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ganymede, (edited )

this is the (un)fortunate reality.

unfortunate in that keeping a modern browser up to date is a serious task when you need to compete with the agenda and scale of google etc

fortunate in that its a relatively simple solution, the community needs to fund the software.

its tough though as i can imagine if they pulled the kind of popup shit wikipedia does, it will just drive people away. what people don’t realise ofc is that with chrome you are paying for it (with your data), but for some reason they’re not viewed in the equivalent light.


nice! how to you assess if the old appliance is likely to be salvagable or not? either when viewing online, or in person at their place?


Could you give some examples for us please?

ganymede, (edited )

Thanks, do you know if/where we can download the full phind source including the full models, training data etc? To run 100% offline?

edit: for anyone reading this thread, YOU CAN’T. it’s not currently opensource. and afaik there is no concrete timeline for it to be opened, other than sometime “down the road”.

to be clear, i definitely agree we have the creative nerd factor the corporations lack, but unfortunately there’s been a bit of trading on ‘open’ while still being very closed in the “AI” world, really hope this doesn’t turn out to be another example of that.


hashing is still a form of snooping tbh. especially when paired with other metadata

but ofc its not as direct

ganymede, (edited )

not customizable

themes, plugins, ridiculously easy custom configurations/build commands etc you can even control the window manager from config files if you want to, its insanely customisable

lacks support for a lot of things

edit: trying to sound less snarky, but do you have a lot of examples?

i could see these criticisms arising from a quick glance. or we may have slightly different definitions of these terms. which is fair enough.

imo geany’s ratio of features to weight is remarkable, perhaps singularly so?

ganymede, (edited )

these are examples some of some fair criticism of geany

ganymede, (edited )

true, though its fairly easy to use the build interface to setup basic debugging support (breakpoints, watches etc) for unsupported languages. but i admit, its not the same.

you’re right, that’s a fair criticism


suggestions should work by default, if by which you mean basic completion of names etc

anyway fair enough, its not for everyone.

sorry for being a bit overly defensive, i just really love geany lol

ganymede, (edited )

why is that? it’s not punching down when its a billion dollar company

edit: no coherent thoughts then? just mindless downvoting? well you’ve convinced me with that persuasive logic.

it’s genuinely concerning to see the microsoft stockholm syndrome in the wild, but on lemmy it’s honestly baffling.

ganymede, (edited )

Microsoft is like the rich guy with the nice pool. Its looks nice. But then you learn they got rich by cutting corners and screwing over your friends. And are actively investing in making the public pool shit so they can grandstand their pool.

Noone is blaming you for going up to the rich guys pool to have a nice easy time. Or at least, I’m not defending the kind of linux zealots who might blame you for choosing that

But I equally believe it is right and fair for us to have the freedom to state the very valid reasons why we are choosing not to go up there.

ganymede, (edited )

it’s hardly a conflation, this hostile modus operandi is baked into the windows product itself with malicious and intrusive features. i’m not sure if this is news to anyone, but those user-hostile features were added to windows by microsoft. and the best defense offered thus far for that is basically “most or all tech giants do it too” - yes, thankyou that’s exactly our point. the fact that shipping this kind of abusive software has been normalised is part of the problem too.

i agree in as much as not everything about windows is bad. and it can be useful sometimes out of necessity. though its worth remembering that necessity may often be the result of hostility on microsoft’s part, either past or present. so it’s not really possible to have an honest conversation about what windows is, without an awareness of how microsoft has maliciously managed our perception of desktop operating systems in general. happy to explain what i mean by this in more detail if anyone’s interested.

and also agreed, i’d never pay for it.

ganymede, (edited )

why is that? it’s not punching down when its a billion dollar company

I’ll bite, I down voted you because I think you’re missing the point of what the above commenters are talking about. It’s not about whether it’s punching down/up to criticize Microsoft.

It literally started with a question.

why is that?

As yet noone has even answered that question.

Why is it worse? You’ve gone to the trouble to downvote, and reply, yet still haven’t answered the question.

Tbh most partisan camp debates in technology are pretty tiresome: ios vs android, playstation vs xbox. They all have pros and cons.

(Even linux and windows both have their pros and cons.)

That said, there’s a huge difference between comparing two commercial products both from competing companies vs a powerful open source tool, with almost limitless potential. Virtually ANY complaint you have about linux CAN be fixed by the public, even YOU if you put in the appropriate effort/resources.

The fact that you can freely boot into modern hardware with something offering that kind of power & freedom openly to the public is frankly incredible.

So tbh it’s pretty difficult to see why it is worse.

ganymede, (edited )

As I mentioned, I’m not here to criticise you for making the choice you have, or defend those who do criticise you for it.

What I am here to defend is our freedom to state the very valid reasons why we are choosing to avoid it as much as possible.

Therefore, it’s unclear to me exactly which stance you are taking in reference to what i said.

