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Nice! When did that happen?


Can you point me at the right wing propaganda on hexbear? Someone elsewhere in this thread said blahaj has downvotes disabled so that might be two.

It’s interesting to me that hexbear disabled downvotes because of downvoting campaigns against lgbt users, cultivated a culture of replying instead, federated with blahaj, broke with blahaj and now blahaj ostensibly removed downvotes.

Queer instance main sequence?


“Just wait till my evil demon gets to amorally act with impunity!

What? He already is?”

There is no way the sc will rule that chief executives can be prosecuted for crimes committed while in office. Every former president would be drowned in lawsuits immediately. Discovery alone would subject so much information to FoIA that it would require additional staff.


All websites have shit infosec. It’s not a problem confined to the far right.


Shoo, they’re breaking out the pablum early this time.

Rather than doing your duty to the democrats, why not recognize the weakness their propaganda indicates and use it to force them to take policy positions you want to get your support?


First things first: I will never vote for joe Biden for any office. Never have and never will. You’re not gonna convince me to.

With that out of the way, you can use the fact that a party which doesn’t line up perfectly with your values needs your support to get them to take action that you want. It’s not cruel or a betrayal. If you think there’s something the democrats can be doing better, now’s the time to get it because they need you.

There’s not a single reason to just vote blue no matter who to use a turn of phrase from years past. If you think Biden and the democrats are doing a good job then push them to go even farther. If you think they’re doing a bad job but better than a different party, push them to do a better job.

What’s great about using elections as a time to try to get concessions is it gives people who feel left out by parties a chance to be brought in. If the party makes good on their promises then they can get voters for life!

Doesn’t a better democrat party with new support sound better than slogging out to the polls to vote against someone?


What is a priv? You’ve called me one about a half dozen times and I don’t know what it means.

Why is everything in consumer / American life so fucking shitty now - and companies literally just say 'oh bc profit margins' and we're now expected to swallow that and sympathize?

like I went to taco bell and they didn’t even have napkins out. they had the other stuff just no napkins, I assume because some fucking ghoul noticed people liked taking them for their cars so now we just don’t get napkins! so they can save $100 per quarter rather than provide the barest minimum quality of life features.


It’s because the rate of profit has a tendency to fall.


I didn’t read any of that but Wayland doesn’t work with xscreensaver so I’m not gonna switch to it.


Lol at how controversial that comment was.


Thousandths of a hogshead gang represent.


boot the damaged system using a media with the chroot command, use it, do whatever is needed to fix the damaged system from inside it.


There’s not enough lithium for evs either.


Thank you for your service 🫡



Him: here’s a bunch of studies about how evs produce measurably more pollution from tire wear.

You: okay, but have you considered this blog post by a towing company that cites anecdotes from taxi operators?


It literally is borne out by data though. The way that source wriggles around is crazy.

They carefully pick the worst case scenario tire wear number then use it as a baseline for the mathematics that underlie the sentence

the tyres would be bald in less than 1,358 miles, or two months’ worth of driving

and extrapolate that out to

we now know that tyre wear is nowhere near as big a contributor to particulate matter emissions as some media coverage has suggested

The dancing around weight and tire wear is even more absurd:

modern electric vehicles aren’t actually that much heavier than many modern petrol or diesel cars, especially with the recent trend towards bigger and heavier SUVs

and a long section about taxi tire math that ends with the buried admission

Ryan notes that his diesel taxis do tend to get an extra 5,000 to 10,000 miles of lifespan out of their front tyres

But even if you aren’t interested in reading that source with a critical eye and recognizing the ways it manipulates language and information to make a point (I’m still not clear why a towing company wrote this), you can literally just look next to the authors name and see:

Author of this report commissioned by the RAC

I genuinely cannot understand why you’d choose to believe a dubious blog entry from a towing company over research from literally any other source.

Shame on you for making me bring out the [ ] over the British equivalent of a triple a guide.


If the towing company is so smart and has all the data and experience, why do they have to commission reports that they then deploy every narrative manipulation technique in the book towards when reporting upon?

Couldn’t they just publish all their good data in a peer reviewed journal?


Commercial fridges already have this. They have a wedge under the hinge with a little shallow notch at the end. The weight of the door pushes the hinge on the wedge and it slowly closes the door when you’re not actively holding it open. The notch is so that it will hold open and is paired with a kick plate so you can give a little boot as you’re walking away to get it back on its closing game.

Look at public restroom stall doors for an example of what I’m talking about.


I’m not fighting you. My post expands on yours by saying that not only could they put app dev resources toward a better solution, it’s already out there and universal in a particular door market.

Idk the name of the mechanism. I’ve always known them as rising butt hinges. The company assa abloy makes them I think.


If it’s photoshop that programs been solid for about a decade under wine.

Idk about the other stuff.


There’s no provenance for this actually being from Brecht, but it was originally published in Terra Nossa, a leftist periodical used to communicate Brazilian socialist ideas to English speaking Americans.

