag of your country, your Football team, your favorite band, etc. Being asexual always felt like being broken and alone in a world full of different people, the flag represents a community where I can finally find others like me. It doesn’t hurt anyone, yet it provides me and other aces a lot of happiness.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

My PC is off, power is off as well. I never keep my PC running when I’m not using it. I’ll power it down and turn off the power on the power brick. It’s what I was taught when growing up, and in a time of SSDs I see little downside.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Yep, in Dutch we’d say “het is 12 December 2023”. When talking about dates I also say “it’s the 12th of December 2023” in English, but that’s probably a bit weird for English speakers.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Emotions aren’t a weakness, and suppressing them isn’t strong but stupid. I felt so much “better” than other people because I was “rational” and “logical” while they where irrational because of their emotions. Turns out, as it often does when people feel better than others, that I was the one who was thinking the wrong way. I’m so happy that younger me never heard of people like Jordan Peterson or that “facts don’t care about your feelings” guy because I would’ve turned out a completely different person.

gerryflap, (edited )
@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Interesting fact: it’s actually not a link but the entire image encoded in base64. Base 64 is like base 10 (decimal, normal numbers) or base 2 (binary, ones and zeroes), but then using 64 different characters. So what the AI is trying to do here is literally generate a valid PNG image encoded in text, not just a link.

EDIT: Additionally, it could technically be valid to have such a repeating value (assuming all the PNG info makes sense). The background could simply be a solid colour which leads to this pattern, or it could be dithered which might produce such a pattern. I’m not knowledgeable enough on PNG to know whether that makes sense tho. It’s probably just the AI being silly

Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data (www.404media.co)

ChatGPT is full of sensitive private information and spits out verbatim text from CNN, Goodreads, WordPress blogs, fandom wikis, Terms of Service agreements, Stack Overflow source code, Wikipedia pages, news blogs, random internet comments, and much more....

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Obviously this is a privacy community, and this ain’t great in that regard, but as someone who’s interested in AI this is absolutely fascinating. I’m now starting to wonder whether the model could theoretically encode the entire dataset in its weights. Surely some compression and generalization is taking place, otherwise it couldn’t generate all the amazing responses it does give to novel inputs, but apparently it can also just recite long chunks of the dataset. And also why would these specific inputs trigger such a response. Maybe there are issues in the training data (or process) that cause it to do this. Or maybe this is just a fundamental flaw of the model architecture? And maybe it’s even an expected thing. After all, we as humans also have the ability to recite pieces of “training data” if we seem them interesting enough.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

A small donation like YouTube premium? I honestly can’t blame YouTube too much for their monetization strategies. Hosting video is terribly expensive, so some form of compensation will always be required, whether it’s via ads or subscription.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

As a Dutchman, I’m kind of shocked. The battle seemed to be between the previous largest party VVD, the new NSC party and the labour/greens fusion. Then the PVV suddenly surged. Apparently a lot of people who weren’t sure yet ended up going with the PVV. Out of the 4 largest parties we have 3 that are right-wing and/or conservative. The PVV is far-right (though hard to place), the VVD is a neoliberal party, and the NSC is closer to the centre but also quite conservative. We’re entering dark days…

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Uhhh that’s Uranus, not the moon. Funny picture tho

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I use mostly pure GNOME on my PC. The missing system tray is very annoying, though I really don’t care about the missing dock or desktop icons. I start programs by searching for them, not by clicking on a desktop icon or in a dock. That’s my preferred method. And the alt+tab menu of GNOME is nice enough to find anything when I need it, together with having workspaces to organize everything.

I tried KDE, but it just felt more messy to me. For instance, I tried to move the bottom bar to the side of my screen, accidentally moved something on the bar itself, and then everything looked off and I couldn’t figure out how to get it back. It all felt a bit janky and unrefined. On some systems I also use i3, but that’s only for productivity. For daily use I prefer GNOME, where everything just seems to work.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Seconding this. I had it today as well, and it was slightly annoying. It’s only a minor thing (for me) though. I love this app, I’ve tried other ones, but none of them felt as familiar and clean as Connect.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

As someone with a huge intrest in machine learning, it kinda pains me to see all this empty hype. All the buzzword fetishists seem to have picked AI as their next big thing, without properly understanding what it does. Most businesses don’t need AI. For them it’d be a huge money and time sink. They could maybe benefit from existing tools like Copilot or ChatGPT, but they don’t need their own AI features in their apps. Once their post-nut clarity kicks in and they find out how much money they’ve wasted on something that was barely useful to their products, they’ll probably start hating AI for their own mistakes.