Our position is there are at least two core topics for why we choose not go there. They are 1. issues with the product and 2. issues with the company.

With the pool analogy the corner cutting and then further elucidation regarding the escalation of user-hostile features, are both specific criticisms with the windows software itself. Not the company.

Regarding issues with the company, as stated we are not listing reasons for condemning you for your choice but rather listing the reasons why we make our choice as we do.

Therefore, it is unclear exactly which position you are taking which is contrary to this? Everyone will have a different moral line for the myriad of issues when dealing with evil companies and their products/services. Do you wish to tell others where they choose to draw their own lines for their own lives are incorrect? I doubt that’s really the stance you intended to make, so what do you mean, then?

Finally, I’m not sure how much of the history you’re aware of, but microsoft’s open hostility to linux devs & users is extensive and bitter. We have the case of a billion dollar company, actively trying to spoil & ruin the harmless pleasure many people take in a wonderful piece of technology.

This is almost entirely unlike any other “us vs them” technology debate. In nearly every other case, its wealthy corporation vs wealthy corporation with the users caught in the middle. In this case it is literally freedom of the people vs corporate profits. That freedom being actually incredibly important: its not only about the harmless enjoyment of the community. But also, considering the tech trajectory our society is on, very likely serving a critical role for actual human rights today and tomorrow.

As stated many times, you are welcome to your choice, and your choice is understandable. But it would really be alot healthier if people take the time to appreciate the breadth of the problem, and perhaps better appreciate why we make our choices the way we do.

OR considering that may involve more effort than you have time for - fair enough - at least appreciate this is a topic some of the people who clearly have looked into it, might know some things about it you haven’t had time to learn yet.


Tbh I’m a bit disappointed, the influx of new users is great. It’s great people are leaving closedsource places and enjoying free and opensource places like lemmy.

Its good seeing new faces and making new friends.

And I get they’ll inevitably bring some of that default “closed is better than open” mindset with them.

Its just disappointing when given the opportunity to learn a bit more about the world of open freedom, instead of considering maybe there might be something new they could learn and potentially enjoy.

Instead they try to drown us out with mindless and (mostly) unsubstantiated downvotes.

And it often turns out to be people who inevitably declare they don’t know how to use linux or couldn’t get it working properly.

So WHY is it when someone admits they don’t really understand the topic, do they think they’re the right person to vote on the legitimacy of the claims being made???


I don’t know how you can be so involved on the subject and not understand this.

In the first statement i made to you directly was the following:

Noone is blaming you for going up to the rich guys pool to have a nice easy time. Or at least, I’m not defending the kind of linux zealots who might blame you for choosing that

From which I cannot fathom how you think I lack an appreciation that some people do blame others for such choices, or that I’m somehow having a conversation about those kinds of people…at all? Let alone their perceived moral high ground or lack thereof?

My entire thread has been about us having the freedom to express our reasons for avoiding it. If you’re not contesting the legitimacy of that freedom, them why are you continually attempting to invalidate my position, at all?

Tbh I’m entirely unconvinced by your claim that any participation in “capitalistic evil” immediately invalidates all subsequent discernment of shades of evil or the complex interactions thereof.

But frankly its entirely irrelevant to this thread, unless you believe it supports a position that we do not have the freedom to voice our own reasons for our own choices?

ganymede, (edited )

Either we are failing to communicate (because i too have a strong sense you just “want to be right” regardless of the facts), or you’re actually engaging in bad faith discussion.

Since you mentioned you have the same feeling I’ll try to lay it out a bit more.

Its unfortunate you’ve had people ego flex on you over supposed morality. But that doesn’t mean everyone who mentions linux is like that.

Example, I’ve seen people who go up to smokers and evangalise about how smoking is “bad”, and how they’re “hurting society BY hurting themselves with smoking”. Well arguments about second hand smoke aside, I don’t really think that approach is especially helpful. It’s a moral position based on this abstract idea - even if statistically smokers increase our insurance or some shit like that, i doubt many people have the personal experience to say it actually effects them, so it defs comes off as a supposed moral high ground thing, right?

Because some people are going around making that kind of fuss, does mean that EVERYONE who chooses not to smoke is acting out some moral high ground fantasy? Are ALL those who quit smoking “for their health” just morality faking fuckwits? Or are some of them legit worried about their lung health?

For another example, your claim of conflation very much appears to be centred around your misunderstanding of the facts: You’ve had some people flex on your ego, and thats unfortunate. But I don’t think its useful to allow that experience to taint everything else you hear on the topic, and therefore presume you know what someone is saying just because someone else took the same side on the same topic.

The entire premise of traditional digital computing is centred on some key concepts, one of which is defined behaviour. Very clear and strict logical boundaries need to be established for what is defined behaviour. In simple, an operation (eg. adding two numbers), must be deterministic, that is the same two numbers when added must always produce the same resulting number.