So weather or not Brecht, a Marxist, said those words or not: they’re not about voting!


this was published during the lost decade’s tumultuous end before brazil even had an election.

a few years after the ops quote was written inflation hit 84%, people were literally fighting in the streets.

it’s more than a little out of context to say that the quote applies to voting.


i guess what i was trying to avoid saying right out is that it’s an indictment of the seriousness of electoralism when the supporters have to roll out quotes about bodily struggling to create a livable home after twenty years of fascist military dictatorship so they can support it.

surely there’s people who wrote stuff about voting that can be used to make the case for voting.

mobilizing words written to encourage peoples involvement in worker struggles as a call to vote doesn’t do any favors for liberal democracy.


I can still see the ml one but if it’s here…

I don’t understand, is this supposed to say that grad is nazis? They’re very explicit about not allowing nazis and adjacent stuff.


I’ve never seen a grad say they support the tenets of national socialism or that they hate the working class. Can you show me?


yall must have strong defederation if you can’t even go to the grad website and see their posts.


surely you take the accusation of nazism seriously enough to go to a website you don’t like to show proof!

do you expect me to take you at your word that the people who explicitly forbid nazis and a bunch of other right wing kooks and have a modlog filled with bans and post and comment removals for violating those rules are nazis?


i don’t know where to find it though. the things youre claiming don’t show up in a search of the grad site. ill admit that just relying on the same text search every lemmy instance has for the words youre using isn’t all encompassing, so if you can actually show me what youre claiming please do!

i’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but its hard when i ask to see the receipts and get the runaround.


but i started this chain of comments with my own research and a request to see yours!

it can’t be youre just making up accusations and replying in circles to troll me!


Busses here have better accessibility than cars.

There are people who need more aid than the busses are equipped for and the bus line runs specially equipped shuttles out to them on request at no cost (back when the busses had fares it cost the same as a bus ride).


i don’t know how it is in most cities on the planet because i don’t live in them and haven’t looked into their public transit.

part of having a common good is defending and upholding it. usually when there’s a problem with the routes people show up and yell loud enough that something gets done. I don’t think they’ve cut a route and not replaced it with one that has more stops or split it into two that provide more coverage in like 20 years.

during covid here there were fewer busses running, but it was because of reduced ridership and they ran more on demand shuttles to make up the difference. they started installing big crazy air filters on the top of the busses too, so now you can’t even smell a fart on one.

when there’s more people than the route can handle you gotta wait, same as when there’s more traffic than the road can handle. here when that unexpectedly happens they redirect people to other routes when possible.

a lot of what youre talking about is disabled people getting equal access to what car drivers have, which is good when the disabled person lives in a place that expects everyone to have a car. if a place were to ban cars, expect people to use public transport and operate public transport with enough volume and coverage to replace them, it would be better for the disabled than expecting each individual disabled person to own a car with expensive modifications to accommodate them and become licensed to operate it or hire a driver or service in the case they cannot become licensed.

serving the disabled and elderly is what’s driven the expansion of bus routes and accessibility here. we don’t even have car bans and it’s a benefit for so many people!


Are you though?

Do you own the means of production and employ people to operate it, paying them a fraction of the value their labor produces?

Are you able to live comfortably without working for the foreseeable future? Do you exert outsized control over municipal, regional and state government far beyond your “vote” if you live in a place that claims to be a democracy? Does that control come from your power over the means of production that you control?

Supporting a society controlled by the people described above does not make you a capitalist, being one of the people described above does.


may i see them?


I don’t think you’re being disingenuous here and English is a crazy language, so here’s the definition google came up with:

noun: capitalist; plural noun: capitalists a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.

In the sentence

I’m a capitalist who doesn’t defend billionaires and also doesn’t feel left out…

The word capitalist is a noun.

But even if you were to pull up a dictionary definition of the word that says otherwise, in the context of the economic and political system of capitalism there’s three hundred years of writing that define capitalists under capitalism as various groups of bourgeoisie.

I think we can dispense with petty arguments over the dictionary definitions of words given what we’re discussing. If it will make you feel better I can refer to capitalists as flying purple people eaters.


I did not forget, I purposefully excluded it because were talking about the definition of the word capitalist in the sentence:

I’m a capitalist who doesn’t defend billionaires and also doesn’t feel left out

In that sentence the word capitalist is used as a noun, not an adjective.


I think if we just go by that dictionary definition, you being a wealthy person who invests in trade and industry to make a profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism would by definition make you “rich af” and would align your interests against those of the people whose labor allows trade and industrial production.

The people whose labor allows trade and industrial production want to get the highest pay and best living conditions possible, you, as a wealthy investor in the concerns that employ and pay them want the most profit possible. The raw materials of trade and production are fixed quantities so any profit must come from paying the worker less than their labor produces.

Does that make you evil? I don’t know.

You used the example of an etf and I wanna talk about stock and securities trading briefly. A person with enough money can invest it in the market in such a way that it causes huge changes and can basically write their own ticket. Small time (retail, if you’re familiar with the lingo) investors take on quite a bit more risk and while they might hope their bag goes up or down they don’t generally have any control or say over what happens to laborers or industries and certainly not any power to control markets.

