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Glaube die Quelle hier ist auch wieder so eine Studie die 100 Städte oder so verglichen hat. Definitiv halt nur ein kleines Set. Und dann gab es spezifische Kategorien wie ÖPNV in denen Punkte verteilt wurden. Kann man immer wieder toll ausschlachten


Why was it his game? He playing alone?

Hitler, Hetze, Holocaust – was die „Itioten“ der Hessischen Polizei für Humor halten ( German

Polizist:innen aus Frankfurt am Main haben sich über Monate in einer WhatsApp-Gruppe ausgetauscht. Ihre Nachrichten sind so menschenverachtend, dass Ermittler darin mehr als 200 Straftaten sahen. Vor Gericht standen die Polizist:innen bis heute nicht. FragDenStaat und das ZDF Magazin Royale veröffentlichen erstmals den...


Das macht es auch nicht besser


Hast recht. Ich kenne solche Chatgruppen-Inhalte auch und gebe OP recht, dass das recht verbreitet ist. Aber das zeigt für mich auch eher wie groß das Problem ist.

Vor einer Weile habe ich noch ländlicher gelebt. Da wurden solche Inhalte auch geteilt und als lustig empfunden, obwohl man “ja kein Nazi ist”.

Wenn ich heute bei meinem internationalen Arbeitgeber in der Stadt solche Inhalte irgendwo teilen würde (was ich eh niemals getan habe), würden die mich direkt abmahnen. Aber mindestens.

Wenn bei der Polizei über sowas gelacht wird, dann ist das ein massives Problem. Ich weiß auch, dass man in der Exekutive oftmals eher konservativ unterwegs ist, aber sich gegenseitig zu Hitlers Geburtstag gratulieren ist doch einfach verdammt bedenklich. Was geht in diesen Köpfen ab?


I’d claim it’s the other way around until proven otherwise. Configuring the edge is not for everyone


Uns fehlt es nicht an Mut, sondern an Kompetenz. Wer mal versucht hat eine Elterngruppe von WhatsApp auf Signal umzustellen, der weiß wie utopisch diese Ideen sind. Minimalste Erfahrung mit öffentlichen Diensten und IT-Projektmanagement reichen auch aus um jede Menge Probleme in deinem Vorhaben zu erkennen.

Open Source ist auch nicht kostenlos. Du brauchst auch immer Leute die den Kram supporten und da geht dann in Zukunft das Geld rein. Außerdem wird Open Source bereits staatlich gefördert. Einfach mal den gesamten Laden umkrempeln würde Milliarden-Investitionen kosten. Guck dir doch alleine mal die Katastrope mit Limux an:

Und hier einen Linux-Kernel-Fork von China als Beispiel anzubringen ist auch schwer nachvollziehbar. Was genau ist denn hier der Benefit? Das Ding ist bereits offen. Das gehört nicht den USA. Ganz wirrer Pfad in diesem Post.

Sehr realitätsfern. Tut mir leid.


Nicht, dass ich das groß anzweifle, aber diese schönen bunten Bilder mit einfacher Botschaft, ohne jegliche Quellenangabe, nerven in der politischen Dikussion einfach nur extrem. Und wie genau schließt man aus der Grafik, dass sie Neonazis unterstützen? Nochmal, ich zweifel das nicht an, aber wie ergibt sich dieser Schluss aus der Grafik darüber?


Ich frage mich langsam wo der Unterschied ist zwischen “Hardliner-Nazi-Fotzen” und anderen Leuten die sich klar zur Wahl der AfD bekennen. Was diese Partei will, und wie rechtsextrem ihre Mitglieder von der Spitze bis an die Ränder sind, ist doch allgemein bekannt. Müssen die Leute erst ein Krematorium im Garten errichten bevor man erkennt, dass Nazi-Unterstützer auch einfach nur Nazis sind?

Diese Leute lieben es zu versuchen sich von Nazis abzugrenzen, aber jedes Wort aus ihrem Mund ist einfach die gleiche rechte Scheiße. Man will ja nur “die deutsche Kultur retten” und dazu müssen jetzt halt mal ein paar Menschen weg. Notfalls muss man die halt an der Grenze erschießen oder verhungern lassen. Wäre ja in anderen Ländern auch so! Merkel hat das alles befeuert! Sie wollte auch den großen Austausch um die westliche Kultur zu zerstören! Blah, blah, blah…

Gespräche mit diesen Leuten sind auch gar nicht möglich. Die wollen nur immer wieder die gleichen Phrasen abspulen und sind für keinen Diskurs erreichbar. Das kann man eventuell bei Wählern der Union noch versuchen, aber doch nicht bei diesem kaputten AfD-Wähler-Haufen. Absolute Energieverschwendung. Habe mir das einige Male gegeben. Da wird so viel Müll abgelassen, so schnell kannst du gar nicht die Belege dagegen googlen, für welche sie dann auch gleich wieder erlogene Gründe haben, warum die nichts wert sind. Wenn du es lang genug mit ihnen spielst, erzählen sie dir was von “der Presse darf man auch nicht alles glauben” oder gleich irgendwelche antisemitische Verschwörungskacke.