Central to another aspect of this is trust. If you cannot trust the outcome of defined behaviour, then the precepts of computing fall apart for a variety of important applications, the behaviour is no longer strictly defined.

I’d hard to overstate how important this is, how much it empowers you as a member of the public, who do not have the resources to hire a team of number crunchers (as companies used to have to do in the old days).

Microsoft have repeatedly shown, they cannot be trusted. They will manipulate and deceive, by design in your computer, with actual code they insert into windows and then knowingly ship.

For these people, this problem matters ALOT, and this isn’t some abstract thing, its not some idealist philosophy to smugly throw around at parties, its a cold electronic fact - something they have to deal with, overcome, often at their own expense. The problem being, that when they ask their computer to perform an operation, their computer might intentionally lie to them about the operation itself, the outcome of the operation, or the integrity of the information going in or out of that operation.

The trust problem between microsoft and the code they insert into windows (running at the highest privilege level on YOUR computer hardware), is absolutely intertwined in the real world, in practice, in a variety of ways. Yes, all threat models involving linux deal with trust problems as well. But when you have a known compromised product from a known bad actor it is simply incorrect to suggest the product and the creator can only be considered in isolation from eachother.

And as you can appreciate you don’t even need to do anything wrong, for these kind of user-hostile features to be used against you, even in ways not intended by those who put them there - which is a whole other issue.

I could go on & on as this is really just touching the surface, but I hope you can begin to appreciate it’s not even remotely close to a conflation, this is not some guilt by association abstract nonsense, this is deeply and painfully practical. i really hope you can at least get a glimpse of it for yourself now.

ganymede, (edited )

all linux users are smug arseholes because once upon a time some of them hurt my feelings. and even though another linux user repeatedly denounced that and said its unfortunate, i pretended they didn’t because they wouldn’t endlessly cry with me about my hurt feelings and instead talked about actual real world facts, what a horrible group of people

ganymede, (edited )

the problem is, that it keeps getting worse and more (in/per)vasive. when new items are added to the list, do you really expect its unreasonable that people are going to discuss the new & continued revelations?

ganymede, (edited )

just venting. lol


the discussion was actually about it being “more annoying”. (for which we’re still yet to have an answer to btw)

unable to defend that, next it was about it being “just tiresome” (not “more annoying”).

now its “the framing of it being about a power differential to be irrelevant” (not “just tiresome”, or “more annoying” either?).

so the complaint changes, but the one constant is that you just happen to still be right each time (yet can’t provide a consistent reason why).

in other words, as stated from the outset, no coherent or consistent arguments. just mindless downvoting.

honestly, it’s disappointing.

ganymede, (edited )

nowhere in this entire essay, nor in any of your other comments for that matter, do you even address my point that lumping in Windows users with the immoral actions of a company results in a harmful dissonance

anyone can see the scrollback for themselves, it’s plainly visible i denounced it multiple times. the evidence is right here for anyone to see:

But then you learn they got rich by cutting corners and screwing over your friends. And are actively investing in making the public pool shit so they can grandstand their pool. Noone is blaming you for going up to the rich guys pool to have a nice easy time. Or at least, I’m not defending the kind of linux zealots who might blame you for choosing that


As I mentioned, I’m not here to criticise you for making the choice you have, or defend those who do criticise you for it.


As stated we are not listing reasons for condemning you for your choice


As stated many times, you are welcome to your choice, and your choice is understandable.


dude its just sad at this point. why are you bothering to pretend its not addressed when its addressed repeatedly and was even requoted like 2 posts before you made your ridiculous, verifiably false statement.

what is the purpose of this game? who do you think you’re kidding? anyone can see you’re being dishonest. and don’t even have the grace to admit it, you’re wrong. completely wasting an opportunity for us both to learn and for us to be friends even.

whats even stranger is the original discussion was about linux community shitting on windows NOT windows users:

The Linux community shitting on Windows is worse


you’ve fixated on this windows user issue when, as quoted, it was never even about that, was already denounced by me immediately as quoted & sourced repeatedly above.

i can see why you think linux users are smug arseholes, you pull this shit and cry when you don’t get away with it. its just sad dude. noone at microsoft is paying for your time to get invested like this. you think you give a fuck about you???

but you know who might actually give a fuck about you? us, here, in this community. but you need to start by being honest with yourself about this, otherwise you are the one making it a waste of time.


and for the record i don’t think its about ‘inadequacies’. its not a magic skill or secret knowledge. its just about investing the time to learn. put the time in and it will come, as you’ve already seen with your server.


if you wanna continue to embarrass yourself go ahead. i won’t be entertaining this sad display any longer.

anyone is free to search the thread and read what i wrote in the full context it was stated.

and to see your blatant dishonesty.

good luck mate, i hope you find some kind of peace to whatever is keeping you so fixated about windows users that you need to fabricate an enemy in me over that aspect, despite me clearly and repeatedly denouncing it from day 1 of this discussion. all the best.

ganymede, (edited )

agree 100%

have also noticed an uptick in “new is always better, those old ways are so dumb and they were so stupid” mindset.

not sure if this is directly part of the reason, but the upshot is you don’t need to learn the fundamentals. you’re protected from learning how things actually work, because there’s always a bloaty house of cards chain of libraries to keep you separated from reality.

and of course its always easier to write off all of the fundamentals as ‘pointless old garbage’, than actually challenge yourself with any of it.

then you can enjoy a false sense of superiority, not because you overcame anything, but by never even trying.