There’s an argument to be made that the move to replace pensions with invested retirement funds was explicitly intended to align retail investors and working people with the interests of the very capitalists who needed them to accept lower wages and reduced benefits, but this tea…

I do take issue with using dictionary definitions though, because they tend to be truncated and devoid of the background and context that allow for understanding and use of words in conversation or correspondence. This one, for example doesn’t explain what the principles of capitalism are, only that they must exist because capitalists are people who invest according to them. This definition doesn’t even describe capitalists as a class, which is fundamental to understanding the overwhelming majority of ink spilled in the last few centuries about them and the system they are in control of!


According to the goofy dictionary definition were working with, wealth is a requirement.

That definition doesn’t talk about the relationship between wealth and extracted profits because getting to the bottom of that relationship ultimately ties the two together. There’s no space to explain that if you own productive capital, you’re by definition wealthy.

If we wanted to examine your retail investment portfolio under a broader definition, you could possibly be considered the most petit-ist of bourgeoise under some circumstances, but generally if you have to work for a wage or are expecting to have to work for a wage once your education is over then you’re not a capitalist. Participating in the securities market doesn’t change your relationship to the means of production.

If you made your living as a securities trader, that might be a different story.

I’m not sure what you’re saying about the labor and selling it themselves, but the organization, strategy and marketing are all labor that went into the production of the goods. The capital in the form of facilities and equipment are fixed costs like the raw materials used in production, so any profit from the sale is necessarily coming out of the value of the labor.

Good to know that market manipulation is illegal, surely there’s no examples of markets being manipulated in our recent memory!

Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple (

Samsung has released a new video in support of Google’s #GetTheMessage campaign which calls for Apple to adopt RCS or “Rich Communication Services,” the cross-platform protocol pitched as a successor to SMS that adopts many of the features found in modern messaging apps… like Apple’s own iMessage.


Idk what the person you’re arguing with is trying to say, but as a prolific user of open source software, there are thousands of serious vulnerabilities discovered every time some auditing company passes its eye over github.

Malicious commits are a whole nother thing and with the new spaghetti code nightmare that is python nowadays it’s extremely hard to figure out which commits are malicious.

Open source software is not more secure by default and the possibility of audit by anyone does not mean that it’s actually getting done. The idea that anyone who can write software can audit software is also absurd. Security auditing is a specialized subset of programming that requires significant training, skill and experience.


What I’m trying to push back on is your assertion that everyone can do it.

Security auditing is an extremely complex and specialized field within the already complex and specialized field of software development. Everyone cannot do it.

Even if it were as straightforward as you imply, just the prevalence of major security flaws in thousands of open source packages implies that everyone doesnt do it.

If I were to leave piles of aggregate and cement, barrels of water, hand tools and materials for forms, a grader and a compactor out and tell the neighborhood “now you can all pave your driveways” I’d be looked at like a crazy person because presented with the materials, tools and equipment to perform a job most people still lack the training and experience to perform it.


I wrote a long-ish comment in another thread explaining why lots of people don’t like systemd.

Stuff like this is why people do like systemd.

The massive, un unixy and complex tools allow for very powerful and somewhat knowledge agnostic approaches to all sorts of problems.

One of the nicest things about systemds toolset is that it allows a person who relies on finding the problem and googling it to resolve thing much faster than their alternative, learn what’s going on and figure it out.

I don’t mean that as a pejorative, plenty of computer work is maintenance as opposed to engineering and there’s nothing wrong with that.


No really, the parts/labor breakdown of an ev skews farther to parts than an ice car. Who gets that money in their pocket in exchange for all the jobs?

What happens to the families and communities that depend on the jobs that are going away?

Have we learned anything from the failed reskilling of Appalachian coal country?


Come on, is the best insult you got that I sound like it’s my job to defend workers?

Really and truly, where will the labor cost savings go? There’s going to be one, so who gets it? How will that be enforced?

What’s gonna be done for the people whose labor isn’t needed anymore? Bear in mind we’re not just talking about the protagonists of the now forty year old song “Allentown”, but entire industries that support ice car production like die making and machining. Surely we have some idea of what happens here aside from “theyre fucked, some people’s blood and bonemeal grease the rails of progress”.

You can’t just handwave away the real effects of changes in productivity in the name of abstractly defined technological progress.

If you can’t seriously engage with the effects of a transition to producing electric cars then it’s no wonder American conservatives are making so much hay over it.


They’re planning on building four, and they paused construction recently as a power play in negotiations when the uaw said battery workers should get the same pay as the machinists.

I saw that those plants will be making batteries for the new f150, not the much smaller evs that everyone else drives.

Battery manufacture is part of its own can of worms though, and one that doesn’t make evs look great either.

I wanna also say that I’m not against spinning down the ice auto industry, but no one who’s suggesting doing that or making fun of people who recognize that it’s the consequence of things that are already happening has a real plan for it.


i’m skeptical about electric trucks.

they’re gonna be a hit with the people who’ve been buying them instead of sedans lately, but the fleet and rural markets are gonna be less inclined to use em and needing a big battery service periodically is gonna change the long term value proposition of a full size truck for a lot of people.


I think you’re gonna find out very soon because four battery plants are in the works for trucks.

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