AI/ML is a very cool and useful tool. But most products don’t need AI currently. It’s not worth it in most cases, appart from maybe using off-the-shelf solutions that are easily Integrated.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I’m noticing the same. Maybe the chill people are slowly having enough of the more toxic people and are going somewhere else. I’m not really enjoying the constant barrage of far-left biased news and opinions. I just want to chill but it seems to permeate everything. Things aren’t always great in the world, but personally I come here to not be reminded of that.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Wtf is this racist shit. Get a life

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I’m all for legislation to fix scummy practices in areas where something is essential, i.e. transport, connectivity, food, etc. Or to counter predatory practices like gambling or lootboxes that prey on addicts or children. But in this case I feel like it’d be a bit too much. Nobody needs WoW, nor is it really (in my opinion) preying on addicts in the same way as gambling or lootboxes. If enough people are willing to pay such a ridiculous amount of money, then apparently this is really the value.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I guess it depended on how many others did it. I’ve gotten a few of them here in the Netherlands, though in my case they never provided info that I didn’t already have. Nevertheless I did see the value of it, in some cases it could be very useful

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I’m not a native speaker and I very naively just read it as first-hand without seeing anything wrong. I read the whole article before I went to the comments and found out what was wrong lol

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Ah you’re the kind of person for whom the Hades devs created the shop item that guarantees a fishing spot in the next room. I never thought I’d find the reason why they put that in

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Because I have nothing to share that I find important enough. I’d rather comment on something

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

It feels so powerless to see them push though dumb shit like this, without being able to do anything. The people I vote for are against this nonsense, but unfortunately there are way too many people who just don’t care

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Hopefully it’s close to a tipping point

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

$500 is still insane to me. I’m Dutch and I’ve been riding bikes pretty much daily for my whole life. I don’t think I’ve ever used a bike that cost more than €200. Almost every bike I’ve used is either secondhand or a hand-me-down. My current bike has a front wheel that has been folded into a 90-degree angle and back (which is noticeable), has only one working brake, and only 2 of the 7 gears work well. Yet for the past 2.5 years I’ve reliably and comfortably driven trips without issues. Whether it is a 10-minute trip to the supermarket or work, or a 40-minute trip to the next city over for some party, it always gets me there.

I don’t really understand the sentiment in this comment section that a bike should always be a fancy new bike of $500 or even $3K when a trusty old rustbucked could also get you the same distance for a hundred bucks or even way less.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Hmmmm weird, I know both languages but I never considered that. The See/Meer being Lake/Sea situation is much more confusing to me, especially since it’s the inverse in Dutch.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I bought Cities Skylines 2 under the premise that I’d refund it if it ran like shit. On my PC it runs about the same as the first game. Which isn’t great, around 30-60 fps, but also not unplayable. I haven’t played a lot yet, but so far I’m enjoying it. I did get into a fight with the UI thingy that lets you designate an area for landfills/farmland/etc. It feels very counterintuitive when you build the respective building and then try to mark the area. But when you finish the building and then edit the area again it suddenly works a lot better. Maybe my brain is just weird

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Interesting how college ruined your love for programming and work got it back. For me it’s almost the complete opposite. Studying Computer Science constantly fed me with new interesting ideas, and I still had more time to play around with those ideas. At work I’m just implementing some button or some boring logic 40 hours a week and after that I’m too drained to explore any of my (many) ideas further.

I guess it’s a difference in incentive. I don’t care whether anyone will use what I wrote, I just want to learn something new and explore ideas.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I think my driving issues are more related to autism. Driving just presents so much information in so little time that it, at times, completely overwhelms me. I got my license, but since I can basically cycle or use public transport to get anywhere I haven’t driven a car in years at this point. I really dislike driving on public roads and nowadays I think I’d need a few courses again before I’ll climb behind the wheel. I do like sim racing though.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I would not let that doggy that close. Seems like there are some strong forces at play. If the dog gets stuck under the forest floor when it goes down it might not end well

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I’ve been thinking about this combination for a while. I’m curious how well it’s gonna work, since factory games are usually the type of games that require a lot of attention. I can’t imagine having to rebuild all kinds of complex recipices only to be attacked again by the time you fixed it. Then again, you can also get attacked on Factorio and there it works well.