“undefeated”, not because you ever won, but because you never fought.

and its not the “kids these day’s” fault. training institutions are corrupted by greedy suits, its all about the $$$s and pumping unprepared grads out at a blinding rate is more profitable (short term).

Is privacy possible with smart TV?

I’d like to start a discussion about TV privacy in 2023. I’ve never been interested in having a TV, but recently I was thinking of getting one. Looking into it, the privacy implications seem horrible. All the major brands seem to have cameras, microphones, and content recognition software. I can’t believe how dystopian it...


nearly asked you for a tutorial, then re-read lolol…


expect they’ve found a way to ‘profit’ off the collapse already. might be one of the reasons they’re doing nothing to stop it


and we seemingly need endless war to keep getting it out of the ground


and how just by buying gas you are automagically a ‘more important’ road user than anyone else.

i get that as a general optimisation, the avg speed of vehicles should be considered from a routing perspective.

but its been entirely normalised that cars are “important” and everything else is inherently secondary to them. which is ofc pure bs, but most people assume it by default.


our strange treatment of animals

we anthropomorphise and infantilise our pets, yet boast about the animals we eat who’ve had legit insanity level cruel lives thanks to our systems.

[ not saying fussing over your pets is bad, i love it too, just the contrast is whiplash++ ]

lack of body autonomy

hint: most lqbqtia rights, reproductive rights, medical/medication rights, are all the SAME RIGHT:

your body, your choice.

it is constantly under attack, and diffused into separate arguments when its the one right effecting all these issues. newsflash: when it comes to my body, your unwelcome opinion, religious or otherwise, ain’t worth the air its vibrating through.

slippery slope gatekeeping laws

making harmless x illegal because a subset of x might lead to harmful y. if y is bad, then enforce your ban on y, and fuckoff trying to use it as an excuse to control x₀, x₁, x₂ etc.


i suspect that’s a big part of ops point. without proper transport alternatives (eg. bus, bike etc) you’re fucked.


some more

public philosophy mirages

eg.1 “free market will balance everything”

will it now? until we actually see one, we’ll never know. we don’t live in a free market, and never have. they rig the shit out of it with eg. drm and region locks, and then gaslight us that its free & balanced. lol.

eg.2 “democracy is the best we have”

same as above, when i see a true democracy i’ll let you know. caveat: unsure of your exact country’s situation, but when was the last time you consistently voted on what you want to happen, rather than who will fail to implement their election promises (with 0.0% accountability btw).

also, friendly reminder: mostly the “who”, you can vote for was already chosen in a private vote by the political parties, before they even pretended to care about our opinion. lol.

strawman public discourse

arguing in the media over the wrong points in an issue to keep public discourse on a ‘lively’ treadmill


Q: Is climate change human caused?

A: Doesn’t change the issue: stop poisoning the water, air and soil - we need them to live. duh.


Q: Is being lgbqta a choice?

A: Doesn’t change the issue: if its not a choice they can’t control it, leave these people alone. if it is a choice, its a free country, leave these people alone.

edit: if you disagree with any of the above, please expand, i’m open to a new perspective.


when anything is that important, the medicine must be opensourced.

if so, and it’s handled correctly, you can still have body autonomy in those situations due to the resulting freedoms - much akin in nature to the software foss freedoms we all cherish.

it was really refreshing to see some discussion in public health policy for opensourcing those medications.

unsurprisingly it was swiftly shot down, but it was nice to at least see it taking place - which is a small positive change.


If ads are a form of payment, then unsolicited ads are theft

brilliantly put, love it!!


free speech ≠ hate speech

Be warned. The erroneous belief that “free speech” is a right wing concept is exactly the lie right wing lunatics want you to believe. it suits them very nicely.

right wing loonies have a long history of hijacking and destroying empathetic terms like this.

if they believed in freedom or free speech, why is it always them who are burning and banning books? why are they always the ones trying to control other people’s bodies? when they talk about freedom, they mean their freedom to take yours away.

should we let them kill yet another canary of a healthy society? that’s a different discussion. but it would be a substantial error to assume anyone who won’t let them hijack it are actually right wing.

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