While this is true, the complete absence of foreign and/or free media in some countries doesn’t even give you a chance of forming educated opinions.


People wrote their own game engines since the earliest of games, they just want the easy route today and a marketplace to monetize on. These are poisoned gifts, and always have been.


I agree with everything you’re saying, but it’s still the easy route and it’s still a poisoned gift, as can be seen by this story. People rather pick the “free” and capable tool than investing time in an open-source solution that needs more work, or developing from scratch. Maybe they just want to reach more platforms to make more money, or use the super advanced tools, but that doesn’t change that you’re picking the path of least resistance, and you might pay for it in the end.

Chances are, if you’re expecting to compete with industry giants on the same level, you’re already investing massively into the production of assets and you’re project in general. You’re just skipping the investment in the engine and tooling. If you just want to make a small game, then maybe you don’t even need Unity and would be better off with something more tailored to your project.

I just can’t feel sorry for people who walked into this trap. I feel like this pattern has been occurring way too frequently to ignore the danger of “free” tools that really aren’t.


You don’t have to reproduce Unity to create your game. You just need to write what you need. And you could also chose an actual free software project instead of something where they pull the rug right out from under you. If you look at the choice today, with the rug already having been pulled, would you not consider the choice an obvious mistake in hindsight? Every other project these days loses money by trying to build a following which they will then monetize on. I’m sorry for people who walked right into this trap, but it could have been avoided by making better choices in the past. Sorry if you disagree, but I’ve been around long enough to recognize these recurring patterns with “free” software.


Great analogy, but this is a wheel you’re being charged for, after you’ve installed it on your product. Maybe you would have been better suited with your own wheel.

You’re not picking an existing good wheel solution that you can use forever, you basically took a promise for a free wheel that you’re now being charged for, and you’re sad because the free wheel isn’t free anymore. Well, maybe you should have picked an actually free wheel to begin with.

Unity is not the only solution to your cart problem. You’re just using it, because it is convenient.


I said this in other comments earlier, you don’t need to rewrite Unity to build your game. Build what you need, or pick up an open source product and add what you need. I don’t understand why people bring up financial feasibility if you’re being charged now for a wrong choice in the past. This was to be expected. It’s always the same pattern. If you can’t figure out how create your game without some false promise product, then don’t build your game. It’s really as easy as that.


C implementations are available as open-source. The glibc especially is a great example of this. This comparison is not good. I’m all for using open source


Developers who have been using unity with knowledge of their pricing mechanisms are being blindsided with new pricing

I get that, and it sucks. But too many offerings on the market are nowadays accepted as normal operating procedure, when they seem like such obvious traps to me. There is no financially-driven company out there that you can rely on with your project. Go with an open-source project or write what you need yourself. I fully understand the challenge of writing a product from scratch and bringing it to market. Your dependencies can break your neck one way or the other.

You can’t just move to a different platform without significant amounts of rework.

I know and feel that. I am no longer in entertainment, but I also see these exact same patterns in my current line of work (IT infrastructure). People use “free” tools that they take for granted, and then they’re surprised by rug-pulls. This has been happening for so long in so many areas that it’s almost tiring.


Valid. I take that into consideration


Next level: just type what you want and let the AI figure it out. 1 ad per prompt

Experts Fear Crooks are Cracking Keys Stolen in LastPass Breach (

In November 2022, the password manager service LastPass disclosed a breach in which hackers stole password vaults containing both encrypted and plaintext data for more than 25 million users. Since then, a steady trickle of six-figure cryptocurrency heists targeting security-conscious people throughout the tech industry has led...


I always thought it was so stupid when people complained about “karma farming bots” when it was obviously synthetic content that primarily benefitted Reddit themselves.


The mistake is using Ubuntu

Law enforcement seeks help to identify barns in BTK serial killer cold case investigations (

A law enforcement team in northeast Oklahoma believes the prolific serial killer known as “BTK” may be responsible for several additional unsolved missing person and homicide cases. Now they’re hoping the public can help them identify barns and silos in Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri that the self-proclaimed BTK killer...