Interesting game, sounds like something to keep an eye on

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Ah yeah true, I kinda forgot about Mindustry. There it works well indeed. Especially since it also has some interesting stuff like the Thorium reactor. Something like that would also work well in an RTS

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Ah yeah true, I kinda forgot about Mindustry. There it works well indeed. Especially since it also has some interesting stuff like the Thorium reactor. Something like that would also work well in an RTS

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Usually I tend to want to try things myself until I get extremely frustrated. I enjoy games more when I have to figure it all out myself. But at some point, when I’ve achieved most of the main game and I’m on to the extra stuff, I tend to look some stuff up. Some extra content like sidequests or achievements are just silly and don’t really bring me any joy to solve, so I make them a bit easier by looking up parts of it.

I don’t care how anyone else plays the games though. They should play a game however they like

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

As a European: yes please. Fck off and never come back Elon

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

It is technically more than a week ago, but I finally managed to break the 2-hour barrier on the half marathon with a 1:56:00. I’m not sure whether it was entirely healthy though, with an average HR of 180 bpm. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as broken as those last 6km. It was a very hilly course (total ascent of 133m), which I’m not at all used to since the Netherlands is usually flat. But I did it, which feels great :)

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

That depends on you surroundings probably. This is what my watch recorded as the height on the HM https://feddit.nl/pictrs/image/6125e65a-65fe-4e73-9238-26ddef7bc2de.png and this is a normal ~10K for me https://feddit.nl/pictrs/image/1df3f1a3-7489-47c0-a8b2-f24275c5d137.png

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

This is my biggest problem with working as a programmer. I enjoy solving complex programming problems, learning about new algorithms, exploring new technologies. Instead every job seems to be “add new button with questionable requirements” or “add thing to the backend that nobody thought about for more than 3 seconds”. All for questionable goals like advertisement, surveillance, big oil, fintech, or defense of course. It’s kind of a bummer, but at least it pays well and it beats most other jobs.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

This is why I use poetry for python nowadays. Pip just feels like something ancient next to Cargo, Stack, Julia, npm, etc.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

Because then there wouldn’t be women competing in the top leagues of many sports. Men have a huge physical advantage. On marathons, for instance, there’s a >10 minute gap. And people cannot watch each of these separate leagues, they usually want to watch the best in any sports class. It also wouldn’t motivate women to play amateur sports if they get completely destroyed by most men.

The current sex-based split is imo still the fairest, though it does indeed cause some issues. The naming might not be ideal. The male class is basically the “open” class. Anyone can compete in it whenever they want. The women’s class exists solely to give people who have not recently been under the influence of testosterone and other male hormones a chance to compete with other people with their body type. That’s not only women, but should also allow for AFAB non-binary and trans guys as long as they haven’t started T.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

My problem is that I’m kinda tied to CUDA and thus Nvidia. If AMD’s ROCm would’ve been a bit better and supported on consumer GPUs I would’ve went for that.

But having a non-NVIDIA card in order to use the latest GNOME doesn’t seem reasonable to me. Then again, maybe the pressure will finally make NVIDIA get their shit together

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

That’s gonna make gaming a lot harder though. And I’m on an AMD CPU. I’m not sure whether it has an internal GPU even. My point is that they’ll lose a lot of users by forcing Wayland. I’m not dure Nvidia will care for such pressure

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I agree that volunteers shouldn’t have to maintain legacy just because a private company doesn’t have their shit together. But the reality is that a lot of people have Nvidia hardware. If GNOME and KDE will not work on the most popular gaming GPU brand, we’re going to push away a lot of people who are trying to start with Linux but encounter a broken mess.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

I’m just saying that it doesn’t matter whether we agree or not. If the choice is made to drop X support and Nvidia doesn’t fix Wayland, a lot of people will end up in a mess when trying Linux for the first time and might turn back to Windows/Mac. I agree that no volunteer should do anything they don’t want to do. But in the world we live in that does mean we have a problem

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

That sounds very idealistic, but not very practical. I use my computer for deep learning projects. Since AMD and Intel are way behind, I almost have to use Nvidia. How would I stop making myself dependent on Nvidia? Give up my hobby/interest in deep learning? Stop playing the games I like? Help with programming a CUDA replacement myself in the very limited free time coding that I have time and energy for? We don’t live in some utopia, it’s often not possible to ditch these companies even if they act like absolute cunts.

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