Well, if that isn’t a detailed drawing of a barn…


Trump is a billionaire?


Checking every single image ID against all stored text blobs is not trivial. Most platforms don’t do this. It’s cheaper to just ignore the unused images.


This is not unique to Lemmy. You can do the same on Slack, Discord, Teams, GitHub, … Finding unused resources isn’t trivial, and you’re usually better off ignoring the noise.

If you upload illegal content somewhere, and then tell the FBI about it, being the only person knowing the URL, let me know how that turns out.


I do not. As far as I’m aware, this is usually countered through a proper way to follow through on reports. If you host user-generated content, have an abuse contact who will instantly act on reports, delete reported content, and report whatever metadata came along with the upload to the authorities if necessary.

The bookkeeping code for keeping track of unused uploads has a cost attributed to it. I claim that most providers are not willing to pay that cost proactively, and prefer to act on reports.

I can only extrapolate from my own experience though. No idea how the industry at large really handles or reasons about this.


There are companies making bricks in much better quality than LEGO, and they are cheaper than LEGO. What kind of a margin is this supposed to be?


I know, and I have loved Lego since getting that 8880 for Christmas that one year! But that is in the past, and spending 500€ on a LEGO set, when I can get a much more enjoyable experience from another vendor at a fraction of the cost, just doesn’t feel right to me these days. But to each their own, and I still love the LEGO sets I do have.


Apologies, I would recommend checking out to get an impression of what other vendors offer. You can look up the brands and models on your local Amazon, Alibaba, your local brick dealer, … These prices are a lot lower that LEGO sets, so you might be able to try different vendors and see what’s on the market.


I usually shop around on Their Specials didn’t disappoint so far. They carry other vendors too, but you might want to browse reviews on the web to see what’s really good. Quality does vary between vendors, but LEGO bricks aren’t as perfect as people believe either.


I kept Spotify for way too long to listen to podcasts, not realizing I can listen to them for free with other apps


Beim Boxen gibt es doch aber auch Trennung nach Geschlecht. Verstehe daher das Beispiel nicht ganz.

Und bei welchen Sportarten wird denn gar nicht getrennt?


Interessant. Da muss ich erstmal etwas drüber nachdenken :D


Oh boy, that au10tix sales pitch:

Did we mention? We built the technology that provided identity intelligence for airports and border controls. Then we added new superpowers for digital enterprise with the help of machine learning and all that other clever stuff.


As long as it passes tests and CI, people will commit and push almost any kind of garbage it produces. I do the code reviews, and it turned into a circus after LLMs. People are extremely reluctant to fix “their code”, because they don’t understand it, and they also don’t want to go back to basics and learn the fundamentals they were trying to skip by using the LLM in the first place.

I can’t see anything positive about this development.


I don’t think they need help from worse war criminals. So, yes, please fuck off and go home.


Omid Nouripour. Cool. Vielleicht schreib ich ihm mal


Wusste vor allem auch gar nicht, dass er aus Frankfurt kommt. Sehr guter Hinweis diese Seite 👍


Ich kenne den nicht gut genug um ihn online zu verteidigen. Von daher alles gut 😀


Das stimmt, aber ich kenne ihn halt persönlich trotzdem zu wenig um ihn zu verteidigen. Grüne Politik an sich finde ich grundsätzlich nachvollziehbar


Ja, finde die Idee ganz cool. Aber ich muss mal überlegen was ich schreiben könnte. Will ja nicht einfach nur nerven :D

Google employee responds to all the negative feedback WEI, (google drm the web) (

Hey everyone, thank you for your patience, and thank you to everyone who engaged constructively. It is clear based on the feedback we’ve received that a bigger discussion needs to take place, and I’m not sure my personal repository is the best place to do that - we are looking for a better forum and will update when we have...


TLS and this proposal are different though. We don’t usually use client certificates with HTTPS. They are proposing something similar though. They want a way to attest the client. There’s really a ton of bot traffic on the web, and these bots are not browsers, and which is the reason we all solve CAPTCHAs. I get the idea, but I’ll support Mozilla’s stance on the subject.


Yeah, I agree. Just wanted to say I get the idea, but Google likely can’t be trusted with implementing a solution.


I don’t really have any Insights into Quora. I know StackExchange hardliner always joked about the site and felt like SE is better. I joined that because I thought it was fun to feel superior, but I don’t even have an account on that site

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